path: root/src
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authorMathieuCarriere <>2019-06-19 12:29:04 -0400
committerMathieuCarriere <>2019-06-19 12:29:04 -0400
commitf247f597baa4bf6ca2cd7371de73bb14e130d74e (patch)
tree41aa01f18cdec43d582327b8ffd830ca7e2b1d73 /src
parent3cf724a855cef4f47e5cdbb2a0ff2b6b093c6b87 (diff)
removed clustering files
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 333 deletions
diff --git a/src/cython/example/ b/src/cython/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 44b3d610..00000000
--- a/src/cython/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-import numpy as np
-from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
-import os
-import gudhi as gd
-import sys
-from clustering import *
-X = np.loadtxt("../../../data/points/human")
-print("Mapper computation with point cloud")
-mapper = MapperComplex(inp="point cloud",
- filters=X[:,[2,0]],
- filter_bnds=np.array([[np.nan,np.nan],[np.nan,np.nan]]),
- resolutions=np.array([np.nan,np.nan]), gains=np.array([0.33,0.33]),
- colors=X[:,2:3],
- ).fit(X)
-f = open("mapper_pc", "w")
-f.write("%s\n%s\n%s\n%f %f\n%d %d\n" % ("human", "coord2-0", "coord2", 10, 0.33, len(mapper.mapper_.get_skeleton(0)), len([edge for (edge,f) in mapper.mapper_.get_skeleton(1) if len(edge)==2])))
-for (vertex,_) in mapper.mapper_.get_skeleton(0):
- f.write(str(vertex[0]) + " " + str(mapper.node_info_[vertex[0]]["colors"][0]) + " " + str(mapper.node_info_[vertex[0]]["size"]) + "\n")
-for (edge,_) in mapper.mapper_.get_skeleton(1):
- if len(edge) == 2:
- f.write(str(edge[0]) + " " + str(edge[1]) + "\n")
-os.system("python3 ~/Git/gudhi-devel/src/Nerve_GIC/utilities/ -f ~/Git/gudhi-devel/src/cython/example/mapper_pc")
-os.system("rm ~/Git/gudhi-devel/src/cython/example/mapper_pc")
-dgms = mapper.compute_persistence_diagrams()
-plot = gd.plot_persistence_diagram(dgms[0])
-distrib = mapper.compute_distribution(X, N=10)
-print("Distance threshold associated to confidence 90 percent is " + str(distrib[int(np.floor(0.9 * len(distrib)))]))
-print("Mapper computation with pairwise distances only")
-X = pairwise_distances(X)
-mapper = MapperComplex(inp="distance matrix",
- filters=X[:,[2,0]],
- filter_bnds=np.array([[np.nan,np.nan],[np.nan,np.nan]]),
- resolutions=np.array([np.nan,np.nan]), gains=np.array([0.33,0.33]),
- colors=np.max(X, axis=1)[:,np.newaxis],
- ).fit(X)
-f = open("mapper_dm", "w")
-f.write("%s\n%s\n%s\n%f %f\n%d %d\n" % ("human", "coord2-0", "coord2", 10, 0.33, len(mapper.mapper_.get_skeleton(0)), len([edge for (edge,f) in mapper.mapper_.get_skeleton(1) if len(edge)==2])))
-for (vertex,_) in mapper.mapper_.get_skeleton(0):
- f.write(str(vertex[0]) + " " + str(mapper.node_info_[vertex[0]]["colors"][0]) + " " + str(mapper.node_info_[vertex[0]]["size"]) + "\n")
-for (edge,_) in mapper.mapper_.get_skeleton(1):
- if len(edge) == 2:
- f.write(str(edge[0]) + " " + str(edge[1]) + "\n")
-os.system("python3 ~/Git/gudhi-devel/src/Nerve_GIC/utilities/ -f ~/Git/gudhi-devel/src/cython/example/mapper_dm")
-os.system("rm ~/Git/gudhi-devel/src/cython/example/mapper_dm")
-dgms = mapper.compute_persistence_diagrams()
-plot = gd.plot_persistence_diagram(dgms[0])
-distrib = mapper.compute_distribution(X, N=10)
-print("Distance threshold associated to confidence 90 percent is " + str(distrib[int(np.floor(0.9 * len(distrib)))]))
diff --git a/src/cython/sktda/ b/src/cython/sktda/
deleted file mode 100644
index d3dd531b..00000000
--- a/src/cython/sktda/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-@author: Mathieu Carriere
-All rights reserved
-import numpy as np
-import itertools
-from metrics import BottleneckDistance
-from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
-from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN, AgglomerativeClustering
-from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
-from sklearn.neighbors import radius_neighbors_graph, kneighbors_graph
-from scipy.spatial.distance import directed_hausdorff
-from scipy.sparse import csgraph
- import gudhi as gd
- USE_GUDHI = True
-except ImportError:
- USE_GUDHI = False
- print("Gudhi not found: MapperComplex not available")
-# Clustering ################################
-class MapperComplex(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
- """
- This is a class for computing Mapper simplicial complexes on point clouds or distance matrices.
- """
- def __init__(self, filters, filter_bnds, colors, resolutions, gains, inp="point cloud", clustering=DBSCAN(), mask=0):
- """
- Constructor for the MapperComplex class.
- Attributes:
- inp (string): either "point cloud" or "distance matrix". Specifies the type of input data.
- filters (numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_filters)): filters (sometimes called lenses) used to compute the Mapper. Each column of the numpy array defines a scalar function defined on the input points.
- filter_bnds (numpy array of shape (num_filters) x 2): limits of each filter, of the form [[f_1^min, f_1^max], ..., [f_n^min, f_n^max]]. If one of the values is numpy.nan, it can be computed from the points with the fit() method.
- colors (numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_colors)): functions used to color the nodes of the output Mapper simplicial complex. More specifically, coloring is done by computing the means of these functions on the subpopulations corresponding to each node. It can be the same as filters.
- resolutions (numpy array of shape num_filters containing integers): resolution of each filter, ie number of intervals required to cover each filter image.
- gains (numpy array of shape num_filters containing doubles in [0,1]): gain of each filter, ie overlap percentage of the intervals covering each filter image.
- clustering (class): clustering class (default sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN()). Common clustering classes can be found in the scikit-learn library (such as AgglomerativeClustering for instance).
- mask (int): threshold on the size of the Mapper nodes (default 0). Any node associated to a subpopulation with less than **mask** points will be removed.
- mapper_ (gudhi SimplexTree): Mapper simplicial complex computed after calling the fit() method
- node_info_ (dictionary): various information associated to the nodes of the Mapper.
- """
- self.filters, self.filter_bnds, self.resolutions, self.gains, self.colors, self.clustering = filters, filter_bnds, resolutions, gains, colors, clustering
- self.input, self.mask = inp, mask
- def get_optimal_parameters_for_agglomerative_clustering(self, X, beta=0., C=10., N=100):
- """
- Compute optimal scale and resolutions for a point cloud or a distance matrix.
- Parameters:
- X (numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_coordinates) if point cloud and (num_points) x (num_points) if distance matrix): input point cloud or distance matrix.
- beta (double): exponent parameter (default 0.). See for details.
- C (double): constant parameter (default 10.). See for details.
- N (int): subsampling iterations (default 100). See for details.
- Returns:
- delta (double): optimal scale that can be used with agglomerative clustering.
- resolutions (numpy array of shape (num_filters): optimal resolutions associated to each filter.
- """
- num_pts, num_filt, delta = X.shape[0], self.filters.shape[1], 0
- m = int( num_pts / np.exp((1+beta) * np.log(np.log(num_pts)/np.log(C))) )
- for _ in range(N):
- subpop = np.random.choice(num_pts, size=m, replace=False)
- if self.input == "point cloud":
- d, _, _ = directed_hausdorff(X, X[subpop,:])
- if self.input == "distance matrix":
- d = np.max(np.min(X[:,subpop], axis=1), axis=0)
- delta += d/N
- pairwise = pairwise_distances(X, metric="euclidean") if self.input == "point cloud" else X
- pairs = np.argwhere(pairwise <= delta)
- num_pairs = pairs.shape[0]
- res = []
- for f in range(num_filt):
- F = self.filters[:,f]
- minf, maxf = np.min(F), np.max(F)
- resf = 0
- for p in range(num_pairs):
- resf = max(resf, abs(F[pairs[p,0]] - F[pairs[p,1]]))
- res.append(int((maxf-minf)/resf))
- return delta, np.array(res)
- def fit(self, X, y=None):
- """
- Fit the MapperComplex class on a point cloud or a distance matrix: compute the Mapper and store it in a simplex tree called mapper_
- Parameters:
- X (numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_coordinates) if point cloud and (num_points) x (num_points) if distance matrix): input point cloud or distance matrix.
- y (n x 1 array): point labels (unused).
- """
- num_pts, num_filters, num_colors = self.filters.shape[0], self.filters.shape[1], self.colors.shape[1]
- # If some resolutions are not specified, automatically compute them
- if np.any(np.isnan(self.resolutions)):
- delta, resolutions = self.get_optimal_parameters_for_agglomerative_clustering(X=X, beta=0., C=10, N=100)
- #self.clustering = NNClustering(radius=delta, inp=self.input)
- if self.input == "point cloud":
- self.clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=None, linkage="single", distance_threshold=delta, affinity="euclidean")
- else:
- self.clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=None, linkage="single", distance_threshold=delta, affinity="precomputed")
- self.resolutions = np.where(np.isnan(self.resolutions), resolutions, self.resolutions)
- # If some filter limits are unspecified, automatically compute them
- self.filter_bnds = np.where(np.isnan(self.filter_bnds), np.hstack([np.min(self.filters, axis=0)[:,np.newaxis], np.max(self.filters, axis=0)[:,np.newaxis]]), self.filter_bnds)
- # Initialize attributes
- self.mapper_, self.node_info_ = gd.SimplexTree(), {}
- # Compute which points fall in which patch or patch intersections
- interval_inds, intersec_inds = np.empty(self.filters.shape), np.empty(self.filters.shape)
- for i in range(num_filters):
- f, r, g = self.filters[:,i], self.resolutions[i], self.gains[i]
- min_f, max_f = self.filter_bnds[i,0], np.nextafter(self.filter_bnds[i,1], np.inf)
- interval_endpoints, l = np.linspace(min_f, max_f, num=r+1, retstep=True)
- intersec_endpoints = []
- for j in range(1, len(interval_endpoints)-1):
- intersec_endpoints.append(interval_endpoints[j] - g*l / (2 - 2*g))
- intersec_endpoints.append(interval_endpoints[j] + g*l / (2 - 2*g))
- interval_inds[:,i] = np.digitize(f, interval_endpoints)
- intersec_inds[:,i] = 0.5 * (np.digitize(f, intersec_endpoints) + 1)
- # Build the binned_data map that takes a patch or a patch intersection and outputs the indices of the points contained in it
- binned_data = {}
- for i in range(num_pts):
- list_preimage = []
- for j in range(num_filters):
- a, b = interval_inds[i,j], intersec_inds[i,j]
- list_preimage.append([a])
- if b == a:
- list_preimage[j].append(a+1)
- if b == a-1:
- list_preimage[j].append(a-1)
- list_preimage = list(itertools.product(*list_preimage))
- for pre_idx in list_preimage:
- try:
- binned_data[pre_idx].append(i)
- except KeyError:
- binned_data[pre_idx] = [i]
- # Initialize the cover map, that takes a point and outputs the clusters to which it belongs
- cover, clus_base = [[] for _ in range(num_pts)], 0
- # For each patch
- for preimage in binned_data:
- # Apply clustering on the corresponding subpopulation
- idxs = np.array(binned_data[preimage])
- if len(idxs) > 1:
- clusters = self.clustering.fit_predict(X[idxs,:]) if self.input == "point cloud" else self.clustering.fit_predict(X[idxs,:][:,idxs])
- elif len(idxs) == 1:
- clusters = np.array([0])
- else:
- continue
- # Collect various information on each cluster
- num_clus_pre = np.max(clusters) + 1
- for clus_i in range(num_clus_pre):
- node_name = clus_base + clus_i
- subpopulation = idxs[clusters == clus_i]
- if len(subpopulation) >= self.mask:
- self.node_info_[node_name] = {}
- self.node_info_[node_name]["indices"] = subpopulation
- self.node_info_[node_name]["size"] = len(subpopulation)
- self.node_info_[node_name]["colors"] = np.mean(self.colors[subpopulation,:], axis=0)
- self.node_info_[node_name]["patch"] = preimage
- # Update the cover map
- for pt in range(clusters.shape[0]):
- node_name = clus_base + clusters[pt]
- if clusters[pt] != -1 and self.node_info_[node_name]["size"] >= self.mask:
- cover[idxs[pt]].append(node_name)
- clus_base += np.max(clusters) + 1
- # Insert the simplices of the Mapper complex
- for i in range(num_pts):
- self.mapper_.insert(cover[i], filtration=-3)
- self.mapper_.initialize_filtration()
- return self
- def compute_persistence_diagrams(self):
- """
- Compute the extended persistence diagrams of the Mapper simplicial complex associated to each color function.
- Returns:
- list_dgm (list of gudhi persistence diagrams): output extended persistence diagrams. There is one per color function.
- """
- num_cols, list_dgm = self.colors.shape[1], []
- # Compute an extended persistence diagram for each color
- for c in range(num_cols):
- # Retrieve all color values
- col_vals = {node_name: self.node_info_[node_name]["colors"][c] for node_name in self.node_info_.keys()}
- # Create a new simplicial complex by coning the Mapper with an extra point with name -2
- st = gd.SimplexTree()
- list_simplices, list_vertices = self.mapper_.get_skeleton(1), self.mapper_.get_skeleton(0)
- for (simplex, f) in list_simplices:
- st.insert(simplex + [-2], filtration=-3)
- # Assign ascending filtration values on the original simplices and descending filtration values on the coned simplices
- min_val, max_val = min(col_vals), max(col_vals)
- for (vertex, f) in list_vertices:
- if st.find(vertex):
- st.assign_filtration(vertex, filtration = -2 + (col_vals[vertex[0]]-min_val)/(max_val-min_val))
- st.assign_filtration(vertex + [-2], filtration = 2 - (col_vals[vertex[0]]-min_val)/(max_val-min_val))
- # Compute persistence
- st.make_filtration_non_decreasing()
- dgm = st.persistence()
- # Output extended persistence diagrams
- for point in range(len(dgm)):
- b,d = dgm[point][1][0], dgm[point][1][1]
- b,d = min_val+(2-abs(b))*(max_val-min_val), min_val+(2-abs(d))*(max_val-min_val)
- dgm[point] = tuple([dgm[point][0], tuple([b,d])])
- list_dgm.append(dgm)
- return list_dgm
- def compute_distribution(self, X, N=100):
- """
- Compute a bootstrap distribution of bottleneck distances. More specifically, subsample the input point cloud or distance matrix, compute the Mapper with the same parameters on this subsample, and compare its extended persistence diagrams with the original ones.
- Parameters:
- X (numpy array of shape (num_points) x (num_coordinates) if point cloud and (num_points) x (num_points) if distance matrix): input point cloud or distance matrix.
- N (int): bootstrap iterations (default 100).
- Returns:
- distribution: list of bottleneck distance values.
- """
- num_pts, distribution = len(X), []
- dgm = self.compute_persistence_diagrams()
- for bootstrap_id in range(N):
- print(str(bootstrap_id) + "th iteration")
- # Randomly select points
- idxs = np.random.choice(num_pts, size=num_pts, replace=True)
- Xboot = X[idxs,:] if self.input == "point cloud" else X[idxs,:][:,idxs]
- f_boot, c_boot = self.filters[idxs,:], self.colors[idxs,:]
- Mboot = self.__class__(filters=f_boot, filter_bnds=self.filter_bnds, colors=c_boot, resolutions=self.resolutions, gains=self.gains, inp=self.input, clustering=self.clustering).fit(Xboot)
- # Compute the corresponding persistence diagrams
- dgm_boot = Mboot.compute_persistence_diagrams()
- # Compute the bottleneck distances between them and keep the maximum
- df = 0.
- for i in range(len(dgm)):
- npts, npts_boot = len(dgm[i]), len(dgm_boot[i])
- D1 = np.array([[dgm[i][pt][1][0], dgm[i][pt][1][1]] for pt in range(npts) if dgm[i][pt][0] <= 1])
- D2 = np.array([[dgm_boot[i][pt][1][0], dgm_boot[i][pt][1][1]] for pt in range(npts_boot) if dgm_boot[i][pt][0] <= 1])
- bottle = BottleneckDistance().fit([D1])
- df = max(df, float(np.squeeze(bottle.transform([D2]))))
- distribution.append(df)
- return np.sort(distribution)