"""Bindings for the Persistent Homology Algorithm Toolbox PHAT is a tool for algebraic topology. It can be used via phat.py to compute persistent (co)homology from boundary matrices, using various reduction algorithms and column data representations. Here is a simple example of usage. We will build an ordered boundary matrix of this simplicial complex consisting of a single triangle: 3 |\\ | \\ | \\ | \\ 4 5| \\ | \\ | 6 \\ | \\ |________\\ 0 2 1 Now the code:: import phat # define a boundary matrix with the chosen internal representation boundary_matrix = phat.boundary_matrix(representation = phat.representations.vector_vector) # set the respective columns -- (dimension, boundary) pairs boundary_matrix.columns = [ (0, []), (0, []), (1, [0,1]), (0, []), (1, [1,3]), (1, [0,3]), (2, [2,4,5])] # or equivalently, boundary_matrix = phat.boundary_matrix(representation = ..., columns = ...) # would combine the creation of the matrix and the assignment of the columns # print some information of the boundary matrix: print("\nThe boundary matrix has %d columns:" % len(boundary_matrix.columns)) for col in boundary_matrix.columns: s = "Column %d represents a cell of dimension %d." % (col.index, col.dimension) if (col.boundary): s = s + " Its boundary consists of the cells " + " ".join([str(c) for c in col.boundary]) print(s) print("Overall, the boundary matrix has %d entries." % len(boundary_matrix)) pairs = boundary_matrix.compute_persistence_pairs() pairs.sort() print("\nThere are %d persistence pairs: " % len(pairs)) for pair in pairs: print("Birth: %d, Death: %d" % pair) Please see https://bitbucket.org/phat-code/phat/python for more information. """ import _phat import enum from _phat import persistence_pairs #The public API for the module __all__ = ['boundary_matrix', 'persistence_pairs', 'representations', 'reductions'] class representations(enum.Enum): """Available representations for internal storage of columns in a `boundary_matrix` """ bit_tree_pivot_column = 1 sparse_pivot_column = 2 full_pivot_column = 3 vector_vector = 4 vector_heap = 5 vector_set = 6 vector_list = 7 class reductions(enum.Enum): """Available reduction algorithms""" twist_reduction = 1 chunk_reduction = 2 standard_reduction = 3 row_reduction = 4 spectral_sequence_reduction = 5 class column: """A view on one column of data in a boundary matrix""" def __init__(self, matrix, index): """INTERNAL. Columns are created automatically by boundary matrices. There is no need to construct them directly""" self._matrix = matrix self._index = index @property def index(self): """The 0-based index of this column in its boundary matrix""" return self._index @property def dimension(self): """The dimension of the column (0 = point, 1 = line, 2 = triangle, etc.)""" return self._matrix._matrix.get_dim(self._index) @dimension.setter def dimension(self, value): return self._matrix._matrix.set_dim(self._index, value) @property def boundary(self): """The boundary values in this column, i.e. the other columns that this column is bounded by""" return self._matrix._matrix.get_col(self._index) @boundary.setter def boundary(self, values): return self._matrix._matrix.set_col(self._index, values) class boundary_matrix: """Boundary matrices that store the shape information of a cell complex. """ def __init__(self, representation = representations.bit_tree_pivot_column, source = None, columns = None): """ The boundary matrix will use the specified implementation for storing its column data. If the `source` parameter is specified, it will be assumed to be another boundary matrix, whose data should be copied into the new matrix. Parameters ---------- representation : phat.representation, optional The type of column storage to use in the requested boundary matrix. source : phat.boundary_matrix, optional If provided, creates the requested matrix as a copy of the data and dimensions in `source`. columns : column list, or list of (dimension, boundary) tuples, optional If provided, loads these columns into the new boundary matrix. Note that columns will be loaded in the order given, not according to their ``index`` properties. Returns ------- matrix : boundary_matrix """ self._representation = representation if source: self._matrix = _convert(source, representation) else: self._matrix = self.__matrix_for_representation(representation)() if columns: self.columns = columns @property def columns(self): """A collection of column objects""" return [column(self, i) for i in range(self._matrix.get_num_cols())] @columns.setter def columns(self, columns): for col in columns: if not (isinstance(col, column) or isinstance(col, tuple)): raise TypeError("All columns must be column objects, or (dimension, values) tuples") if len(columns) != len(self.dimensions): self._matrix.set_dims([0] * len(columns)) for i, col in enumerate(columns): if isinstance(col, column): self._matrix.set_dim(i, col.dimension) self._matrix.set_col(i, col.boundary) else: dimension, values = col self._matrix.set_dim(i, dimension) self._matrix.set_col(i, values) @property def dimensions(self): """A collection of dimensions, equivalent to [c.dimension for c in self.columns]""" return [self.get_dim(i) for i in range(self._matrix.get_num_cols())] @dimensions.setter def dimensions(self, dimensions): return self._matrix.set_dims(dimensions) def __matrix_for_representation(self, representation): short_name = _short_name(representation.name) return getattr(_phat, "boundary_matrix_" + short_name) def __eq__(self, other): return self._matrix == other._matrix def __len__(self): return self._matrix.get_num_entries() #Pickle support def __getstate__(self): (dimensions, columns) = self._matrix.get_vector_vector() return (self._representation, dimensions, columns) #Pickle support def __setstate__(self, state): presentation, dimensions, columns = state self._representation = representation self._matrix = self.__matrix_for_representation(representation) self._matrix.set_vector_vector(dimensions, columns) def load(self, file_name, mode = 'b'): """Load this boundary matrix from a file Parameters ---------- file_name : string The file name to load mode : string, optional (defaults to 'b') The mode ('b' for binary, 't' for text) to use for working with the file Returns ------- success : bool """ if mode == 'b': return self._matrix.load_binary(file_name) elif mode == 't': return self._matrix.load_ascii(file_name) else: raise ValueError("Only 'b' - binary and 't' - text modes are supported") def save(self, file_name, mode = 'b'): """Save this boundary matrix to a file Parameters ---------- file_name : string The file name to load mode : string, optional (defaults to 'b') The mode ('b' for binary, 't' for text) to use for working with the file Returns ------- success : bool """ if mode == 'b': return self._matrix.save_binary(file_name) elif mode == 't': return self._matrix.save_ascii(file_name) else: raise ValueError("Only 'b' - binary and 't' - text modes are supported") def compute_persistence_pairs(self, reduction = reductions.twist_reduction): """Computes persistence pairs (birth, death) for the given boundary matrix.""" representation_short_name = _short_name(self._representation.name) algo_name = reduction.name algo_short_name = _short_name(algo_name) #Look up an implementation that matches the requested characteristics #in the _phat module function = getattr(_phat, "compute_persistence_pairs_" + representation_short_name + "_" + algo_short_name) return function(self._matrix) def compute_persistence_pairs_dualized(self, reduction = reductions.twist_reduction): """Computes persistence pairs (birth, death) from the dualized form of the given boundary matrix.""" representation_short_name = _short_name(self._representation.name) algo_name = reduction.name algo_short_name = _short_name(algo_name) #Look up an implementation that matches the requested characteristics #in the _phat module function = getattr(_phat, "compute_persistence_pairs_dualized_" + representation_short_name + "_" + algo_short_name) return function(self._matrix) def convert(self, representation): """Copy this matrix to another with a different representation""" return boundary_matrix(representation, self) def _short_name(name): """An internal API that takes leading characters from words For instance, 'bit_tree_pivot_column' becomes 'btpc' """ return "".join([n[0] for n in name.split("_")]) def _convert(source, to_representation): """Internal - function to convert from one `boundary_matrix` implementation to another""" class_name = source._representation.name source_rep_short_name = _short_name(class_name) to_rep_short_name = _short_name(to_representation.name) function = getattr(_phat, "convert_%s_to_%s" % (source_rep_short_name, to_rep_short_name)) return function(source._matrix)