path: root/src/Witness_complex/utilities/CMakeLists.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-09-08CMake > 3.5 to use Boost targets. Compile only what is available from boost t...ROUVREAU Vincent
2020-01-24Modern cmake for boost approachROUVREAU Vincent
2019-06-14Remove gudhi_patches for CGAL and CGAL 4.11.0 is now the minimal CGAL version...ROUVREAU Vincent
2018-05-15CMake minimal version is now 3.1vrouvrea
2017-10-04Document utilies in README files using Markdown + move/rename some utilitiescjamin
2017-09-29Merge from trunkcjamin
2017-05-31Convert more examples into utilitiescjamin