#projectname { border: 0px none; } #projectbrief { font: 60% Tahoma, Arial,sans-serif; } #projectnumber { font: 80% Tahoma, Arial,sans-serif; } .arrow { width: auto; height: auto; padding-left: 16px; } // With the doxygen versions <= 1.9.2 the default setting 'overflow: hidden;' causes problems. // With the commit: // Commit: 590198b416cd53313d150428d2f912586065ea0d [590198b] // Date: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 1:37:26 PM // issue #8924 Horizontal scroll bar missing in HTML for wide class="dotgraph" objects // for the doxygen 1.9.3 version this has already been corrected but to run properly with the <= 1.9.2 version // this setting is required ul { overflow: visible; }