AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-01-13Merge pull request #789 from ↵upstream-2/latestVincent Rouvreau
VincentRouvreau/split_delaunay_triangulation_unitary_tests Split Delaunay complex in 4 executables to relieve windows CI
2023-01-13code review: was not DRY at allVincent Rouvreau
2023-01-13Split Delaunay complex in 4 executables to relieve windows CIVincent Rouvreau
2023-01-12Merge pull request #769 from VincentRouvreau/strip_python_modulesVincent Rouvreau
Python pip modules enhancements
2023-01-11[skip ci] New featureVincent Rouvreau
2023-01-11Perslay + HeraVincent Rouvreau
2023-01-11Merge pull request #736 from mglisse/hera-matchVincent Rouvreau
Provide matching in hera.wasserstein_distance
2023-01-10Remove delvewheelVincent Rouvreau
2023-01-10build without virtual environment isolation. Test delvewheel to repair whell ↵Vincent Rouvreau
on windows
2023-01-09Merge pull request #402 from MathieuCarriere/perslayVincent Rouvreau
2023-01-07Merge branch 'master' of into perslayMathieuCarriere
2023-01-06Merge pull request #785 from VincentRouvreau/next_release_3.8.0a0Vincent Rouvreau
[skip ci] Update for next release, test remote python module in version creation
2023-01-06[skip ci] Update for next release, test remote python module in version creationVincent Rouvreau
2023-01-06gudhi 3.7.1 releaseVincent Rouvreau
2023-01-06Merge pull request #783 from VincentRouvreau/release_3.7.1_rc1Vincent Rouvreau
3.7.1 release
2023-01-063.7.1 releaseVincent Rouvreau
2023-01-06Merge branch 'master' of into perslayMathieuCarriere
2023-01-05Merge pull request #782 from mglisse/sklearn-getparamsVincent Rouvreau
Fix get_params for vector_methods
2023-01-04Merge pull request #740 from mglisse/insert2Vincent Rouvreau
Advertise the new SimplexTree functions in the Rips user manual
2023-01-03fix get_paramsMarc Glisse
2023-01-03Merge pull request #747 from mglisse/atoldocVincent Rouvreau
Fix Atol doctest
2022-12-17Advertise edge collapses more.Marc Glisse
2022-12-17Make the order of atol centers a bit more reproducible.Marc Glisse
2022-12-17Fix Atol doctestMarc Glisse
the skip marks were on the wrong lines, which resulted in WARNING: ignoring invalid doctest code Reminder: testoutput was disabled because it was too random (the lines are swapped if I run it right now).
2022-12-17Merge pull request #774 from VincentRouvreau/next_releaseVincent Rouvreau
reset for next release
2022-12-17reset for next releaseVincent Rouvreau
2022-12-16Merge branch 'master' of into perslayMathieuCarriere
2022-12-16Merge pull request #773 from VincentRouvreau/release_3.7.0Vincent Rouvreau
release 3.7.0
2022-12-16release 3.7.0Vincent Rouvreau
2022-12-16Merge branch 'master' of into perslayMathieuCarriere
2022-12-15Merge pull request #770 from VincentRouvreau/3.7.0rc1Vincent Rouvreau
2022-12-153.7.0rc1Vincent Rouvreau
2022-12-15Some more content for the releaseVincent Rouvreau
2022-12-15remove md5 as not really robust to collisionsVincent Rouvreau
2022-12-15Merge pull request #719 from mglisse/endpointsVincent Rouvreau
More consistent choice of a grid for diagram representations
2022-12-15Roll back on osx and windows, pip nistall build-requirements are mandatoryVincent Rouvreau
2022-12-14Does not need to install build-rquirements.txt as they are installed from ↵Vincent Rouvreau
2022-12-14Requires build pip packageVincent Rouvreau
2022-12-14wheels are in wheelhouse and not in dist. Use 'python -m build' instead of ↵Vincent Rouvreau
'python bdist_wheel'
2022-12-13Merge branch 'master' of into perslayMathieuCarriere
2022-12-13show wheel before repair for debug purposesVincent Rouvreau
2022-12-13Upload build wheel as artifactsVincent Rouvreau
2022-12-13Strip dynamic libraries in release mode for smaller pip packages under linuxVincent Rouvreau
2022-12-12Merge pull request #759 from VincentRouvreau/fix/wrong_cech_option_nameVincent Rouvreau
Fix option name in Cech utility documentation
2022-12-12Merge pull request #767 from mglisse/mac4Vincent Rouvreau
Build universal2 wheels on macos
2022-12-12Merge pull request #765 from VincentRouvreau/python_3_11_for_pipVincent Rouvreau
pip package for python 3.11
2022-12-12Merge pull request #762 from VincentRouvreau/quadratic_tangentialVincent Rouvreau
Insert sorted vertices in batch for tangential complex
2022-12-12Update src/Cech_complex/utilities/cechcomplex.mdVincent Rouvreau
Co-authored-by: Marc Glisse <>
2022-12-11Build universal2 wheels on macosMarc Glisse
Use 10.15 or old python complains More robust location for pip package
2022-12-10Document None as matching in the infinite distance caseMarc Glisse