path: root/src/Witness_complex/include/gudhi/Euclidean_strong_witness_complex.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Witness_complex/include/gudhi/Euclidean_strong_witness_complex.h')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Witness_complex/include/gudhi/Euclidean_strong_witness_complex.h b/src/Witness_complex/include/gudhi/Euclidean_strong_witness_complex.h
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index 00000000..38fa5c22
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+++ b/src/Witness_complex/include/gudhi/Euclidean_strong_witness_complex.h
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+/* This file is part of the Gudhi Library. The Gudhi library
+ * (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions) is a generic C++
+ * library for computational topology.
+ *
+ * Author(s): Siargey Kachanovich
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 INRIA (France)
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <limits>
+#include <gudhi/Active_witness/Active_witness.h>
+#include <gudhi/Kd_tree_search.h>
+namespace Gudhi {
+namespace witness_complex {
+ * \private
+ * \class Euclidean_strong_witness_complex
+ * \brief Constructs strong witness complex for given sets of witnesses and landmarks in Euclidean space.
+ * \ingroup witness_complex
+ *
+ * \tparam Kernel_ requires a <a target="_blank"
+ * href="">CGAL::Epick_d</a> class.
+ */
+template< class Kernel_ >
+class Euclidean_strong_witness_complex {
+ typedef Kernel_ K;
+ typedef typename K::Point_d Point_d;
+ typedef typename K::FT FT;
+ typedef std::vector<Point_d> Point_range;
+ typedef Gudhi::spatial_searching::Kd_tree_search<Kernel_, Point_range> Kd_tree;
+ typedef typename Kd_tree::INS_range Nearest_landmark_range;
+ typedef typename std::vector<Nearest_landmark_range> Nearest_landmark_table;
+ typedef typename Nearest_landmark_range::iterator Nearest_landmark_row_iterator;
+ typedef FT Filtration_value;
+ typedef std::size_t Witness_id;
+ typedef typename Nearest_landmark_range::Point_with_transformed_distance Id_distance_pair;
+ typedef typename Id_distance_pair::first_type Landmark_id;
+ typedef Active_witness<Id_distance_pair, Nearest_landmark_range> ActiveWitness;
+ typedef std::list< ActiveWitness > ActiveWitnessList;
+ typedef std::vector< Landmark_id > typeVectorVertex;
+ typedef std::pair< typeVectorVertex, Filtration_value> typeSimplex;
+ typedef Landmark_id Vertex_handle;
+ private:
+ Point_range witnesses_, landmarks_;
+ Kd_tree landmark_tree_;
+ public:
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /* @name Constructor
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * \brief Initializes member variables before constructing simplicial complex.
+ * \details Records landmarks from the range 'landmarks' into a
+ * table internally, as well as witnesses from the range 'witnesses'.
+ * Both ranges should have value_type Kernel_::Point_d.
+ */
+ template< typename LandmarkRange,
+ typename WitnessRange >
+ Euclidean_strong_witness_complex(const LandmarkRange & landmarks,
+ const WitnessRange & witnesses)
+ : witnesses_(witnesses), landmarks_(landmarks), landmark_tree_(landmarks_)
+ {
+ }
+ /** \brief Returns the point corresponding to the given vertex.
+ */
+ template <typename Vertex_handle>
+ Point_d get_point( Vertex_handle vertex ) const
+ {
+ return landmarks_[vertex];
+ }
+ /** \brief Outputs the strong witness complex of relaxation 'max_alpha_square'
+ * in a simplicial complex data structure.
+ * \details The function returns true if the construction is successful and false otherwise.
+ * @param[out] complex Simplicial complex data structure, which is a model of
+ * SimplicialComplexForWitness concept.
+ * @param[in] max_alpha_square Maximal squared relaxation parameter.
+ * @param[in] limit_dimension Represents the maximal dimension of the simplicial complex
+ * (default value = no limit).
+ */
+ template < typename SimplicialComplexForWitness >
+ bool create_complex(SimplicialComplexForWitness& complex,
+ FT max_alpha_square,
+ Landmark_id limit_dimension = std::numeric_limits<Landmark_id>::max()-1)
+ {
+ Landmark_id complex_dim = 0;
+ if (complex.num_vertices() > 0) {
+ std::cerr << "Euclidean strong witness complex cannot create complex - complex is not empty.\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (max_alpha_square < 0) {
+ std::cerr << "Euclidean strong witness complex cannot create complex - squared relaxation parameter must be non-negative.\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (limit_dimension < 0) {
+ std::cerr << "Euclidean strong witness complex cannot create complex - limit dimension must be non-negative.\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (auto w: witnesses_) {
+ ActiveWitness aw(landmark_tree_.query_incremental_nearest_neighbors(w));
+ typeVectorVertex simplex;
+ typename ActiveWitness::iterator aw_it = aw.begin();
+ float lim_dist2 = aw.begin()->second + max_alpha_square;
+ while ((Landmark_id)simplex.size() < limit_dimension + 1 && aw_it != aw.end() && aw_it->second < lim_dist2) {
+ simplex.push_back(aw_it->first);
+ complex.insert_simplex_and_subfaces(simplex, aw_it->second - aw.begin()->second);
+ aw_it++;
+ }
+ // continue inserting limD-faces of the following simplices
+ typeVectorVertex& vertices = simplex; //'simplex' now will be called vertices
+ while (aw_it != aw.end() && aw_it->second < lim_dist2) {
+ typeVectorVertex facet = {};
+ add_all_faces_of_dimension(limit_dimension, vertices, vertices.begin(), aw_it, aw_it->second - aw.begin()->second, facet, complex);
+ vertices.push_back(aw_it->first);
+ aw_it++;
+ }
+ if ((Landmark_id)simplex.size() - 1 > complex_dim)
+ complex_dim = simplex.size() - 1;
+ }
+ complex.set_dimension(complex_dim);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* \brief Adds recursively all the faces of a certain dimension dim-1 witnessed by the same witness.
+ * Iterator is needed to know until how far we can take landmarks to form simplexes.
+ * simplex is the prefix of the simplexes to insert.
+ * The landmark pointed by aw_it is added to all formed simplices.
+ */
+ template < typename SimplicialComplexForWitness >
+ void add_all_faces_of_dimension(Landmark_id dim,
+ typeVectorVertex& vertices,
+ typename typeVectorVertex::iterator curr_it,
+ typename ActiveWitness::iterator aw_it,
+ FT filtration_value,
+ typeVectorVertex& simplex,
+ SimplicialComplexForWitness& sc) const
+ {
+ if (dim > 0)
+ while (curr_it != vertices.end()) {
+ simplex.push_back(*curr_it);
+ typename typeVectorVertex::iterator next_it = ++curr_it;
+ add_all_faces_of_dimension(dim-1,
+ vertices,
+ next_it,
+ aw_it,
+ filtration_value,
+ simplex,
+ sc);
+ simplex.pop_back();
+ add_all_faces_of_dimension(dim,
+ vertices,
+ next_it,
+ aw_it,
+ filtration_value,
+ simplex,
+ sc);
+ }
+ else if (dim == 0) {
+ simplex.push_back(aw_it->first);
+ sc.insert_simplex_and_subfaces(simplex, filtration_value);
+ simplex.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ //@}
+} // namespace witness_complex
+} // namespace Gudhi