/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library - https://gudhi.inria.fr/ - which is released under MIT. * See file LICENSE or go to https://gudhi.inria.fr/licensing/ for full license details. * Author(s): Vincent Rouvreau * * Copyright (C) 2016 Inria * * Modification(s): * - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification */ #include #include #include #include // to construct a simplex_tree from alpha complex #include #include #include #include // for numeric_limits using Simplex_tree = Gudhi::Simplex_tree<>; using Filtration_value = Simplex_tree::Filtration_value; void program_options(int argc, char *argv[], std::string &off_file_points, bool &exact, bool &fast, std::string &output_file_diag, Filtration_value &alpha_square_max_value, int &coeff_field_characteristic, Filtration_value &min_persistence); int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string off_file_points; std::string output_file_diag; bool exact_version = false; bool fast_version = false; Filtration_value alpha_square_max_value; int coeff_field_characteristic; Filtration_value min_persistence; program_options(argc, argv, off_file_points, exact_version, fast_version, output_file_diag, alpha_square_max_value, coeff_field_characteristic, min_persistence); if ((exact_version) && (fast_version)) { std::cerr << "You cannot set the exact and the fast version." << std::endl; exit(-1); } Simplex_tree simplex; if (fast_version) { // WARNING : CGAL::Epick_d is fast but not safe (unlike CGAL::Epeck_d) // (i.e. when the points are on a grid) using Fast_kernel = CGAL::Epick_d; // Init of an alpha complex from an OFF file Gudhi::alpha_complex::Alpha_complex alpha_complex_from_file(off_file_points); if (!alpha_complex_from_file.create_complex(simplex, alpha_square_max_value)) { std::cerr << "Fast Alpha complex simplicial complex creation failed." << std::endl; exit(-1); } } else { using Kernel = CGAL::Epeck_d; // Init of an alpha complex from an OFF file Gudhi::alpha_complex::Alpha_complex alpha_complex_from_file(off_file_points); if (!alpha_complex_from_file.create_complex(simplex, alpha_square_max_value, exact_version)) { std::cerr << "Alpha complex simplicial complex creation failed." << std::endl; exit(-1); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Display information about the alpha complex // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::clog << "Simplicial complex is of dimension " << simplex.dimension() << " - " << simplex.num_simplices() << " simplices - " << simplex.num_vertices() << " vertices." << std::endl; // Sort the simplices in the order of the filtration simplex.initialize_filtration(); std::clog << "Simplex_tree dim: " << simplex.dimension() << std::endl; // Compute the persistence diagram of the complex Gudhi::persistent_cohomology::Persistent_cohomology pcoh( simplex); // initializes the coefficient field for homology pcoh.init_coefficients(coeff_field_characteristic); pcoh.compute_persistent_cohomology(min_persistence); // Output the diagram in filediag if (output_file_diag.empty()) { pcoh.output_diagram(); } else { std::clog << "Result in file: " << output_file_diag << std::endl; std::ofstream out(output_file_diag); pcoh.output_diagram(out); out.close(); } return 0; } void program_options(int argc, char *argv[], std::string &off_file_points, bool &exact, bool &fast, std::string &output_file_diag, Filtration_value &alpha_square_max_value, int &coeff_field_characteristic, Filtration_value &min_persistence) { namespace po = boost::program_options; po::options_description hidden("Hidden options"); hidden.add_options()("input-file", po::value(&off_file_points), "Name of file containing a point set. Format is one point per line: X1 ... Xd "); po::options_description visible("Allowed options", 100); visible.add_options()("help,h", "produce help message")( "exact,e", po::bool_switch(&exact), "To activate exact version of Alpha complex (default is false, not available if fast is set)")( "fast,f", po::bool_switch(&fast), "To activate fast version of Alpha complex (default is false, not available if exact is set)")( "output-file,o", po::value(&output_file_diag)->default_value(std::string()), "Name of file in which the persistence diagram is written. Default print in std::clog")( "max-alpha-square-value,r", po::value(&alpha_square_max_value) ->default_value(std::numeric_limits::infinity()), "Maximal alpha square value for the Alpha complex construction.")( "field-charac,p", po::value(&coeff_field_characteristic)->default_value(11), "Characteristic p of the coefficient field Z/pZ for computing homology.")( "min-persistence,m", po::value(&min_persistence), "Minimal lifetime of homology feature to be recorded. Default is 0. Enter a negative value to see zero length " "intervals"); po::positional_options_description pos; pos.add("input-file", 1); po::options_description all; all.add(visible).add(hidden); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(all).positional(pos).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help") || !vm.count("input-file")) { std::clog << std::endl; std::clog << "Compute the persistent homology with coefficient field Z/pZ \n"; std::clog << "of an Alpha complex defined on a set of input points.\n \n"; std::clog << "The output diagram contains one bar per line, written with the convention: \n"; std::clog << " p dim b d \n"; std::clog << "where dim is the dimension of the homological feature,\n"; std::clog << "b and d are respectively the birth and death of the feature and \n"; std::clog << "p is the characteristic of the field Z/pZ used for homology coefficients." << std::endl << std::endl; std::clog << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] input-file" << std::endl << std::endl; std::clog << visible << std::endl; exit(-1); } }