.. table:: :widths: 30 50 20 +----------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | .. figure:: | Nerves and Graph Induced Complexes are cover complexes, i.e. | :Author: Mathieu Carrière | | ../../doc/Nerve_GIC/gicvisu.jpg | simplicial complexes that provably contain topological information | | | :alt: Graph Induced Complex of a point cloud. | about the input data. They can be computed with a cover of the data, | :Introduced in: GUDHI 2.3.0 | | :figclass: align-center | that comes i.e. from the preimage of a family of intervals covering | | | | the image of a scalar-valued function defined on the data. | :Copyright: GPL v3 | | | | | | | | :Requires: CGAL :math:`\geq` 4.8.1 | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | :doc:`nerve_gic_complex_user` | :doc:`nerve_gic_complex_ref` | +----------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+