.. GUDHI documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Jun 30 09:55:51 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 GUDHI's documentation ##################### .. image:: img/Gudhi_banner.png :align: center Introduction ************ The Gudhi library (Geometry Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic open source C++ library for Computational Topology and Topological Data Analysis (TDA). The GUDHI library intends to help the development of new algorithmic solutions in TDA and their transfer to applications. It provides robust, efficient, flexible and easy to use implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms and data structures. The current release of the GUDHI library includes: * Data structures to represent, construct and manipulate simplicial complexes. * Algorithms to compute persistent homology and multi-field persistent homology. * Simplication of simplicial complexes by edge contraction. All data-structures are generic and several of their aspects can be parameterized via template classes. We refer to [14] for a detailed description of the design of the library. Data structures *************** Alpha complex ============= .. image:: img/alpha_complex_representation.png :align: center Alpha_complex is a simplicial complex constructed from the finite cells of a Delaunay Triangulation. The filtration value of each simplex is computed as the square of the circumradius of the simplex if the circumsphere is empty (the simplex is then said to be Gabriel), and as the minimum of the filtration values of the codimension 1 cofaces that make it not Gabriel otherwise. All simplices that have a filtration value strictly greater than a given alpha squared value are not inserted into the complex. This package requires having CGAL version 4.7 or higher (4.8.1 is advised for better perfomances). * :ref:`alphacomplex` .. automodule:: gudhi :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: