We are pleased to announce the release 3.6.0 of the GUDHI library. As a major new feature, the GUDHI library now offers automatic differentiation for the computation of persistence diagrams, Cubical complex persistence scikit-learn like interface, datasets fetch methods, and weighted version for alpha complex in any dimension D. Do not hesitate to [fork the GUDHI project on GitHub](https://github.com/GUDHI/gudhi-devel). From a user point of view, we recommend to download GUDHI user version (gudhi.3.X.X.tar.gz). For further information, please visit the [GUDHI web site](https://gudhi.inria.fr/). # GUDHI 3.6.0 Release Notes Below is a list of changes made since GUDHI 3.5.0: - TensorFlow 2 models that can handle automatic differentiation for the computation of persistence diagrams: - [Cubical complex](https://gudhi.inria.fr/python/latest/cubical_complex_tflow_itf_ref.html) - [lower-star persistence on simplex trees](https://gudhi.inria.fr/python/latest/ls_simplex_tree_tflow_itf_ref.html) - [Rips complex](https://gudhi.inria.fr/python/latest/rips_complex_tflow_itf_ref.html) - [Cubical complex](https://gudhi.inria.fr/python/latest/cubical_complex_sklearn_itf_ref.html) - Cubical complex persistence scikit-learn like interface - [Datasets](https://gudhi.inria.fr/python/latest/datasets.html) - `datasets.remote.fetch_bunny` and `datasets.remote.fetch_spiral_2d` allows to fetch datasets from [GUDHI-data](https://github.com/GUDHI/gudhi-data) - [Alpha complex](https://gudhi.inria.fr/python/latest/alpha_complex_user.html) - python weighted version for alpha complex is now available in any dimension D. - `alpha_complex = gudhi.AlphaComplex(off_file='/data/points/tore3D_300.off')` is deprecated, please use [read_points_from_off_file](https://gudhi.inria.fr/python/latest/point_cloud.html#gudhi.read_points_from_off_file) instead. - [Edge collapse](https://gudhi.inria.fr/doc/latest/group__edge__collapse.html) - rewriting of the module to improve performance - [Čech complex](https://gudhi.inria.fr/doc/latest/group__cech__complex.html) - rewriting of the module to improve performance - [Representations](https://gudhi.inria.fr/python/latest/representations.html#gudhi.representations.vector_methods.BettiCurve) - A more flexible Betti curve class capable of computing exact curves - [C++ documentation](https://gudhi.inria.fr/doc/latest/) - upgrade and improve performance with new doxygen features - [Simplex tree](https://gudhi.inria.fr/python/latest/simplex_tree_ref.html) - `__deepcopy__`, `copy` and copy constructors for python module - `expansion_with_blockers` python interface - Installation - Boost ≥ 1.66.0 is now required (was ≥ 1.56.0). - Python >= 3.5 and cython >= 0.27 are now required. - Miscellaneous - The [list of bugs that were solved since GUDHI-3.5.0](https://github.com/GUDHI/gudhi-devel/issues?q=label%3A3.6.0+is%3Aclosed) is available on GitHub. ## Contributors - @albert-github - @gspr - @Hind-M - @MathieuCarriere - @mglisse - @Soriano-Trigueros - @VincentRouvreau