path: root/src/common/include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/function_objects_cartesian.h
diff options
authorROUVREAU Vincent <>2019-06-14 14:45:22 +0200
committerROUVREAU Vincent <>2019-06-14 14:45:22 +0200
commit64e6c96afa4d1a95b8d6ee74ea910c1cb80ebbd9 (patch)
treeac3bf9907b3a2b34fb92a5ef96f0eff6c933e0b3 /src/common/include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/function_objects_cartesian.h
parenta1088d88479e6c18c5ade73ffc34bba2bf37bc1d (diff)
Remove gudhi_patches for CGAL and CGAL 4.11.0 is now the minimal CGAL version required. Modification of documentation accordingly
Diffstat (limited to 'src/common/include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/function_objects_cartesian.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1355 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/function_objects_cartesian.h b/src/common/include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/function_objects_cartesian.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a132ad2..00000000
--- a/src/common/include/gudhi_patches/CGAL/NewKernel_d/function_objects_cartesian.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1355 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014
-// INRIA Saclay-Ile de France (France)
-// This file is part of CGAL (; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
-// or (at your option) any later version.
-// Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
-// accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software.
-// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
-// $URL$
-// $Id$
-// Author(s) : Marc Glisse
-#include <CGAL/NewKernel_d/utils.h>
-#include <CGAL/Dimension.h>
-#include <CGAL/Uncertain.h>
-#include <CGAL/NewKernel_d/store_kernel.h>
-#include <CGAL/is_iterator.h>
-#include <CGAL/iterator_from_indices.h>
-#include <CGAL/number_utils.h>
-#include <CGAL/Kernel/Return_base_tag.h>
-#include <CGAL/transforming_iterator.h>
-#include <CGAL/transforming_pair_iterator.h>
-#include <CGAL/NewKernel_d/functor_tags.h>
-#include <CGAL/NewKernel_d/functor_properties.h>
-#include <CGAL/predicates/sign_of_determinant.h>
-#include <functional>
-#ifdef CGAL_CXX11
-#include <initializer_list>
-namespace CGAL {
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-namespace internal {
-template<class,int> struct Dimension_at_most { enum { value = false }; };
-template<int a,int b> struct Dimension_at_most<Dimension_tag<a>,b> {
- enum { value = (a <= b) };
-template<class R_,class D_=typename R_::Default_ambient_dimension,bool=internal::Dimension_at_most<D_,6>::value> struct Orientation_of_points : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Orientation_of_points)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Orientation_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename R::LA::Square_matrix Matrix;
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e)const{
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type pd(this->kernel());
- Point const& p0=*f++;
- int d=pd(p0);
- Matrix m(d,d);
- // FIXME: this writes the vector coordinates in lines ? check all the other uses in this file, this may be wrong for some.
- for(int i=0;f!=e;++f,++i) {
- Point const& p=*f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(i,j)=c(p,j)-c(p0,j);
- // should we cache the coordinates of p0 in case they are computed?
- }
- }
- return R::LA::sign_of_determinant(CGAL_MOVE(m));
- }
-#ifdef CGAL_CXX11
- // Since the dimension is at least 2, there are at least 3 points and no ambiguity with iterators.
- // template <class...U,class=typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<Dimension_tag<sizeof...(U)-1>,typename R::Default_ambient_dimension>::value>::type>
- template <class...U,class=typename std::enable_if<(sizeof...(U)>=3)>::type>
- result_type operator()(U&&...u) const {
- return operator()({std::forward<U>(u)...});
- }
- template <class P>
- result_type operator()(std::initializer_list<P> l) const {
- return operator()(l.begin(),l.end());
- }
- //should we make it template to avoid instantiation for wrong dim?
- //or iterate outside the class?
-#define CGAL_VAR(Z,J,I) m(I,J)=c(p##I,J)-c(x,J);
-#define CGAL_CODE(Z,N,_) \
- result_type operator()(Point const&x, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,Point const&p)) const { \
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel()); \
- Matrix m(N,N); \
- return R::LA::sign_of_determinant(CGAL_MOVE(m)); \
- }
- // No need to do it for <=6, since that uses a different code path
-#undef CGAL_CODE
-#undef CGAL_VAR2
-#undef CGAL_VAR
-#ifdef CGAL_CXX11
-template<class R_,int d> struct Orientation_of_points<R_,Dimension_tag<d>,true> : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Orientation_of_points)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Orientation_tag>::type result_type;
- template<class>struct Help;
- template<int...I>struct Help<Indices<I...> > {
- template<class C,class P,class T> result_type operator()(C const&c,P const&x,T&&t)const{
- return sign_of_determinant<RT>(c(std::get<I/d>(t),I%d)-c(x,I%d)...);
- }
- };
- template<class P0,class...P> result_type operator()(P0 const&x,P&&...p)const{
- static_assert(d==sizeof...(P),"Wrong number of arguments");
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- return Help<typename N_increasing_indices<d*d>::type>()(c,x,std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<P>(p)...));
- }
- template<int N,class Iter,class...U> result_type help2(Dimension_tag<N>, Iter f, Iter const&e, U&&...u)const{
- auto const&p=*f;
- return help2(Dimension_tag<N-1>(),++f,e,std::forward<U>(u)...,p);
- }
- template<class Iter,class...U> result_type help2(Dimension_tag<0>, Iter CGAL_assertion_code(f), Iter const& CGAL_assertion_code(e), U&&...u)const{
- CGAL_assertion(f==e);
- return operator()(std::forward<U>(u)...);
- }
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e)const{
- return help2(Dimension_tag<d+1>(),f,e);
- }
-#define CGAL_VAR(Z,J,I) c(p##I,J)-x##J
-#define CGAL_VAR3(Z,N,_) Point const&p##N=*++f;
-#define CGAL_VAR4(Z,N,_) RT const&x##N=c(x,N);
-#define CGAL_CODE(Z,N,_) \
-template<class R_> struct Orientation_of_points<R_,Dimension_tag<N>,true> : private Store_kernel<R_> { \
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Orientation_of_points) \
- typedef R_ R; \
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT; \
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point; \
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Orientation_tag>::type result_type; \
- result_type operator()(Point const&x, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,Point const&p)) const { \
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel()); \
- return sign_of_determinant<RT>(BOOST_PP_ENUM(N,CGAL_VAR2,N)); \
- } \
- template<class Iter> \
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter CGAL_assertion_code(e))const{ \
- Point const&x=*f; \
- CGAL_assertion(++f==e); \
- return operator()(x,BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,p)); \
- } \
-#undef CGAL_CODE
-#undef CGAL_VAR4
-#undef CGAL_VAR3
-#undef CGAL_VAR2
-#undef CGAL_VAR
-template<class R_> struct Orientation_of_points<R_,Dimension_tag<1>,true> : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Orientation_of_points)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Orientation_tag>::type result_type;
- result_type operator()(Point const&x, Point const&y) const {
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- // No sign_of_determinant(RT) :-(
- return CGAL::compare(c(y,0),c(x,0));
- }
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter CGAL_assertion_code(e))const{
- Point const&x=*f;
- Point const&y=*++f;
- CGAL_assertion(++f==e);
- return operator()(x,y);
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Orientation_of_vectors : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Orientation_of_vectors)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Orientation_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename R::LA::Square_matrix Matrix;
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e)const{
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_vector_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type vd(this->kernel());
- // FIXME: Uh? Using it on a vector ?!
- Vector const& v0=*f;
- int d=vd(v0);
- Matrix m(d,d);
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(0,j)=c(v0,j);
- }
- for(int i=1;++f!=e;++i) {
- Vector const& v=*f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(i,j)=c(v,j);
- }
- }
- return R::LA::sign_of_determinant(CGAL_MOVE(m));
- }
-#ifdef CGAL_CXX11
- template <class...U,class=typename std::enable_if<(sizeof...(U)>=3)>::type>
- result_type operator()(U&&...u) const {
- return operator()({std::forward<U>(u)...});
- }
- template <class V>
- result_type operator()(std::initializer_list<V> l) const {
- return operator()(l.begin(),l.end());
- }
- //TODO
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Linear_rank : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- // Computing a sensible Uncertain<int> is not worth it
- typedef int result_type;
- typedef typename R::LA::Dynamic_matrix Matrix;
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e)const{
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_vector_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type vd(this->kernel());
- std::ptrdiff_t n=std::distance(f,e);
- if (n==0) return 0;
- Vector const& v0 = *f;
- // FIXME: Uh? Using it on a vector ?!
- int d=vd(v0);
- Matrix m(d,n);
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(j,0)=c(v0,j);
- }
- for(int i=1; ++f!=e; ++i){
- Vector const& v = *f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(j,i)=c(v,j);
- }
- }
- return R::LA::rank(CGAL_MOVE(m));
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Linearly_independent : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Linearly_independent)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Bool_tag>::type result_type;
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e)const{
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type vd(this->kernel());
- std::ptrdiff_t n=std::distance(f,e);
- // FIXME: Uh? Using it on a vector ?!
- int d=vd(*f);
- if (n>d) return false;
- typename Get_functor<R, Linear_rank_tag>::type lr(this->kernel());
- return lr(f,e) == n;
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Contained_in_linear_hull : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Contained_in_linear_hull)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- // Computing a sensible Uncertain<bool> is not worth it
- typedef bool result_type;
- typedef typename R::LA::Dynamic_matrix Matrix;
- template<class Iter,class V>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e,V const&w)const{
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_vector_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type vd(this->kernel());
- std::ptrdiff_t n=std::distance(f,e);
- if (n==0) return false;
- // FIXME: Uh? Using it on a vector ?!
- int d=vd(w);
- Matrix m(d,n+1);
- for(int i=0; f!=e; ++f,++i){
- Vector const& v = *f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(j,i)=c(v,j);
- }
- }
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(j,n)=c(w,j);
- }
- int r1 = R::LA::rank(m);
- // FIXME: Don't use eigen directly, go through an interface in LA...
- m.conservativeResize(Eigen::NoChange, n);
- int r2 = R::LA::rank(CGAL_MOVE(m));
- return r1 == r2;
- // TODO: This is very very far from optimal...
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Affine_rank : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- // Computing a sensible Uncertain<int> is not worth it
- typedef int result_type;
- typedef typename R::LA::Dynamic_matrix Matrix;
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e)const{
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type pd(this->kernel());
- int n=(int)std::distance(f,e);
- if (--n<=0) return n;
- Point const& p0 = *f;
- int d=pd(p0);
- Matrix m(d,n);
- for(int i=0; ++f!=e; ++i){
- Point const& p = *f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(j,i)=c(p,j)-c(p0,j);
- // TODO: cache p0[j] in case it is computed?
- }
- }
- return R::LA::rank(CGAL_MOVE(m));
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Affinely_independent : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Affinely_independent)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Bool_tag>::type result_type;
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e)const{
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type pd(this->kernel());
- std::ptrdiff_t n=std::distance(f,e);
- int d=pd(*f);
- if (--n>d) return false;
- typename Get_functor<R, Affine_rank_tag>::type ar(this->kernel());
- return ar(f,e) == n;
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Contained_in_simplex : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Contained_in_simplex)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- // Computing a sensible Uncertain<*> is not worth it
- // typedef typename Get_type<R, Boolean_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef bool result_type;
- typedef typename Increment_dimension<typename R::Default_ambient_dimension>::type D1;
- typedef typename Increment_dimension<typename R::Max_ambient_dimension>::type D2;
- typedef typename R::LA::template Rebind_dimension<D1,D2>::Other LA;
- typedef typename LA::Dynamic_matrix Matrix;
- typedef typename LA::Dynamic_vector DynVec;
- typedef typename LA::Vector Vec;
- template<class Iter, class P>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e, P const&q)const{
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type pd(this->kernel());
- std::ptrdiff_t n=std::distance(f,e);
- if (n==0) return false;
- int d=pd(q);
- Matrix m(d+1,n);
- DynVec a(n);
- // FIXME: Should use the proper vector constructor (Iterator_and_last)
- Vec b(d+1);
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j) b[j]=c(q,j);
- b[d]=1;
- for(int i=0; f!=e; ++i,++f){
- Point const& p = *f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(j,i)=c(p,j);
- }
- m(d,i)=1;
- }
- // If the simplex has full dimension, there must be a solution, only the signs need to be checked.
- if (n == d+1)
- LA::solve(a,CGAL_MOVE(m),CGAL_MOVE(b));
- else if (!LA::solve_and_check(a,CGAL_MOVE(m),CGAL_MOVE(b)))
- return false;
- for(int i=0;i<n;++i){
- if (a[i]<0) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
- namespace internal {
- template<class Ref_>
- struct Matrix_col_access {
- typedef Ref_ result_type;
- int col;
- Matrix_col_access(int r):col(r){}
- template<class Mat> Ref_ operator()(Mat const& m, std::ptrdiff_t row)const{
- return m(row,col);
- }
- };
- }
-template<class R_> struct Linear_base : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, FT_tag>::type FT;
- typedef void result_type;
- typedef typename R::LA::Dynamic_matrix Matrix;
- template<class Iter, class Oter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e, Oter&o)const{
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_vector_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type vd(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_tag> >::type cv(this->kernel());
- std::ptrdiff_t n=std::distance(f,e);
- if (n==0) return;
- Vector const& v0 = *f;
- // FIXME: Uh? Using it on a vector ?!
- int d=vd(v0);
- Matrix m(d,n);
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(0,j)=c(v0,j);
- }
- for(int i=1; ++f!=e; ++i){
- Vector const& v = *f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- m(i,j)=c(v,j);
- }
- }
- Matrix b = R::LA::basis(CGAL_MOVE(m));
- for(int i=0; i < R::LA::columns(b); ++i){
- //*o++ = Vector(b.col(i));
- typedef
-#ifdef CGAL_CXX11
- decltype(std::declval<const Matrix>()(0,0))
- FT
- Ref;
- typedef Iterator_from_indices<Matrix, FT, Ref,
- internal::Matrix_col_access<Ref> > IFI;
- *o++ = cv(IFI(b,0,i),IFI(b,d,i));
- }
- }
-#if 0
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_,bool=boost::is_same<typename R_::Point,typename R_::Vector>::value> struct Orientation : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Orientation_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Orientation_of_points_tag>::type OP;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Orientation_of_vectors_tag>::type OV;
- //FIXME!!!
- //when Point and Vector are distinct types, the dispatch should be made
- //in a way that doesn't instantiate a conversion from Point to Vector
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter const&f, Iter const& e)const{
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type pd(this->kernel());
- typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::difference_type d=std::distance(f,e);
- int dim=pd(*f); // BAD
- if(d==dim) return OV(this->kernel())(f,e);
- CGAL_assertion(d==dim+1);
- return OP(this->kernel())(f,e);
- }
- //TODO: version that takes objects directly instead of iterators
-template<class R_> struct Orientation<R_,false> : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Orientation_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Orientation_of_points_tag>::type OP;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Orientation_of_vectors_tag>::type OV;
- typedef typename R::LA::Square_matrix Matrix;
- //FIXME!!!
- //when Point and Vector are distinct types, the dispatch should be made
- //in a way that doesn't instantiate a conversion from Point to Vector
- template<class Iter>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_iterator_to<Iter,Point>,result_type>::type
- operator()(Iter const&f, Iter const& e)const{
- return OP(this->kernel())(f,e);
- }
- template<class Iter>
- typename boost::enable_if<is_iterator_to<Iter,Vector>,result_type>::type
- operator()(Iter const&f, Iter const& e)const{
- return OV(this->kernel())(f,e);
- }
- //TODO: version that takes objects directly instead of iterators
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Power_side_of_power_sphere_raw : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Power_side_of_power_sphere_raw)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, FT_tag>::type FT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Oriented_side_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Increment_dimension<typename R::Default_ambient_dimension>::type D1;
- typedef typename Increment_dimension<typename R::Max_ambient_dimension>::type D2;
- typedef typename R::LA::template Rebind_dimension<D1,D2>::Other LA;
- typedef typename LA::Square_matrix Matrix;
- template<class IterP, class IterW, class Pt, class Wt>
- result_type operator()(IterP f, IterP const& e, IterW fw, Pt const& p0, Wt const& w0) const {
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Squared_distance_to_origin_tag>::type Sqdo;
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type pd(this->kernel());
- int d=pd(p0);
- Matrix m(d+1,d+1);
- if(CGAL::Is_stored<Sqdo>::value) {
- Sqdo sqdo(this->kernel());
- FT const& h0 = sqdo(p0) - w0;
- for(int i=0;f!=e;++f,++fw,++i) {
- Point const& p=*f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- RT const& x=c(p,j);
- m(i,j)=x-c(p0,j);
- }
- m(i,d) = sqdo(p) - *fw - h0;
- }
- } else {
- for(int i=0;f!=e;++f,++fw,++i) {
- Point const& p=*f;
- m(i,d) = w0 - *fw;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- RT const& x=c(p,j);
- m(i,j)=x-c(p0,j);
- m(i,d)+=CGAL::square(m(i,j));
- }
- }
- }
- if(d%2)
- return -LA::sign_of_determinant(CGAL_MOVE(m));
- else
- return LA::sign_of_determinant(CGAL_MOVE(m));
- }
-// TODO: make Side_of_oriented_sphere call Power_side_of_power_sphere_raw
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Side_of_oriented_sphere : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Side_of_oriented_sphere)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Oriented_side_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Increment_dimension<typename R::Default_ambient_dimension>::type D1;
- typedef typename Increment_dimension<typename R::Max_ambient_dimension>::type D2;
- typedef typename R::LA::template Rebind_dimension<D1,D2>::Other LA;
- typedef typename LA::Square_matrix Matrix;
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter const& e)const{
- Point const& p0=*f++; // *--e ?
- return this->operator()(f,e,p0);
- }
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter const& e, Point const& p0) const {
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Squared_distance_to_origin_tag>::type Sqdo;
- typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type pd(this->kernel());
- int d=pd(p0);
- Matrix m(d+1,d+1);
- if(CGAL::Is_stored<Sqdo>::value) {
- Sqdo sqdo(this->kernel());
- for(int i=0;f!=e;++f,++i) {
- Point const& p=*f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- RT const& x=c(p,j);
- m(i,j)=x-c(p0,j);
- }
- m(i,d) = sqdo(p) - sqdo(p0);
- }
- } else {
- for(int i=0;f!=e;++f,++i) {
- Point const& p=*f;
- m(i,d) = 0;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j){
- RT const& x=c(p,j);
- m(i,j)=x-c(p0,j);
- m(i,d)+=CGAL::square(m(i,j));
- }
- }
- }
- if(d%2)
- return -LA::sign_of_determinant(CGAL_MOVE(m));
- else
- return LA::sign_of_determinant(CGAL_MOVE(m));
- }
-#ifdef CGAL_CXX11
- template <class...U,class=typename std::enable_if<(sizeof...(U)>=4)>::type>
- result_type operator()(U&&...u) const {
- return operator()({std::forward<U>(u)...});
- }
- template <class P>
- result_type operator()(std::initializer_list<P> l) const {
- return operator()(l.begin(),l.end());
- }
- //TODO
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template <class R_> struct Construct_circumcenter : Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Construct_circumcenter)
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef Point result_type;
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, FT_tag>::type FT;
- template <class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e)const{
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename R_::LA LA;
- typename Get_functor<R_, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type c(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R_, Construct_ttag<Point_tag> >::type cp(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R_, Point_dimension_tag>::type pd(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R_, Squared_distance_to_origin_tag>::type sdo(this->kernel());
- Point const& p0=*f;
- int d = pd(p0);
- if (d+1 == std::distance(f,e))
- {
- // 2*(x-y).c == x^2-y^2
- typedef typename LA::Square_matrix Matrix;
- typedef typename LA::Vector Vec;
- typedef typename LA::Construct_vector CVec;
- FT const& n0 = sdo(p0);
- Matrix m(d,d);
- Vec b = typename CVec::Dimension()(d);
- // Write the point coordinates in lines.
- int i;
- for(i=0; ++f!=e; ++i) {
- Point const& p=*f;
- for(int j=0;j<d;++j) {
- m(i,j)=2*(c(p,j)-c(p0,j));
- b[i] = sdo(p) - n0;
- }
- }
- CGAL_assertion (i == d);
- Vec res = typename CVec::Dimension()(d);;
- //std::cout << "Mat: " << m << "\n Vec: " << one << std::endl;
- LA::solve(res, CGAL_MOVE(m), CGAL_MOVE(b));
- //std::cout << "Sol: " << res << std::endl;
- return cp(d,LA::vector_begin(res),LA::vector_end(res));
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Matrix P=(p1, p2, ...) (each point as a column)
- * Matrix Q=2*t(p2-p1,p3-p1, ...) (each vector as a line)
- * Matrix M: QP, adding a line of 1 at the top
- * Vector B: (1, p2^2-p1^2, p3^2-p1^2, ...)
- * Solve ML=B, the center of the sphere is PL
- *
- * It would likely be faster to write P then transpose, multiply,
- * etc instead of doing it by hand.
- */
- // TODO: check for degenerate cases?
- typedef typename R_::Max_ambient_dimension D2;
- typedef typename R_::LA::template Rebind_dimension<Dynamic_dimension_tag,D2>::Other LAd;
- typedef typename LAd::Square_matrix Matrix;
- typedef typename LAd::Vector Vec;
- typename Get_functor<R_, Scalar_product_tag>::type sp(this->kernel());
- int k=static_cast<int>(std::distance(f,e));
- Matrix m(k,k);
- Vec b(k);
- Vec l(k);
- int j,i=0;
- for(Iter f2=f;f2!=e;++f2,++i){
- b(i)=m(i,i)=sdo(*f2);
- j=0;
- for(Iter f3=f;f3!=e;++f3,++j){
- m(j,i)=m(i,j)=sp(*f2,*f3);
- }
- }
- for(i=1;i<k;++i){
- b(i)-=b(0);
- for(j=0;j<k;++j){
- m(i,j)=2*(m(i,j)-m(0,j));
- }
- }
- for(j=0;j<k;++j) m(0,j)=1;
- b(0)=1;
- LAd::solve(l,CGAL_MOVE(m),CGAL_MOVE(b));
- typename LA::Vector center=typename LA::Construct_vector::Dimension()(d);
- for(i=0;i<d;++i) center(i)=0;
- j=0;
- for(Iter f2=f;f2!=e;++f2,++j){
- for(i=0;i<d;++i){
- center(i)+=l(j)*c(*f2,i);
- }
- }
- return cp(LA::vector_begin(center),LA::vector_end(center));
- }
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template <class R_> struct Squared_circumradius : Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Squared_circumradius)
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, FT_tag>::type result_type;
- template <class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter e)const{
- typename Get_functor<R_, Construct_circumcenter_tag>::type cc(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R_, Squared_distance_tag>::type sd(this->kernel());
- return sd(cc(f, e), *f);
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-// TODO: implement it directly, it should be at least as fast as Side_of_oriented_sphere.
-template<class R_> struct Side_of_bounded_sphere : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Side_of_bounded_sphere)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Bounded_side_tag>::type result_type;
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter const& e) const {
- Point const& p0 = *f++; // *--e ?
- typename Get_functor<R, Point_dimension_tag>::type pd(this->kernel());
- //FIXME: Doesn't work for non-full dimension.
- CGAL_assertion (std::distance(f,e) == pd(p0)+1);
- return operator() (f, e, p0);
- }
- template<class Iter>
- result_type operator()(Iter const& f, Iter const& e, Point const& p0) const {
- typename Get_functor<R, Side_of_oriented_sphere_tag>::type sos (this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R, Orientation_of_points_tag>::type op (this->kernel());
- // enum_cast is not very generic, but since this function isn't supposed to remain like this...
- return enum_cast<Bounded_side> (sos (f, e, p0) * op (f, e));
- }
-#ifdef CGAL_CXX11
- template <class...U,class=typename std::enable_if<(sizeof...(U)>=4)>::type>
- result_type operator()(U&&...u) const {
- return operator()({std::forward<U>(u)...});
- }
- template <class P>
- result_type operator()(std::initializer_list<P> l) const {
- return operator()(l.begin(),l.end());
- }
- //TODO
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Side_of_bounded_circumsphere : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Side_of_bounded_circumsphere)
- typedef typename Get_type<R_, Bounded_side_tag>::type result_type;
- template<class Iter, class P>
- result_type operator()(Iter f, Iter const& e, P const& p0) const {
- // TODO: Special case when the dimension is full.
- typename Get_functor<R_, Construct_circumcenter_tag>::type cc(this->kernel());
- typename Get_functor<R_, Compare_distance_tag>::type cd(this->kernel());
- return enum_cast<Bounded_side>(cd(cc(f, e), *f, p0));
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Point_to_vector : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Point_to_vector)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_tag> >::type CV;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef Vector result_type;
- typedef Point argument_type;
- result_type operator()(argument_type const&v)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- return CV(this->kernel())(ci(v,Begin_tag()),ci(v,End_tag()));
- }
-CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Point_to_vector_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Point_to_vector<K>),(Point_tag,Vector_tag),(Construct_ttag<Vector_tag>, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag>));
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Vector_to_point : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Vector_to_point)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_tag> >::type CP;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef Point result_type;
- typedef Vector argument_type;
- result_type operator()(argument_type const&v)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- return CP(this->kernel())(ci(v,Begin_tag()),ci(v,End_tag()));
- }
-CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Vector_to_point_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Vector_to_point<K>),(Point_tag,Vector_tag),(Construct_ttag<Point_tag>, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag>));
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Opposite_vector : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Opposite_vector)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_tag> >::type CV;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef Vector result_type;
- typedef Vector argument_type;
- result_type operator()(Vector const&v)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- return CV(this->kernel())(make_transforming_iterator(ci(v,Begin_tag()),std::negate<RT>()),make_transforming_iterator(ci(v,End_tag()),std::negate<RT>()));
- }
-CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Opposite_vector_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Opposite_vector<K>),(Vector_tag),(Construct_ttag<Vector_tag>, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag>));
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Scaled_vector : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, FT_tag>::type FT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_tag> >::type CV;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef Vector result_type;
- typedef Vector first_argument_type;
- typedef FT second_argument_type;
- result_type operator()(Vector const&v,FT const& s)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- return CV(this->kernel())(make_transforming_iterator(ci(v,Begin_tag()),Scale<FT>(s)),make_transforming_iterator(ci(v,End_tag()),Scale<FT>(s)));
- }
-CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Scaled_vector_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Scaled_vector<K>),(Vector_tag),(Construct_ttag<Vector_tag>, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag>));
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Sum_of_vectors : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_tag> >::type CV;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef Vector result_type;
- typedef Vector first_argument_type;
- typedef Vector second_argument_type;
- result_type operator()(Vector const&a, Vector const&b)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- return CV(this->kernel())(make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,Begin_tag()),ci(b,Begin_tag()),std::plus<RT>()),make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,End_tag()),ci(b,End_tag()),std::plus<RT>()));
- }
-CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Sum_of_vectors_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Sum_of_vectors<K>),(Vector_tag),(Construct_ttag<Vector_tag>, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag>));
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Difference_of_vectors : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Difference_of_vectors)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_tag> >::type CV;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef Vector result_type;
- typedef Vector first_argument_type;
- typedef Vector second_argument_type;
- result_type operator()(Vector const&a, Vector const&b)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- return CV(this->kernel())(make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,Begin_tag()),ci(b,Begin_tag()),std::minus<RT>()),make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,End_tag()),ci(b,End_tag()),std::minus<RT>()));
- }
-CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Difference_of_vectors_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Difference_of_vectors<K>),(Vector_tag),(Construct_ttag<Vector_tag>, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag>));
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Translated_point : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Translated_point)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_tag> >::type CP;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CVI;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CPI;
- typedef Point result_type;
- typedef Point first_argument_type;
- typedef Vector second_argument_type;
- result_type operator()(Point const&a, Vector const&b)const{
- CVI cvi(this->kernel());
- CPI cpi(this->kernel());
- return CP(this->kernel())(make_transforming_pair_iterator(cpi(a,Begin_tag()),cvi(b,Begin_tag()),std::plus<RT>()),make_transforming_pair_iterator(cpi(a,End_tag()),cvi(b,End_tag()),std::plus<RT>()));
- }
-CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Translated_point_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Translated_point<K>),(Point_tag, Vector_tag),(Construct_ttag<Point_tag>, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag>, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag>));
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Difference_of_points : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Difference_of_points)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_tag> >::type CV;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef Vector result_type;
- typedef Point first_argument_type;
- typedef Point second_argument_type;
- result_type operator()(Point const&a, Point const&b)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- return CV(this->kernel())(make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,Begin_tag()),ci(b,Begin_tag()),std::minus<RT>()),make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,End_tag()),ci(b,End_tag()),std::minus<RT>()));
- }
-CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Difference_of_points_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Difference_of_points<K>),(Point_tag, Vector_tag),(Construct_ttag<Vector_tag>, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag>));
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Midpoint : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, FT_tag>::type FT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_tag> >::type CP;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef Point result_type;
- typedef Point first_argument_type;
- typedef Point second_argument_type;
- // There is a division, but it will be cast to RT afterwards anyway, so maybe we could use RT.
- struct Average : std::binary_function<FT,RT,FT> {
- FT operator()(FT const&a, RT const&b)const{
- return (a+b)/2;
- }
- };
- result_type operator()(Point const&a, Point const&b)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- //Divide<FT,int> half(2);
- //return CP(this->kernel())(make_transforming_iterator(make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci.begin(a),ci.begin(b),std::plus<FT>()),half),make_transforming_iterator(make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci.end(a),ci.end(b),std::plus<FT>()),half));
- return CP(this->kernel())(make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,Begin_tag()),ci(b,Begin_tag()),Average()),make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,End_tag()),ci(b,End_tag()),Average()));
- }
-CGAL_KD_DEFAULT_FUNCTOR(Midpoint_tag,(CartesianDKernelFunctors::Midpoint<K>),(Point_tag),(Construct_ttag<Point_tag>, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag>));
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Squared_length : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef RT result_type;
- typedef Vector argument_type;
- result_type operator()(Vector const&a)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- typename Algebraic_structure_traits<RT>::Square f;
- // TODO: avoid this RT(0)+...
- return std::accumulate(make_transforming_iterator(ci(a,Begin_tag()),f),make_transforming_iterator(ci(a,End_tag()),f),RT(0));
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Squared_distance_to_origin : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Squared_distance_to_origin)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef RT result_type;
- typedef Point argument_type;
- result_type operator()(Point const&a)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- typename Algebraic_structure_traits<RT>::Square f;
- // TODO: avoid this RT(0)+...
- return std::accumulate(make_transforming_iterator(ci(a,Begin_tag()),f),make_transforming_iterator(ci(a,End_tag()),f),RT(0));
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Squared_distance : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Squared_distance)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef RT result_type;
- typedef Point first_argument_type;
- typedef Point second_argument_type;
- struct Sq_diff : std::binary_function<RT,RT,RT> {
- RT operator()(RT const&a, RT const&b)const{
- return CGAL::square(a-b);
- }
- };
- result_type operator()(Point const&a, Point const&b)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- Sq_diff f;
- // TODO: avoid this RT(0)+...
- return std::accumulate(make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,Begin_tag()),ci(b,Begin_tag()),f),make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,End_tag()),ci(b,End_tag()),f),RT(0));
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Scalar_product : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, RT_tag>::type RT;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Vector_tag>::type Vector;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Vector_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- typedef RT result_type;
- typedef Vector first_argument_type;
- typedef Vector second_argument_type;
- result_type operator()(Vector const&a, Vector const&b)const{
- CI ci(this->kernel());
- std::multiplies<RT> f;
- // TODO: avoid this RT(0)+...
- return std::accumulate(
- make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a,Begin_tag()),ci(b,Begin_tag()),f),
- make_transforming_pair_iterator(ci(a, End_tag()),ci(b, End_tag()),f),
- RT(0));
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Compare_distance : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Compare_distance)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Squared_distance_tag>::type CSD;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Comparison_result_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef Point first_argument_type;
- typedef Point second_argument_type;
- typedef Point third_argument_type; // why am I doing this already?
- typedef Point fourth_argument_type;
- result_type operator()(Point const&a, Point const&b, Point const&c)const{
- CSD csd(this->kernel());
- return CGAL_NTS compare(csd(a,b),csd(a,c));
- }
- result_type operator()(Point const&a, Point const&b, Point const&c, Point const&d)const{
- CSD csd(this->kernel());
- return CGAL_NTS compare(csd(a,b),csd(c,d));
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Less_point_cartesian_coordinate : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Less_point_cartesian_coordinate)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Bool_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type Cc;
- // TODO: This is_exact thing should be reengineered.
- // the goal is to have a way to tell: don't filter this
- typedef typename CGAL::Is_exact<Cc> Is_exact;
- template<class V,class W,class I>
- result_type operator()(V const&a, W const&b, I i)const{
- Cc c(this->kernel());
- return c(a,i)<c(b,i);
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Compare_point_cartesian_coordinate : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Compare_point_cartesian_coordinate)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Comparison_result_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Compute_point_cartesian_coordinate_tag>::type Cc;
- // TODO: This is_exact thing should be reengineered.
- // the goal is to have a way to tell: don't filter this
- typedef typename CGAL::Is_exact<Cc> Is_exact;
- template<class V,class W,class I>
- result_type operator()(V const&a, W const&b, I i)const{
- Cc c(this->kernel());
- return CGAL_NTS compare(c(a,i),c(b,i));
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Compare_lexicographically : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Compare_lexicographically)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Comparison_result_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- // TODO: This is_exact thing should be reengineered.
- // the goal is to have a way to tell: don't filter this
- typedef typename CGAL::Is_exact<CI> Is_exact;
- template<class V,class W>
- result_type operator()(V const&a, W const&b)const{
- CI c(this->kernel());
-#ifdef CGAL_CXX11
- auto
- typename CI::result_type
- a_begin=c(a,Begin_tag()),
- b_begin=c(b,Begin_tag()),
- a_end=c(a,End_tag());
- result_type res;
- // can't we do slightly better for Uncertain<*> ?
- // after res=...; if(is_uncertain(res))return indeterminate<result_type>();
- do res=CGAL_NTS compare(*a_begin++,*b_begin++);
- while(a_begin!=a_end && res==EQUAL);
- return res;
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Less_lexicographically : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Less_lexicographically)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Bool_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Compare_lexicographically_tag>::type CL;
- typedef typename CGAL::Is_exact<CL> Is_exact;
- template <class V, class W>
- result_type operator() (V const&a, W const&b) const {
- CL c (this->kernel());
- return c(a,b) < 0;
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Less_or_equal_lexicographically : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Less_or_equal_lexicographically)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Bool_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Compare_lexicographically_tag>::type CL;
- typedef typename CGAL::Is_exact<CL> Is_exact;
- template <class V, class W>
- result_type operator() (V const&a, W const&b) const {
- CL c (this->kernel());
- return c(a,b) <= 0;
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Equal_points : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Bool_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Construct_ttag<Point_cartesian_const_iterator_tag> >::type CI;
- // TODO: This is_exact thing should be reengineered.
- // the goal is to have a way to tell: don't filter this
- typedef typename CGAL::Is_exact<CI> Is_exact;
- template<class V,class W>
- result_type operator()(V const&a, W const&b)const{
- CI c(this->kernel());
-#ifdef CGAL_CXX11
- auto
- typename CI::result_type
- a_begin=c(a,Begin_tag()),
- b_begin=c(b,Begin_tag()),
- a_end=c(a,End_tag());
- result_type res = true;
- // Is using CGAL::possibly for Uncertain really an optimization?
- do res = res & (*a_begin++ == *b_begin++);
- while(a_begin!=a_end && possibly(res));
- return res;
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Oriented_side : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Oriented_side_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Point_tag>::type Point;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Hyperplane_tag>::type Hyperplane;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Sphere_tag>::type Sphere;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Value_at_tag>::type VA;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Hyperplane_translation_tag>::type HT;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Squared_distance_tag>::type SD;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Squared_radius_tag>::type SR;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Center_of_sphere_tag>::type CS;
- result_type operator()(Hyperplane const&h, Point const&p)const{
- HT ht(this->kernel());
- VA va(this->kernel());
- return CGAL::compare(va(h,p),ht(h));
- }
- result_type operator()(Sphere const&s, Point const&p)const{
- SD sd(this->kernel());
- SR sr(this->kernel());
- CS cs(this->kernel());
- return CGAL::compare(sd(cs(s),p),sr(s));
- }
-namespace CartesianDKernelFunctors {
-template<class R_> struct Has_on_positive_side : private Store_kernel<R_> {
- CGAL_FUNCTOR_INIT_STORE(Has_on_positive_side)
- typedef R_ R;
- typedef typename Get_type<R, Bool_tag>::type result_type;
- typedef typename Get_functor<R, Oriented_side_tag>::type OS;
- template <class Obj, class Pt>
- result_type operator()(Obj const&o, Pt const&p)const{
- OS os(this->kernel());
- return os(o,p) == ON_POSITIVE_SIDE;
- }
-#include <CGAL/NewKernel_d/Coaffine.h>