TikZit is a cross-platform application that allows the creation and modification of TeX diagrams written using the pgf/TikZ macro library. It is especially geared toward rapidly creating "dot"-diagrams for use in academic papers. It comes in two flavours: MacOSX (Cocoa) and GTK+. Note that you will need to build from source on UNIX systems (or use distribution packages, if available). ## Requirements ### GTK+ flavour * GNUstep (base libraries - 1.18.0 minimum) * GTK+ (2.18.0 minimum) * poppler (including glib bindings - tested with 0.12.4) * An Objective-C compiler (eg: gcc-objc) ## Changes since 0.7: ### GTK+ flavour: * Compilers without basic Objective C 2 support cannot be used to compile TikZiT any more * Add support for scale to node styles * Add support for editing edge styles * Add support for multiple custom preambles * The path to pdflatex is now configurable * Make everything look a bit better * Edges now start from the edge of a node, not the centre, which is what tikz does * Edges can now have arrow heads and arrow tails * Nodes and edges have consistent ordering, and this can be changed with Edge->Arrange * Edges now have colours * Edges can now be reversed easily * Fix various crashes