/** \mainpage \image html "Gudhi_banner.jpg" "" width=20cm The Gudhi library (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++ library for topological analysis of high-dimensional data whose goal is to provide robust, efficient, flexible and easy to use implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms and data structures for computational topology. The current release of the library allows to use several data-structures for simplicial complexes : simplex tree, Hasse diagram or skeleton-blocker. Several operations can then be done on top of these representations persistent homology computation, or simplification. All data-structures are generic and several of their aspects (such as stored elements, policies) can be parametrized via template classes. We refer to \cite gudhilibrary_ICMS14 for a detailed description of the design of the library. \section Compiling The library uses c++11 and requires Boost with version 1.48.0 or more recent : http://www.boost.org/. Some packages require additional libraries : \li the multi-field persistent homology algorithm has an optional dependency with GMP \li Qt demos require CGAL, Qt4 and QGLViewer The procedure to install these packages according to your operating system is detailled here http://doc.cgal.org/latest/Manual/installation.html The library compiles in Linux, Mac OSX and visual studio 2013. \section d Demos and Examples To build the library, run the following in a terminal: \verbatim cd /path-to-gudhi/ mkdir build cd build/ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make \endverbatim \details \copyright GNU General Public License v3. \verbatim Contact: Clément Maria, clement.maria@inria.fr \endverbatim */