# - Try to find the GMP libraries # This module defines: # GMP_FOUND - system has GMP lib # GMP_INCLUDE_DIR - the GMP include directory # GMP_LIBRARIES_DIR - directory where the GMP libraries are located # GMP_LIBRARIES - Link these to use GMP # GMP_IN_CGAL_AUXILIARY - TRUE if the GMP found is the one distributed with CGAL in the auxiliary folder # TODO: support MacOSX include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) #include(CGAL_GeneratorSpecificSettings) if(GMP_INCLUDE_DIR) set(GMP_in_cache TRUE) else() set(GMP_in_cache FALSE) endif() if(NOT GMP_LIBRARIES) set(GMP_in_cache FALSE) endif() # Is it already configured? if (GMP_in_cache) set(GMP_FOUND TRUE) else() find_path(GMP_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES gmp.h HINTS ENV GMP_INC_DIR ENV GMP_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES include DOC "The directory containing the GMP header files" ) find_library(GMP_LIBRARIES NAMES gmp libgmp-10 HINTS ENV GMP_LIB_DIR ENV GMP_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES lib DOC "Path to the GMP library" ) if ( GMP_LIBRARIES ) get_filename_component(GMP_LIBRARIES_DIR ${GMP_LIBRARIES} PATH CACHE ) endif() # Attempt to load a user-defined configuration for GMP if couldn't be found if ( NOT GMP_INCLUDE_DIR OR NOT GMP_LIBRARIES_DIR ) include( GMPConfig OPTIONAL ) endif() find_package_handle_standard_args(GMP "DEFAULT_MSG" GMP_LIBRARIES GMP_INCLUDE_DIR) endif()