diff options
authorAleks Kissinger <>2019-01-02 12:10:40 +0100
committerAleks Kissinger <>2019-01-02 12:10:40 +0100
commitb703296cf7b671ca8049438804e612fc7a4e055a (patch)
parent0615dcb854da736e11665ad3387ecba0adbd8cd8 (diff)
updated tikzit.sty to only apply scaling if included by \tikzfig or passed the [tikzfig] style
2 files changed, 38 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/tex/sample/sample.tex b/tex/sample/sample.tex
index 57ba88c..bbb20e0 100644
--- a/tex/sample/sample.tex
+++ b/tex/sample/sample.tex
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
+This is a demonstration of \texttt{tikzit.sty}, which provides some convenience macros for including \texttt{.tikz} files generated by TikZiT. Note this file is optional, however if you choose to omit it from your \LaTeX{} source, you should at least declare the layers, dummy properties, and \texttt{none} style from \texttt{tikzit.sty} for TikZiT figures to build correctly.
A centered tikz picture:
@@ -14,5 +16,24 @@ A tikz picture as part of mathematics:
+It is also possible to paste a \texttt{tikzpicture} directly from TikZiT, without using the \texttt{$\backslash$tikzfig} macro. In that case, the \texttt{tikzfig} option should be given to the \texttt{tikzpicture} environment to get the same baseline and scaling as the other figures:
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{nodelayer}
+ \node [style=red node] (0) at (0, 1) {};
+ \node [style=blue node 2] (1) at (1, 0) {};
+ \node [style=blue node] (2) at (-1, 0) {};
+ \node [style=yellow square] (3) at (0, -1) {foo};
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{edgelayer}
+ \draw [in=-90, out=0] ( to (;
+ \draw [bend right=45, looseness=1.25] ( to (;
+ \draw ( to (;
+ \draw ( to (;
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
diff --git a/tex/sample/tikzit.sty b/tex/sample/tikzit.sty
index 9c51148..5ca1b46 100644
--- a/tex/sample/tikzit.sty
+++ b/tex/sample/tikzit.sty
@@ -3,30 +3,40 @@
-\tikzstyle{every picture}=[baseline=-0.25em,scale=0.5]
+% this style is applied by default to any tikzpicture included via \tikzfig
+% these are dummy properties used by TikZiT, but ignored by LaTex
\pgfkeys{/tikz/tikzit fill/.initial=0}
\pgfkeys{/tikz/tikzit draw/.initial=0}
\pgfkeys{/tikz/tikzit shape/.initial=0}
\pgfkeys{/tikz/tikzit category/.initial=0}
+% standard layers used in .tikz files
+% style for blank nodes
+\tikzstyle{none}=[inner sep=0mm]
+% include a .tikz file
+{\tikzstyle{every picture}=[tikzfig]
{\tikz[baseline=-0.5em]{\node[draw=red,font=\color{red},fill=red!10!white] {\textit{#1}};}}%
- }%
+ }}%
+% the same as \tikzfig, but in a {center} environment
-\tikzstyle{none}=[inner sep=0mm]
+% fix strange self-loops, which are PGF/TikZ default
\tikzstyle{every loop}=[]
-\tikzstyle{mark coordinate}=[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,minimum size=3pt,fill=black,circle]