# Naming conventions ## C++ ### In the code: * The classes and functions of a package should be in a sub-namespace of the `Gudhi` namespace. The sub-namespace names are in lowercase and use underscore separators. E.g. `Gudhi::package_name::` * Concepts are named with camel case starting with uppercase. E.g. `PersistentHomology` for the concept of Persitence homology. * Classes start with an uppercase letter and use underscore separators. E.g. `Skeleton_blocker_contractor`. * Member functions and free functions are in lowercase and use underscore separators. E.g. `int num_vertices()`. * Constants and macros are in uppercase. * Macros should begin with the prefix `GUDHI_`. ### File names: * All headers are named *.h and all sources are named *.cpp. * If a single class or function is provided in a file, its name (with the same letter case) should be used for the file name. * If a file does not contain a single class, its name should not begin with a capital letter. * Test files should be called `test_[what_is_tested].cpp`. E.g. `test_sparsify_point_set.cpp` * Example files should be called `example_[what_it_is].cpp`. E.g. `example_sparsify_point_set.cpp` ### In CMakeLists.txt files: * The name of the "project" should be in this form: `Package_[tests|examples|…]`. E.g. `project(Simplex_tree_examples)`. * The name if each "target" (first parameter of add_executable) should be in this form: `Package_{name of the cpp file without extension}`. E.g `add_executable(Subsampling_test_sparsify_point_set test_sparsify_point_set.cpp)`. ### Code style We are using [google c++ style guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html) recommendations with 120 characters per line of code. [clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) can be used to format automatically your code: ```bash cd src # there is a .clang-format file with these specifications clang-format -style=file -i Simplex_tree/include/gudhi/Simplex_tree.h # -i means in place, your file will be modified ``` ### Template Please use the file [following template](copyright_template.h). ## Python In progress... ### Code style We are using [PEP8 Python style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) recommendations with 120 characters per line of code. [black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) can be used to format automatically your code: ```bash black -l 120 src/python/example/bottleneck_basic_example.py ``` ### Template Please use the file [following template](copyright_template.py).