import _phat import enum from _phat import persistence_pairs __all__ = ['boundary_matrix', 'persistence_pairs', 'compute_persistence_pairs', 'compute_persistence_pairs_dualized'] """Bindings for the Persistent Homology Algorithm Toolbox Please see for more information. """ class representations(enum.Enum): """Available representations for internal storage of columns in a `boundary_matrix` """ bit_tree_pivot_column = 1 sparse_pivot_column = 2 full_pivot_column = 3 vector_vector = 4 vector_heap = 5 vector_set = 6 vector_list = 7 class reductions(enum.Enum): "Available reduction algorithms" twist_reduction = 1 chunk_reduction = 2 standard_reduction = 3 row_reduction = 4 spectral_sequence_reduction = 5 def __short_name(name): return "".join([n[0] for n in name.split("_")]) def convert(source, to_representation): """Internal - function to convert from one `boundary_matrix` implementation to another""" class_name = source.__class__.__name__ source_rep_short_name = class_name[len('boundary_matrix_'):] to_rep_short_name = __short_name( function = getattr(_phat, "convert_%s_to_%s" % (source_rep_short_name, to_rep_short_name)) return function(source) def boundary_matrix(representation = representations.bit_tree_pivot_column, source = None): """Returns an instance of a `boundary_matrix` class. The boundary matrix will use the specified implementation for storing its column data. If the `source` parameter is specified, it will be assumed to be another boundary matrix, whose data should be copied into the new matrix. """ if source: return convert(source, representation) else: class_name = short_name = __short_name(class_name) function = getattr(_phat, "boundary_matrix_" + short_name) return function() def compute_persistence_pairs(matrix, reduction = reductions.twist_reduction): """Computes persistence pairs (birth, death) for the given boundary matrix.""" class_name = matrix.__class__.__name__ representation_short_name = class_name[len('boundary_matrix_'):] algo_name = algo_short_name = __short_name(algo_name) function = getattr(_phat, "compute_persistence_pairs_" + representation_short_name + "_" + algo_short_name) return function(matrix) def compute_persistence_pairs_dualized(matrix, reduction = reductions.twist_reduction): """Computes persistence pairs (birth, death) from the dualized form of the given boundary matrix.""" class_name = matrix.__class__.__name__ representation_short_name = class_name[len('boundary_matrix_'):] algo_name = algo_short_name = __short_name(algo_name) function = getattr(_phat, "compute_persistence_pairs_dualized_" + representation_short_name + "_" + algo_short_name) return function(matrix)