path: root/src/common/example/CMakeLists.txt
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-03-05Remove travis and use appveyor for OSx. Fix parallel test by setting tests de...ROUVREAU Vincent
2019-06-19CGAL 4.11 as minimal versionROUVREAU Vincent
2019-06-14Remove gudhi_patches for CGAL and CGAL 4.11.0 is now the minimal CGAL version...ROUVREAU Vincent
2018-05-15CMake minimal version is now 3.1vrouvrea
2018-02-13Add documentation tests for example_vector_double_points_off_readervrouvrea
2017-06-02Fix install issuevrouvrea
2017-06-02Get rid of Boost_system library linkvrouvrea
2017-05-30Make install examples mechanismvrouvrea
2017-04-19Rename tests and examples to be consistent with the naming rulesvrouvrea
2017-03-24Workaround for CGAL version 4.8 compilation issuevrouvrea
2016-09-19Rename off file reader as stands in convention.vrouvrea
2016-08-04Make GUDHI Cmake less verbose on CGAL package findingvrouvrea
2016-07-01Eigen3 find_package factorizationvrouvrea
2016-06-07Rename projects in CMakeLists.txtcjamin
2016-04-14fix example test runvrouvrea
2016-04-14Add of src/common/include/gudhi/Points_3D_off_io.h to read specific 3D OFF Fi...vrouvrea
2016-04-06CGAL version requires 4.7 to access CGAL Point_d dimension() functionvrouvrea
2016-04-06Replace Delaunay_triangulation_off_io.h and Delaunay_triangulation_off_rw.cpp...vrouvrea
2016-03-15In Delaunay_triangulation_off_io.h, constructing the Triangulation from a vec...vrouvrea
2016-02-19Merge last trunk modificationsvrouvrea
2015-11-27After doc reviewvrouvrea
2015-11-18rev911 rollbackvrouvrea
2015-10-13Backmerge from trunkvrouvrea
2015-06-25File was not renamed herevrouvrea
2015-06-18Moved in data/pointsvrouvrea