// // NodeLayer.m // TikZiT // // Copyright 2010 Aleks Kissinger. All rights reserved. // // // This file is part of TikZiT. // // TikZiT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // TikZiT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with TikZiT. If not, see . // #import "NodeLayer.h" #import "CALayer+DrawLabel.h" #import "NSString+LatexConstants.h" #import "Shape.h" #import "ShapeNames.h" #import "Node.h" #import "Edge.h" @implementation NodeLayer @synthesize node, selection, rescale; - (id)initWithNode:(Node *)n transformer:(Transformer*)t { if (!(self = [super init])) return nil; node = n; selection = [[NodeSelectionLayer alloc] init]; [selection setNodeLayer:self]; localTrans = [[Transformer alloc] init]; [self addSublayer:selection]; textwidth = 0.0f; center = NSMakePoint(0.0f, 0.0f); transformer = t; path = NULL; rescale = YES; dirty = YES; [self updateFrame]; return self; } - (NSColor*)strokeColor { if ([node style] != nil) { return [[[node style] strokeColor] colorUsingColorSpace:[NSColorSpace deviceRGBColorSpace]]; } else { return nil; } } - (NSColor*)fillColor { if ([node style] != nil) { return [[[node style] fillColor] colorUsingColorSpace:[NSColorSpace deviceRGBColorSpace]]; } else { return nil; } } - (float)strokeWidth { if ([node style] != nil) { return [node.style strokeThickness]; } else { return [NodeStyle defaultStrokeThickness]; } } - (NSPoint)center { return center; } - (void)setCenter:(NSPoint)ctr { center.x = round(ctr.x); center.y = round(ctr.y); [self updateFrame]; } - (void)setCenter:(NSPoint)ctr andAnimateWhen:(BOOL)anim { [CATransaction begin]; if (!anim) { [CATransaction setValue:(id)kCFBooleanTrue forKey:kCATransactionDisableActions]; } [self setCenter:ctr]; [CATransaction commit]; } - (void)updateShape { Shape *s = ([node style] != nil) ? [Shape shapeForName:[[node style] shapeName]] : [Shape shapeForName:SHAPE_CIRCLE]; if (s != shape) { // straight pointer comparison shape = s; dirty = YES; } } - (void)updateLocalTrans { float scale = ([node style] != nil) ? [[node style] scale] : 1.0f; Transformer *t = [Transformer transformer]; float rad = ([transformer scaleToScreen:scale] / 2.0f) + 8.0f; [t setOrigin:NSMakePoint(rad, rad)]; [t setScale:[transformer scale]*((rescale)?scale:0.8f)]; if (![localTrans isEqual:t]) { dirty = YES; localTrans = t; } } - (void)updateFrame { [self updateLocalTrans]; [self updateShape]; float rad = [localTrans origin].x; [self setFrame:CGRectIntegral(CGRectMake(center.x - rad, center.y - rad, 2*rad, 2*rad))]; NSRect bds = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 2*rad, 2*rad); [selection setFrame:NSRectToCGRect(bds)]; [self setNeedsDisplay]; [selection setNeedsDisplay]; } - (CGMutablePathRef)path { if (dirty) { CGMutablePathRef pth = CGPathCreateMutable(); NSPoint p, cp1, cp2; for (NSArray *arr in [shape paths]) { BOOL fst = YES; for (Edge *e in arr) { if (fst) { fst = NO; p = [localTrans toScreen:[[e source] point]]; CGPathMoveToPoint(pth, nil, p.x, p.y); } p = [localTrans toScreen:[[e target] point]]; if ([e isStraight]) { CGPathAddLineToPoint(pth, nil, p.x, p.y); } else { cp1 = [localTrans toScreen:[e cp1]]; cp2 = [localTrans toScreen:[e cp2]]; CGPathAddCurveToPoint(pth, nil, cp1.x, cp1.y, cp2.x, cp2.y, p.x, p.y); } } CGPathCloseSubpath(pth); } if (path != NULL) CFRelease(path); path = pth; dirty = NO; } return path; } - (BOOL)nodeContainsPoint:(NSPoint)p { CGPoint p1 = CGPointMake(p.x - [self frame].origin.x, p.y - [self frame].origin.y); return CGPathContainsPoint([self path],nil,p1,NO); } - (void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)context { CGContextSaveGState(context); if ([node style] == nil) { CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.7f, 1.0f); CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.7f, 1.0f); //CGRect fr = [self frame]; CGRect bds = NSRectToCGRect([localTrans rectToScreen:NSMakeRect(-0.5, -0.5, 1, 1)]); CGRect pt = CGRectMake(CGRectGetMidX(bds)-1.0f, CGRectGetMidY(bds)-1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f); CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 0); CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, pt); CGContextFillPath(context); // HACK: for some reason, CGFloat isn't getting typedef'ed properly #ifdef __x86_64__ const double dash[2] = {2.0,2.0}; #else const float dash[2] = {2.0,2.0}; #endif CGContextSetLineDash(context, 0.0, dash, 2); CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 1); CGContextAddPath(context, [self path]); CGContextStrokePath(context); } else { NSColor *stroke = [self strokeColor]; NSColor *fill = [self fillColor]; CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, [stroke redComponent], [stroke greenComponent], [stroke blueComponent], [stroke alphaComponent]); CGContextSetLineWidth(context, [self strokeWidth]); CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, [fill redComponent], [fill greenComponent], [fill blueComponent], [fill alphaComponent]); CGContextSetLineWidth(context, [self strokeWidth]); CGContextAddPath(context, [self path]); CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathFillStroke); } if (!([node label] == nil || [[node label] isEqual:@""])) { NSPoint labelPt = NSMakePoint([self frame].size.width/2, [self frame].size.height/2); [self drawLabel:[[node label] stringByExpandingLatexConstants] atPoint:labelPt inContext:context usingTrans:transformer]; } CGContextRestoreGState(context); } - (void)dealloc { if (path != NULL) CFRelease(path); } @end