path: root/doc/common/installation.h
diff options
authorGard Spreemann <>2019-09-25 14:29:41 +0200
committerGard Spreemann <>2019-09-25 14:29:41 +0200
commit599d68cd916f533bdb66dd9e684dd5703233b6bb (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /doc/common/installation.h
parenta2e642954ae39025e041471d486ecbac25dff440 (diff)
Delete all files in order to incorporate upstream's move to git.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/common/installation.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 280 deletions
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-/*! \page installation GUDHI installation
- * \tableofcontents
- * As GUDHI is a header only library, there is no need to install the library.
- *
- * Examples of GUDHI headers inclusion can be found in \ref utilities.
- *
- * \section compiling Compiling
- * The library uses c++11 and requires <a target="_blank" href="">Boost</a> &ge; 1.48.0
- * and <a target="_blank" href="">CMake</a> &ge; 3.1.
- * It is a multi-platform library and compiles on Linux, Mac OSX and Visual Studio 2015.
- *
- * \subsection utilities Utilities and examples
- * To build the utilities, run the following commands in a terminal:
-\verbatim cd /path-to-gudhi/
-mkdir build
-cd build/
-cmake ..
-make \endverbatim
- * By default, examples are disabled. You can activate their compilation with
- * <a href="">ccmake</a> (on Linux and Mac OSX),
- * <a href="">cmake-gui</a> (on Windows) or y mofifying the
- * cmake command as follows :
-\verbatim cmake -DWITH_GUDHI_EXAMPLE=ON ..
-make \endverbatim
- * A list of utilities and examples is available <a href="examples.html">here</a>.
- *
- * \subsection libraryinstallation Installation
- * To install the library (headers and activated utilities), run the following command in a terminal:
- * \verbatim make install \endverbatim
- * This action may require to be in the sudoer or administrator of the machine in function of the operating system and
- * of <a href="">CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX</a>.
- *
- * \subsection testsuites Test suites
- * To test your build, run the following command in a terminal:
- * \verbatim make test \endverbatim
- *
- * \subsection documentationgeneration Documentation
- * To generate the documentation, <a target="_blank" href="">Doxygen</a> is required.
- * Run the following command in a terminal:
-make doxygen
-# Documentation will be generated in the folder YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss_GUDHI_X.Y.Z/doc/html/
-# You can customize the directory name by calling `cmake -DUSER_VERSION_DIR=/my/custom/folder`
- *
- * \subsection helloworld Hello world !
- * The <a target="_blank" href="">Hello world for GUDHI</a>
- * project is an example to help developers to make their own C++ project on top of the GUDHI library.
- *
- * \section optionallibrary Optional third-party library
- * \subsection gmp GMP
- * The multi-field persistent homology algorithm requires GMP which is a free library for arbitrary-precision
- * arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers.
- *
- * The following example requires the <a target="_blank" href="">GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic
- * Library</a> (GMP) and will not be built if GMP is not installed:
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2rips_multifield_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/rips_multifield_persistence.cpp</a>
- *
- * Having GMP version 4.2 or higher installed is recommended.
- *
- * \subsection cgal CGAL
- * The \ref alpha_complex data structure, \ref bottleneck_distance, and few examples requires CGAL, which is a C++
- * library which provides easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms.
- *
- * \note There is no need to install CGAL, you can just <CODE>cmake . && make</CODE> CGAL (or even
- * <CODE>cmake -DCGAL_HEADER_ONLY=ON .</CODE> for CGAL version &ge; 4.8.0), thereafter you will be able to compile
- * GUDHI by calling <CODE>cmake -DCGAL_DIR=/your/path/to/CGAL-X.Y .. && make</CODE>
- *
- * Having CGAL version 4.4.0 or higher installed is recommended. The procedure to install this library according to
- * your operating system is detailed here
- *
- * The following examples/utilities require the <a target="_blank" href="">Computational Geometry Algorithms
- * Library</a> (CGAL \cite cgal:eb-15b) and will not be built if CGAL is not installed:
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2exact_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/exact_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2weighted_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/weighted_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_simplex_tree_2example_alpha_shapes_3_simplex_tree_from_off_file_8cpp-example.html">
- * Simplex_tree/example_alpha_shapes_3_simplex_tree_from_off_file.cpp</a>
- *
- * The following examples/utilities require CGAL version &ge; 4.6.0:
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2strong_witness_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/strong_witness_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2weak_witness_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/weak_witness_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2example_strong_witness_complex_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/example_strong_witness_complex_off.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2example_witness_complex_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/example_witness_complex_off.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2example_witness_complex_sphere_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/example_witness_complex_sphere.cpp</a>
- *
- * The following example requires CGAL version &ge; 4.7.0:
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_off.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_points.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2alpha_complex_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/alpha_complex_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2custom_persistence_sort_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/custom_persistence_sort.cpp</a>
- *
- * The following example requires CGAL version &ge; 4.8.1:
- * \li <a href="_bottleneck_distance_2alpha_rips_persistence_bottleneck_distance_8cpp-example.html">
- * Bottleneck_distance/alpha_rips_persistence_bottleneck_distance.cpp.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_bottleneck_distance_2bottleneck_basic_example_8cpp-example.html">
- * Bottleneck_distance/bottleneck_basic_example.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_bottleneck_distance_2bottleneck_read_file_8cpp-example.html">
- * Bottleneck_distance/bottleneck_distance.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_nerve__g_i_c_2_coord_g_i_c_8cpp-example.html">
- * Nerve_GIC/CoordGIC.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_nerve__g_i_c_2_func_g_i_c_8cpp-example.html">
- * Nerve_GIC/FuncGIC.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_nerve__g_i_c_2_nerve_8cpp-example.html">
- * Nerve_GIC/Nerve.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_nerve__g_i_c_2_voronoi_g_i_c_8cpp-example.html">
- * Nerve_GIC/VoronoiGIC.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_spatial_searching_2example_spatial_searching_8cpp-example.html">
- * Spatial_searching/example_spatial_searching.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_subsampling_2example_choose_n_farthest_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Subsampling/example_choose_n_farthest_points.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_subsampling_2example_custom_kernel_8cpp-example.html">
- * Subsampling/example_custom_kernel.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_subsampling_2example_pick_n_random_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Subsampling/example_pick_n_random_points.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_subsampling_2example_sparsify_point_set_8cpp-example.html">
- * Subsampling/example_sparsify_point_set.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_tangential_complex_2example_basic_8cpp-example.html">
- * Tangential_complex/example_basic.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_tangential_complex_2example_with_perturb_8cpp-example.html">
- * Tangential_complex/example_with_perturb.cpp</a>
- *
- * \subsection eigen3 Eigen3
- * The \ref alpha_complex data structure and few examples requires
- * <a target="_blank" href="">Eigen3</a> is a C++ template library for linear algebra:
- * matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
- *
- * The following examples/utilities require the <a target="_blank" href="">Eigen3</a> and will not be
- * built if Eigen3 is not installed:
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_off.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_points.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2alpha_complex_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/alpha_complex_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_bottleneck_distance_2alpha_rips_persistence_bottleneck_distance_8cpp-example.html">
- * Bottleneck_distance/alpha_rips_persistence_bottleneck_distance.cpp.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2custom_persistence_sort_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/custom_persistence_sort.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_spatial_searching_2example_spatial_searching_8cpp-example.html">
- * Spatial_searching/example_spatial_searching.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_subsampling_2example_choose_n_farthest_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Subsampling/example_choose_n_farthest_points.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_subsampling_2example_custom_kernel_8cpp-example.html">
- * Subsampling/example_custom_kernel.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_subsampling_2example_pick_n_random_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Subsampling/example_pick_n_random_points.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_subsampling_2example_sparsify_point_set_8cpp-example.html">
- * Subsampling/example_sparsify_point_set.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_tangential_complex_2example_basic_8cpp-example.html">
- * Tangential_complex/example_basic.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_tangential_complex_2example_with_perturb_8cpp-example.html">
- * Tangential_complex/example_with_perturb.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2strong_witness_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/strong_witness_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2weak_witness_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/weak_witness_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2example_strong_witness_complex_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/example_strong_witness_complex_off.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2example_witness_complex_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/example_witness_complex_off.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2example_witness_complex_sphere_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/example_witness_complex_sphere.cpp</a>
- *
- * \subsection tbb Threading Building Blocks
- * <a target="_blank" href="">Intel&reg; TBB</a> lets you easily write parallel
- * C++ programs that take full advantage of multicore performance, that are portable and composable, and that have
- * future-proof scalability.
- *
- * Having Intel&reg; TBB installed is recommended to parallelize and accelerate some GUDHI computations.
- *
- * The following examples/utilities are using Intel&reg; TBB if installed:
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_off_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_off.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2_alpha_complex_from_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/Alpha_complex_from_points.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2alpha_complex_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/alpha_complex_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2exact_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/exact_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_alpha_complex_2weighted_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Alpha_complex/weighted_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_bitmap_cubical_complex_2_bitmap_cubical_complex_8cpp-example.html">
- * Bitmap_cubical_complex/cubical_complex_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_bitmap_cubical_complex_2_bitmap_cubical_complex_periodic_boundary_conditions_8cpp-example.html">
- * Bitmap_cubical_complex/periodic_cubical_complex_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_bitmap_cubical_complex_2_random_bitmap_cubical_complex_8cpp-example.html">
- * Bitmap_cubical_complex/Random_bitmap_cubical_complex.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_nerve__g_i_c_2_coord_g_i_c_8cpp-example.html">
- * Nerve_GIC/CoordGIC.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_nerve__g_i_c_2_func_g_i_c_8cpp-example.html">
- * Nerve_GIC/FuncGIC.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_nerve__g_i_c_2_nerve_8cpp-example.html">
- * Nerve_GIC/Nerve.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_nerve__g_i_c_2_voronoi_g_i_c_8cpp-example.html">
- * Nerve_GIC/VoronoiGIC.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_simplex_tree_2simple_simplex_tree_8cpp-example.html">
- * Simplex_tree/simple_simplex_tree.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_simplex_tree_2example_alpha_shapes_3_simplex_tree_from_off_file_8cpp-example.html">
- * Simplex_tree/example_alpha_shapes_3_simplex_tree_from_off_file.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_simplex_tree_2simplex_tree_from_cliques_of_graph_8cpp-example.html">
- * Simplex_tree/simplex_tree_from_cliques_of_graph.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_simplex_tree_2graph_expansion_with_blocker_8cpp-example.html">
- * Simplex_tree/graph_expansion_with_blocker.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2alpha_complex_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/alpha_complex_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2rips_persistence_via_boundary_matrix_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/rips_persistence_via_boundary_matrix.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2persistence_from_file_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/persistence_from_file.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2persistence_from_simple_simplex_tree_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/persistence_from_simple_simplex_tree.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2plain_homology_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/plain_homology.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2rips_multifield_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/rips_multifield_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2rips_persistence_step_by_step_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/rips_persistence_step_by_step.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2exact_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/exact_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2weighted_alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/weighted_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2custom_persistence_sort_8cpp-example.html">
- * Persistent_cohomology/custom_persistence_sort.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_rips_complex_2example_one_skeleton_rips_from_points_8cpp-example.html">
- * Rips_complex/example_one_skeleton_rips_from_points.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_rips_complex_2example_rips_complex_from_off_file_8cpp-example.html">
- * Rips_complex/example_rips_complex_from_off_file.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_rips_complex_2rips_distance_matrix_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Rips_complex/rips_distance_matrix_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_rips_complex_2rips_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Rips_complex/rips_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2strong_witness_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/strong_witness_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2weak_witness_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/weak_witness_persistence.cpp</a>
- * \li <a href="_witness_complex_2example_nearest_landmark_table_8cpp-example.html">
- * Witness_complex/example_nearest_landmark_table.cpp</a>
- *
- * \section Contributions Bug reports and contributions
- * Please help us improving the quality of the GUDHI library. You may report bugs or suggestions to:
- * \verbatim Contact: \endverbatim
- *
- * GUDHI is open to external contributions. If you want to join our development team, please contact us.
- *
-/*! \page Citation Acknowledging the GUDHI library
- * We kindly ask users to cite the GUDHI library as appropriately as possible in their papers, and to mention the use
- * of the GUDHI library on the web pages of their projects using GUDHI and provide us with links to these web pages.
- * Feel free to contact us in case you have any question or remark on this topic.
- *
- * We provide \ref GudhiBibtex entries for the modules of the User and Reference Manual, as well as for publications
- * directly related to the GUDHI library.
- * \section GudhiBibtex GUDHI bibtex
- * \verbinclude biblio/how_to_cite_gudhi.bib