:orphan: .. To get rid of WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree Witness complex user manual =========================== .. include:: witness_complex_sum.inc Definitions ----------- Witness complex is a simplicial complex defined on two sets of points in :math:`\mathbb{R}^D`: - :math:`W` set of **witnesses** and - :math:`L` set of **landmarks**. Even though often the set of landmarks :math:`L` is a subset of the set of witnesses :math:`W`, it is not a requirement for the current implementation. Landmarks are the vertices of the simplicial complex and witnesses help to decide on which simplices are inserted via a predicate "is witnessed". De Silva and Carlsson in their paper :cite:`de2004topological` differentiate **weak witnessing** and **strong witnessing**: - *weak*: :math:`\sigma \subset L` is witnessed by :math:`w \in W` if :math:`\forall l \in \sigma,\ \forall l' \in \mathbf{L \setminus \sigma},\ d(w,l) \leq d(w,l')` - *strong*: :math:`\sigma \subset L` is witnessed by :math:`w \in W` if :math:`\forall l \in \sigma,\ \forall l' \in \mathbf{L},\ d(w,l) \leq d(w,l')` where :math:`d(.,.)` is a distance function. Both definitions can be relaxed by a real value :math:`\alpha`: - *weak*: :math:`\sigma \subset L` is :math:`\alpha`-witnessed by :math:`w \in W` if :math:`\forall l \in \sigma,\ \forall l' \in \mathbf{L \setminus \sigma},\ d(w,l)^2 \leq d(w,l')^2 + \alpha^2` - *strong*: :math:`\sigma \subset L` is :math:`\alpha`-witnessed by :math:`w \in W` if :math:`\forall l \in \sigma,\ \forall l' \in \mathbf{L},\ d(w,l)^2 \leq d(w,l')^2 + \alpha^2` which leads to definitions of **weak relaxed witness complex** (or just relaxed witness complex for short) and **strong relaxed witness complex** respectively. .. figure:: ../../doc/Witness_complex/swit.svg :alt: Strongly witnessed simplex :figclass: align-center Strongly witnessed simplex In particular case of 0-relaxation, weak complex corresponds to **witness complex** introduced in :cite:`de2004topological`, whereas 0-relaxed strong witness complex consists of just vertices and is not very interesting. Hence for small relaxation weak version is preferable. However, to capture the homotopy type (for example using :func:`gudhi.SimplexTree.persistence`) it is often necessary to work with higher filtration values. In this case strong relaxed witness complex is faster to compute and offers similar results. Implementation -------------- The two complexes described above are implemented in the corresponding classes - :doc:`witness_complex_ref` - :doc:`strong_witness_complex_ref` - :doc:`euclidean_witness_complex_ref` - :doc:`euclidean_strong_witness_complex_ref` The construction of the Euclidean versions of complexes follow the same scheme: 1. Construct a search tree on landmarks. 2. Construct lists of nearest landmarks for each witness. 3. Construct the witness complex for nearest landmark lists. In the non-Euclidean classes, the lists of nearest landmarks are supposed to be given as input. The constructors take on the steps 1 and 2, while the function :func:`!create_complex` executes the step 3. Constructing weak relaxed witness complex from an off file ---------------------------------------------------------- Let's start with a simple example, which reads an off point file and computes a weak witness complex. .. code-block:: python import gudhi import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='EuclideanWitnessComplex creation from ' 'points read in a OFF file.', epilog='Example: ' 'example/witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py ' '-f ../data/points/tore3D_300.off -a 1.0 -n 20 -d 2' '- Constructs a alpha complex with the ' 'points from the given OFF file.') parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("-a", "--max_alpha_square", type=float, required=True) parser.add_argument("-n", "--number_of_landmarks", type=int, required=True) parser.add_argument("-d", "--limit_dimension", type=int, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.file, 'r') as f: first_line = f.readline() if (first_line == 'OFF\n') or (first_line == 'nOFF\n'): print("#####################################################################") print("EuclideanWitnessComplex creation from points read in a OFF file") witnesses = gudhi.read_points_from_off_file(off_file=args.file) landmarks = gudhi.pick_n_random_points(points=witnesses, nb_points=args.number_of_landmarks) message = "EuclideanWitnessComplex with max_edge_length=" + repr(args.max_alpha_square) + \ " - Number of landmarks=" + repr(args.number_of_landmarks) print(message) witness_complex = gudhi.EuclideanWitnessComplex(witnesses=witnesses, landmarks=landmarks) simplex_tree = witness_complex.create_simplex_tree(max_alpha_square=args.max_alpha_square, limit_dimension=args.limit_dimension) message = "Number of simplices=" + repr(simplex_tree.num_simplices()) print(message) else: print(args.file, "is not a valid OFF file") f.close() Example2: Computing persistence using strong relaxed witness complex -------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is an example of constructing a strong witness complex filtration and computing persistence on it: * :download:`euclidean_strong_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py <../example/euclidean_strong_witness_complex_diagram_persistence_from_off_file_example.py>` Bibliography ------------ .. bibliography:: ../../biblio/bibliography.bib :filter: docname in docnames :style: unsrt