import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp import scnn.chebyshev def coo2tensor(A): assert(sp.isspmatrix_coo(A)) idxs = torch.LongTensor(np.vstack((A.row, A.col))) vals = torch.FloatTensor( return torch.sparse_coo_tensor(idxs, vals, size = A.shape, requires_grad = False) class SimplicialConvolution(nn.Module): def __init__(self, K, L, C_in, C_out, groups = 1): assert groups == 1, "Only groups = 1 is currently supported." super().__init__() assert(len(L.shape) == 2) assert(L.shape[0] == L.shape[1]) assert(C_in > 0) assert(C_out > 0) assert(K > 0) self.M = L.shape[0] self.C_in = C_in self.C_out = C_out self.K = K self.L = L # Don't modify afterwards! self.theta = nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.randn((self.C_out, self.C_in, self.K))) def forward(self, x): (B, C_in, M) = x.shape assert(M == self.M) assert(C_in == self.C_in) X = scnn.chebyshev.assemble(self.K, self.L, x) y = torch.einsum("bimk,oik->bom", (X, self.theta)) assert(y.shape == (B, self.C_out, M)) return y # This class does not yet implement the # Laplacian-power-pre/post-composed with the coboundary. It can be # simulated by just adding more layers anyway, so keeping it simple # for now. # # Note: You can use this for a adjoints of coboundaries too. Just feed # a transposed D. class Coboundary(nn.Module): def __init__(self, D, C_in, C_out): super().__init__() assert(len(D.shape) == 2) assert(C_in > 0) assert(C_out > 0) self.C_in = C_in self.C_out = C_out self.D = D # Don't modify. self.theta = nn.parameter.Parameter(torch.randn((self.C_out, self.C_in))) def forward(self, x): (B, C_in, M) = x.shape assert(self.D.shape[1] == M) assert(C_in == self.C_in) N = self.D.shape[0] # This is essentially the equivalent of chebyshev.assemble for # the convolutional modules. X = [] for b in range(0, B): X12 = [] for c_in in range(0, self.C_in): X12.append([b, c_in, :].unsqueeze(1)).transpose(0,1)) #[b, c_in, :]) has shape Nx1 X12 =, 0) assert(X12.shape == (self.C_in, N)) X.append(X12.unsqueeze(0)) X =, 0) assert(X.shape == (B, self.C_in, N)) y = torch.einsum("oi,bin->bon", (self.theta, X)) assert(y.shape == (B, self.C_out, N)) return y