:orphan: .. To get rid of WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree Wasserstein distance user manual ================================ Definition ---------- .. include:: wasserstein_distance_sum.inc The q-Wasserstein distance is defined as the minimal value by a perfect matching between the points of the two diagrams (+ all diagonal points), where the value of a matching is defined as the q-th root of the sum of all edge lengths to the power q. Edge lengths are measured in norm p, for :math:`1 \leq p \leq \infty`. Distance Functions ------------------ This first implementation uses the Python Optimal Transport library and is based on ideas from "Large Scale Computation of Means and Cluster for Persistence Diagrams via Optimal Transport" :cite:`10.5555/3327546.3327645`. .. autofunction:: gudhi.wasserstein.wasserstein_distance This other implementation comes from `Hera `_ (BSD-3-Clause) which is based on "Geometry Helps to Compare Persistence Diagrams" :cite:`Kerber:2017:GHC:3047249.3064175` by Michael Kerber, Dmitriy Morozov, and Arnur Nigmetov. .. autofunction:: gudhi.hera.wasserstein_distance Basic example ------------- This example computes the 1-Wasserstein distance from 2 persistence diagrams with Euclidean ground metric. Note that persistence diagrams must be submitted as (n x 2) numpy arrays and must not contain inf values. .. testcode:: import gudhi.wasserstein import numpy as np dgm1 = np.array([[2.7, 3.7],[9.6, 14.],[34.2, 34.974]]) dgm2 = np.array([[2.8, 4.45],[9.5, 14.1]]) message = "Wasserstein distance value = " + '%.2f' % gudhi.wasserstein.wasserstein_distance(dgm1, dgm2, order=1., internal_p=2.) print(message) The output is: .. testoutput:: Wasserstein distance value = 1.45 We can also have access to the optimal matching by letting `matching=True`. It is encoded as a list of indices (i,j), meaning that the i-th point in X is mapped to the j-th point in Y. An index of -1 represents the diagonal. .. testcode:: import gudhi.wasserstein import numpy as np dgm1 = np.array([[2.7, 3.7],[9.6, 14.],[34.2, 34.974]]) dgm2 = np.array([[2.8, 4.45], [5, 6], [9.5, 14.1]]) cost, matchings = gudhi.wasserstein.wasserstein_distance(dgm1, dgm2, matching=True, order=1, internal_p=2) message_cost = "Wasserstein distance value = %.2f" %cost print(message_cost) dgm1_to_diagonal = matchings[matchings[:,1] == -1, 0] dgm2_to_diagonal = matchings[matchings[:,0] == -1, 1] off_diagonal_match = np.delete(matchings, np.where(matchings == -1)[0], axis=0) for i,j in off_diagonal_match: print("point %s in dgm1 is matched to point %s in dgm2" %(i,j)) for i in dgm1_to_diagonal: print("point %s in dgm1 is matched to the diagonal" %i) for j in dgm2_to_diagonal: print("point %s in dgm2 is matched to the diagonal" %j) The output is: .. testoutput:: Wasserstein distance value = 2.15 point 0 in dgm1 is matched to point 0 in dgm2 point 1 in dgm1 is matched to point 2 in dgm2 point 2 in dgm1 is matched to the diagonal point 1 in dgm2 is matched to the diagonal Barycenters ----------- A Frechet mean (or barycenter) is a generalization of the arithmetic mean in a non linear space such as the one of persistence diagrams. Given a set of persistence diagrams :math:`\mu_1 \dots \mu_n`, it is defined as a minimizer of the variance functional, that is of :math:`\mu \mapsto \sum_{i=1}^n d_2(\mu,\mu_i)^2`. where :math:`d_2` denotes the Wasserstein-2 distance between persistence diagrams. It is known to exist and is generically unique. However, an exact computation is in general untractable. Current implementation available is based on (Turner et al., 2014), :cite:`turner2014frechet` and uses an EM-scheme to provide a local minimum of the variance functional (somewhat similar to the Lloyd algorithm to estimate a solution to the k-means problem). The local minimum returned depends on the initialization of the barycenter. The combinatorial structure of the algorithm limits its performances on large scale problems (thousands of diagrams and of points per diagram). .. figure:: ./img/barycenter.png :figclass: align-center Illustration of Frechet mean between persistence diagrams. .. autofunction:: gudhi.barycenter.lagrangian_barycenter Basic example ------------- This example computes the Frechet mean (aka Wasserstein barycenter) between four persistence diagrams. It is initialized on the 4th diagram. As the algorithm is not convex, its output depends on the initialization and is only a local minimum of the objective function. Initialization can be either given as an integer (in which case the i-th diagram of the list is used as initial estimate) or as a diagram. If None, it will randomly select one of the diagram of the list as initial estimate. Note that persistence diagrams must be submitted as (n x 2) numpy arrays and must not contain inf values. .. testcode:: import gudhi.barycenter import numpy as np dg1 = np.array([[0.2, 0.5]]) dg2 = np.array([[0.2, 0.7]]) dg3 = np.array([[0.3, 0.6], [0.7, 0.8], [0.2, 0.3]]) dg4 = np.array([]) pdiagset = [dg1, dg2, dg3, dg4] bary = gudhi.wasserstein.barycenter.lagrangian_barycenter(pdiagset=pdiagset,init=3) message = "Wasserstein barycenter estimated:" print(message) print(bary) The output is: .. testoutput:: Wasserstein barycenter estimated: [[0.27916667 0.55416667] [0.7375 0.7625 ] [0.2375 0.2625 ]]