#include #include #include #include namespace gss = Gudhi::spatial_searching; int main(void) { typedef CGAL::Epick_d > K; typedef typename K::Point_d Point; typedef std::vector Points; typedef gss::Kd_tree_search Points_ds; CGAL::Random rd; Points points; for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) points.push_back(Point(rd.get_double(-1., 1), rd.get_double(-1., 1), rd.get_double(-1., 1), rd.get_double(-1., 1))); Points_ds points_ds(points); // 10-nearest neighbor query std::clog << "10 nearest neighbors from points[20]:\n"; auto knn_range = points_ds.k_nearest_neighbors(points[20], 10, true); for (auto const nghb : knn_range) std::clog << nghb.first << " (sq. dist. = " << nghb.second << ")\n"; // Incremental nearest neighbor query std::clog << "Incremental nearest neighbors:\n"; auto inn_range = points_ds.incremental_nearest_neighbors(points[45]); // Get the neighbors in distance order until we hit the first point for (auto ins_iterator = inn_range.begin(); ins_iterator->first != 0; ++ins_iterator) std::clog << ins_iterator->first << " (sq. dist. = " << ins_iterator->second << ")\n"; // 10-furthest neighbor query std::clog << "10 furthest neighbors from points[20]:\n"; auto kfn_range = points_ds.k_furthest_neighbors(points[20], 10, true); for (auto const nghb : kfn_range) std::clog << nghb.first << " (sq. dist. = " << nghb.second << ")\n"; // Incremental furthest neighbor query std::clog << "Incremental furthest neighbors:\n"; auto ifn_range = points_ds.incremental_furthest_neighbors(points[45]); // Get the neighbors in distance reverse order until we hit the first point for (auto ifs_iterator = ifn_range.begin(); ifs_iterator->first != 0; ++ifs_iterator) std::clog << ifs_iterator->first << " (sq. dist. = " << ifs_iterator->second << ")\n"; // All-near-neighbors search std::clog << "All-near-neighbors search:\n"; std::vector rs_result; points_ds.all_near_neighbors(points[45], 0.5, std::back_inserter(rs_result)); K k; for (auto const& p_idx : rs_result) std::clog << p_idx << " (sq. dist. = " << k.squared_distance_d_object()(points[p_idx], points[45]) << ")\n"; return 0; }