path: root/geom_matching/README
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authorArnur Nigmetov <>2016-06-06 10:50:37 +0200
committerArnur Nigmetov <>2016-06-06 10:50:37 +0200
commitad17f9570a5f0a35cde44cc206255e889821a5ca (patch)
tree6cb08c80206106a6b1d2ac605bf0b673eaed1d95 /geom_matching/README
parent0a997312d06972b8eef9f1de21fb4d827b47eca7 (diff)
Add actual source from previous repos
Diffstat (limited to 'geom_matching/README')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/geom_matching/README b/geom_matching/README
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index 0000000..33a5611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geom_matching/README
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+This is a program for computing Wasserstein distances between persistence
+diagrams using the geometric version of auction algorithm.
+Accompanying paper: M. Kerber, D. Morozov, A. Nigmetov. Geometry Helps To Compare
+Persistence Diagrams (ALENEX 2016,
+Bug reports can be sent to "nigmetov EMAIL SIGN tugraz DOT at".
+Wasserstein distance $W_{q, p}(X, Y)$ between two persistent diagrams is
+the minimum over all perfect matchings between $X$ and $Y$ ( $y(x)$ is the point of $Y$
+matched to $x \in X$ ) of the following expression:
+$ ( \sum \| x - y(x) \|_p ^ { q } ) ^ { 1 / q} $
+# Dependencies
+Requires boost 1.58 or higher.
+Your compiler must support C++11.
+# Usage:
+To use a standalone command-line utility wasserstein_dist:
+wasserstein_dist file1 file2 [wasserstein degree] [relative error] [internal norm].
+Parameter wasserstein degree corresponds to $q$, when it tends to infinity,
+Wasserstein distance tends to the bottleneck distance.
+Parameter internal_p corresponds to p.
+Default values:
+wasserstein_degree = 1.0,
+relative_error = 0.01,
+internal_p = infinity.
+Valid values:
+wasserstein_degree must be in $[1.0, \infinity)$,
+relative_error must be positive,
+internal_p must be in $[1.0, \infinity]$ (to explicitly set internal_p to $\infinity$, supply inf).By default wasserstein degree is 1.0, relative error is 0.01, internal norm is l_infinity.
+file1 and file2 must contain persistence diagrams in plain text format
+(one point per line, empty lines are ignored, comments can be made with #):
+# this is how your input can look like
+x_1 y_1 # two real numbers per line
+# empty lines or comments are ignored
+x_n y_n
+To use from your code:
+#include "wasserstein.h"
+// All classes and functions are in geom_ws namespace
+std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> diagram1, diagram2;
+// any container class that supports range-for loops will do.
+// A pair represents a single point,
+// first component = x-coordinate,
+// second component = y-coordinate.
+// ...
+// load your diagrams into diagram1, diagram2 (off-diagonal points).
+// You can use function readDiagramPointSet:
+geom_ws::readDiagramPointSet("diagram1.txt", diagram1);
+geom_ws::readDiagramPointSet("diagram2.txt", diagram1);
+// ...
+// to get the distance:
+double wsDist = geom_ws::wassersteinDist(diagram1, diagram2, q, delta, p);
+// q is wasserstein degree, delta is relative error,
+// p is the internal norm in Wasserstein distance, defaults to infinity
+Necessary projections (diagonal points) will be added in the wassersteinDist
+See also code in wasserstein/example/wasserstein_dist.cpp.
+# License
+See wasserstein/license.txt
+# Building
+CMakeLists.txt in the root directory can be used to make the library (contained
+in wasserstein/src/ directory) and the command-line utility (in wasserstein/example/ directory)
+to compute the distance between two diagrams in txt files.
+On Linux/Mac:
+mkdir build
+cd build
+cmake ..
+On Windows (checked with Visual Studio 2015, Community version)
+use cmake-gui to create the solution in build directory and build it with VS.