import sys import itertools import pytest blacklist = ["", # Requires pykeops "", # Look into this "", # Requires PyTorch. "" # Requires Internet access, and downloads DFSG-dubious data. ] print("Blacklist: %s" %(str(blacklist))) # These should be completely ignored, not even loaded (their imports fail). ignorelist = ["", # Requires TF. "", # Requires hnswlib. "" # Requires PyTorch and TF ] print("Ignorelist:", ignorelist) testdir = sys.argv[1] deselect_args = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([["--deselect", "%s/%s" %(testdir, exclude)] for exclude in blacklist])) ignore_args = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([["--ignore-glob", "%s/%s" %(testdir, exclude)] for exclude in ignorelist])) exitcode = pytest.main([testdir] + deselect_args + ignore_args) exit(exitcode)