path: root/geom_matching/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel
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authorArnur Nigmetov <>2016-06-06 10:50:37 +0200
committerArnur Nigmetov <>2016-06-06 10:50:37 +0200
commitad17f9570a5f0a35cde44cc206255e889821a5ca (patch)
tree6cb08c80206106a6b1d2ac605bf0b673eaed1d95 /geom_matching/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel
parent0a997312d06972b8eef9f1de21fb4d827b47eca7 (diff)
Add actual source from previous repos
Diffstat (limited to 'geom_matching/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel')
2 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/geom_matching/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel/tbb.h b/geom_matching/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel/tbb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aa6805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geom_matching/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel/tbb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#ifndef PARALLEL_H
+#define PARALLEL_H
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/range.hpp>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#ifdef TBB
+#include <tbb/tbb.h>
+#include <tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h>
+#include <tbb/scalable_allocator.h>
+#include <boost/serialization/split_free.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/collections_load_imp.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/collections_save_imp.hpp>
+namespace dnn
+ using tbb::mutex;
+ using tbb::task_scheduler_init;
+ using tbb::task_group;
+ using tbb::task;
+ template<class T>
+ struct vector
+ {
+ typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<T> type;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct atomic
+ {
+ typedef tbb::atomic<T> type;
+ static T compare_and_swap(type& v, T n, T o) { return v.compare_and_swap(n,o); }
+ };
+ template<class Iterator, class F>
+ void do_foreach(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const F& f) { tbb::parallel_do(begin, end, f); }
+ template<class Range, class F>
+ void for_each_range_(const Range& r, const F& f)
+ {
+ for (typename Range::iterator cur = r.begin(); cur != r.end(); ++cur)
+ f(*cur);
+ }
+ template<class F>
+ void for_each_range(size_t from, size_t to, const F& f)
+ {
+ //static tbb::affinity_partitioner ap;
+ //tbb::parallel_for(c.range(), boost::bind(&for_each_range_<typename Container::range_type, F>, _1, f), ap);
+ tbb::parallel_for(from, to, f);
+ }
+ template<class Container, class F>
+ void for_each_range(const Container& c, const F& f)
+ {
+ //static tbb::affinity_partitioner ap;
+ //tbb::parallel_for(c.range(), boost::bind(&for_each_range_<typename Container::range_type, F>, _1, f), ap);
+ tbb::parallel_for(c.range(), boost::bind(&for_each_range_<typename Container::const_range_type, F>, _1, f));
+ }
+ template<class Container, class F>
+ void for_each_range(Container& c, const F& f)
+ {
+ //static tbb::affinity_partitioner ap;
+ //tbb::parallel_for(c.range(), boost::bind(&for_each_range_<typename Container::range_type, F>, _1, f), ap);
+ tbb::parallel_for(c.range(), boost::bind(&for_each_range_<typename Container::range_type, F>, _1, f));
+ }
+ template<class ID, class NodePointer, class IDTraits, class Allocator>
+ struct map_traits
+ {
+ typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<ID, NodePointer, IDTraits, Allocator> type;
+ typedef typename type::range_type range;
+ };
+ struct progress_timer
+ {
+ progress_timer(): start(tbb::tick_count::now()) {}
+ ~progress_timer()
+ { std::cout << (tbb::tick_count::now() - start).seconds() << " s" << std::endl; }
+ tbb::tick_count start;
+ };
+// Serialization for tbb::concurrent_vector<...>
+namespace boost
+ namespace serialization
+ {
+ template<class Archive, class T, class A>
+ void save(Archive& ar, const tbb::concurrent_vector<T,A>& v, const unsigned int file_version)
+ { stl::save_collection(ar, v); }
+ template<class Archive, class T, class A>
+ void load(Archive& ar, tbb::concurrent_vector<T,A>& v, const unsigned int file_version)
+ {
+ stl::load_collection<Archive,
+ tbb::concurrent_vector<T,A>,
+ stl::archive_input_seq< Archive, tbb::concurrent_vector<T,A> >,
+ stl::reserve_imp< tbb::concurrent_vector<T,A> >
+ >(ar, v);
+ }
+ template<class Archive, class T, class A>
+ void serialize(Archive& ar, tbb::concurrent_vector<T,A>& v, const unsigned int file_version)
+ { split_free(ar, v, file_version); }
+ template<class Archive, class T>
+ void save(Archive& ar, const tbb::atomic<T>& v, const unsigned int file_version)
+ { T v_ = v; ar << v_; }
+ template<class Archive, class T>
+ void load(Archive& ar, tbb::atomic<T>& v, const unsigned int file_version)
+ { T v_; ar >> v_; v = v_; }
+ template<class Archive, class T>
+ void serialize(Archive& ar, tbb::atomic<T>& v, const unsigned int file_version)
+ { split_free(ar, v, file_version); }
+ }
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <boost/progress.hpp>
+namespace dnn
+ template<class T>
+ struct vector
+ {
+ typedef ::std::vector<T> type;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ struct atomic
+ {
+ typedef T type;
+ static T compare_and_swap(type& v, T n, T o) { if (v != o) return v; v = n; return o; }
+ };
+ template<class Iterator, class F>
+ void do_foreach(Iterator begin, Iterator end, const F& f) { std::for_each(begin, end, f); }
+ template<class F>
+ void for_each_range(size_t from, size_t to, const F& f)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = from; i < to; ++i)
+ f(i);
+ }
+ template<class Container, class F>
+ void for_each_range(Container& c, const F& f)
+ {
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const typename Container::value_type& i, c)
+ f(i);
+ }
+ template<class Container, class F>
+ void for_each_range(const Container& c, const F& f)
+ {
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const typename Container::value_type& i, c)
+ f(i);
+ }
+ struct mutex
+ {
+ struct scoped_lock
+ {
+ scoped_lock() {}
+ scoped_lock(mutex& ) {}
+ void acquire(mutex& ) const {}
+ void release() const {}
+ };
+ };
+ struct task_scheduler_init
+ {
+ task_scheduler_init(unsigned) {}
+ void initialize(unsigned) {}
+ static const unsigned automatic = 0;
+ static const unsigned deferred = 0;
+ };
+ struct task_group
+ {
+ template<class Functor>
+ void run(const Functor& f) const { f(); }
+ void wait() const {}
+ };
+ template<class ID, class NodePointer, class IDTraits, class Allocator>
+ struct map_traits
+ {
+ typedef std::map<ID, NodePointer,
+ typename IDTraits::Comparison,
+ Allocator> type;
+ typedef type range;
+ };
+ using boost::progress_timer;
+#endif // TBB
+namespace dnn
+ template<class Range, class F>
+ void do_foreach(const Range& range, const F& f) { do_foreach(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), f); }
diff --git a/geom_matching/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel/utils.h b/geom_matching/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel/utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba73814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geom_matching/wasserstein/include/dnn/parallel/utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#include "../utils.h"
+namespace dnn
+ // Assumes rng is synchronized across ranks
+ template<class DataVector, class RNGType, class SwapFunctor>
+ void shuffle(mpi::communicator& world, DataVector& data, RNGType& rng, const SwapFunctor& swap, DataVector empty = DataVector());
+ template<class DataVector, class RNGType>
+ void shuffle(mpi::communicator& world, DataVector& data, RNGType& rng)
+ {
+ typedef decltype(data[0]) T;
+ shuffle(world, data, rng, [](T& x, T& y) { std::swap(x,y); });
+ }
+template<class DataVector, class RNGType, class SwapFunctor>
+dnn::shuffle(mpi::communicator& world, DataVector& data, RNGType& rng, const SwapFunctor& swap, DataVector empty)
+ // This is not a perfect shuffle: it dishes out data in chunks of 1/size.
+ // (It can be interpreted as generating a bistochastic matrix by taking the
+ // sum of size random permutation matrices.) Hopefully, it works for our purposes.
+ typedef typename RNGType::result_type RNGResult;
+ int size = world.size();
+ int rank = world.rank();
+ // Generate local seeds
+ boost::uniform_int<RNGResult> uniform;
+ RNGResult seed;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ RNGResult v = uniform(rng);
+ if (i == rank)
+ seed = v;
+ }
+ RNGType local_rng(seed);
+ // Shuffle local data
+ dnn::random_shuffle(data.begin(), data.end(), local_rng, swap);
+ // Decide how much of our data goes to i-th processor
+ std::vector<size_t> out_counts(size);
+ std::vector<int> ranks(boost::counting_iterator<int>(0),
+ boost::counting_iterator<int>(size));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ dnn::random_shuffle(ranks.begin(), ranks.end(), rng);
+ ++out_counts[ranks[rank]];
+ }
+ // Fill the outgoing array
+ size_t total = 0;
+ std::vector< DataVector > outgoing(size, empty);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+ {
+ size_t count = data.size()*out_counts[i]/size;
+ if (total + count > data.size())
+ count = data.size() - total;
+ outgoing[i].reserve(count);
+ for (size_t j = total; j < total + count; ++j)
+ outgoing[i].push_back(data[j]);
+ total += count;
+ }
+ boost::uniform_int<size_t> uniform_outgoing(0,size-1); // in range [0,size-1]
+ while(total < data.size()) // send leftover to random processes
+ {
+ outgoing[uniform_outgoing(local_rng)].push_back(data[total]);
+ ++total;
+ }
+ data.clear();
+ // Exchange the data
+ std::vector< DataVector > incoming(size, empty);
+ mpi::all_to_all(world, outgoing, incoming);
+ outgoing.clear();
+ // Assemble our data
+ for(const DataVector& vec : incoming)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i)
+ data.push_back(vec[i]);
+ dnn::random_shuffle(data.begin(), data.end(), local_rng, swap);
+ // XXX: the final shuffle is irrelevant for our purposes. But it's also cheap.