// Copyright (c) 2014 // INRIA Saclay-Ile de France (France) // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // Author(s) : Marc Glisse #ifndef CGAL_KD_TYPE_SPHERE_H #define CGAL_KD_TYPE_SPHERE_H #include #include namespace CGAL { template class Sphere { typedef typename Get_type::type FT_; typedef typename Get_type::type Point_; Point_ c_; FT_ r2_; public: Sphere(Point_ const&p, FT_ const&r2): c_(p), r2_(r2) {} // TODO: Add a piecewise constructor? Point_ const& center()const{return c_;} FT_ const& squared_radius()const{return r2_;} }; namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors { template struct Construct_sphere : Store_kernel { CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Construct_sphere) typedef typename Get_type::type result_type; typedef typename Get_type::type Point; typedef typename Get_type::type FT; result_type operator()(Point const&a, FT const&b)const{ return result_type(a,b); } // Not really needed result_type operator()()const{ typename Get_functor >::type cp(this->kernel()); return result_type(cp(),0); } template result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e)const{ typename Get_functor::type cc(this->kernel()); typename Get_functor::type sd(this->kernel()); // It should be possible to avoid copying the center by moving this code to a constructor. Point center = cc(f, e); FT const& r2 = sd(center, *f); return this->operator()(CGAL_MOVE(center), r2); } }; template struct Center_of_sphere : private Store_kernel { CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Center_of_sphere) typedef typename Get_type::type Sphere; // No reference because of the second overload typedef typename Get_type::type result_type; result_type const& operator()(Sphere const&s)const{ return s.center(); } template result_type operator()(Iter b, Iter e)const{ typename Get_functor >::type cs(this->kernel()); return operator()(cs(b,e)); // computes the radius needlessly } }; template struct Squared_radius { CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_IGNORE(Squared_radius) typedef typename Get_type::type Sphere; typedef typename Get_type::type const& result_type; // TODO: Is_exact? result_type operator()(Sphere const&s)const{ return s.squared_radius(); } }; // FIXME: Move it to the generic functors, using the two above and conditional to the existence of sqrt(FT) template struct Point_of_sphere : private Store_kernel { CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Point_of_sphere) typedef R_ R; typedef typename Get_type::type FT; typedef typename Get_type::type RT; typedef typename Get_type::type Point; typedef typename Get_type::type Sphere; typedef typename Get_functor >::type CP; typedef typename Get_functor >::type CI; typedef typename Get_functor::type PD; typedef Point result_type; typedef Sphere first_argument_type; typedef int second_argument_type; struct Trans : std::binary_function { FT const& r_; int idx; bool sgn; Trans (int n, FT const& r, bool b) : r_(r), idx(n), sgn(b) {} FT operator()(FT const&x, int i)const{ return (i == idx) ? sgn ? x + r_ : x - r_ : x; } }; result_type operator()(Sphere const&s, int i)const{ CI ci(this->kernel()); PD pd(this->kernel()); typedef boost::counting_iterator Count; Point const&c = s.center(); int d=pd(c); bool last = (i == d); FT r = sqrt(s.squared_radius()); Trans t(last ? 0 : i, r, !last); return CP(this->kernel())(make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(c,Begin_tag()),Count(0),t),make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(c,End_tag()),Count(d),t)); } }; } CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_TYPE(Sphere_tag,(CGAL::Sphere),(Point_tag),()); CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Construct_ttag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Construct_sphere),(Sphere_tag,Point_tag),(Construct_ttag,Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag,Squared_distance_tag,Squared_distance_to_origin_tag,Point_dimension_tag)); CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Center_of_sphere_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Center_of_sphere),(Sphere_tag,Point_tag),(Construct_ttag)); CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Squared_radius_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Squared_radius),(Sphere_tag),()); CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Point_of_sphere_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Point_of_sphere),(Sphere_tag,Point_tag),(Construct_ttag, Construct_ttag)); } // namespace CGAL #endif