language: cpp dist: xenial sudo: required git: depth: 3 cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip - $HOME/CGAL-4.13 env: global: - CGAL_VERSION='CGAL-4.13' matrix: # Only examples and associated tests - CMAKE_EXAMPLE='ON' CMAKE_TEST='OFF' CMAKE_UTILITIES='OFF' CMAKE_PYTHON='OFF' MAKE_TARGET='test' # Only unitary tests - CMAKE_EXAMPLE='OFF' CMAKE_TEST='ON' CMAKE_UTILITIES='OFF' CMAKE_PYTHON='OFF' MAKE_TARGET='test' # Only utilities and associated tests - CMAKE_EXAMPLE='OFF' CMAKE_TEST='OFF' CMAKE_UTILITIES='ON' CMAKE_PYTHON='OFF' MAKE_TARGET='test' # Only doxygen documentation - CMAKE_EXAMPLE='OFF' CMAKE_TEST='OFF' CMAKE_UTILITIES='OFF' CMAKE_PYTHON='OFF' MAKE_TARGET='doxygen' # Only Python, associated tests and sphinx documentation - CMAKE_EXAMPLE='OFF' CMAKE_TEST='OFF' CMAKE_UTILITIES='OFF' CMAKE_PYTHON='ON' MAKE_TARGET='test sphinx' compiler: gcc addons: apt: packages: - cmake - graphviz - doxygen - libboost-all-dev - libeigen3-dev - libgmp3-dev - libmpfr-dev - libtbb-dev - curl - python3 - python3-pip - python3-pytest - python3-setuptools # When installing through libcgal-dev apt, CMake Error at CGAL Exports.cmake The imported target "CGAL::CGAL Qt5" references the file install: - [[ -d ${CGAL_VERSION} ]] && echo "Download${CGAL_VERSION}/${CGAL_VERSION}.tar.xz" - [[ -d ${CGAL_VERSION} ]] && curl -LO "${CGAL_VERSION}/${CGAL_VERSION}.tar.xz" - [[ -d ${CGAL_VERSION} ]] && tar xf ${CGAL_VERSION}.tar.xz - cd ${CGAL_VERSION} - cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCGAL_HEADER_ONLY=ON . - make all - cd .. - pip3 install --upgrade pip - pip3 install --user Cython sphinx sphinxcontrib-bibtex matplotlib numpy scipy script: - rm -rf build - mkdir -p build - cd build - cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_GUDHI_EXAMPLE=${CMAKE_EXAMPLE} -DWITH_GUDHI_TEST=${CMAKE_TEST} -DWITH_GUDHI_UTILITIES=${CMAKE_UTILITIES} -DWITH_GUDHI_PYTHON=${CMAKE_PYTHON} -DUSER_VERSION_DIR=version -DPython_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=3 -DCGAL_DIR=$HOME/${CGAL_VERSION} .. - make all ${MAKE_TARGET} - cd .. notifications: email: on_success: change # default: always on_failure: always # default: always