uli:ripser uli$ c++ -std=c++11 ripser.cpp -o ripser -Ofast -D NDEBUG -D FILE_FORMAT_DIPHA -D PRINT_PERSISTENCE_PAIRS && /usr/bin/time -l ./ripser --top_dim 2 ~/Bitbucket/phat-paper/benchmark/dipha/sphere_3_64.complex distance matrix with 64 points distance matrix transformed to lower triangular form value range: [0.00391946,1.99927] persistence intervals in dim 0: [0,0.147289) [0,0.111798) [0,0.279354) [0,0.379849) [0,0.217485) [0,0.179609) [0,0.297053) [0,0.227524) [0,0.334523) [0,0.205129) [0,0.266643) [0,0.076909) [0,0.424333) [0,0.0802451) [0,0.141103) [0,0.154095) [0,0.280747) [0,0.561426) [0,0.255364) [0,0.218561) [0,0.344005) [0,0.457212) [0,0.339394) [0,0.184757) [0,0.193804) [0,0.276431) [0,0.276383) [0,0.273482) [0,0.162738) [0,0.208851) [0,0.00391946) [0,0.168587) [0,0.231288) [0,0.370337) [0,0.151879) [0,0.336643) [0,0.176636) [0,0.0814685) [0,0.287316) [0,0.0633425) [0,0.46675) [0,0.169115) [0,0.387245) [0,0.354112) [0,0.236525) [0,0.377019) [0,0.396994) [0,0.58991) [0,0.374531) [0,0.374138) [0,0.439977) [0,0.487279) [0,0.231179) [0,0.200333) [0,0.401576) [0,0.574945) [0,0.252863) [0,0.173684) [0,0.284319) [0,0.355419) [0,0.23879) [0,0.381084) [0,0.532104) [0, ) persistence intervals in dim 1: [0.84172,1.04196) [0.763446,0.863406) [0.727244,0.74155) [0.708398,0.757279) [0.655113,0.849319) [0.62495,0.753672) [0.60904,0.682559) [0.607973,0.672219) [0.606907,0.829538) [0.588045,1.04527) [0.57698,0.769491) [0.559498,0.586113) [0.525224,0.645181) [0.445398,0.448892) [0.412572,0.478334) [0.376457,0.63549) persistence intervals in dim 2: [1.10328,1.67029) 0.05 real 0.05 user 0.00 sys 4300800 maximum resident set size 0 average shared memory size 0 average unshared data size 0 average unshared stack size 1054 page reclaims 9 page faults 0 swaps 0 block input operations 0 block output operations 0 messages sent 0 messages received 0 signals received 1 voluntary context switches 10 involuntary context switches