path: root/src/Persistent_cohomology/doc/Intro_persistent_cohomology.h
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authorGard Spreemann <>2019-09-25 14:53:36 +0200
committerGard Spreemann <>2019-09-25 14:53:36 +0200
commit70ad5fc411b0e0a3d590ad281fc97d488994062b (patch)
treeb0ddd84d7ee935936787eee2b75f78f2e21c41f0 /src/Persistent_cohomology/doc/Intro_persistent_cohomology.h
parentb50046e487ab42cdef19b02128a9f498d6a36482 (diff)
parent5ccee32ec2ba38743c6b96867db3e1b5151e45e4 (diff)
Merge branch 'dfsg/latest' into debian/sid
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Persistent_cohomology/doc/Intro_persistent_cohomology.h')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Persistent_cohomology/doc/Intro_persistent_cohomology.h b/src/Persistent_cohomology/doc/Intro_persistent_cohomology.h
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+/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library - - which is released under MIT.
+ * See file LICENSE or go to for full license details.
+ * Author(s): Clément Maria
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Inria
+ *
+ * Modification(s):
+ * - YYYY/MM Author: Description of the modification
+ */
+// needs namespace for Doxygen to link on classes
+namespace Gudhi {
+// needs namespace for Doxygen to link on classes
+namespace persistent_cohomology {
+/** \defgroup persistent_cohomology Persistent Cohomology
+ \author Clément Maria
+ Computation of persistent cohomology using the algorithm of
+ \cite DBLP:journals/dcg/SilvaMV11 and \cite DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1208-5018
+ and the Compressed Annotation Matrix
+ implementation of \cite DBLP:conf/esa/BoissonnatDM13
+ The theory of homology consists in attaching to a topological space a sequence of
+ (homology) groups,
+ capturing global topological features
+ like connected components, holes, cavities, etc. Persistent homology studies the evolution
+ -- birth, life and death -- of
+ these features when the topological space is changing. Consequently, the theory is essentially
+ composed of three elements:
+ topological spaces, their homology groups and an evolution scheme.
+ \section persistencetopolocalspaces Topological Spaces
+ Topological spaces are represented by simplicial complexes.
+ Let \f$V = \{1, \cdots ,|V|\}\f$ be a set of <EM>vertices</EM>.
+ A <EM>simplex</EM> \f$\sigma\f$ is a subset of vertices
+ \f$\sigma \subseteq V\f$. A <EM>simplicial complex</EM> \f$\mathbf{K}\f$
+ on \f$V\f$ is a collection of simplices \f$\{\sigma\}\f$,
+ \f$\sigma \subseteq V\f$, such that \f$\tau \subseteq \sigma \in \mathbf{K}
+ \Rightarrow \tau \in \mathbf{K}\f$. The dimension \f$n=|\sigma|-1\f$ of \f$\sigma\f$
+ is its number of elements minus 1. A <EM>filtration</EM> of a simplicial complex is
+ a function \f$f:\mathbf{K} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\f$ satisfying \f$f(\tau)\leq
+ f(\sigma)\f$ whenever \f$\tau \subseteq \sigma\f$.
+ We define the concept FilteredComplex which enumerates the requirements for a class
+ to represent a filtered complex from which persistent homology may be computed.
+ We use the vocabulary of simplicial complexes, but the concept
+ is valid for any type of cell complex. The main requirements
+ are the definition of:
+ \li type <CODE>Indexing_tag</CODE>, which is a model of the concept
+ <CODE>IndexingTag</CODE>,
+ describing the nature of the indexing scheme,
+ \li type Simplex_handle to manipulate simplices,
+ \li method <CODE>int dimension(Simplex_handle)</CODE> returning
+ the dimension of a simplex,
+ \li type and method <CODE>Boundary_simplex_range
+ boundary_simplex_range(Simplex_handle)</CODE> that returns
+ a range giving access to the codimension 1 subsimplices of the
+ input simplex, as-well-as the coefficients \f$(-1)^i\f$ in the
+ definition of the operator \f$\partial\f$. The iterators have
+ value type <CODE>Simplex_handle</CODE>,
+ \li type and method
+ <CODE>Filtration_simplex_range filtration_simplex_range ()</CODE>
+ that returns a range giving
+ access to all the simplices of the complex read in the order
+ assigned by the indexing scheme,
+ \li type and method
+ <CODE>Filtration_value filtration (Simplex_handle)</CODE> that returns the value of
+ the filtration on the simplex represented by the handle.
+ \section persistencehomology Homology
+ For a ring \f$\mathcal{R}\f$, the group of <EM>n-chains</EM>,
+ denoted \f$\mathbf{C}_n(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R})\f$, of \f$\mathbf{K}\f$ is the
+ group of formal sums of
+ n-simplices with \f$\mathcal{R}\f$ coefficients. The <EM>boundary operator</EM> is a
+ linear operator
+ \f$\partial_n: \mathbf{C}_n(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) \rightarrow \mathbf{C}_{n-1}(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R})\f$
+ such that \f$\partial_n \sigma = \partial_n [v_0, \cdots , v_n] =
+ \sum_{i=0}^n (-1)^{i}[v_0,\cdots ,\widehat{v_i}, \cdots,v_n]\f$,
+ where \f$\widehat{v_i}\f$ means \f$v_i\f$ is omitted from the list. The chain
+ groups form a sequence:
+ \f[\cdots \ \ \mathbf{C}_n(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) \xrightarrow{\ \partial_n\ } \mathbf{C}_{n-1}(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R})
+ \xrightarrow{\partial_{n-1}} \cdots \xrightarrow{\ \partial_2 \ }
+ \mathbf{C}_1(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) \xrightarrow{\ \partial_1 \ } \mathbf{C}_0(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) \f]
+ of finitely many groups \f$\mathbf{C}_n(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R})\f$ and homomorphisms
+ \f$\partial_n\f$, indexed by the dimension \f$n \geq 0\f$.
+ The boundary operators satisfy the property \f$\partial_n \circ \partial_{n+1}=0\f$
+ for every \f$n > 0\f$
+ and we define the homology groups:
+ \f[\mathbf{H}_n(\mathbf{K},\mathcal{R}) = \ker \partial_n / \mathrm{im} \ \partial_{n+1}\f]
+ We refer to \cite Munkres-elementsalgtop1984 for an introduction to homology
+ theory and to \cite DBLP:books/daglib/0025666 for an introduction to persistent homology.
+ \section persistenceindexingscheme Indexing Scheme
+ "Changing" a simplicial complex consists in applying a simplicial map.
+ An <EM>indexing scheme</EM> is a directed graph together with a traversal
+ order, such that two
+ consecutive nodes in the graph are connected by an arrow (either forward or backward).
+ The nodes represent simplicial complexes and the directed edges simplicial maps.
+ From the computational point of view, there are two types of indexing schemes of
+ interest
+ in persistent homology: <EM>linear</EM> ones
+ \f$\bullet \longrightarrow \bullet \longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow \bullet
+ \longrightarrow \bullet\f$
+ in persistent homology \cite DBLP:journals/dcg/ZomorodianC05 ,
+ and <EM>zigzag</EM> ones
+ \f$\bullet \longrightarrow \bullet \longleftarrow \cdots
+ \longrightarrow \bullet
+ \longleftarrow \bullet \f$ in zigzag persistent
+ homology \cite DBLP:journals/focm/CarlssonS10.
+ These indexing schemes have a natural left-to-right traversal order, and we
+ describe them with ranges and iterators.
+ In the current release of the Gudhi library, only the linear case is implemented.
+ In the following, we consider the case where the indexing scheme is induced
+ by a filtration.
+ Ordering the simplices
+ by increasing filtration values (breaking ties so as a simplex appears after
+ its subsimplices of same filtration value) provides an indexing scheme.
+\section pcohexamples Examples
+We provide several example files: run these examples with -h for details on their use, and read the README file.
+\li <a href="_rips_complex_2rips_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
+Rips_complex/rips_persistence.cpp</a> computes the Rips complex of a point cloud and outputs its persistence
+\code $> ./rips_persistence ../../data/points/ -r 0.25 -m 0.5 -d 3 -p 3 \endcode
+\code The complex contains 177838 simplices
+ and has dimension 3
+3 0 0 inf
+3 1 0.0983494 inf
+3 1 0.104347 inf
+3 2 0.138335 inf \endcode
+More details on the <a href="../../ripscomplex/">Rips complex utilities</a> dedicated page.
+\li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2rips_multifield_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
+Persistent_cohomology/rips_multifield_persistence.cpp</a> computes the Rips complex of a point cloud and outputs its
+persistence diagram with a family of field coefficients.
+\li <a href="_rips_complex_2rips_distance_matrix_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
+Rips_complex/rips_distance_matrix_persistence.cpp</a> computes the Rips complex of a distance matrix and
+outputs its persistence diagram.
+The file should contain square or lower triangular distance matrix with semicolons as separators.
+The code do not check if it is dealing with a distance matrix. It is the user responsibility to provide a valid input.
+Please refer to data/distance_matrix/lower_triangular_distance_matrix.csv for an example of a file.
+More details on the <a href="../../ripscomplex/">Rips complex utilities</a> dedicated page.
+\li <a href="_rips_complex_2rips_correlation_matrix_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
+computes the Rips complex of a correlation matrix and outputs its persistence diagram.
+Note that no check is performed if the matrix given as the input is a correlation matrix.
+It is the user responsibility to ensure that this is the case. The input is to be given either as a square or a lower
+triangular matrix.
+Please refer to data/correlation_matrix/lower_triangular_correlation_matrix.csv for an example of a file.
+More details on the <a href="../../ripscomplex/">Rips complex utilities</a> dedicated page.
+\li <a href="_alpha_complex_2alpha_complex_3d_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
+Alpha_complex/alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp</a> computes the persistent homology with
+\f$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\f$ coefficients of the alpha complex on points sampling from an OFF file.
+\code $> ./alpha_complex_3d_persistence ../../data/points/ -p 2 -m 0.45 \endcode
+\code Simplex_tree dim: 3
+2 0 0 inf
+2 1 0.0682162 1.0001
+2 1 0.0934117 1.00003
+2 2 0.56444 1.03938 \endcode
+More details on the <a href="../../alphacomplex/">Alpha complex utilities</a> dedicated page.
+CGAL can be forced to compute the exact values, it is slower, but it is necessary when points are on a grid
+for instance (the fast version `--fast` would give incorrect values).
+\code $> ./alpha_complex_3d_persistence ../../data/points/ --exact -p 2 -m 0.1 \endcode
+\code Simplex_tree dim: 3
+2 0 0 inf
+2 2 0.0002 0.2028 \endcode
+It can also compute the persistent homology with
+\f$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\f$ coefficients of the weighted alpha complex on points sampling from an OFF file
+and a weights file.
+\code $> ./alpha_complex_3d_persistence ../../data/points/
+--weight-file ../../data/points/tore3D_300.weights -p 2 -m 0.45 \endcode
+\code Simplex_tree dim: 3
+2 0 -1 inf
+2 1 -0.931784 0.000103311
+2 1 -0.906588 2.60165e-05
+2 2 -0.43556 0.0393798 \endcode
+One can also compute the persistent homology with
+\f$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\f$ coefficients of the periodic alpha complex on points sampling from an OFF file.
+The second parameter is a \ref FileFormatsIsoCuboid file with coordinates of the periodic cuboid.
+Note that the lengths of the sides of the periodic cuboid have to be the same.
+\code $> ./alpha_complex_3d_persistence ../../data/points/
+--cuboid-file ../../data/points/iso_cuboid_3_in_0_1.txt -p 3 -m 1.0 \endcode
+\code Simplex_tree dim: 3
+3 0 0 inf
+3 1 0.0025 inf
+3 1 0.0025 inf
+3 1 0.0025 inf
+3 2 0.005 inf
+3 2 0.005 inf
+3 2 0.005 inf
+3 3 0.0075 inf \endcode
+In order to compute the persistent homology with
+\f$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\f$ coefficients of the periodic alpha complex on weighted points from an OFF file. The
+additional parameters of this program are:<br>
+(a) The file with the weights of points. The file consist of a sequence of numbers (as many as points).
+Note that the weight of each single point have to be bounded by 1/64 times the square of the cuboid edge length.<br>
+(b) A \ref FileFormatsIsoCuboid file with coordinates of the periodic cuboid.
+Note that the lengths of the sides of the periodic cuboid have to be the same.<br>
+\code $> ./alpha_complex_3d_persistence ../../data/points/
+--weight-file ../../data/points/shifted_sphere.weights
+--cuboid-file ../../data/points/iso_cuboid_3_in_0_10.txt -p 3 -m 1.0 \endcode
+\code Simplex_tree dim: 3
+3 0 -0.0001 inf
+3 1 16.0264 inf
+3 1 16.0273 inf
+3 1 16.0303 inf
+3 2 36.8635 inf
+3 2 36.8704 inf
+3 2 36.8838 inf
+3 3 58.6783 inf \endcode
+\li <a href="_alpha_complex_2alpha_complex_persistence_8cpp-example.html">
+Alpha_complex/alpha_complex_persistence.cpp</a> computes the persistent homology with
+\f$\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}\f$ coefficients of the alpha complex on points sampling from an OFF file.
+\code $> ./alpha_complex_persistence -r 32 -p 2 -m 0.45 ../../data/points/ \endcode
+\code Alpha complex is of dimension 3 - 9273 simplices - 300 vertices.
+Simplex_tree dim: 3
+2 0 0 inf
+2 1 0.0682162 1.0001
+2 1 0.0934117 1.00003
+2 2 0.56444 1.03938 \endcode
+More details on the <a href="../../alphacomplex/">Alpha complex utilities</a> dedicated page.
+\li <a href="_persistent_cohomology_2plain_homology_8cpp-example.html">
+Persistent_cohomology/plain_homology.cpp</a> computes the plain homology of a simple simplicial complex without
+filtration values.
+ */
+} // namespace persistent_cohomology
+} // namespace Gudhi