path: root/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck
diff options
authorArnur Nigmetov <>2018-01-20 19:11:29 +0100
committerArnur Nigmetov <>2018-01-20 19:11:29 +0100
commit0cc35ad04f9c2997014d7cf62a12f697e79fb534 (patch)
tree744c07bc2c12fba193934ac98417c5063bead189 /geom_bottleneck/bottleneck
parent3552ce68bc7654df35da471bd937b09a9fde101f (diff)
Major rewrite, templatized version
Diffstat (limited to 'geom_bottleneck/bottleneck')
36 files changed, 0 insertions, 8444 deletions
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/CMakeLists.txt b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f5cc6e..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)
-include (GenerateExportHeader)
-# Default to Release
- set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE)
-# Add path to ANN header files
-if(NOT WIN32)
- add_definitions(-std=c++11)
-endif(NOT WIN32)
-file(GLOB ANN_SRC_FILES src/ann/*.cpp)
-add_library(bottleneck src/bottleneck.cpp src/bound_match.cpp src/neighb_oracle.cpp src/basic_defs.cpp ${ANN_SRC_FILES})
-if (WIN32)
- BASE_NAME bottleneck
- EXPORT_FILE_NAME bottleneck_export.h
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/ANN.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/ANN.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 004dfe2..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/ANN.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,917 +0,0 @@
-// File: ANN.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Basic include file for approximate nearest
-// neighbor searching.
-// Last modified: 01/27/10 (Version 1.1.2)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2010 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.0 04/01/05
-// Added copyright and revision information
-// Added ANNcoordPrec for coordinate precision.
-// Added methods theDim, nPoints, maxPoints, thePoints to ANNpointSet.
-// Cleaned up C++ structure for modern compilers
-// Revision 1.1 05/03/05
-// Added fixed-radius k-NN searching
-// Revision 1.1.2 01/27/10
-// Fixed minor compilation bugs for new versions of gcc
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 2015 - modified by A. Nigmetov to support deletion of points
-// ANN - approximate nearest neighbor searching
-// ANN is a library for approximate nearest neighbor searching,
-// based on the use of standard and priority search in kd-trees
-// and balanced box-decomposition (bbd) trees. Here are some
-// references to the main algorithmic techniques used here:
-// kd-trees:
-// Friedman, Bentley, and Finkel, ``An algorithm for finding
-// best matches in logarithmic expected time,'' ACM
-// Transactions on Mathematical Software, 3(3):209-226, 1977.
-// Priority search in kd-trees:
-// Arya and Mount, ``Algorithms for fast vector quantization,''
-// Proc. of DCC '93: Data Compression Conference, eds. J. A.
-// Storer and M. Cohn, IEEE Press, 1993, 381-390.
-// Approximate nearest neighbor search and bbd-trees:
-// Arya, Mount, Netanyahu, Silverman, and Wu, ``An optimal
-// algorithm for approximate nearest neighbor searching,''
-// 5th Ann. ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms,
-// 1994, 573-582.
-#ifndef ANN_H
-#define ANN_H
-// A. Nigmetov: ANN code is integrated into bottleneck library,
-// CMake will take care of correct __declspec, no need to define DLL_API
-#define DLL_API
-//#ifdef WIN32
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // For Microsoft Visual C++, externally accessible symbols must be
- // explicitly indicated with DLL_API, which is somewhat like "extern."
- //
- // The following ifdef block is the standard way of creating macros
- // which make exporting from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL
- // are compiled with the DLL_EXPORTS preprocessor symbol defined on the
- // command line. In contrast, projects that use (or import) the DLL
- // objects do not define the DLL_EXPORTS symbol. This way any other
- // project whose source files include this file see DLL_API functions as
- // being imported from a DLL, wheras this DLL sees symbols defined with
- // this macro as being exported.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //#ifdef DLL_EXPORTS
- // #define DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
- //#else
- //#define DLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
- //#endif
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // DLL_API is ignored for all other systems
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //#define DLL_API
-// basic includes
-#include <cstdlib> // standard lib includes
-#include <cmath> // math includes
-#include <cstring> // C-style strings
-#include <vector>
-#include <assert.h>
-// Limits
-// There are a number of places where we use the maximum double value as
-// default initializers (and others may be used, depending on the
-// data/distance representation). These can usually be found in limits.h
-// (as LONG_MAX, INT_MAX) or in float.h (as DBL_MAX, FLT_MAX).
-// Not all systems have these files. If you are using such a system,
-// you should set the preprocessor symbol ANN_NO_LIMITS_H when
-// compiling, and modify the statements below to generate the
-// appropriate value. For practical purposes, this does not need to be
-// the maximum double value. It is sufficient that it be at least as
-// large than the maximum squared distance between between any two
-// points.
-#ifdef ANN_NO_LIMITS_H // limits.h unavailable
- #include <cvalues> // replacement for limits.h
- const double ANN_DBL_MAX = MAXDOUBLE; // insert maximum double
- #include <climits>
- #include <cfloat>
- const double ANN_DBL_MAX = DBL_MAX;
-#define ANNversion "1.1.2" // ANN version and information
-#define ANNversionCmt ""
-#define ANNcopyright "David M. Mount and Sunil Arya"
-#define ANNlatestRev "Jan 27, 2010"
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
-#include <iostream> // I/O streams
-namespace geom_bt {
-// ANNbool
-// This is a simple boolean type. Although ANSI C++ is supposed
-// to support the type bool, some compilers do not have it.
-enum ANNbool {ANNfalse = 0, ANNtrue = 1}; // ANN boolean type (non ANSI C++)
-// ANNcoord, ANNdist
-// ANNcoord and ANNdist are the types used for representing
-// point coordinates and distances. They can be modified by the
-// user, with some care. It is assumed that they are both numeric
-// types, and that ANNdist is generally of an equal or higher type
-// from ANNcoord. A variable of type ANNdist should be large
-// enough to store the sum of squared components of a variable
-// of type ANNcoord for the number of dimensions needed in the
-// application. For example, the following combinations are
-// legal:
-// ANNcoord ANNdist
-// --------- -------------------------------
-// short short, int, long, float, double
-// int int, long, float, double
-// long long, float, double
-// float float, double
-// double double
-// It is the user's responsibility to make sure that overflow does
-// not occur in distance calculation.
-typedef double ANNcoord; // coordinate data type
-typedef double ANNdist; // distance data type
-// ANNidx
-// ANNidx is a point index. When the data structure is built, the
-// points are given as an array. Nearest neighbor results are
-// returned as an integer index into this array. To make it
-// clearer when this is happening, we define the integer type
-// ANNidx. Indexing starts from 0.
-// For fixed-radius near neighbor searching, it is possible that
-// there are not k nearest neighbors within the search radius. To
-// indicate this, the algorithm returns ANN_NULL_IDX as its result.
-// It should be distinguishable from any valid array index.
-typedef int ANNidx; // point index
-const ANNidx ANN_NULL_IDX = -1; // a NULL point index
-// Infinite distance:
-// The code assumes that there is an "infinite distance" which it
-// uses to initialize distances before performing nearest neighbor
-// searches. It should be as larger or larger than any legitimate
-// nearest neighbor distance.
-// On most systems, these should be found in the standard include
-// file <limits.h> or possibly <float.h>. If you do not have these
-// file, some suggested values are listed below, assuming 64-bit
-// long, 32-bit int and 16-bit short.
-// ANNdist ANN_DIST_INF Values (see <limits.h> or <float.h>)
-// ------- ------------ ------------------------------------
-// double DBL_MAX 1.79769313486231570e+308
-// float FLT_MAX 3.40282346638528860e+38
-// long LONG_MAX 0x7fffffffffffffff
-// int INT_MAX 0x7fffffff
-// short SHRT_MAX 0x7fff
-// Significant digits for tree dumps:
-// When floating point coordinates are used, the routine that dumps
-// a tree needs to know roughly how many significant digits there
-// are in a ANNcoord, so it can output points to full precision.
-// This is defined to be ANNcoordPrec. On most systems these
-// values can be found in the standard include files <limits.h> or
-// <float.h>. For integer types, the value is essentially ignored.
-// ANNcoord ANNcoordPrec Values (see <limits.h> or <float.h>)
-// -------- ------------ ------------------------------------
-// double DBL_DIG 15
-// float FLT_DIG 6
-// long doesn't matter 19
-// int doesn't matter 10
-// short doesn't matter 5
-#ifdef DBL_DIG // number of sig. bits in ANNcoord
- const int ANNcoordPrec = DBL_DIG;
- const int ANNcoordPrec = 15; // default precision
-// Self match?
-// In some applications, the nearest neighbor of a point is not
-// allowed to be the point itself. This occurs, for example, when
-// computing all nearest neighbors in a set. By setting the
-// parameter ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH to ANNfalse, the nearest neighbor
-// is the closest point whose distance from the query point is
-// strictly positive.
-const ANNbool ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH = ANNtrue;
-// Norms and metrics:
-// ANN supports any Minkowski norm for defining distance. In
-// particular, for any p >= 1, the L_p Minkowski norm defines the
-// length of a d-vector (v0, v1, ..., v(d-1)) to be
-// (|v0|^p + |v1|^p + ... + |v(d-1)|^p)^(1/p),
-// (where ^ denotes exponentiation, and |.| denotes absolute
-// value). The distance between two points is defined to be the
-// norm of the vector joining them. Some common distance metrics
-// include
-// Euclidean metric p = 2
-// Manhattan metric p = 1
-// Max metric p = infinity
-// In the case of the max metric, the norm is computed by taking
-// the maxima of the absolute values of the components. ANN is
-// highly "coordinate-based" and does not support general distances
-// functions (e.g. those obeying just the triangle inequality). It
-// also does not support distance functions based on
-// inner-products.
-// For the purpose of computing nearest neighbors, it is not
-// necessary to compute the final power (1/p). Thus the only
-// component that is used by the program is |v(i)|^p.
-// ANN parameterizes the distance computation through the following
-// macros. (Macros are used rather than procedures for
-// efficiency.) Recall that the distance between two points is
-// given by the length of the vector joining them, and the length
-// or norm of a vector v is given by formula:
-// |v| = ROOT(POW(v0) # POW(v1) # ... # POW(v(d-1)))
-// where ROOT, POW are unary functions and # is an associative and
-// commutative binary operator mapping the following types:
-// ** POW: ANNcoord --> ANNdist
-// ** #: ANNdist x ANNdist --> ANNdist
-// ** ROOT: ANNdist (>0) --> double
-// For early termination in distance calculation (partial distance
-// calculation) we assume that POW and # together are monotonically
-// increasing on sequences of arguments, meaning that for all
-// v0..vk and y:
-// POW(v0) #...# POW(vk) <= (POW(v0) #...# POW(vk)) # POW(y).
-// Incremental Distance Calculation:
-// The program uses an optimized method of computing distances for
-// kd-trees and bd-trees, called incremental distance calculation.
-// It is used when distances are to be updated when only a single
-// coordinate of a point has been changed. In order to use this,
-// we assume that there is an incremental update function DIFF(x,y)
-// for #, such that if:
-// s = x0 # ... # xi # ... # xk
-// then if s' is equal to s but with xi replaced by y, that is,
-// s' = x0 # ... # y # ... # xk
-// then the length of s' can be computed by:
-// |s'| = |s| # DIFF(xi,y).
-// Thus, if # is + then DIFF(xi,y) is (yi-x). For the L_infinity
-// norm we make use of the fact that in the program this function
-// is only invoked when y > xi, and hence DIFF(xi,y)=y.
-// Finally, for approximate nearest neighbor queries we assume
-// that POW and ROOT are related such that
-// v*ROOT(x) = ROOT(POW(v)*x)
-// Here are the values for the various Minkowski norms:
-// L_p: p even: p odd:
-// ------------------------- ------------------------
-// POW(v) = v^p POW(v) = |v|^p
-// ROOT(x) = x^(1/p) ROOT(x) = x^(1/p)
-// # = + # = +
-// DIFF(x,y) = y - x DIFF(x,y) = y - x
-// L_inf:
-// POW(v) = |v|
-// ROOT(x) = x
-// # = max
-// DIFF(x,y) = y
-// By default the Euclidean norm is assumed. To change the norm,
-// uncomment the appropriate set of macros below.
-// Use the following for the Euclidean norm
-//#define ANN_POW(v) ((v)*(v))
-//#define ANN_ROOT(x) sqrt(x)
-//#define ANN_SUM(x,y) ((x) + (y))
-//#define ANN_DIFF(x,y) ((y) - (x))
-// Use the following for the L_1 (Manhattan) norm
-// #define ANN_POW(v) fabs(v)
-// #define ANN_ROOT(x) (x)
-// #define ANN_SUM(x,y) ((x) + (y))
-// #define ANN_DIFF(x,y) ((y) - (x))
-// Use the following for a general L_p norm
-// #define ANN_POW(v) pow(fabs(v),p)
-// #define ANN_ROOT(x) pow(fabs(x),1/p)
-// #define ANN_SUM(x,y) ((x) + (y))
-// #define ANN_DIFF(x,y) ((y) - (x))
-// Use the following for the L_infinity (Max) norm
-#define ANN_POW(v) fabs(v)
-#define ANN_ROOT(x) (x)
-#define ANN_SUM(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#define ANN_DIFF(x,y) (y)
-// Array types
-// The following array types are of basic interest. A point is
-// just a dimensionless array of coordinates, a point array is a
-// dimensionless array of points. A distance array is a
-// dimensionless array of distances and an index array is a
-// dimensionless array of point indices. The latter two are used
-// when returning the results of k-nearest neighbor queries.
-typedef ANNcoord* ANNpoint; // a point
-typedef ANNpoint* ANNpointArray; // an array of points
-typedef ANNdist* ANNdistArray; // an array of distances
-typedef ANNidx* ANNidxArray; // an array of point indices
-// Basic point and array utilities:
-// The following procedures are useful supplements to ANN's nearest
-// neighbor capabilities.
-// annDist():
-// Computes the (squared) distance between a pair of points.
-// Note that this routine is not used internally by ANN for
-// computing distance calculations. For reasons of efficiency
-// this is done using incremental distance calculation. Thus,
-// this routine cannot be modified as a method of changing the
-// metric.
-// Because points (somewhat like strings in C) are stored as
-// pointers. Consequently, creating and destroying copies of
-// points may require storage allocation. These procedures do
-// this.
-// annAllocPt() and annDeallocPt():
-// Allocate a deallocate storage for a single point, and
-// return a pointer to it. The argument to AllocPt() is
-// used to initialize all components.
-// annAllocPts() and annDeallocPts():
-// Allocate and deallocate an array of points as well a
-// place to store their coordinates, and initializes the
-// points to point to their respective coordinates. It
-// allocates point storage in a contiguous block large
-// enough to store all the points. It performs no
-// initialization.
-// annCopyPt():
-// Creates a copy of a given point, allocating space for
-// the new point. It returns a pointer to the newly
-// allocated copy.
-DLL_API ANNdist annDist(
- int dim, // dimension of space
- ANNpoint p, // points
- ANNpoint q);
-DLL_API ANNpoint annAllocPt(
- int dim, // dimension
- ANNcoord c = 0); // coordinate value (all equal)
-DLL_API ANNpointArray annAllocPts(
- int n, // number of points
- int dim); // dimension
-DLL_API void annDeallocPt(
- ANNpoint &p); // deallocate 1 point
-DLL_API void annDeallocPts(
- ANNpointArray &pa); // point array
-DLL_API ANNpoint annCopyPt(
- int dim, // dimension
- ANNpoint source); // point to copy
-// Orthogonal (axis aligned) rectangle
-// Orthogonal rectangles are represented by two points, one
-// for the lower left corner (min coordinates) and the other
-// for the upper right corner (max coordinates).
-// The constructor initializes from either a pair of coordinates,
-// pair of points, or another rectangle. Note that all constructors
-// allocate new point storage. The destructor deallocates this
-// storage.
-// BEWARE: Orthogonal rectangles should be passed ONLY BY REFERENCE.
-// (C++'s default copy constructor will not allocate new point
-// storage, then on return the destructor free's storage, and then
-// you get into big trouble in the calling procedure.)
-class DLL_API ANNorthRect {
- ANNpoint lo; // rectangle lower bounds
- ANNpoint hi; // rectangle upper bounds
- ANNorthRect( // basic constructor
- int dd, // dimension of space
- ANNcoord l=0, // default is empty
- ANNcoord h=0)
- { lo = annAllocPt(dd, l); hi = annAllocPt(dd, h); }
- ANNorthRect( // (almost a) copy constructor
- int dd, // dimension
- const ANNorthRect &r) // rectangle to copy
- { lo = annCopyPt(dd, r.lo); hi = annCopyPt(dd, r.hi); }
- ANNorthRect( // construct from points
- int dd, // dimension
- ANNpoint l, // low point
- ANNpoint h) // hight point
- { lo = annCopyPt(dd, l); hi = annCopyPt(dd, h); }
- ~ANNorthRect() // destructor
- { annDeallocPt(lo); annDeallocPt(hi); }
- ANNbool inside(const int dim, ANNpoint p) const;// is point p inside rectangle?
- bool contains(const int dim, const ANNorthRect& r) const;
- bool intersects(const int dim, const ANNorthRect& r) const;
-//Overall structure: ANN supports a number of different data structures
-//for approximate and exact nearest neighbor searching. These are:
-// ANNbruteForce A simple brute-force search structure.
-// ANNkd_tree A kd-tree tree search structure. ANNbd_tree
-// A bd-tree tree search structure (a kd-tree with shrink
-// capabilities).
-// At a minimum, each of these data structures support k-nearest
-// neighbor queries. The nearest neighbor query, annkSearch,
-// returns an integer identifier and the distance to the nearest
-// neighbor(s) and annRangeSearch returns the nearest points that
-// lie within a given query ball.
-// Each structure is built by invoking the appropriate constructor
-// and passing it (at a minimum) the array of points, the total
-// number of points and the dimension of the space. Each structure
-// is also assumed to support a destructor and member functions
-// that return basic information about the point set.
-// Note that the array of points is not copied by the data
-// structure (for reasons of space efficiency), and it is assumed
-// to be constant throughout the lifetime of the search structure.
-// The search algorithm, annkSearch, is given the query point (q),
-// and the desired number of nearest neighbors to report (k), and
-// the error bound (eps) (whose default value is 0, implying exact
-// nearest neighbors). It returns two arrays which are assumed to
-// contain at least k elements: one (nn_idx) contains the indices
-// (within the point array) of the nearest neighbors and the other
-// (dd) contains the squared distances to these nearest neighbors.
-// The search algorithm, annkFRSearch, is a fixed-radius kNN
-// search. In addition to a query point, it is given a (squared)
-// radius bound. (This is done for consistency, because the search
-// returns distances as squared quantities.) It does two things.
-// First, it computes the k nearest neighbors within the radius
-// bound, and second, it returns the total number of points lying
-// within the radius bound. It is permitted to set k = 0, in which
-// case it effectively answers a range counting query. If the
-// error bound epsilon is positive, then the search is approximate
-// in the sense that it is free to ignore any point that lies
-// outside a ball of radius r/(1+epsilon), where r is the given
-// (unsquared) radius bound.
-// The generic object from which all the search structures are
-// dervied is given below. It is a virtual object, and is useless
-// by itself.
-class DLL_API ANNpointSet {
- virtual ~ANNpointSet() {} // virtual distructor
- virtual void annkSearch( // approx k near neighbor search
- ANNpoint q, // query point
- int k, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor array (modified)
- ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (modified)
- double eps=0.0 // error bound
- ) = 0; // pure virtual (defined elsewhere)
- virtual int annkFRSearch( // approx fixed-radius kNN search
- ANNpoint q, // query point
- ANNdist sqRad, // squared radius
- int k = 0, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx = NULL, // nearest neighbor array (modified)
- ANNdistArray dd = NULL, // dist to near neighbors (modified)
- double eps=0.0 // error bound
- ) = 0; // pure virtual (defined elsewhere)
- virtual int theDim() = 0; // return dimension of space
- virtual int nPoints() = 0; // return number of points
- // return pointer to points
- virtual ANNpointArray thePoints() = 0;
-// Brute-force nearest neighbor search:
-// The brute-force search structure is very simple but inefficient.
-// It has been provided primarily for the sake of comparison with
-// and validation of the more complex search structures.
-// Query processing is the same as described above, but the value
-// of epsilon is ignored, since all distance calculations are
-// performed exactly.
-// WARNING: This data structure is very slow, and should not be
-// used unless the number of points is very small.
-// Internal information:
-// ---------------------
-// This data structure bascially consists of the array of points
-// (each a pointer to an array of coordinates). The search is
-// performed by a simple linear scan of all the points.
-class DLL_API ANNbruteForce: public ANNpointSet {
- int dim; // dimension
- int n_pts; // number of points
- ANNpointArray pts; // point array
- ANNbruteForce( // constructor from point array
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- int n, // number of points
- int dd); // dimension
- ~ANNbruteForce(); // destructor
- void annkSearch( // approx k near neighbor search
- ANNpoint q, // query point
- int k, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor array (modified)
- ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (modified)
- double eps=0.0); // error bound
- int annkFRSearch( // approx fixed-radius kNN search
- ANNpoint q, // query point
- ANNdist sqRad, // squared radius
- int k = 0, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx = NULL, // nearest neighbor array (modified)
- ANNdistArray dd = NULL, // dist to near neighbors (modified)
- double eps=0.0); // error bound
- int theDim() // return dimension of space
- { return dim; }
- int nPoints() // return number of points
- { return n_pts; }
- ANNpointArray thePoints() // return pointer to points
- { return pts; }
-// kd- and bd-tree splitting and shrinking rules
-// kd-trees supports a collection of different splitting rules.
-// In addition to the standard kd-tree splitting rule proposed
-// by Friedman, Bentley, and Finkel, we have introduced a
-// number of other splitting rules, which seem to perform
-// as well or better (for the distributions we have tested).
-// The splitting methods given below allow the user to tailor
-// the data structure to the particular data set. They are
-// are described in greater details in the source
-// file. The method ANN_KD_SUGGEST is the method chosen (rather
-// subjectively) by the implementors as the one giving the
-// fastest performance, and is the default splitting method.
-// As with splitting rules, there are a number of different
-// shrinking rules. The shrinking rule ANN_BD_NONE does no
-// shrinking (and hence produces a kd-tree tree). The rule
-// ANN_BD_SUGGEST uses the implementors favorite rule.
-enum ANNsplitRule {
- ANN_KD_STD = 0, // the optimized kd-splitting rule
- ANN_KD_MIDPT = 1, // midpoint split
- ANN_KD_FAIR = 2, // fair split
- ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT = 3, // sliding midpoint splitting method
- ANN_KD_SL_FAIR = 4, // sliding fair split method
- ANN_KD_SUGGEST = 5, // the authors' suggestion for best
- // for kd-trees with deletion
- //ANN_KD_STD_WD = 6,
- //ANN_KD_MIDPT_WD = 7,
- };
-const int ANN_N_SPLIT_RULES = 6; // number of split rules
-//const int ANN_N_SPLIT_RULES = 9; // number of split rules
-enum ANNshrinkRule {
- ANN_BD_NONE = 0, // no shrinking at all (just kd-tree)
- ANN_BD_SIMPLE = 1, // simple splitting
- ANN_BD_CENTROID = 2, // centroid splitting
- ANN_BD_SUGGEST = 3}; // the authors' suggested choice
-const int ANN_N_SHRINK_RULES = 4; // number of shrink rules
-// kd-tree:
-// The main search data structure supported by ANN is a kd-tree.
-// The main constructor is given a set of points and a choice of
-// splitting method to use in building the tree.
-// Construction:
-// -------------
-// The constructor is given the point array, number of points,
-// dimension, bucket size (default = 1), and the splitting rule
-// (default = ANN_KD_SUGGEST). The point array is not copied, and
-// is assumed to be kept constant throughout the lifetime of the
-// search structure. There is also a "load" constructor that
-// builds a tree from a file description that was created by the
-// Dump operation.
-// Search:
-// -------
-// There are two search methods:
-// Standard search (annkSearch()):
-// Searches nodes in tree-traversal order, always visiting
-// the closer child first.
-// Priority search (annkPriSearch()):
-// Searches nodes in order of increasing distance of the
-// associated cell from the query point. For many
-// distributions the standard search seems to work just
-// fine, but priority search is safer for worst-case
-// performance.
-// Printing:
-// ---------
-// There are two methods provided for printing the tree. Print()
-// is used to produce a "human-readable" display of the tree, with
-// indenation, which is handy for debugging. Dump() produces a
-// format that is suitable reading by another program. There is a
-// "load" constructor, which constructs a tree which is assumed to
-// have been saved by the Dump() procedure.
-// Performance and Structure Statistics:
-// -------------------------------------
-// The procedure getStats() collects statistics information on the
-// tree (its size, height, etc.) See ANNperf.h for information on
-// the stats structure it returns.
-// Internal information:
-// ---------------------
-// The data structure consists of three major chunks of storage.
-// The first (implicit) storage are the points themselves (pts),
-// which have been provided by the users as an argument to the
-// constructor, or are allocated dynamically if the tree is built
-// using the load constructor). These should not be changed during
-// the lifetime of the search structure. It is the user's
-// responsibility to delete these after the tree is destroyed.
-// The second is the tree itself (which is dynamically allocated in
-// the constructor) and is given as a pointer to its root node
-// (root). These nodes are automatically deallocated when the tree
-// is deleted. See the file src/kd_tree.h for further information
-// on the structure of the tree nodes.
-// Each leaf of the tree does not contain a pointer directly to a
-// point, but rather contains a pointer to a "bucket", which is an
-// array consisting of point indices. The third major chunk of
-// storage is an array (pidx), which is a large array in which all
-// these bucket subarrays reside. (The reason for storing them
-// separately is the buckets are typically small, but of varying
-// sizes. This was done to avoid fragmentation.) This array is
-// also deallocated when the tree is deleted.
-// In addition to this, the tree consists of a number of other
-// pieces of information which are used in searching and for
-// subsequent tree operations. These consist of the following:
-// dim Dimension of space
-// n_pts Number of points currently in the tree
-// n_max Maximum number of points that are allowed
-// in the tree
-// bkt_size Maximum bucket size (no. of points per leaf)
-// bnd_box_lo Bounding box low point
-// bnd_box_hi Bounding box high point
-// splitRule Splitting method used
-// Some types and objects used by kd-tree functions
-// See src/kd_tree.h and src/kd_tree.cpp for definitions
-class ANNkdStats; // stats on kd-tree
-class ANNkd_node; // generic node in a kd-tree
-typedef ANNkd_node* ANNkd_ptr; // pointer to a kd-tree node
-class ANNkd_leaf;
-class DLL_API ANNkd_tree: public ANNpointSet {
- int dim; // dimension of space
- int n_pts; // number of points in tree
- int bkt_size; // bucket size
- ANNpointArray pts; // the points
- ANNidxArray pidx; // point indices (to pts array)
- ANNkd_ptr root; // root of kd-tree
- ANNpoint bnd_box_lo; // bounding box low point
- ANNpoint bnd_box_hi; // bounding box high point
- void SkeletonTree( // construct skeleton tree
- int n, // number of points
- int dd, // dimension
- int bs, // bucket size
- ANNpointArray pa = NULL, // point array (optional)
- ANNidxArray pi = NULL); // point indices (optional)
- ANNkd_tree( // build skeleton tree
- int n = 0, // number of points
- int dd = 0, // dimension
- int bs = 1); // bucket size
- ANNkd_tree( // build from point array
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- int n, // number of points
- int dd, // dimension
- int bs = 1, // bucket size
- ANNsplitRule split = ANN_KD_SUGGEST); // splitting method
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- ANNkd_tree( // build from dump file
- std::istream& in); // input stream for dump file
- ~ANNkd_tree(); // tree destructor
- void annkSearch( // approx k near neighbor search
- ANNpoint q, // query point
- int k, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor array (modified)
- ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (modified)
- double eps=0.0); // error bound
- void annkPriSearch( // priority k near neighbor search
- ANNpoint q, // query point
- int k, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor array (modified)
- ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (modified)
- double eps=0.0); // error bound
- int annkFRSearch( // approx fixed-radius kNN search
- ANNpoint q, // the query point
- ANNdist sqRad, // squared radius of query ball
- int k, // number of neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx = NULL, // nearest neighbor array (modified)
- ANNdistArray dd = NULL, // dist to near neighbors (modified)
- double eps=0.0); // error bound
- int theDim() // return dimension of space
- { return dim; }
- int nPoints() // return number of points
- { return n_pts; }
- ANNpointArray thePoints() // return pointer to points
- { return pts; }
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- virtual void Print( // print the tree (for debugging)
- ANNbool with_pts, // print points as well?
- std::ostream& out); // output stream
- virtual void Dump( // dump entire tree
- ANNbool with_pts, // print points as well?
- std::ostream& out); // output stream
- virtual void getStats( // compute tree statistics
- ANNkdStats& st); // the statistics (modified)
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // for deletion
- std::vector<ANNkd_leaf*> pointToLeafVec;
- std::vector<bool> isDeleted; // will be used to check implementation;
- //TODO remove after testing
- void delete_point(const int point_idx);
- int actual_num_points;
- int getActualNumPoints(void) const { return actual_num_points; }
- void range_search(const ANNorthRect& region, std::vector<size_t>& pointIdices);
-// Box decomposition tree (bd-tree)
-// The bd-tree is inherited from a kd-tree. The main difference
-// in the bd-tree and the kd-tree is a new type of internal node
-// called a shrinking node (in the kd-tree there is only one type
-// of internal node, a splitting node). The shrinking node
-// makes it possible to generate balanced trees in which the
-// cells have bounded aspect ratio, by allowing the decomposition
-// to zoom in on regions of dense point concentration. Although
-// this is a nice idea in theory, few point distributions are so
-// densely clustered that this is really needed.
-class DLL_API ANNbd_tree: public ANNkd_tree {
- ANNbd_tree( // build skeleton tree
- int n, // number of points
- int dd, // dimension
- int bs = 1) // bucket size
- : ANNkd_tree(n, dd, bs) {} // build base kd-tree
- ANNbd_tree( // build from point array
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- int n, // number of points
- int dd, // dimension
- int bs = 1, // bucket size
- ANNsplitRule split = ANN_KD_SUGGEST, // splitting rule
- ANNshrinkRule shrink = ANN_BD_SUGGEST); // shrinking rule
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- ANNbd_tree( // build from dump file
- std::istream& in); // input stream for dump file
-// Other functions
-// annMaxPtsVisit Sets a limit on the maximum number of points
-// to visit in the search.
-// annClose Can be called when all use of ANN is finished.
-// It clears up a minor memory leak.
-DLL_API void annMaxPtsVisit( // max. pts to visit in search
- int maxPts); // the limit
-DLL_API void annClose(); // called to end use of ANN
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/ANNperf.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/ANNperf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d242266..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/ANNperf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-// File: ANNperf.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Last modified: 03/04/98 (Release 0.1)
-// Description: Include file for ANN performance stats
-// Some of the code for statistics gathering has been adapted
-// from the SmplStat.h package in the g++ library.
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.0 04/01/05
-// Added ANN_ prefix to avoid name conflicts.
-#ifndef ANNperf_H
-#define ANNperf_H
-// basic includes
-#include <ANN/ANN.h> // basic ANN includes
-namespace geom_bt {
-// kd-tree stats object
-// This object is used for collecting information about a kd-tree
-// or bd-tree.
-class ANNkdStats { // stats on kd-tree
- int dim; // dimension of space
- int n_pts; // no. of points
- int bkt_size; // bucket size
- int n_lf; // no. of leaves (including trivial)
- int n_tl; // no. of trivial leaves (no points)
- int n_spl; // no. of splitting nodes
- int n_shr; // no. of shrinking nodes (for bd-trees)
- int depth; // depth of tree
- float sum_ar; // sum of leaf aspect ratios
- float avg_ar; // average leaf aspect ratio
- //
- // reset stats
- void reset(int d=0, int n=0, int bs=0)
- {
- dim = d; n_pts = n; bkt_size = bs;
- n_lf = n_tl = n_spl = n_shr = depth = 0;
- sum_ar = avg_ar = 0.0;
- }
- ANNkdStats() // basic constructor
- { reset(); }
- void merge(const ANNkdStats &st); // merge stats from child
-// ANNsampStat
-// A sample stat collects numeric (double) samples and returns some
-// simple statistics. Its main functions are:
-// reset() Reset to no samples.
-// += x Include sample x.
-// samples() Return number of samples.
-// mean() Return mean of samples.
-// stdDev() Return standard deviation
-// min() Return minimum of samples.
-// max() Return maximum of samples.
-class DLL_API ANNsampStat {
- int n; // number of samples
- double sum; // sum
- double sum2; // sum of squares
- double minVal, maxVal; // min and max
-public :
- void reset() // reset everything
- {
- n = 0;
- sum = sum2 = 0;
- minVal = ANN_DBL_MAX;
- maxVal = -ANN_DBL_MAX;
- }
- ANNsampStat() { reset(); } // constructor
- void operator+=(double x) // add sample
- {
- n++; sum += x; sum2 += x*x;
- if (x < minVal) minVal = x;
- if (x > maxVal) maxVal = x;
- }
- int samples() { return n; } // number of samples
- double mean() { return sum/n; } // mean
- // standard deviation
- double stdDev() { return sqrt((sum2 - (sum*sum)/n)/(n-1));}
- double min() { return minVal; } // minimum
- double max() { return maxVal; } // maximum
-// Operation count updates
-#ifdef ANN_PERF
- #define ANN_FLOP(n) {ann_Nfloat_ops += (n);}
- #define ANN_LEAF(n) {ann_Nvisit_lfs += (n);}
- #define ANN_SPL(n) {ann_Nvisit_spl += (n);}
- #define ANN_SHR(n) {ann_Nvisit_shr += (n);}
- #define ANN_PTS(n) {ann_Nvisit_pts += (n);}
- #define ANN_COORD(n) {ann_Ncoord_hts += (n);}
- #define ANN_FLOP(n)
- #define ANN_LEAF(n)
- #define ANN_SPL(n)
- #define ANN_SHR(n)
- #define ANN_PTS(n)
- #define ANN_COORD(n)
-// Performance statistics
-// The following data and routines are used for computing performance
-// statistics for nearest neighbor searching. Because these routines
-// can slow the code down, they can be activated and deactiviated by
-// defining the ANN_PERF variable, by compiling with the option:
-// Global counters for performance measurement
-// visit_lfs The number of leaf nodes visited in the
-// tree.
-// visit_spl The number of splitting nodes visited in the
-// tree.
-// visit_shr The number of shrinking nodes visited in the
-// tree.
-// visit_pts The number of points visited in all the
-// leaf nodes visited. Equivalently, this
-// is the number of points for which distance
-// calculations are performed.
-// coord_hts The number of times a coordinate of a
-// data point is accessed. This is generally
-// less than visit_pts*d if partial distance
-// calculation is used. This count is low
-// in the sense that if a coordinate is hit
-// many times in the same routine we may
-// count it only once.
-// float_ops The number of floating point operations.
-// This includes all operations in the heap
-// as well as distance calculations to boxes.
-// average_err The average error of each query (the
-// error of the reported point to the true
-// nearest neighbor). For k nearest neighbors
-// the error is computed k times.
-// rank_err The rank error of each query (the difference
-// in the rank of the reported point and its
-// true rank).
-// data_pts The number of data points. This is not
-// a counter, but used in stats computation.
-extern int ann_Ndata_pts; // number of data points
-extern int ann_Nvisit_lfs; // number of leaf nodes visited
-extern int ann_Nvisit_spl; // number of splitting nodes visited
-extern int ann_Nvisit_shr; // number of shrinking nodes visited
-extern int ann_Nvisit_pts; // visited points for one query
-extern int ann_Ncoord_hts; // coordinate hits for one query
-extern int ann_Nfloat_ops; // floating ops for one query
-extern ANNsampStat ann_visit_lfs; // stats on leaf nodes visits
-extern ANNsampStat ann_visit_spl; // stats on splitting nodes visits
-extern ANNsampStat ann_visit_shr; // stats on shrinking nodes visits
-extern ANNsampStat ann_visit_nds; // stats on total nodes visits
-extern ANNsampStat ann_visit_pts; // stats on points visited
-extern ANNsampStat ann_coord_hts; // stats on coordinate hits
-extern ANNsampStat ann_float_ops; // stats on floating ops
-// The following need to be part of the public interface, because
-// they are accessed outside the DLL in ann_test.cpp.
-DLL_API extern ANNsampStat ann_average_err; // average error
-DLL_API extern ANNsampStat ann_rank_err; // rank error
-// Declaration of externally accessible routines for statistics
-DLL_API void annResetStats(int data_size); // reset stats for a set of queries
-DLL_API void annResetCounts(); // reset counts for one queries
-DLL_API void annUpdateStats(); // update stats with current counts
-DLL_API void annPrintStats(ANNbool validate); // print statistics for a run
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/ANNx.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/ANNx.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c9e190..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/ANNx.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// File: ANNx.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Internal include file for ANN
-// Last modified: 01/27/10 (Version 1.1.2)
-// These declarations are of use in manipulating some of
-// the internal data objects appearing in ANN, but are not
-// needed for applications just using the nearest neighbor
-// search.
-// Typical users of ANN should not need to access this file.
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2010 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.0 04/01/05
-// Changed LO, HI, IN, OUT to ANN_LO, ANN_HI, etc.
-// Revision 1.1.2 01/27/10
-// Fixed minor compilation bugs for new versions of gcc
-#ifndef ANNx_H
-#define ANNx_H
-#include <iomanip> // I/O manipulators
-#include <ANN/ANN.h> // ANN includes
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Global constants and types
-enum {ANN_LO=0, ANN_HI=1}; // splitting indices
-enum {ANN_IN=0, ANN_OUT=1}; // shrinking indices
- // what to do in case of error
-enum ANNerr {ANNwarn = 0, ANNabort = 1};
-// Maximum number of points to visit
-// We have an option for terminating the search early if the
-// number of points visited exceeds some threshold. If the
-// threshold is 0 (its default) this means there is no limit
-// and the algorithm applies its normal termination condition.
-extern int ANNmaxPtsVisited; // maximum number of pts visited
-extern int ANNptsVisited; // number of pts visited in search
-// Global function declarations
-void annError( // ANN error routine
- const char* msg, // error message
- ANNerr level); // level of error
-void annPrintPt( // print a point
- ANNpoint pt, // the point
- int dim, // the dimension
- std::ostream &out); // output stream
-void annAssignRect( // assign one rect to another
- int dim, // dimension (both must be same)
- ANNorthRect &dest, // destination (modified)
- const ANNorthRect &source); // source
-// Orthogonal (axis aligned) halfspace
-// An orthogonal halfspace is represented by an integer cutting
-// dimension cd, coordinate cutting value, cv, and side, sd, which is
-// either +1 or -1. Our convention is that point q lies in the (closed)
-// halfspace if (q[cd] - cv)*sd >= 0.
-class ANNorthHalfSpace {
- int cd; // cutting dimension
- ANNcoord cv; // cutting value
- int sd; // which side
- ANNorthHalfSpace() // default constructor
- { cd = 0; cv = 0; sd = 0; }
- ANNorthHalfSpace( // basic constructor
- int cdd, // dimension of space
- ANNcoord cvv, // cutting value
- int sdd) // side
- { cd = cdd; cv = cvv; sd = sdd; }
- ANNbool in(ANNpoint q) const // is q inside halfspace?
- { return (ANNbool) ((q[cd] - cv)*sd >= 0); }
- ANNbool out(ANNpoint q) const // is q outside halfspace?
- { return (ANNbool) ((q[cd] - cv)*sd < 0); }
- ANNdist dist(ANNpoint q) const // (squared) distance from q
- { return (ANNdist) ANN_POW(q[cd] - cv); }
- void setLowerBound(int d, ANNpoint p)// set to lower bound at p[i]
- { cd = d; cv = p[d]; sd = +1; }
- void setUpperBound(int d, ANNpoint p)// set to upper bound at p[i]
- { cd = d; cv = p[d]; sd = -1; }
- void project(ANNpoint &q) // project q (modified) onto halfspace
- { if (out(q)) q[cd] = cv; }
- // array of halfspaces
-typedef ANNorthHalfSpace *ANNorthHSArray;
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/bd_tree.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/bd_tree.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 38cecb7..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/bd_tree.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// File: bd_tree.h
-// Programmer: David Mount
-// Description: Declarations for standard bd-tree routines
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.0 04/01/05
-// Changed IN, OUT to ANN_IN, ANN_OUT
-#ifndef ANN_bd_tree_H
-#define ANN_bd_tree_H
-#include <ANN/ANNx.h> // all ANN includes
-#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree includes
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-namespace geom_bt {
-// bd-tree shrinking node.
-// The main addition in the bd-tree is the shrinking node, which
-// is declared here.
-// Shrinking nodes are defined by list of orthogonal halfspaces.
-// These halfspaces define a (possibly unbounded) orthogonal
-// rectangle. There are two children, in and out. Points that
-// lie within this rectangle are stored in the in-child, and the
-// other points are stored in the out-child.
-// We use a list of orthogonal halfspaces rather than an
-// orthogonal rectangle object because typically the number of
-// sides of the shrinking box will be much smaller than the
-// worst case bound of 2*dim.
-// BEWARE: Note that constructor just copies the pointer to the
-// bounding array, but the destructor deallocates it. This is
-// rather poor practice, but happens to be convenient. The list
-// is allocated in the bd-tree building procedure rbd_tree() just
-// prior to construction, and is used for no other purposes.
-// WARNING: In the near neighbor searching code it is assumed that
-// the list of bounding halfspaces is irredundant, meaning that there
-// are no two distinct halfspaces in the list with the same outward
-// pointing normals.
-class ANNbd_shrink : public ANNkd_node // splitting node of a kd-tree
- int n_bnds; // number of bounding halfspaces
- ANNorthHSArray bnds; // list of bounding halfspaces
- ANNkd_ptr child[2]; // in and out children
- ANNbd_shrink( // constructor
- int nb, // number of bounding halfspaces
- ANNorthHSArray bds, // list of bounding halfspaces
- ANNkd_ptr ic=NULL, ANNkd_ptr oc=NULL) // children
- {
- n_bnds = nb; // cutting dimension
- bnds = bds; // assign bounds
- child[ANN_IN] = ic; // set children
- child[ANN_OUT] = oc;
- }
- ~ANNbd_shrink() // destructor
- {
- if (child[ANN_IN]!= NULL && child[ANN_IN]!= KD_TRIVIAL)
- delete child[ANN_IN];
- if (child[ANN_OUT]!= NULL&& child[ANN_OUT]!= KD_TRIVIAL)
- delete child[ANN_OUT];
- if (bnds != NULL)
- delete [] bnds; // delete bounds
- }
- virtual void getStats( // get tree statistics
- int dim, // dimension of space
- ANNkdStats &st, // statistics
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box); // bounding box
- virtual void print(int level, ostream &out);// print node
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- virtual void dump(ostream &out); // dump node
- virtual void ann_search(ANNdist); // standard search
- virtual void ann_pri_search(ANNdist); // priority search
- virtual void ann_FR_search(ANNdist); // fixed-radius search
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_fix_rad_search.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_fix_rad_search.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 36f9528..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_fix_rad_search.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_fix_rad_search.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Standard kd-tree fixed-radius kNN search
-// Last modified: 05/03/05 (Version 1.1)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 1.1 05/03/05
-// Initial release
-#ifndef ANN_kd_fix_rad_search_H
-#define ANN_kd_fix_rad_search_H
-#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations
-#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities
-#include "pr_queue_k.h" // k-element priority queue
-#include <ANN/ANNperf.h> // performance evaluation
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Global variables
-// These are active for the life of each call to
-// annRangeSearch(). They are set to save the number of
-// variables that need to be passed among the various search
-// procedures.
-extern ANNpoint ANNkdFRQ; // query point (static copy)
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_pr_search.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_pr_search.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f4c4fc..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_pr_search.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_pr_search.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Priority kd-tree search
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-#ifndef ANN_kd_pr_search_H
-#define ANN_kd_pr_search_H
-#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations
-#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities
-#include "pr_queue.h" // priority queue declarations
-#include "pr_queue_k.h" // k-element priority queue
-#include <ANN/ANNperf.h> // performance evaluation
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Global variables
-// Active for the life of each call to Appx_Near_Neigh() or
-// Appx_k_Near_Neigh().
-extern double ANNprEps; // the error bound
-extern int ANNprDim; // dimension of space
-extern ANNpoint ANNprQ; // query point
-extern double ANNprMaxErr; // max tolerable squared error
-extern ANNpointArray ANNprPts; // the points
-extern ANNpr_queue *ANNprBoxPQ; // priority queue for boxes
-extern ANNmin_k *ANNprPointMK; // set of k closest points
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7491779..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_search.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_search.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Standard kd-tree search
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-#ifndef ANN_kd_search_H
-#define ANN_kd_search_H
-#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations
-#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities
-#include "pr_queue_k.h" // k-element priority queue
-#include <ANN/ANNperf.h> // performance evaluation
-namespace geom_bt {
-// More global variables
-// These are active for the life of each call to annkSearch(). They
-// are set to save the number of variables that need to be passed
-// among the various search procedures.
-extern int ANNkdDim; // dimension of space (static copy)
-extern ANNpoint ANNkdQ; // query point (static copy)
-extern double ANNkdMaxErr; // max tolerable squared error
-extern ANNpointArray ANNkdPts; // the points (static copy)
-extern ANNmin_k *ANNkdPointMK; // set of k closest points
-extern int ANNptsVisited; // number of points visited
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deleted file mode 100644
index 62533a1..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_split.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_split.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Methods for splitting kd-trees
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-#ifndef ANN_KD_SPLIT_H
-#define ANN_KD_SPLIT_H
-#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree definitions
-namespace geom_bt {
-// External entry points
-// These are all splitting procedures for kd-trees.
-void kd_split( // standard (optimized) kd-splitter
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned)
-void midpt_split( // midpoint kd-splitter
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned)
-void sl_midpt_split( // sliding midpoint kd-splitter
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned)
-void fair_split( // fair-split kd-splitter
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned)
-void sl_fair_split( // sliding fair-split kd-splitter
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned)
-void kd_split_wd( // standard (optimized) kd-splitter
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo, // num of points on low side (returned)
- int &cut_pt_idx); // index of cutting point (returned)
-void midpt_split_wd( // midpoint kd-splitter
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo, // num of points on low side (returned)
- int &cut_pt_idx); // index of cutting point (returned)
-void sl_midpt_split_wd( // sliding midpoint kd-splitter
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo, // num of points on low side (returned)
- int &cut_pt_idx); // index of cutting point (returned)
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deleted file mode 100644
index a1e53e5..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_tree.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_tree.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Declarations for standard kd-tree routines
-// Last modified: 05/03/05 (Version 1.1)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.1 05/03/05
-// Added fixed radius kNN search
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 2015 - modified by A. Nigmetov to support deletion of points
-#ifndef ANN_kd_tree_H
-#define ANN_kd_tree_H
-#include <utility> // for std::pair
-#include <ANN/ANNx.h> // all ANN includes
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-using namespace std; // make std:: available
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Generic kd-tree node
-// Nodes in kd-trees are of two types, splitting nodes which contain
-// splitting information (a splitting hyperplane orthogonal to one
-// of the coordinate axes) and leaf nodes which contain point
-// information (an array of points stored in a bucket). This is
-// handled by making a generic class kd_node, which is essentially an
-// empty shell, and then deriving the leaf and splitting nodes from
-// this.
-//class ANNkd_node;
-class ANNkd_split;
-//typedef std::pair<ANNidx, ANNkd_node*> ANNreplaceSearchRes;
-class ANNkd_node{ // generic kd-tree node (empty shell)
- int actual_num_points; //
- ANNkd_split* parent;
- ANNkd_split* getParent() const { return parent; }
- void setParent(ANNkd_split* par) { parent = par; }
- int getNumPoints() const { return actual_num_points; }
- void setNumPoints(int n) { assert(n >=0 ); actual_num_points = n; }
- void decNumPoints() { assert(actual_num_points > 0); actual_num_points--; }
- virtual ~ANNkd_node() {} // virtual distroyer
- virtual void ann_search(ANNdist) = 0; // tree search
- virtual void ann_pri_search(ANNdist) = 0; // priority search
- virtual void ann_FR_search(ANNdist) = 0; // fixed-radius search
- virtual void getStats( // get tree statistics
- int dim, // dimension of space
- ANNkdStats &st, // statistics
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box) = 0; // bounding box
- // print node
- virtual void print(int level, ostream &out) = 0;
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- virtual void dump(ostream &out) = 0; // dump node
- friend class ANNkd_tree; // allow kd-tree to access us
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // deletion
- virtual void delete_point(const int point_idx) {}
- // range search
- virtual void range_search(const ANNorthRect& region, // query region
- int ANNkdDim, // dimension of points,
- ANNpointArray ANNkdPts, // array of points
- ANNorthRect& bnd_box, // bounding box of the current node,
- // comes precomputed from the caller
- std::vector<size_t>& pointIdices) {} // indices of points are returned in this vector
- virtual void range_search_add(std::vector<size_t>& pointIdices) {} // add all points to pointIdices
-// kd-splitting function:
-// kd_splitter is a pointer to a splitting routine for preprocessing.
-// Different splitting procedures result in different strategies
-// for building the tree.
-typedef void (*ANNkd_splitter)( // splitting routine for kd-trees
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo); // num of points on low side (returned)
-// Leaf kd-tree node
-// Leaf nodes of the kd-tree store the set of points associated
-// with this bucket, stored as an array of point indices. These
-// are indices in the array points, which resides with the
-// root of the kd-tree. We also store the number of points
-// that reside in this bucket.
-class ANNkd_leaf: public ANNkd_node // leaf node for kd-tree
- int n_pts;
- ANNidxArray bkt; // bucket of points
- ANNkd_leaf( // constructor
- int n, // number of points
- ANNidxArray b) : // bucket
- n_pts(n),
- bkt(b)
- {
- setNumPoints(n);
- parent = NULL;
- }
- ~ANNkd_leaf() { } // destructor (none)
- virtual void getStats( // get tree statistics
- int dim, // dimension of space
- ANNkdStats &st, // statistics
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box); // bounding box
- virtual void print(int level, ostream &out);// print node
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- virtual void dump(ostream &out); // dump node
- virtual void ann_search(ANNdist); // standard search
- virtual void ann_pri_search(ANNdist); // priority search
- virtual void ann_FR_search(ANNdist); // fixed-radius search
- // deletion
- void delete_point(const int point_idx, const bool killYourself);
- // range search
- virtual void range_search(const ANNorthRect& region, // query region
- int ANNkdDim, // dimension of points,
- ANNpointArray ANNkdPts, // array of points
- ANNorthRect& bnd_box, // bounding box of the current node,
- // comes precomputed from the caller
- std::vector<size_t>& pointIdices); // indices of points are returned in this vector
- virtual void range_search_add(std::vector<size_t>& pointIdices); // add all points to pointIdices
-// KD_TRIVIAL is a special pointer to an empty leaf node. Since
-// some splitting rules generate many (more than 50%) trivial
-// leaves, we use this one shared node to save space.
-// The pointer is initialized to NULL, but whenever a kd-tree is
-// created, we allocate this node, if it has not already been
-// allocated. This node is *never* deallocated, so it produces
-// a small memory leak.
-extern ANNkd_leaf *KD_TRIVIAL; // trivial (empty) leaf node
-// kd-tree splitting node.
-// Splitting nodes contain a cutting dimension and a cutting value.
-// These indicate the axis-parellel plane which subdivide the
-// box for this node. The extent of the bounding box along the
-// cutting dimension is maintained (this is used to speed up point
-// to box distance calculations) [we do not store the entire bounding
-// box since this may be wasteful of space in high dimensions].
-// We also store pointers to the 2 children.
-class ANNkd_split : public ANNkd_node // splitting node of a kd-tree
- int cut_dim; // dim orthogonal to cutting plane
- ANNcoord cut_val; // location of cutting plane
- ANNcoord cd_bnds[2]; // lower and upper bounds of
- // rectangle along cut_dim
- ANNkd_ptr child[2]; // left and right children
- ANNkd_split( // constructor
- int cd, // cutting dimension
- ANNcoord cv, // cutting value
- ANNcoord lv, ANNcoord hv, // low and high values
- ANNkd_ptr lc=NULL, ANNkd_ptr hc=NULL) // children
- {
- cut_dim = cd; // cutting dimension
- cut_val = cv; // cutting value
- cd_bnds[ANN_LO] = lv; // lower bound for rectangle
- cd_bnds[ANN_HI] = hv; // upper bound for rectangle
- child[ANN_LO] = lc; // left child
- child[ANN_HI] = hc; // right child
- parent = NULL;
- }
- ~ANNkd_split() // destructor
- {
- if (child[ANN_LO]!= NULL && child[ANN_LO]!= KD_TRIVIAL)
- delete child[ANN_LO];
- if (child[ANN_HI]!= NULL && child[ANN_HI]!= KD_TRIVIAL)
- delete child[ANN_HI];
- }
- virtual void getStats( // get tree statistics
- int dim, // dimension of space
- ANNkdStats &st, // statistics
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box); // bounding box
- virtual void print(int level, ostream &out);// print node
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- virtual void dump(ostream &out); // dump node
- virtual void ann_search(ANNdist); // standard search
- virtual void ann_pri_search(ANNdist); // priority search
- virtual void ann_FR_search(ANNdist); // fixed-radius search
- ///////
- void delete_leaf(ANNkd_leaf* childToDelete); // set the leaf to KD_TRIVIAL
- // range search
- virtual void range_search(const ANNorthRect& region, // query region
- int ANNkdDim, // dimension of points,
- ANNpointArray ANNkdPts, // array of points
- ANNorthRect& bnd_box, // bounding box of the current node,
- // comes precomputed from the caller
- std::vector<size_t>& pointIdices); // indices of points are returned in this vector
- virtual void range_search_add(std::vector<size_t>& pointIdices); // add all points to pointIdices
-// External entry points
-ANNkd_ptr rkd_tree( // recursive construction of kd-tree
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (unaltered)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int bsp, // bucket space
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box for current node
- ANNkd_splitter splitter, // splitting routine
- vector<ANNkd_leaf*>* ppointToLeafVec);
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_util.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_util.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fa9f554..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/kd_util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_util.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Common utilities for kd- trees
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-#ifndef ANN_kd_util_H
-#define ANN_kd_util_H
-#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations
-namespace geom_bt {
-// externally accessible functions
-double annAspectRatio( // compute aspect ratio of box
- int dim, // dimension
- const ANNorthRect &bnd_box); // bounding cube
-void annEnclRect( // compute smallest enclosing rectangle
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension
- ANNorthRect &bnds); // bounding cube (returned)
-void annEnclCube( // compute smallest enclosing cube
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension
- ANNorthRect &bnds); // bounding cube (returned)
-ANNdist annBoxDistance( // compute distance from point to box
- const ANNpoint q, // the point
- const ANNpoint lo, // low point of box
- const ANNpoint hi, // high point of box
- int dim); // dimension of space
-ANNcoord annSpread( // compute point spread along dimension
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int d); // dimension to check
-void annMinMax( // compute min and max coordinates along dim
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int d, // dimension to check
- ANNcoord& min, // minimum value (returned)
- ANNcoord& max); // maximum value (returned)
-int annMaxSpread( // compute dimension of max spread
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int dim); // dimension of space
-void annMedianSplit( // split points along median value
- ANNpointArray pa, // points to split
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int d, // dimension along which to split
- ANNcoord &cv, // cutting value
- int n_lo); // split into n_lo and n-n_lo
-void annPlaneSplit( // split points by a plane
- ANNpointArray pa, // points to split
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int d, // dimension along which to split
- ANNcoord cv, // cutting value
- int &br1, // first break (values < cv)
- int &br2); // second break (values == cv)
-void annBoxSplit( // split points by a box
- ANNpointArray pa, // points to split
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- ANNorthRect &box, // the box
- int &n_in); // number of points inside (returned)
-int annSplitBalance( // determine balance factor of a split
- ANNpointArray pa, // points to split
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int d, // dimension along which to split
- ANNcoord cv); // cutting value
-void annBox2Bnds( // convert inner box to bounds
- const ANNorthRect &inner_box, // inner box
- const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // enclosing box
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &n_bnds, // number of bounds (returned)
- ANNorthHSArray &bnds); // bounds array (returned)
-void annBnds2Box( // convert bounds to inner box
- const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // enclosing box
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int n_bnds, // number of bounds
- ANNorthHSArray bnds, // bounds array
- ANNorthRect &inner_box); // inner box (returned)
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/pr_queue.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/pr_queue.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f938a73..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/pr_queue.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// File: pr_queue.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Include file for priority queue and related
-// structures.
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-#ifndef PR_QUEUE_H
-#define PR_QUEUE_H
-#include <ANN/ANNx.h> // all ANN includes
-#include <ANN/ANNperf.h> // performance evaluation
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Basic types.
-typedef void *PQinfo; // info field is generic pointer
-typedef ANNdist PQkey; // key field is distance
-// Priority queue
-// A priority queue is a list of items, along with associated
-// priorities. The basic operations are insert and extract_minimum.
-// The priority queue is maintained using a standard binary heap.
-// (Implementation note: Indexing is performed from [1..max] rather
-// than the C standard of [0..max-1]. This simplifies parent/child
-// computations.) User information consists of a void pointer,
-// and the user is responsible for casting this quantity into whatever
-// useful form is desired.
-// Because the priority queue is so central to the efficiency of
-// query processing, all the code is inline.
-class ANNpr_queue {
- struct pq_node { // node in priority queue
- PQkey key; // key value
- PQinfo info; // info field
- };
- int n; // number of items in queue
- int max_size; // maximum queue size
- pq_node *pq; // the priority queue (array of nodes)
- ANNpr_queue(int max) // constructor (given max size)
- {
- n = 0; // initially empty
- max_size = max; // maximum number of items
- pq = new pq_node[max+1]; // queue is array [1..max] of nodes
- }
- ~ANNpr_queue() // destructor
- { delete [] pq; }
- ANNbool empty() // is queue empty?
- { if (n==0) return ANNtrue; else return ANNfalse; }
- ANNbool non_empty() // is queue nonempty?
- { if (n==0) return ANNfalse; else return ANNtrue; }
- void reset() // make existing queue empty
- { n = 0; }
- inline void insert( // insert item (inlined for speed)
- PQkey kv, // key value
- PQinfo inf) // item info
- {
- if (++n > max_size) annError("Priority queue overflow.", ANNabort);
- register int r = n;
- while (r > 1) { // sift up new item
- register int p = r/2;
- ANN_FLOP(1) // increment floating ops
- if (pq[p].key <= kv) // in proper order
- break;
- pq[r] = pq[p]; // else swap with parent
- r = p;
- }
- pq[r].key = kv; // insert new item at final location
- pq[r].info = inf;
- }
- inline void extr_min( // extract minimum (inlined for speed)
- PQkey &kv, // key (returned)
- PQinfo &inf) // item info (returned)
- {
- kv = pq[1].key; // key of min item
- inf = pq[1].info; // information of min item
- register PQkey kn = pq[n--].key;// last item in queue
- register int p = 1; // p points to item out of position
- register int r = p<<1; // left child of p
- while (r <= n) { // while r is still within the heap
- ANN_FLOP(2) // increment floating ops
- // set r to smaller child of p
- if (r < n && pq[r].key > pq[r+1].key) r++;
- if (kn <= pq[r].key) // in proper order
- break;
- pq[p] = pq[r]; // else swap with child
- p = r; // advance pointers
- r = p<<1;
- }
- pq[p] = pq[n+1]; // insert last item in proper place
- }
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/pr_queue_k.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/pr_queue_k.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 133a766..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/ANN/pr_queue_k.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// File: pr_queue_k.h
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Include file for priority queue with k items.
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-#ifndef PR_QUEUE_K_H
-#define PR_QUEUE_K_H
-#include <ANN/ANNx.h> // all ANN includes
-#include <ANN/ANNperf.h> // performance evaluation
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Basic types
-typedef ANNdist PQKkey; // key field is distance
-typedef int PQKinfo; // info field is int
-// Constants
-// The NULL key value is used to initialize the priority queue, and
-// so it should be larger than any valid distance, so that it will
-// be replaced as legal distance values are inserted. The NULL
-// info value must be a nonvalid array index, we use ANN_NULL_IDX,
-// which is guaranteed to be negative.
-const PQKkey PQ_NULL_KEY = ANN_DIST_INF; // nonexistent key value
-const PQKinfo PQ_NULL_INFO = ANN_NULL_IDX; // nonexistent info value
-// ANNmin_k
-// An ANNmin_k structure is one which maintains the smallest
-// k values (of type PQKkey) and associated information (of type
-// PQKinfo). The special info and key values PQ_NULL_INFO and
-// PQ_NULL_KEY means that thise entry is empty.
-// It is currently implemented using an array with k items.
-// Items are stored in increasing sorted order, and insertions
-// are made through standard insertion sort. (This is quite
-// inefficient, but current applications call for small values
-// of k and relatively few insertions.)
-// Note that the list contains k+1 entries, but the last entry
-// is used as a simple placeholder and is otherwise ignored.
-class ANNmin_k {
- struct mk_node { // node in min_k structure
- PQKkey key; // key value
- PQKinfo info; // info field (user defined)
- };
- int k; // max number of keys to store
- int n; // number of keys currently active
- mk_node *mk; // the list itself
- ANNmin_k(int max) // constructor (given max size)
- {
- n = 0; // initially no items
- k = max; // maximum number of items
- mk = new mk_node[max+1]; // sorted array of keys
- }
- ~ANNmin_k() // destructor
- { delete [] mk; }
- PQKkey ANNmin_key() // return minimum key
- { return (n > 0 ? mk[0].key : PQ_NULL_KEY); }
- PQKkey max_key() // return maximum key
- { return (n == k ? mk[k-1].key : PQ_NULL_KEY); }
- PQKkey ith_smallest_key(int i) // ith smallest key (i in [0..n-1])
- { return (i < n ? mk[i].key : PQ_NULL_KEY); }
- PQKinfo ith_smallest_info(int i) // info for ith smallest (i in [0..n-1])
- { return (i < n ? mk[i].info : PQ_NULL_INFO); }
- inline void insert( // insert item (inlined for speed)
- PQKkey kv, // key value
- PQKinfo inf) // item info
- {
- register int i;
- // slide larger values up
- for (i = n; i > 0; i--) {
- if (mk[i-1].key > kv)
- mk[i] = mk[i-1];
- else
- break;
- }
- mk[i].key = kv; // store element here
- mk[i].info = inf;
- if (n < k) n++; // increment number of items
- ANN_FLOP(k-i+1) // increment floating ops
- }
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/basic_defs_bt.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/basic_defs_bt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d6d264..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/basic_defs_bt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- Copyrigth 2015, D. Morozov, M. Kerber, A. Nigmetov
- This file is part of GeomBottleneck.
- GeomBottleneck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- GeomBottleneck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
- along with GeomBottleneck. If not, see <>.
-#ifndef BASIC_DEFS_BT_H
-#define BASIC_DEFS_BT_H
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <ciso646>
-#include <vector>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <unordered_set>
-#include <string>
-#include <cassert>
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
-#include <iostream>
-namespace geom_bt {
-typedef double CoordinateType;
-typedef int IdType;
-constexpr IdType MinValidId = 10;
-struct Point {
- CoordinateType x, y;
- bool operator==(const Point& other) const;
- bool operator!=(const Point& other) const;
- Point(CoordinateType ax, CoordinateType ay) : x(ax), y(ay) {}
- Point() : x(0.0), y(0.0) {}
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Point p);
-struct DiagramPoint
- // Points above the diagonal have type NORMAL
- // Projections onto the diagonal have type DIAG
- // for DIAG points only x-coordinate is relevant
- // to-do: add getters/setters, checks in constructors, etc
- enum Type { NORMAL, DIAG};
- // data members
- CoordinateType x, y;
- Type type;
- IdType id;
- // operators, constructors
- bool operator==(const DiagramPoint& other) const;
- bool operator!=(const DiagramPoint& other) const;
- DiagramPoint(CoordinateType xx, CoordinateType yy, Type ttype, IdType uid);
- bool isDiagonal(void) const { return type == DIAG; }
- bool isNormal(void) const { return type == NORMAL; }
- CoordinateType inline getRealX() const // return the x-coord
- {
- return x;
- //if (DiagramPoint::NORMAL == type)
- //return x;
- //else
- //return 0.5 * ( x + y);
- }
- CoordinateType inline getRealY() const // return the y-coord
- {
- return y;
- //if (DiagramPoint::NORMAL == type)
- //return y;
- //else
- //return 0.5 * ( x + y);
- }
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const DiagramPoint p);
-struct PointHash {
- size_t operator()(const Point& p) const{
- return std::hash<CoordinateType>()(p.x)^std::hash<CoordinateType>()(p.y);
- }
-struct DiagramPointHash {
- size_t operator()(const DiagramPoint& p) const{
- //return std::hash<CoordinateType>()(p.x)^std::hash<CoordinateType>()(p.y)^std::hash<bool>()(p.type == DiagramPoint::NORMAL);
- assert( >= MinValidId);
- return std::hash<int>()(;
- }
-CoordinateType sqrDist(const Point& a, const Point& b);
-CoordinateType dist(const Point& a, const Point& b);
-CoordinateType distLInf(const DiagramPoint& a, const DiagramPoint& b);
-typedef std::unordered_set<Point, PointHash> PointSet;
-class DiagramPointSet {
- void insert(const DiagramPoint p);
- void erase(const DiagramPoint& p, bool doCheck = true); // if doCheck, erasing non-existing elements causes assert
- void erase(const std::unordered_set<DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash>::const_iterator it);
- void removeDiagonalPoints();
- size_t size() const;
- void reserve(const size_t newSize);
- void clear();
- bool empty() const;
- bool hasElement(const DiagramPoint& p) const;
- std::unordered_set<DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash>::iterator find(const DiagramPoint& p) { return points.find(p); };
- std::unordered_set<DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash>::const_iterator find(const DiagramPoint& p) const { return points.find(p); };
- std::unordered_set<DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash>::iterator begin() { return points.begin(); };
- std::unordered_set<DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash>::iterator end() { return points.end(); }
- std::unordered_set<DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash>::const_iterator cbegin() const { return points.cbegin(); }
- std::unordered_set<DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash>::const_iterator cend() const { return points.cend(); }
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const DiagramPointSet& ps);
- friend void addProjections(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B);
- template<class PairIterator> DiagramPointSet(PairIterator first, PairIterator last);
- template<class PairIterator> void fillIn(PairIterator first, PairIterator last);
- // default ctor, empty diagram
- DiagramPointSet(IdType minId = MinValidId + 1) : maxId(minId + 1) {};
- IdType nextId() { return maxId + 1; }
- bool isLinked { false };
- IdType maxId {MinValidId + 1};
- std::unordered_set<DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash> points;
-template<typename DiagPointContainer>
-CoordinateType getFurthestDistance3Approx(DiagPointContainer& A, DiagPointContainer& B)
- CoordinateType result { 0.0 };
- DiagramPoint begA = *(A.begin());
- DiagramPoint optB = *(B.begin());
- for(const auto& pointB : B) {
- if (distLInf(begA, pointB) > result) {
- result = distLInf(begA, pointB);
- optB = pointB;
- }
- }
- for(const auto& pointA : A) {
- if (distLInf(pointA, optB) > result) {
- result = distLInf(pointA, optB);
- }
- }
- return result;
-template<class PairIterator>
-void DiagramPointSet::fillIn(PairIterator start, PairIterator end)
- isLinked = false;
- clear();
- IdType uniqueId = MinValidId + 1;
- for(auto iter = start; iter != end; ++iter) {
- insert(DiagramPoint(iter->first, iter->second, DiagramPoint::NORMAL, uniqueId++));
- }
-template<class PairIterator>
-DiagramPointSet::DiagramPointSet(PairIterator start, PairIterator end)
- fillIn(start, end);
-// preprocess diagrams A and B by adding projections onto diagonal of points of
-// A to B and vice versa. NB: ids of points will be changed!
-void addProjections(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B);
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/bottleneck.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/bottleneck.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 75c902f..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/bottleneck.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- Copyrigth 2015, D. Morozov, M. Kerber, A. Nigmetov
- This file is part of GeomBottleneck.
- GeomBottleneck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- GeomBottleneck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
- along with GeomBottleneck. If not, see <>.
-//#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <limits>
-#include <random>
-#include "basic_defs_bt.h"
-#include "bound_match.h"
-//#include "test_neighb_oracle.h"
-//#include "test_dist_calc.h"
-namespace geom_bt {
-typedef std::pair<double, std::pair<size_t, size_t>> DistVerticesPair;
-// functions taking DiagramPointSet as input.
-// ATTENTION: parameters A and B (diagrams) will be changed after the call
-// (projections added).
-// return the interval (distMin, distMax) such that:
-// a) actual bottleneck distance between A and B is contained in the interval
-// b) if the interval is not (0,0), then (distMax - distMin) / distMin < epsilon
-std::pair<double, double> bottleneckDistApproxInterval(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B, const double epsilon);
-// heuristic (sample diagram to estimate the distance)
-std::pair<double, double> bottleneckDistApproxIntervalHeur(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B, const double epsilon);
-// get approximate distance,
-// see bottleneckDistApproxInterval
-double bottleneckDistApprox(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B, const double epsilon);
-// get exact bottleneck distance,
-double bottleneckDistExact(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B, const int decPrecision);
-// get exact bottleneck distance,
-double bottleneckDistExact(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B);
-// functions taking containers as input
-// template parameter PairContainer must be a container of pairs of real
-// numbers (pair.first = x-coordinate, pair.second = y-coordinate)
-// PairContainer class must support iteration of the form
-// for(it = pairContainer.begin(); it != pairContainer.end(); ++it)
-// return the interval (distMin, distMax) such that:
-// a) actual bottleneck distance between A and B is contained in the interval
-// b) if the interval is not (0,0), then (distMax - distMin) / distMin < epsilon
-template<class PairContainer>
-std::pair<double, double> bottleneckDistApproxInterval(PairContainer& A, PairContainer& B, const double epsilon)
- DiagramPointSet a(A.begin(), A.end());
- DiagramPointSet b(B.begin(), B.end());
- return bottleneckDistApproxInterval(a, b, epsilon);
-template<class PairContainer>
-double bottleneckDistApproxHeur(PairContainer& A, PairContainer& B, const double epsilon)
- DiagramPointSet a(A.begin(), A.end());
- DiagramPointSet b(B.begin(), B.end());
- std::pair<double, double> resPair = bottleneckDistApproxIntervalHeur(a, b, epsilon);
- return resPair.second;
-// get approximate distance,
-// see bottleneckDistApproxInterval
-template<class PairContainer>
-double bottleneckDistApprox(PairContainer& A, PairContainer& B, const double epsilon)
- DiagramPointSet a(A.begin(), A.end());
- DiagramPointSet b(B.begin(), B.end());
- return bottleneckDistApprox(a, b, epsilon);
-// get exact bottleneck distance,
-template<class PairContainer>
-double bottleneckDistExact(PairContainer& A, PairContainer& B)
- DiagramPointSet a(A.begin(), A.end());
- DiagramPointSet b(B.begin(), B.end());
- return bottleneckDistExact(a, b, 14);
-// get exact bottleneck distance,
-template<class PairContainer>
-double bottleneckDistExact(PairContainer& A, PairContainer& B, const int decPrecision)
- DiagramPointSet a(A.begin(), A.end());
- DiagramPointSet b(B.begin(), B.end());
- return bottleneckDistExact(a, b, decPrecision);
-// fill in result with points from file fname
-// return false if file can't be opened
-// or error occurred while reading
-// decPrecision is the maximal decimal precision in the input,
-// it is zero if all coordinates in the input are integers
-bool readDiagramPointSet(const char* fname, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& result, int& decPrecision);
-// wrapper for standard string
-bool readDiagramPointSet(const std::string& fname, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& result, int& decPrecision);
-// these two functions are now just wrappers for the previous ones,
-// in case someone needs them; decPrecision is ignored
-bool readDiagramPointSet(const char* fname, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& result);
-// wrapper for standard string
-bool readDiagramPointSet(const std::string& fname, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& result);
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/bound_match.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/bound_match.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e2d369..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/bound_match.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- Copyrigth 2015, D. Morozov, M. Kerber, A. Nigmetov
- This file is part of GeomBottleneck.
- GeomBottleneck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- GeomBottleneck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
- along with GeomBottleneck. If not, see <>.
-#ifndef BOUND_MATCH_H
-#define BOUND_MATCH_H
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include "basic_defs_bt.h"
-#include "neighb_oracle.h"
-namespace geom_bt {
-typedef std::vector<DiagramPoint> Path;
-class Matching {
- Matching(const DiagramPointSet& AA, const DiagramPointSet& BB) : A(AA), B(BB) {};
- DiagramPointSet getExposedVertices(bool forA = true) const ;
- bool isExposed(const DiagramPoint& p) const;
- void getAllAdjacentVertices(const DiagramPointSet& setIn, DiagramPointSet& setOut, bool forA = true) const;
- void increase(const Path& augmentingPath);
- void checkAugPath(const Path& augPath) const;
- bool getMatchedVertex(const DiagramPoint& p, DiagramPoint& result) const;
- bool isPerfect() const;
- void trimMatching(const double newThreshold);
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Matching& m);
- DiagramPointSet A;
- DiagramPointSet B;
- std::unordered_map<DiagramPoint, DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash> AToB, BToA;
- void matchVertices(const DiagramPoint& pA, const DiagramPoint& pB);
- void sanityCheck() const;
-class BoundMatchOracle {
- BoundMatchOracle(DiagramPointSet psA, DiagramPointSet psB, double dEps, bool useRS = true);
- bool isMatchLess(double r);
- void setInnerOracle(NeighbOracleAbstract* innerOracle) { neighbOracle = innerOracle; }
- bool buildMatchingForThreshold(const double r);
- ~BoundMatchOracle();
- DiagramPointSet A, B;
- Matching M;
- void printLayerGraph(void);
- void buildLayerGraph(double r);
- void buildLayerOracles(double r);
- bool buildAugmentingPath(const DiagramPoint startVertex, Path& result);
- void removeFromLayer(const DiagramPoint& p, const int layerIdx);
- NeighbOracleAbstract* neighbOracle;
- bool augPathExist;
- std::vector<DiagramPointSet> layerGraph;
- std::vector<NeighbOracle*> layerOracles;
- double distEpsilon;
- bool useRangeSearch;
- double prevQueryValue;
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/def_debug_bt.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/def_debug_bt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 888ded6..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/def_debug_bt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- Copyrigth 2015, D. Morozov, M. Kerber, A. Nigmetov
- This file is part of GeomBottleneck.
- GeomBottleneck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- GeomBottleneck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
- along with GeomBottleneck. If not, see <>.
-#ifndef DEF_DEBUG_BT_H
-#define DEF_DEBUG_BT_H
-//#define DEBUG_AUCTION
-// This symbol should be defined only in the version
-// for R package TDA, to comply with some CRAN rules
-// like no usage of cout, cerr, cin, exit, etc.
-//#define FOR_R_TDA
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/neighb_oracle.h b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/neighb_oracle.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f78b1..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/include/neighb_oracle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- Copyrigth 2015, D. Morozov, M. Kerber, A. Nigmetov
- This file is part of GeomBottleneck.
- GeomBottleneck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- GeomBottleneck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
- along with GeomBottleneck. If not, see <>.
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include "basic_defs_bt.h"
-#include <ANN/ANN.h>
-namespace geom_bt {
-class NeighbOracleAbstract{
- virtual void deletePoint(const DiagramPoint& p) = 0;
- virtual void rebuild(const DiagramPointSet& S, double rr) = 0;
- // return true, if r-neighbour of q exists in pointSet,
- // false otherwise.
- // the neighbour is returned in result
- virtual bool getNeighbour(const DiagramPoint& q, DiagramPoint& result) const = 0;
- virtual void getAllNeighbours(const DiagramPoint& q, std::vector<DiagramPoint>& result) = 0;
- virtual ~NeighbOracleAbstract() {};
- double r;
- double distEpsilon;
-class NeighbOracleSimple : public NeighbOracleAbstract
- NeighbOracleSimple();
- NeighbOracleSimple(const DiagramPointSet& S, const double rr, const double dEps);
- void deletePoint(const DiagramPoint& p);
- void rebuild(const DiagramPointSet& S, const double rr);
- bool getNeighbour(const DiagramPoint& q, DiagramPoint& result) const;
- void getAllNeighbours(const DiagramPoint& q, std::vector<DiagramPoint>& result);
- ~NeighbOracleSimple() {};
- DiagramPointSet pointSet;
-class NeighbOracleAnn : public NeighbOracleAbstract
- NeighbOracleAnn(const DiagramPointSet& S, const double rr, const double dEps);
- void deletePoint(const DiagramPoint& p);
- void rebuild(const DiagramPointSet& S, const double rr);
- bool getNeighbour(const DiagramPoint& q, DiagramPoint& result) const;
- void getAllNeighbours(const DiagramPoint& q, std::vector<DiagramPoint>& result);
- ~NeighbOracleAnn();
- //DiagramPointSet originalPointSet;
- std::vector<DiagramPoint> allPoints;
- DiagramPointSet diagonalPoints;
- std::unordered_map<DiagramPoint, size_t, DiagramPointHash> pointIdxLookup;
- // ann-stuff
- static constexpr double annEpsilon {0};
- static const int annK {1};
- static const int annDim{2};
- ANNpointArray annPoints;
- ANNkd_tree* kdTree;
- ANNidxArray annNeigbIndices;
- ANNpoint annQueryPoint;
- // to use in getAllNeighbours
- ANNpoint lo;
- ANNpoint hi;
- ANNidxArray annIndices;
- ANNdistArray annDistances;
-//typedef NeighbOracleSimple NeighbOracle;
-typedef NeighbOracleAnn NeighbOracle;
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/lib/dummy b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/lib/dummy
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/lib/dummy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/ANN.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/ANN.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 83c7ef6..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/ANN.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-// File: ANN.cpp
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Methods for ANN.h and ANNx.h
-// Last modified: 01/27/10 (Version 1.1.2)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2010 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.0 04/01/05
-// Added performance counting to annDist()
-// Revision 1.1.2 01/27/10
-// Fixed minor compilation bugs for new versions of gcc
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <ciso646> // make VS more conformal
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <cstdlib> // C standard lib defs
-#include <ANN/ANNx.h> // all ANN includes
-#include <ANN/ANNperf.h> // ANN performance
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-using namespace std; // make std:: accessible
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Point methods
-// Distance utility.
-// (Note: In the nearest neighbor search, most distances are
-// computed using partial distance calculations, not this
-// procedure.)
-ANNdist annDist( // interpoint squared distance
- int dim,
- ANNpoint p,
- ANNpoint q)
- register int d;
- register ANNcoord diff;
- register ANNcoord dist;
- dist = 0;
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- diff = p[d] - q[d];
- dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(diff));
- }
- ANN_FLOP(3*dim) // performance counts
- ANN_PTS(1)
- ANN_COORD(dim)
- return dist;
-// annPrintPoint() prints a point to a given output stream.
-void annPrintPt( // print a point
- ANNpoint pt, // the point
- int dim, // the dimension
- std::ostream &out) // output stream
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
- out << pt[j];
- if (j < dim-1) out << " ";
- }
-// Point allocation/deallocation:
-// Because points (somewhat like strings in C) are stored
-// as pointers. Consequently, creating and destroying
-// copies of points may require storage allocation. These
-// procedures do this.
-// annAllocPt() and annDeallocPt() allocate a deallocate
-// storage for a single point, and return a pointer to it.
-// annAllocPts() allocates an array of points as well a place
-// to store their coordinates, and initializes the points to
-// point to their respective coordinates. It allocates point
-// storage in a contiguous block large enough to store all the
-// points. It performs no initialization.
-// annDeallocPts() should only be used on point arrays allocated
-// by annAllocPts since it assumes that points are allocated in
-// a block.
-// annCopyPt() copies a point taking care to allocate storage
-// for the new point.
-// annAssignRect() assigns the coordinates of one rectangle to
-// another. The two rectangles must have the same dimension
-// (and it is not possible to test this here).
-ANNpoint annAllocPt(int dim, ANNcoord c) // allocate 1 point
- ANNpoint p = new ANNcoord[dim];
- for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) p[i] = c;
- return p;
-ANNpointArray annAllocPts(int n, int dim) // allocate n pts in dim
- ANNpointArray pa = new ANNpoint[n]; // allocate points
- ANNpoint p = new ANNcoord[n*dim]; // allocate space for coords
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- pa[i] = &(p[i*dim]);
- }
- return pa;
-void annDeallocPt(ANNpoint &p) // deallocate 1 point
- delete [] p;
- p = NULL;
-void annDeallocPts(ANNpointArray &pa) // deallocate points
- delete [] pa[0]; // dealloc coordinate storage
- delete [] pa; // dealloc points
- pa = NULL;
-ANNpoint annCopyPt(int dim, ANNpoint source) // copy point
- ANNpoint p = new ANNcoord[dim];
- for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) p[i] = source[i];
- return p;
- // assign one rect to another
-void annAssignRect(int dim, ANNorthRect &dest, const ANNorthRect &source)
- for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
- dest.lo[i] = source.lo[i];
- dest.hi[i] = source.hi[i];
- }
- // is point inside rectangle?
-ANNbool ANNorthRect::inside(const int dim, ANNpoint p) const
- for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
- if (p[i] < lo[i] || p[i] > hi[i]) return ANNfalse;
- }
- return ANNtrue;
-bool ANNorthRect::contains(const int dim, const ANNorthRect& r) const
- return this->inside(dim, r.hi) and this->inside(dim, r.lo);
-bool ANNorthRect::intersects(const int dim, const ANNorthRect& r) const
- assert(dim == 2); // works for plane only
- const ANNpoint otherLo = r.lo;
- const ANNpoint otherHi = r.hi;
- if ( otherLo[0] > hi[0] or
- otherLo[1] > hi[1] or
- otherHi[0] < lo[0] or
- otherHi[1] < lo[1]) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
-// Error handler
-void annError(const char* msg, ANNerr level)
- if (level == ANNabort) {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- cerr << "ANN: ERROR------->" << msg << "<-------------ERROR\n";
- throw std::runtime_error(std::string("ANN: Error: ") + std::string(msg));
- //exit(1);
- }
- else {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- cerr << "ANN: WARNING----->" << msg << "<-------------WARNING\n";
- }
-// Limit on number of points visited
-// We have an option for terminating the search early if the
-// number of points visited exceeds some threshold. If the
-// threshold is 0 (its default) this means there is no limit
-// and the algorithm applies its normal termination condition.
-// This is for applications where there are real time constraints
-// on the running time of the algorithm.
-int ANNmaxPtsVisited = 0; // maximum number of pts visited
-int ANNptsVisited; // number of pts visited in search
-// Global function declarations
-void annMaxPtsVisit( // set limit on max. pts to visit in search
- int maxPts) // the limit
- ANNmaxPtsVisited = maxPts;
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fe8ab78..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// File: bd_fix_rad_search.cpp
-// Programmer: David Mount
-// Description: Standard bd-tree search
-// Last modified: 05/03/05 (Version 1.1)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 1.1 05/03/05
-// Initial release
-#include "bd_tree.h" // bd-tree declarations
-#include "kd_fix_rad_search.h" // kd-tree FR search declarations
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Approximate searching for bd-trees.
-// See the file kd_FR_search.cpp for general information on the
-// approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm. Here we
-// include the extensions for shrinking nodes.
-// bd_shrink::ann_FR_search - search a shrinking node
-void ANNbd_shrink::ann_FR_search(ANNdist box_dist)
- // check dist calc term cond.
- if (ANNmaxPtsVisited != 0 && ANNptsVisited > ANNmaxPtsVisited) return;
- ANNdist inner_dist = 0; // distance to inner box
- for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) { // is query point in the box?
- if (bnds[i].out(ANNkdFRQ)) { // outside this bounding side?
- // add to inner distance
- inner_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(inner_dist, bnds[i].dist(ANNkdFRQ));
- }
- }
- if (inner_dist <= box_dist) { // if inner box is closer
- child[ANN_IN]->ann_FR_search(inner_dist);// search inner child first
- child[ANN_OUT]->ann_FR_search(box_dist);// ...then outer child
- }
- else { // if outer box is closer
- child[ANN_OUT]->ann_FR_search(box_dist);// search outer child first
- child[ANN_IN]->ann_FR_search(inner_dist);// ...then outer child
- }
- ANN_FLOP(3*n_bnds) // increment floating ops
- ANN_SHR(1) // one more shrinking node
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_pr_search.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_pr_search.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fb9dea6..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_pr_search.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// File: bd_pr_search.cpp
-// Programmer: David Mount
-// Description: Priority search for bd-trees
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-#include "bd_tree.h" // bd-tree declarations
-#include "kd_pr_search.h" // kd priority search declarations
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Approximate priority searching for bd-trees.
-// See the file for general information on the
-// approximate nearest neighbor priority search algorithm. Here
-// we include the extensions for shrinking nodes.
-// bd_shrink::ann_search - search a shrinking node
-void ANNbd_shrink::ann_pri_search(ANNdist box_dist)
- ANNdist inner_dist = 0; // distance to inner box
- for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) { // is query point in the box?
- if (bnds[i].out(ANNprQ)) { // outside this bounding side?
- // add to inner distance
- inner_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(inner_dist, bnds[i].dist(ANNprQ));
- }
- }
- if (inner_dist <= box_dist) { // if inner box is closer
- if (child[ANN_OUT] != KD_TRIVIAL) // enqueue outer if not trivial
- ANNprBoxPQ->insert(box_dist,child[ANN_OUT]);
- // continue with inner child
- child[ANN_IN]->ann_pri_search(inner_dist);
- }
- else { // if outer box is closer
- if (child[ANN_IN] != KD_TRIVIAL) // enqueue inner if not trivial
- ANNprBoxPQ->insert(inner_dist,child[ANN_IN]);
- // continue with outer child
- child[ANN_OUT]->ann_pri_search(box_dist);
- }
- ANN_FLOP(3*n_bnds) // increment floating ops
- ANN_SHR(1) // one more shrinking node
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_search.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_search.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2935bcb..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_search.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// File: bd_search.cpp
-// Programmer: David Mount
-// Description: Standard bd-tree search
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-#include "bd_tree.h" // bd-tree declarations
-#include "kd_search.h" // kd-tree search declarations
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Approximate searching for bd-trees.
-// See the file kd_search.cpp for general information on the
-// approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm. Here we
-// include the extensions for shrinking nodes.
-// bd_shrink::ann_search - search a shrinking node
-void ANNbd_shrink::ann_search(ANNdist box_dist)
- // check dist calc term cond.
- if (ANNmaxPtsVisited != 0 && ANNptsVisited > ANNmaxPtsVisited) return;
- ANNdist inner_dist = 0; // distance to inner box
- for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) { // is query point in the box?
- if (bnds[i].out(ANNkdQ)) { // outside this bounding side?
- // add to inner distance
- inner_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(inner_dist, bnds[i].dist(ANNkdQ));
- }
- }
- if (inner_dist <= box_dist) { // if inner box is closer
- child[ANN_IN]->ann_search(inner_dist); // search inner child first
- child[ANN_OUT]->ann_search(box_dist); // ...then outer child
- }
- else { // if outer box is closer
- child[ANN_OUT]->ann_search(box_dist); // search outer child first
- child[ANN_IN]->ann_search(inner_dist); // ...then outer child
- }
- ANN_FLOP(3*n_bnds) // increment floating ops
- ANN_SHR(1) // one more shrinking node
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_tree.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_tree.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a5dd69c..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/bd_tree.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-// File: bd_tree.cpp
-// Programmer: David Mount
-// Description: Basic methods for bd-trees.
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision l.0 04/01/05
-// Fixed centroid shrink threshold condition to depend on the
-// dimension.
-// Moved dump routine to kd_dump.cpp.
-#include "bd_tree.h" // bd-tree declarations
-#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities
-#include "kd_split.h" // kd-tree splitting rules
-#include <ANN/ANNperf.h> // performance evaluation
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Printing a bd-tree
-// These routines print a bd-tree. See the analogous procedure
-// in kd_tree.cpp for more information.
-void ANNbd_shrink::print( // print shrinking node
- int level, // depth of node in tree
- ostream &out) // output stream
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- child[ANN_OUT]->print(level+1, out); // print out-child
- out << " ";
- for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) // print indentation
- out << "..";
- out << "Shrink";
- for (int j = 0; j < n_bnds; j++) { // print sides, 2 per line
- if (j % 2 == 0) {
- out << "\n"; // newline and indentation
- for (int i = 0; i < level+2; i++) out << " ";
- }
- out << " ([" << bnds[j].cd << "]"
- << (bnds[j].sd > 0 ? ">=" : "< ")
- << bnds[j].cv << ")";
- }
- out << "\n";
- child[ANN_IN]->print(level+1, out); // print in-child
-// kd_tree statistics utility (for performance evaluation)
-// This routine computes various statistics information for
-// shrinking nodes. See file kd_tree.cpp for more information.
-void ANNbd_shrink::getStats( // get subtree statistics
- int dim, // dimension of space
- ANNkdStats &st, // stats (modified)
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box) // bounding box
- ANNkdStats ch_stats; // stats for children
- ANNorthRect inner_box(dim); // inner box of shrink
- annBnds2Box(bnd_box, // enclosing box
- dim, // dimension
- n_bnds, // number of bounds
- bnds, // bounds array
- inner_box); // inner box (modified)
- // get stats for inner child
- ch_stats.reset(); // reset
- child[ANN_IN]->getStats(dim, ch_stats, inner_box);
- st.merge(ch_stats); // merge them
- // get stats for outer child
- ch_stats.reset(); // reset
- child[ANN_OUT]->getStats(dim, ch_stats, bnd_box);
- st.merge(ch_stats); // merge them
- st.depth++; // increment depth
- st.n_shr++; // increment number of shrinks
-// bd-tree constructor
-// This is the main constructor for bd-trees given a set of points.
-// It first builds a skeleton kd-tree as a basis, then computes the
-// bounding box of the data points, and then invokes rbd_tree() to
-// actually build the tree, passing it the appropriate splitting
-// and shrinking information.
-ANNkd_ptr rbd_tree( // recursive construction of bd-tree
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int bsp, // bucket space
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box for current node
- ANNkd_splitter splitter, // splitting routine
- ANNshrinkRule shrink); // shrinking rule
-ANNbd_tree::ANNbd_tree( // construct from point array
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (with at least n pts)
- int n, // number of points
- int dd, // dimension
- int bs, // bucket size
- ANNsplitRule split, // splitting rule
- ANNshrinkRule shrink) // shrinking rule
- : ANNkd_tree(n, dd, bs) // build skeleton base tree
- pts = pa; // where the points are
- if (n == 0) return; // no points--no sweat
- ANNorthRect bnd_box(dd); // bounding box for points
- // construct bounding rectangle
- annEnclRect(pa, pidx, n, dd, bnd_box);
- // copy to tree structure
- bnd_box_lo = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.lo);
- bnd_box_hi = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.hi);
- switch (split) { // build by rule
- case ANN_KD_STD: // standard kd-splitting rule
- root = rbd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split, shrink);
- break;
- case ANN_KD_MIDPT: // midpoint split
- root = rbd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, midpt_split, shrink);
- break;
- case ANN_KD_SUGGEST: // best (in our opinion)
- case ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT: // sliding midpoint split
- root = rbd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_midpt_split, shrink);
- break;
- case ANN_KD_FAIR: // fair split
- root = rbd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, fair_split, shrink);
- break;
- case ANN_KD_SL_FAIR: // sliding fair split
- root = rbd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs,
- bnd_box, sl_fair_split, shrink);
- break;
- default:
- annError("Illegal splitting method", ANNabort);
- }
-// Shrinking rules
-enum ANNdecomp {SPLIT, SHRINK}; // decomposition methods
-// trySimpleShrink - Attempt a simple shrink
-// We compute the tight bounding box of the points, and compute
-// the 2*dim ``gaps'' between the sides of the tight box and the
-// bounding box. If any of the gaps is large enough relative to
-// the longest side of the tight bounding box, then we shrink
-// all sides whose gaps are large enough. (The reason for
-// comparing against the tight bounding box, is that after
-// shrinking the longest box size will decrease, and if we use
-// the standard bounding box, we may decide to shrink twice in
-// a row. Since the tight box is fixed, we cannot shrink twice
-// consecutively.)
-const float BD_GAP_THRESH = 0.5; // gap threshold (must be < 1)
-const int BD_CT_THRESH = 2; // min number of shrink sides
-ANNdecomp trySimpleShrink( // try a simple shrink
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // current bounding box
- ANNorthRect &inner_box) // inner box if shrinking (returned)
- int i;
- // compute tight bounding box
- annEnclRect(pa, pidx, n, dim, inner_box);
- ANNcoord max_length = 0; // find longest box side
- for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
- ANNcoord length = inner_box.hi[i] - inner_box.lo[i];
- if (length > max_length) {
- max_length = length;
- }
- }
- int shrink_ct = 0; // number of sides we shrunk
- for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { // select which sides to shrink
- // gap between boxes
- ANNcoord gap_hi = bnd_box.hi[i] - inner_box.hi[i];
- // big enough gap to shrink?
- if (gap_hi < max_length*BD_GAP_THRESH)
- inner_box.hi[i] = bnd_box.hi[i]; // no - expand
- else shrink_ct++; // yes - shrink this side
- // repeat for high side
- ANNcoord gap_lo = inner_box.lo[i] - bnd_box.lo[i];
- if (gap_lo < max_length*BD_GAP_THRESH)
- inner_box.lo[i] = bnd_box.lo[i]; // no - expand
- else shrink_ct++; // yes - shrink this side
- }
- if (shrink_ct >= BD_CT_THRESH) // did we shrink enough sides?
- return SHRINK;
- else return SPLIT;
-// tryCentroidShrink - Attempt a centroid shrink
-// We repeatedly apply the splitting rule, always to the larger subset
-// of points, until the number of points decreases by the constant
-// fraction BD_FRACTION. If this takes more than dim*BD_MAX_SPLIT_FAC
-// splits for this to happen, then we shrink to the final inner box
-// Otherwise we split.
-const float BD_MAX_SPLIT_FAC = 0.5; // maximum number of splits allowed
-const float BD_FRACTION = 0.5; // reduce points by this fraction
- // ...This must be < 1.
-ANNdecomp tryCentroidShrink( // try a centroid shrink
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // current bounding box
- ANNkd_splitter splitter, // splitting procedure
- ANNorthRect &inner_box) // inner box if shrinking (returned)
- int n_sub = n; // number of points in subset
- int n_goal = (int) (n*BD_FRACTION); // number of point in goal
- int n_splits = 0; // number of splits needed
- // initialize inner box to bounding box
- annAssignRect(dim, inner_box, bnd_box);
- while (n_sub > n_goal) { // keep splitting until goal reached
- int cd; // cut dim from splitter (ignored)
- ANNcoord cv; // cut value from splitter (ignored)
- int n_lo; // number of points on low side
- // invoke splitting procedure
- (*splitter)(pa, pidx, inner_box, n_sub, dim, cd, cv, n_lo);
- n_splits++; // increment split count
- if (n_lo >= n_sub/2) { // most points on low side
- inner_box.hi[cd] = cv; // collapse high side
- n_sub = n_lo; // recurse on lower points
- }
- else { // most points on high side
- inner_box.lo[cd] = cv; // collapse low side
- pidx += n_lo; // recurse on higher points
- n_sub -= n_lo;
- }
- }
- if (n_splits > dim*BD_MAX_SPLIT_FAC)// took too many splits
- return SHRINK; // shrink to final subset
- else
- return SPLIT;
-// selectDecomp - select which decomposition to use
-ANNdecomp selectDecomp( // select decomposition method
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // current bounding box
- ANNkd_splitter splitter, // splitting procedure
- ANNshrinkRule shrink, // shrinking rule
- ANNorthRect &inner_box) // inner box if shrinking (returned)
- ANNdecomp decomp = SPLIT; // decomposition
- switch (shrink) { // check shrinking rule
- case ANN_BD_NONE: // no shrinking allowed
- decomp = SPLIT;
- break;
- case ANN_BD_SUGGEST: // author's suggestion
- case ANN_BD_SIMPLE: // simple shrink
- decomp = trySimpleShrink(
- pa, pidx, // points and indices
- n, dim, // number of points and dimension
- bnd_box, // current bounding box
- inner_box); // inner box if shrinking (returned)
- break;
- case ANN_BD_CENTROID: // centroid shrink
- decomp = tryCentroidShrink(
- pa, pidx, // points and indices
- n, dim, // number of points and dimension
- bnd_box, // current bounding box
- splitter, // splitting procedure
- inner_box); // inner box if shrinking (returned)
- break;
- default:
- annError("Illegal shrinking rule", ANNabort);
- }
- return decomp;
-// rbd_tree - recursive procedure to build a bd-tree
-// This is analogous to rkd_tree, but for bd-trees. See the
-// procedure rkd_tree() in kd_split.cpp for more information.
-// If the number of points falls below the bucket size, then a
-// leaf node is created for the points. Otherwise we invoke the
-// procedure selectDecomp() which determines whether we are to
-// split or shrink. If splitting is chosen, then we essentially
-// do exactly as rkd_tree() would, and invoke the specified
-// splitting procedure to the points. Otherwise, the selection
-// procedure returns a bounding box, from which we extract the
-// appropriate shrinking bounds, and create a shrinking node.
-// Finally the points are subdivided, and the procedure is
-// invoked recursively on the two subsets to form the children.
-ANNkd_ptr rbd_tree( // recursive construction of bd-tree
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int bsp, // bucket space
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box for current node
- ANNkd_splitter splitter, // splitting routine
- ANNshrinkRule shrink) // shrinking rule
- ANNdecomp decomp; // decomposition method
- ANNorthRect inner_box(dim); // inner box (if shrinking)
- if (n <= bsp) { // n small, make a leaf node
- if (n == 0) // empty leaf node
- return KD_TRIVIAL; // return (canonical) empty leaf
- else // construct the node and return
- return new ANNkd_leaf(n, pidx);
- }
- decomp = selectDecomp( // select decomposition method
- pa, pidx, // points and indices
- n, dim, // number of points and dimension
- bnd_box, // current bounding box
- splitter, shrink, // splitting/shrinking methods
- inner_box); // inner box if shrinking (returned)
- if (decomp == SPLIT) { // split selected
- int cd; // cutting dimension
- ANNcoord cv; // cutting value
- int n_lo; // number on low side of cut
- // invoke splitting procedure
- (*splitter)(pa, pidx, bnd_box, n, dim, cd, cv, n_lo);
- ANNcoord lv = bnd_box.lo[cd]; // save bounds for cutting dimension
- ANNcoord hv = bnd_box.hi[cd];
- bnd_box.hi[cd] = cv; // modify bounds for left subtree
- ANNkd_ptr lo = rbd_tree( // build left subtree
- pa, pidx, n_lo, // ...from pidx[0..n_lo-1]
- dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, shrink);
- bnd_box.hi[cd] = hv; // restore bounds
- bnd_box.lo[cd] = cv; // modify bounds for right subtree
- ANNkd_ptr hi = rbd_tree( // build right subtree
- pa, pidx + n_lo, n-n_lo,// ...from pidx[n_lo..n-1]
- dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, shrink);
- bnd_box.lo[cd] = lv; // restore bounds
- // create the splitting node
- return new ANNkd_split(cd, cv, lv, hv, lo, hi);
- }
- else { // shrink selected
- int n_in; // number of points in box
- int n_bnds; // number of bounding sides
- annBoxSplit( // split points around inner box
- pa, // points to split
- pidx, // point indices
- n, // number of points
- dim, // dimension
- inner_box, // inner box
- n_in); // number of points inside (returned)
- ANNkd_ptr in = rbd_tree( // build inner subtree pidx[0..n_in-1]
- pa, pidx, n_in, dim, bsp, inner_box, splitter, shrink);
- ANNkd_ptr out = rbd_tree( // build outer subtree pidx[n_in..n]
- pa, pidx+n_in, n - n_in, dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, shrink);
- ANNorthHSArray bnds = NULL; // bounds (alloc in Box2Bnds and
- // ...freed in bd_shrink destroyer)
- annBox2Bnds( // convert inner box to bounds
- inner_box, // inner box
- bnd_box, // enclosing box
- dim, // dimension
- n_bnds, // number of bounds (returned)
- bnds); // bounds array (modified)
- // return shrinking node
- return new ANNbd_shrink(n_bnds, bnds, in, out);
- }
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_dump.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_dump.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ecaf7ea..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_dump.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-// File:
-// Programmer: David Mount
-// Description: Dump and Load for kd- and bd-trees
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.0 04/01/05
-// Moved dump out of into this file.
-// Added kd-tree load constructor.
-// This file contains routines for dumping kd-trees and bd-trees and
-// reloading them. (It is an abuse of policy to include both kd- and
-// bd-tree routines in the same file, sorry. There should be no problem
-// in deleting the bd- versions of the routines if they are not
-// desired.)
-#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations
-#include "bd_tree.h" // bd-tree declarations
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-using namespace std; // make std:: available
-namespace geom_bt {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Constants
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int STRING_LEN = 500; // maximum string length
- const double EPSILON = 1E-5; // small number for float comparison
- enum ANNtreeType { KD_TREE, BD_TREE }; // tree types (used in loading)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Procedure declarations
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- static ANNkd_ptr annReadDump( // read dump file
- istream &in, // input stream
- ANNtreeType tree_type, // type of tree expected
- ANNpointArray &the_pts, // new points (if applic)
- ANNidxArray &the_pidx, // point indices (returned)
- int &the_dim, // dimension (returned)
- int &the_n_pts, // number of points (returned)
- int &the_bkt_size, // bucket size (returned)
- ANNpoint &the_bnd_box_lo, // low bounding point
- ANNpoint &the_bnd_box_hi); // high bounding point
- static ANNkd_ptr annReadTree( // read tree-part of dump file
- istream &in, // input stream
- ANNtreeType tree_type, // type of tree expected
- ANNidxArray the_pidx, // point indices (modified)
- int &next_idx); // next index (modified)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ANN kd- and bd-tree Dump Format
- // The dump file begins with a header containing the version of
- // ANN, an optional section containing the points, followed by
- // a description of the tree. The tree is printed in preorder.
- //
- // Format:
- // #ANN <version number> <comments> [END_OF_LINE]
- // points <dim> <n_pts> (point coordinates: this is optional)
- // 0 <xxx> <xxx> ... <xxx> (point indices and coordinates)
- // 1 <xxx> <xxx> ... <xxx>
- // ...
- // tree <dim> <n_pts> <bkt_size>
- // <xxx> <xxx> ... <xxx> (lower end of bounding box)
- // <xxx> <xxx> ... <xxx> (upper end of bounding box)
- // If the tree is null, then a single line "null" is
- // output. Otherwise the nodes of the tree are printed
- // one per line in preorder. Leaves and splitting nodes
- // have the following formats:
- // Leaf node:
- // leaf <n_pts> <bkt[0]> <bkt[1]> ... <bkt[n-1]>
- // Splitting nodes:
- // split <cut_dim> <cut_val> <lo_bound> <hi_bound>
- //
- // For bd-trees:
- //
- // Shrinking nodes:
- // shrink <n_bnds>
- // <cut_dim> <cut_val> <side>
- // <cut_dim> <cut_val> <side>
- // ... (repeated n_bnds times)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- void ANNkd_tree::Dump( // dump entire tree
- ANNbool with_pts, // print points as well?
- ostream &out) // output stream
- {
- out << "#ANN " << ANNversion << "\n";
- out.precision(ANNcoordPrec); // use full precision in dumping
- if (with_pts) { // print point coordinates
- out << "points " << dim << " " << n_pts << "\n";
- for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) {
- out << i << " ";
- annPrintPt(pts[i], dim, out);
- out << "\n";
- }
- }
- out << "tree " // print tree elements
- << dim << " "
- << n_pts << " "
- << bkt_size << "\n";
- annPrintPt(bnd_box_lo, dim, out); // print lower bound
- out << "\n";
- annPrintPt(bnd_box_hi, dim, out); // print upper bound
- out << "\n";
- if (root == NULL) // empty tree?
- out << "null\n";
- else {
- root->dump(out); // invoke printing at root
- }
- out.precision(0); // restore default precision
- }
- void ANNkd_split::dump( // dump a splitting node
- ostream &out) // output stream
- {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- out << "split " << cut_dim << " " << cut_val << " ";
- out << cd_bnds[ANN_LO] << " " << cd_bnds[ANN_HI] << "\n";
- child[ANN_LO]->dump(out); // print low child
- child[ANN_HI]->dump(out); // print high child
- }
- void ANNkd_leaf::dump( // dump a leaf node
- ostream &out) // output stream
- {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- if (this == KD_TRIVIAL) { // canonical trivial leaf node
- out << "leaf 0\n"; // leaf no points
- }
- else {
- out << "leaf " << n_pts;
- for (int j = 0; j < n_pts; j++) {
- out << " " << bkt[j];
- }
- out << "\n";
- }
- }
- void ANNbd_shrink::dump( // dump a shrinking node
- ostream &out) // output stream
- {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- out << "shrink " << n_bnds << "\n";
- for (int j = 0; j < n_bnds; j++) {
- out << bnds[j].cd << " " << bnds[j].cv << " " << bnds[j].sd << "\n";
- }
- child[ANN_IN]->dump(out); // print in-child
- child[ANN_OUT]->dump(out); // print out-child
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Load kd-tree from dump file
- // This rebuilds a kd-tree which was dumped to a file. The dump
- // file contains all the basic tree information according to a
- // preorder traversal. We assume that the dump file also contains
- // point data. (This is to guarantee the consistency of the tree.)
- // If not, then an error is generated.
- //
- // Indirectly, this procedure allocates space for points, point
- // indices, all nodes in the tree, and the bounding box for the
- // tree. When the tree is destroyed, all but the points are
- // deallocated.
- //
- // This routine calls annReadDump to do all the work.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ANNkd_tree::ANNkd_tree( // build from dump file
- istream &in) // input stream for dump file
- {
- int the_dim; // local dimension
- int the_n_pts; // local number of points
- int the_bkt_size; // local number of points
- ANNpoint the_bnd_box_lo; // low bounding point
- ANNpoint the_bnd_box_hi; // high bounding point
- ANNpointArray the_pts; // point storage
- ANNidxArray the_pidx; // point index storage
- ANNkd_ptr the_root; // root of the tree
- the_root = annReadDump( // read the dump file
- in, // input stream
- KD_TREE, // expecting a kd-tree
- the_pts, // point array (returned)
- the_pidx, // point indices (returned)
- the_dim, the_n_pts, the_bkt_size, // basic tree info (returned)
- the_bnd_box_lo, the_bnd_box_hi); // bounding box info (returned)
- // create a skeletal tree
- SkeletonTree(the_n_pts, the_dim, the_bkt_size, the_pts, the_pidx);
- bnd_box_lo = the_bnd_box_lo;
- bnd_box_hi = the_bnd_box_hi;
- root = the_root; // set the root
- }
- ANNbd_tree::ANNbd_tree( // build bd-tree from dump file
- istream &in) : ANNkd_tree() // input stream for dump file
- {
- int the_dim; // local dimension
- int the_n_pts; // local number of points
- int the_bkt_size; // local number of points
- ANNpoint the_bnd_box_lo; // low bounding point
- ANNpoint the_bnd_box_hi; // high bounding point
- ANNpointArray the_pts; // point storage
- ANNidxArray the_pidx; // point index storage
- ANNkd_ptr the_root; // root of the tree
- the_root = annReadDump( // read the dump file
- in, // input stream
- BD_TREE, // expecting a bd-tree
- the_pts, // point array (returned)
- the_pidx, // point indices (returned)
- the_dim, the_n_pts, the_bkt_size, // basic tree info (returned)
- the_bnd_box_lo, the_bnd_box_hi); // bounding box info (returned)
- // create a skeletal tree
- SkeletonTree(the_n_pts, the_dim, the_bkt_size, the_pts, the_pidx);
- bnd_box_lo = the_bnd_box_lo;
- bnd_box_hi = the_bnd_box_hi;
- root = the_root; // set the root
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // annReadDump - read a dump file
- //
- // This procedure reads a dump file, constructs a kd-tree
- // and returns all the essential information needed to actually
- // construct the tree. Because this procedure is used for
- // constructing both kd-trees and bd-trees, the second argument
- // is used to indicate which type of tree we are expecting.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- static ANNkd_ptr annReadDump(
- istream &in, // input stream
- ANNtreeType tree_type, // type of tree expected
- ANNpointArray &the_pts, // new points (returned)
- ANNidxArray &the_pidx, // point indices (returned)
- int &the_dim, // dimension (returned)
- int &the_n_pts, // number of points (returned)
- int &the_bkt_size, // bucket size (returned)
- ANNpoint &the_bnd_box_lo, // low bounding point (ret'd)
- ANNpoint &the_bnd_box_hi) // high bounding point (ret'd)
- {
- int j;
- char str[STRING_LEN]; // storage for string
- char version[STRING_LEN]; // ANN version number
- ANNkd_ptr the_root = NULL;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Input file header
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- in >> str; // input header
- if (strcmp(str, "#ANN") != 0) { // incorrect header
- annError("Incorrect header for dump file", ANNabort);
- }
- in.getline(version, STRING_LEN); // get version (ignore)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Input the points
- // An array the_pts is allocated and points are read from
- // the dump file.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- in >> str; // get major heading
- if (strcmp(str, "points") == 0) { // points section
- in >> the_dim; // input dimension
- in >> the_n_pts; // number of points
- // allocate point storage
- the_pts = annAllocPts(the_n_pts, the_dim);
- for (int i = 0; i < the_n_pts; i++) { // input point coordinates
- ANNidx idx; // point index
- in >> idx; // input point index
- if (idx < 0 || idx >= the_n_pts) {
- annError("Point index is out of range", ANNabort);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < the_dim; j++) {
- in >> the_pts[idx][j]; // read point coordinates
- }
- }
- in >> str; // get next major heading
- }
- else { // no points were input
- annError("Points must be supplied in the dump file", ANNabort);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Input the tree
- // After the basic header information, we invoke annReadTree
- // to do all the heavy work. We create our own array of
- // point indices (so we can pass them to annReadTree())
- // but we do not deallocate them. They will be deallocated
- // when the tree is destroyed.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (strcmp(str, "tree") == 0) { // tree section
- in >> the_dim; // read dimension
- in >> the_n_pts; // number of points
- in >> the_bkt_size; // bucket size
- the_bnd_box_lo = annAllocPt(the_dim); // allocate bounding box pts
- the_bnd_box_hi = annAllocPt(the_dim);
- for (j = 0; j < the_dim; j++) { // read bounding box low
- in >> the_bnd_box_lo[j];
- }
- for (j = 0; j < the_dim; j++) { // read bounding box low
- in >> the_bnd_box_hi[j];
- }
- the_pidx = new ANNidx[the_n_pts]; // allocate point index array
- int next_idx = 0; // number of indices filled
- // read the tree and indices
- the_root = annReadTree(in, tree_type, the_pidx, next_idx);
- if (next_idx != the_n_pts) { // didn't see all the points?
- annError("Didn't see as many points as expected", ANNwarn);
- }
- }
- else {
- annError("Illegal dump format. Expecting section heading", ANNabort);
- }
- return the_root;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // annReadTree - input tree and return pointer
- //
- // annReadTree reads in a node of the tree, makes any recursive
- // calls as needed to input the children of this node (if internal).
- // It returns a pointer to the node that was created. An array
- // of point indices is given along with a pointer to the next
- // available location in the array. As leaves are read, their
- // point indices are stored here, and the point buckets point
- // to the first entry in the array.
- //
- // Recall that these are the formats. The tree is given in
- // preorder.
- //
- // Leaf node:
- // leaf <n_pts> <bkt[0]> <bkt[1]> ... <bkt[n-1]>
- // Splitting nodes:
- // split <cut_dim> <cut_val> <lo_bound> <hi_bound>
- //
- // For bd-trees:
- //
- // Shrinking nodes:
- // shrink <n_bnds>
- // <cut_dim> <cut_val> <side>
- // <cut_dim> <cut_val> <side>
- // ... (repeated n_bnds times)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- static ANNkd_ptr annReadTree(
- istream &in, // input stream
- ANNtreeType tree_type, // type of tree expected
- ANNidxArray the_pidx, // point indices (modified)
- int &next_idx) // next index (modified)
- {
- char tag[STRING_LEN]; // tag (leaf, split, shrink)
- int n_pts; // number of points in leaf
- int cd; // cut dimension
- ANNcoord cv; // cut value
- ANNcoord lb; // low bound
- ANNcoord hb; // high bound
- int n_bnds; // number of bounding sides
- int sd; // which side
- in >> tag; // input node tag
- if (strcmp(tag, "null") == 0) { // null tree
- return NULL;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read a leaf
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (strcmp(tag, "leaf") == 0) { // leaf node
- in >> n_pts; // input number of points
- int old_idx = next_idx; // save next_idx
- if (n_pts == 0) { // trivial leaf
- return KD_TRIVIAL;
- }
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // input point indices
- in >> the_pidx[next_idx++]; // store in array of indices
- }
- }
- return new ANNkd_leaf(n_pts, &the_pidx[old_idx]);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read a splitting node
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- else if (strcmp(tag, "split") == 0) { // splitting node
- in >> cd >> cv >> lb >> hb;
- // read low and high subtrees
- ANNkd_ptr lc = annReadTree(in, tree_type, the_pidx, next_idx);
- ANNkd_ptr hc = annReadTree(in, tree_type, the_pidx, next_idx);
- // create new node and return
- return new ANNkd_split(cd, cv, lb, hb, lc, hc);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read a shrinking node (bd-tree only)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- else if (strcmp(tag, "shrink") == 0) { // shrinking node
- if (tree_type != BD_TREE) {
- annError("Shrinking node not allowed in kd-tree", ANNabort);
- }
- in >> n_bnds; // number of bounding sides
- // allocate bounds array
- ANNorthHSArray bds = new ANNorthHalfSpace[n_bnds];
- for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) {
- in >> cd >> cv >> sd; // input bounding halfspace
- // copy to array
- bds[i] = ANNorthHalfSpace(cd, cv, sd);
- }
- // read inner and outer subtrees
- ANNkd_ptr ic = annReadTree(in, tree_type, the_pidx, next_idx);
- ANNkd_ptr oc = annReadTree(in, tree_type, the_pidx, next_idx);
- // create new node and return
- return new ANNbd_shrink(n_bnds, bds, ic, oc);
- }
- else {
- annError("Illegal node type in dump file", ANNabort);
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- exit(0); // to keep the compiler happy
- }
- }
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a4749e..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_fix_rad_search.cpp
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Standard kd-tree fixed-radius kNN search
-// Last modified: 05/03/05 (Version 1.1)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 1.1 05/03/05
-// Initial release
-#include "kd_fix_rad_search.h" // kd fixed-radius search decls
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Approximate fixed-radius k nearest neighbor search
-// The squared radius is provided, and this procedure finds the
-// k nearest neighbors within the radius, and returns the total
-// number of points lying within the radius.
-// The method used for searching the kd-tree is a variation of the
-// nearest neighbor search used in kd_search.cpp, except that the
-// radius of the search ball is known. We refer the reader to that
-// file for the explanation of the recursive search procedure.
-// To keep argument lists short, a number of global variables
-// are maintained which are common to all the recursive calls.
-// These are given below.
-int ANNkdFRDim; // dimension of space
-ANNpoint ANNkdFRQ; // query point
-ANNdist ANNkdFRSqRad; // squared radius search bound
-double ANNkdFRMaxErr; // max tolerable squared error
-ANNpointArray ANNkdFRPts; // the points
-ANNmin_k* ANNkdFRPointMK; // set of k closest points
-int ANNkdFRPtsVisited; // total points visited
-int ANNkdFRPtsInRange; // number of points in the range
-// annkFRSearch - fixed radius search for k nearest neighbors
-int ANNkd_tree::annkFRSearch(
- ANNpoint q, // the query point
- ANNdist sqRad, // squared radius search bound
- int k, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor indices (returned)
- ANNdistArray dd, // the approximate nearest neighbor
- double eps) // the error bound
- ANNkdFRDim = dim; // copy arguments to static equivs
- ANNkdFRQ = q;
- ANNkdFRSqRad = sqRad;
- ANNkdFRPts = pts;
- ANNkdFRPtsVisited = 0; // initialize count of points visited
- ANNkdFRPtsInRange = 0; // ...and points in the range
- ANNkdFRMaxErr = ANN_POW(1.0 + eps);
- ANN_FLOP(2) // increment floating op count
- ANNkdFRPointMK = new ANNmin_k(k); // create set for closest k points
- // search starting at the root
- root->ann_FR_search(annBoxDistance(q, bnd_box_lo, bnd_box_hi, dim));
- for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k-th closest points
- if (dd != NULL)
- dd[i] = ANNkdFRPointMK->ith_smallest_key(i);
- if (nn_idx != NULL)
- nn_idx[i] = ANNkdFRPointMK->ith_smallest_info(i);
- }
- delete ANNkdFRPointMK; // deallocate closest point set
- return ANNkdFRPtsInRange; // return final point count
-// kd_split::ann_FR_search - search a splitting node
-// Note: This routine is similar in structure to the standard kNN
-// search. It visits the subtree that is closer to the query point
-// first. For fixed-radius search, there is no benefit in visiting
-// one subtree before the other, but we maintain the same basic
-// code structure for the sake of uniformity.
-void ANNkd_split::ann_FR_search(ANNdist box_dist)
- // check dist calc term condition
- if (ANNmaxPtsVisited != 0 && ANNkdFRPtsVisited > ANNmaxPtsVisited) return;
- // distance to cutting plane
- ANNcoord cut_diff = ANNkdFRQ[cut_dim] - cut_val;
- if (cut_diff < 0) { // left of cutting plane
- child[ANN_LO]->ann_FR_search(box_dist);// visit closer child first
- ANNcoord box_diff = cd_bnds[ANN_LO] - ANNkdFRQ[cut_dim];
- if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore
- box_diff = 0;
- // distance to further box
- box_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist,
- ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff)));
- // visit further child if in range
- if (box_dist * ANNkdFRMaxErr <= ANNkdFRSqRad)
- child[ANN_HI]->ann_FR_search(box_dist);
- }
- else { // right of cutting plane
- child[ANN_HI]->ann_FR_search(box_dist);// visit closer child first
- ANNcoord box_diff = ANNkdFRQ[cut_dim] - cd_bnds[ANN_HI];
- if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore
- box_diff = 0;
- // distance to further box
- box_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist,
- ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff)));
- // visit further child if close enough
- if (box_dist * ANNkdFRMaxErr <= ANNkdFRSqRad)
- child[ANN_LO]->ann_FR_search(box_dist);
- }
- ANN_FLOP(13) // increment floating ops
- ANN_SPL(1) // one more splitting node visited
-// kd_leaf::ann_FR_search - search points in a leaf node
-// Note: The unreadability of this code is the result of
-// some fine tuning to replace indexing by pointer operations.
-void ANNkd_leaf::ann_FR_search(ANNdist box_dist)
- register ANNdist dist; // distance to data point
- register ANNcoord* pp; // data coordinate pointer
- register ANNcoord* qq; // query coordinate pointer
- register ANNcoord t;
- register int d;
- for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // check points in bucket
- pp = ANNkdFRPts[bkt[i]]; // first coord of next data point
- qq = ANNkdFRQ; // first coord of query point
- dist = 0;
- for(d = 0; d < ANNkdFRDim; d++) {
- ANN_COORD(1) // one more coordinate hit
- ANN_FLOP(5) // increment floating ops
- t = *(qq++) - *(pp++); // compute length and adv coordinate
- // exceeds dist to k-th smallest?
- if( (dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(t))) > ANNkdFRSqRad) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (d >= ANNkdFRDim && // among the k best?
- (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || dist!=0)) { // and no self-match problem
- // add it to the list
- ANNkdFRPointMK->insert(dist, bkt[i]);
- ANNkdFRPtsInRange++; // increment point count
- }
- }
- ANN_LEAF(1) // one more leaf node visited
- ANN_PTS(n_pts) // increment points visited
- ANNkdFRPtsVisited += n_pts; // increment number of points visited
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_pr_search.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_pr_search.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 73d643f..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_pr_search.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_pr_search.cpp
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Priority search for kd-trees
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-#include "kd_pr_search.h" // kd priority search declarations
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Approximate nearest neighbor searching by priority search.
-// The kd-tree is searched for an approximate nearest neighbor.
-// The point is returned through one of the arguments, and the
-// distance returned is the SQUARED distance to this point.
-// The method used for searching the kd-tree is called priority
-// search. (It is described in Arya and Mount, ``Algorithms for
-// fast vector quantization,'' Proc. of DCC '93: Data Compression
-// Conference}, eds. J. A. Storer and M. Cohn, IEEE Press, 1993,
-// 381--390.)
-// The cell of the kd-tree containing the query point is located,
-// and cells are visited in increasing order of distance from the
-// query point. This is done by placing each subtree which has
-// NOT been visited in a priority queue, according to the closest
-// distance of the corresponding enclosing rectangle from the
-// query point. The search stops when the distance to the nearest
-// remaining rectangle exceeds the distance to the nearest point
-// seen by a factor of more than 1/(1+eps). (Implying that any
-// point found subsequently in the search cannot be closer by more
-// than this factor.)
-// The main entry point is annkPriSearch() which sets things up and
-// then call the recursive routine ann_pri_search(). This is a
-// recursive routine which performs the processing for one node in
-// the kd-tree. There are two versions of this virtual procedure,
-// one for splitting nodes and one for leaves. When a splitting node
-// is visited, we determine which child to continue the search on
-// (the closer one), and insert the other child into the priority
-// queue. When a leaf is visited, we compute the distances to the
-// points in the buckets, and update information on the closest
-// points.
-// Some trickery is used to incrementally update the distance from
-// a kd-tree rectangle to the query point. This comes about from
-// the fact that which each successive split, only one component
-// (along the dimension that is split) of the squared distance to
-// the child rectangle is different from the squared distance to
-// the parent rectangle.
-// To keep argument lists short, a number of global variables
-// are maintained which are common to all the recursive calls.
-// These are given below.
-double ANNprEps; // the error bound
-int ANNprDim; // dimension of space
-ANNpoint ANNprQ; // query point
-double ANNprMaxErr; // max tolerable squared error
-ANNpointArray ANNprPts; // the points
-ANNpr_queue *ANNprBoxPQ; // priority queue for boxes
-ANNmin_k *ANNprPointMK; // set of k closest points
-// annkPriSearch - priority search for k nearest neighbors
-void ANNkd_tree::annkPriSearch(
- ANNpoint q, // query point
- int k, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor indices (returned)
- ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (returned)
- double eps) // error bound (ignored)
- // max tolerable squared error
- ANNprMaxErr = ANN_POW(1.0 + eps);
- ANN_FLOP(2) // increment floating ops
- ANNprDim = dim; // copy arguments to static equivs
- ANNprQ = q;
- ANNprPts = pts;
- ANNptsVisited = 0; // initialize count of points visited
- ANNprPointMK = new ANNmin_k(k); // create set for closest k points
- // distance to root box
- ANNdist box_dist = annBoxDistance(q,
- bnd_box_lo, bnd_box_hi, dim);
- ANNprBoxPQ = new ANNpr_queue(n_pts);// create priority queue for boxes
- ANNprBoxPQ->insert(box_dist, root); // insert root in priority queue
- while (ANNprBoxPQ->non_empty() &&
- (!(ANNmaxPtsVisited != 0 && ANNptsVisited > ANNmaxPtsVisited))) {
- ANNkd_ptr np; // next box from prior queue
- // extract closest box from queue
- ANNprBoxPQ->extr_min(box_dist, (void *&) np);
- ANN_FLOP(2) // increment floating ops
- if (box_dist*ANNprMaxErr >= ANNprPointMK->max_key())
- break;
- np->ann_pri_search(box_dist); // search this subtree.
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k-th closest points
- dd[i] = ANNprPointMK->ith_smallest_key(i);
- nn_idx[i] = ANNprPointMK->ith_smallest_info(i);
- }
- delete ANNprPointMK; // deallocate closest point set
- delete ANNprBoxPQ; // deallocate priority queue
-// kd_split::ann_pri_search - search a splitting node
-void ANNkd_split::ann_pri_search(ANNdist box_dist)
- ANNdist new_dist; // distance to child visited later
- // distance to cutting plane
- ANNcoord cut_diff = ANNprQ[cut_dim] - cut_val;
- if (cut_diff < 0) { // left of cutting plane
- ANNcoord box_diff = cd_bnds[ANN_LO] - ANNprQ[cut_dim];
- if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore
- box_diff = 0;
- // distance to further box
- new_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist,
- ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff)));
- if (child[ANN_HI] != KD_TRIVIAL)// enqueue if not trivial
- ANNprBoxPQ->insert(new_dist, child[ANN_HI]);
- // continue with closer child
- child[ANN_LO]->ann_pri_search(box_dist);
- }
- else { // right of cutting plane
- ANNcoord box_diff = ANNprQ[cut_dim] - cd_bnds[ANN_HI];
- if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore
- box_diff = 0;
- // distance to further box
- new_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist,
- ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff)));
- if (child[ANN_LO] != KD_TRIVIAL)// enqueue if not trivial
- ANNprBoxPQ->insert(new_dist, child[ANN_LO]);
- // continue with closer child
- child[ANN_HI]->ann_pri_search(box_dist);
- }
- ANN_SPL(1) // one more splitting node visited
- ANN_FLOP(8) // increment floating ops
-// kd_leaf::ann_pri_search - search points in a leaf node
-// This is virtually identical to the ann_search for standard search.
-void ANNkd_leaf::ann_pri_search(ANNdist box_dist)
- register ANNdist dist; // distance to data point
- register ANNcoord* pp; // data coordinate pointer
- register ANNcoord* qq; // query coordinate pointer
- register ANNdist min_dist; // distance to k-th closest point
- register ANNcoord t;
- register int d;
- min_dist = ANNprPointMK->max_key(); // k-th smallest distance so far
- for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // check points in bucket
- pp = ANNprPts[bkt[i]]; // first coord of next data point
- qq = ANNprQ; // first coord of query point
- dist = 0;
- for(d = 0; d < ANNprDim; d++) {
- ANN_COORD(1) // one more coordinate hit
- ANN_FLOP(4) // increment floating ops
- t = *(qq++) - *(pp++); // compute length and adv coordinate
- // exceeds dist to k-th smallest?
- if( (dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(t))) > min_dist) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (d >= ANNprDim && // among the k best?
- (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || dist!=0)) { // and no self-match problem
- // add it to the list
- ANNprPointMK->insert(dist, bkt[i]);
- min_dist = ANNprPointMK->max_key();
- }
- }
- ANN_LEAF(1) // one more leaf node visited
- ANN_PTS(n_pts) // increment points visited
- ANNptsVisited += n_pts; // increment number of points visited
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_search.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_search.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f559eb9..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_search.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_search.cpp
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Standard kd-tree search
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.0 04/01/05
-// Changed names LO, HI to ANN_LO, ANN_HI
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 2015 - modified by A. Nigmetov to support deletion of points
-#include "kd_search.h" // kd-search declarations
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Approximate nearest neighbor searching by kd-tree search
-// The kd-tree is searched for an approximate nearest neighbor.
-// The point is returned through one of the arguments, and the
-// distance returned is the squared distance to this point.
-// The method used for searching the kd-tree is an approximate
-// adaptation of the search algorithm described by Friedman,
-// Bentley, and Finkel, ``An algorithm for finding best matches
-// in logarithmic expected time,'' ACM Transactions on Mathematical
-// Software, 3(3):209-226, 1977).
-// The algorithm operates recursively. When first encountering a
-// node of the kd-tree we first visit the child which is closest to
-// the query point. On return, we decide whether we want to visit
-// the other child. If the box containing the other child exceeds
-// 1/(1+eps) times the current best distance, then we skip it (since
-// any point found in this child cannot be closer to the query point
-// by more than this factor.) Otherwise, we visit it recursively.
-// The distance between a box and the query point is computed exactly
-// (not approximated as is often done in kd-tree), using incremental
-// distance updates, as described by Arya and Mount in ``Algorithms
-// for fast vector quantization,'' Proc. of DCC '93: Data Compression
-// Conference, eds. J. A. Storer and M. Cohn, IEEE Press, 1993,
-// 381-390.
-// The main entry points is annkSearch() which sets things up and
-// then call the recursive routine ann_search(). This is a recursive
-// routine which performs the processing for one node in the kd-tree.
-// There are two versions of this virtual procedure, one for splitting
-// nodes and one for leaves. When a splitting node is visited, we
-// determine which child to visit first (the closer one), and visit
-// the other child on return. When a leaf is visited, we compute
-// the distances to the points in the buckets, and update information
-// on the closest points.
-// Some trickery is used to incrementally update the distance from
-// a kd-tree rectangle to the query point. This comes about from
-// the fact that which each successive split, only one component
-// (along the dimension that is split) of the squared distance to
-// the child rectangle is different from the squared distance to
-// the parent rectangle.
-// To keep argument lists short, a number of global variables
-// are maintained which are common to all the recursive calls.
-// These are given below.
-int ANNkdDim; // dimension of space
-ANNpoint ANNkdQ; // query point
-double ANNkdMaxErr; // max tolerable squared error
-ANNpointArray ANNkdPts; // the points
-ANNmin_k *ANNkdPointMK; // set of k closest points
-// annkSearch - search for the k nearest neighbors
-void ANNkd_tree::annkSearch(
- ANNpoint q, // the query point
- int k, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor indices (returned)
- ANNdistArray dd, // the approximate nearest neighbor
- double eps) // the error bound
- ANNkdDim = dim; // copy arguments to static equivs
- ANNkdQ = q;
- ANNkdPts = pts;
- ANNptsVisited = 0; // initialize count of points visited
- if (k > actual_num_points) { // too many near neighbors?
- annError("Requesting more near neighbors than data points", ANNabort);
- }
- ANNkdMaxErr = ANN_POW(1.0 + eps);
- ANN_FLOP(2) // increment floating op count
- ANNkdPointMK = new ANNmin_k(k); // create set for closest k points
- // search starting at the root
- root->ann_search(annBoxDistance(q, bnd_box_lo, bnd_box_hi, dim));
- for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k-th closest points
- dd[i] = ANNkdPointMK->ith_smallest_key(i);
- nn_idx[i] = ANNkdPointMK->ith_smallest_info(i);
- }
- delete ANNkdPointMK; // deallocate closest point set
-// kd_split::ann_search - search a splitting node
-void ANNkd_split::ann_search(ANNdist box_dist)
- // check if the subtree is empty
- if (0 == actual_num_points) return;
- // check dist calc term condition
- if (ANNmaxPtsVisited != 0 && ANNptsVisited > ANNmaxPtsVisited) return;
- // distance to cutting plane
- ANNcoord cut_diff = ANNkdQ[cut_dim] - cut_val;
- if (cut_diff < 0) { // left of cutting plane
- child[ANN_LO]->ann_search(box_dist);// visit closer child first
- ANNcoord box_diff = cd_bnds[ANN_LO] - ANNkdQ[cut_dim];
- if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore
- box_diff = 0;
- // distance to further box
- box_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist,
- ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff)));
- // visit further child if close enough
- if (box_dist * ANNkdMaxErr < ANNkdPointMK->max_key())
- child[ANN_HI]->ann_search(box_dist);
- }
- else { // right of cutting plane
- child[ANN_HI]->ann_search(box_dist);// visit closer child first
- ANNcoord box_diff = ANNkdQ[cut_dim] - cd_bnds[ANN_HI];
- if (box_diff < 0) // within bounds - ignore
- box_diff = 0;
- // distance to further box
- box_dist = (ANNdist) ANN_SUM(box_dist,
- ANN_DIFF(ANN_POW(box_diff), ANN_POW(cut_diff)));
- // visit further child if close enough
- if (box_dist * ANNkdMaxErr < ANNkdPointMK->max_key())
- child[ANN_LO]->ann_search(box_dist);
- }
- ANN_FLOP(10) // increment floating ops
- ANN_SPL(1) // one more splitting node visited
-// kd_leaf::ann_search - search points in a leaf node
-// Note: The unreadability of this code is the result of
-// some fine tuning to replace indexing by pointer operations.
-void ANNkd_leaf::ann_search(ANNdist box_dist)
- register ANNdist dist; // distance to data point
- register ANNcoord* pp; // data coordinate pointer
- register ANNcoord* qq; // query coordinate pointer
- register ANNdist min_dist; // distance to k-th closest point
- register ANNcoord t;
- register int d;
- min_dist = ANNkdPointMK->max_key(); // k-th smallest distance so far
- for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // check points in bucket
- pp = ANNkdPts[bkt[i]]; // first coord of next data point
- qq = ANNkdQ; // first coord of query point
- dist = 0;
- for(d = 0; d < ANNkdDim; d++) {
- ANN_COORD(1) // one more coordinate hit
- ANN_FLOP(4) // increment floating ops
- t = *(qq++) - *(pp++); // compute length and adv coordinate
- // exceeds dist to k-th smallest?
- if( (dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(t))) > min_dist) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (d >= ANNkdDim && // among the k best?
- (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || dist!=0)) { // and no self-match problem
- // add it to the list
- ANNkdPointMK->insert(dist, bkt[i]);
- min_dist = ANNkdPointMK->max_key();
- }
- }
- ANN_LEAF(1) // one more leaf node visited
- ANN_PTS(n_pts) // increment points visited
- ANNptsVisited += n_pts; // increment number of points visited
-// range search
-// ////////////////////////////////////////////
-void ANNkd_tree::range_search(const ANNorthRect& region,
- std::vector<size_t>& point_indices)
- // get bounding box of the root
- ANNorthRect bnd_box = ANNorthRect(dim, bnd_box_lo, bnd_box_hi);
- root->range_search(region, dim, pts, bnd_box, point_indices);
-void ANNkd_split::range_search(const ANNorthRect& region,
- int ANNkdDim,
- ANNpointArray ANNkdPts,
- ANNorthRect& bnd_box,
- std::vector<size_t>& point_indices)
- // check if the subtree is empty
- if (0 == actual_num_points) return;
- // process left child
- ANNcoord old_bnd_box_val = bnd_box.hi[cut_dim];
- bnd_box.hi[cut_dim] = cut_val;
- if (region.contains(ANNkdDim, bnd_box)) {
- child[ANN_LO]->range_search_add(point_indices);
- } else if (region.intersects(ANNkdDim, bnd_box)) {
- child[ANN_LO]->range_search(region, ANNkdDim, ANNkdPts, bnd_box, point_indices);
- }
- // restore bounding box
- bnd_box.hi[cut_dim] = old_bnd_box_val;
- // process right child
- old_bnd_box_val = bnd_box.lo[cut_dim];
- bnd_box.lo[cut_dim] = cut_val;
- if (region.contains(ANNkdDim, bnd_box)) {
- child[ANN_HI]->range_search_add(point_indices);
- } else if (region.intersects(ANNkdDim, bnd_box)) {
- child[ANN_HI]->range_search(region, ANNkdDim, ANNkdPts, bnd_box, point_indices);
- }
- // restore bounding box
- bnd_box.lo[cut_dim] = old_bnd_box_val;
-void ANNkd_leaf::range_search(const ANNorthRect& region,
- int ANNkdDim,
- ANNpointArray ANNkdPts,
- ANNorthRect&, // nameless parameter to suppress
- // warnings and allow recursion
- // in splitting node
- std::vector<size_t>& point_indices)
- for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // check points in bucket
- if (region.inside(ANNkdDim, ANNkdPts[bkt[i]]) == ANNtrue) {
- //std::cout << "adding point, i = " << i;
- //std::cout << ", x = " << ANNkdPts[bkt[i]][0];
- //std::cout << ", y = " << ANNkdPts[bkt[i]][1] << std::endl;
- point_indices.push_back(bkt[i]);
- }
- }
-void ANNkd_split::range_search_add(std::vector<size_t>& point_indices)
- if ( 0 == actual_num_points )
- return;
- child[ANN_LO]->range_search_add(point_indices);
- child[ANN_HI]->range_search_add(point_indices);
-void ANNkd_leaf::range_search_add(std::vector<size_t>& point_indices)
- if ( 0 == actual_num_points )
- return;
- for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // add all points in a bucket
- //std::cout << "adding point without checking, i = " << i <<", bkt[i] = " << bkt[i] << std::endl;
- point_indices.push_back(bkt[i]);
- }
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_split.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_split.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7979aaa..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_split.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_split.cpp
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Methods for splitting kd-trees
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.0 04/01/05
-#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree definitions
-#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities
-#include "kd_split.h" // splitting functions
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Constants
-const double ERR = 0.001; // a small value
-const double FS_ASPECT_RATIO = 3.0; // maximum allowed aspect ratio
- // in fair split. Must be >= 2.
-// NOTE: Virtually all point indexing is done through an index (i.e.
-// permutation) array pidx. Consequently, a reference to the d-th
-// coordinate of the i-th point is pa[pidx[i]][d]. The macro PA(i,d)
-// is a shorthand for this.
- // standard 2-d indirect indexing
-#define PA(i,d) (pa[pidx[(i)]][(d)])
- // accessing a single point
-#define PP(i) (pa[pidx[(i)]])
-// kd_split - Bentley's standard splitting routine for kd-trees
-// Find the dimension of the greatest spread, and split
-// just before the median point along this dimension.
-void kd_split(
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (permuted on return)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo) // num of points on low side (returned)
- // find dimension of maximum spread
- cut_dim = annMaxSpread(pa, pidx, n, dim);
- n_lo = n/2; // median rank
- // split about median
- annMedianSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, n_lo);
-// midpt_split - midpoint splitting rule for box-decomposition trees
-// This is the simplest splitting rule that guarantees boxes
-// of bounded aspect ratio. It simply cuts the box with the
-// longest side through its midpoint. If there are ties, it
-// selects the dimension with the maximum point spread.
-// WARNING: This routine (while simple) doesn't seem to work
-// well in practice in high dimensions, because it tends to
-// generate a large number of trivial and/or unbalanced splits.
-// Either kd_split(), sl_midpt_split(), or fair_split() are
-// recommended, instead.
-void midpt_split(
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo) // num of points on low side (returned)
- int d;
- ANNcoord max_length = bnds.hi[0] - bnds.lo[0];
- for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) { // find length of longest box side
- ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- if (length > max_length) {
- max_length = length;
- }
- }
- ANNcoord max_spread = -1; // find long side with most spread
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- // is it among longest?
- if (double(bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]) >= (1-ERR)*max_length) {
- // compute its spread
- ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d);
- if (spr > max_spread) { // is it max so far?
- max_spread = spr;
- cut_dim = d;
- }
- }
- }
- // split along cut_dim at midpoint
- cut_val = (bnds.lo[cut_dim] + bnds.hi[cut_dim]) / 2;
- // permute points accordingly
- int br1, br2;
- annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // On return: pa[0..br1-1] < cut_val
- // pa[br1..br2-1] == cut_val
- // pa[br2..n-1] > cut_val
- //
- // We can set n_lo to any value in the range [br1..br2].
- // We choose split so that points are most evenly divided.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (br1 > n/2) n_lo = br1;
- else if (br2 < n/2) n_lo = br2;
- else n_lo = n/2;
-// sl_midpt_split - sliding midpoint splitting rule
-// This is a modification of midpt_split, which has the nonsensical
-// name "sliding midpoint". The idea is that we try to use the
-// midpoint rule, by bisecting the longest side. If there are
-// ties, the dimension with the maximum spread is selected. If,
-// however, the midpoint split produces a trivial split (no points
-// on one side of the splitting plane) then we slide the splitting
-// (maintaining its orientation) until it produces a nontrivial
-// split. For example, if the splitting plane is along the x-axis,
-// and all the data points have x-coordinate less than the x-bisector,
-// then the split is taken along the maximum x-coordinate of the
-// data points.
-// Intuitively, this rule cannot generate trivial splits, and
-// hence avoids midpt_split's tendency to produce trees with
-// a very large number of nodes.
-void sl_midpt_split(
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo) // num of points on low side (returned)
- int d;
- ANNcoord max_length = bnds.hi[0] - bnds.lo[0];
- for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) { // find length of longest box side
- ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- if (length > max_length) {
- max_length = length;
- }
- }
- ANNcoord max_spread = -1; // find long side with most spread
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- // is it among longest?
- if ((bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]) >= (1-ERR)*max_length) {
- // compute its spread
- ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d);
- if (spr > max_spread) { // is it max so far?
- max_spread = spr;
- cut_dim = d;
- }
- }
- }
- // ideal split at midpoint
- ANNcoord ideal_cut_val = (bnds.lo[cut_dim] + bnds.hi[cut_dim])/2;
- ANNcoord min, max;
- annMinMax(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, min, max); // find min/max coordinates
- if (ideal_cut_val < min) // slide to min or max as needed
- cut_val = min;
- else if (ideal_cut_val > max)
- cut_val = max;
- else
- cut_val = ideal_cut_val;
- // permute points accordingly
- int br1, br2;
- annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // On return: pa[0..br1-1] < cut_val
- // pa[br1..br2-1] == cut_val
- // pa[br2..n-1] > cut_val
- //
- // We can set n_lo to any value in the range [br1..br2] to satisfy
- // the exit conditions of the procedure.
- //
- // if ideal_cut_val < min (implying br2 >= 1),
- // then we select n_lo = 1 (so there is one point on left) and
- // if ideal_cut_val > max (implying br1 <= n-1),
- // then we select n_lo = n-1 (so there is one point on right).
- // Otherwise, we select n_lo as close to n/2 as possible within
- // [br1..br2].
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (ideal_cut_val < min) n_lo = 1;
- else if (ideal_cut_val > max) n_lo = n-1;
- else if (br1 > n/2) n_lo = br1;
- else if (br2 < n/2) n_lo = br2;
- else n_lo = n/2;
-// fair_split - fair-split splitting rule
-// This is a compromise between the kd-tree splitting rule (which
-// always splits data points at their median) and the midpoint
-// splitting rule (which always splits a box through its center.
-// The goal of this procedure is to achieve both nicely balanced
-// splits, and boxes of bounded aspect ratio.
-// A constant FS_ASPECT_RATIO is defined. Given a box, those sides
-// which can be split so that the ratio of the longest to shortest
-// side does not exceed ASPECT_RATIO are identified. Among these
-// sides, we select the one in which the points have the largest
-// spread. We then split the points in a manner which most evenly
-// distributes the points on either side of the splitting plane,
-// subject to maintaining the bound on the ratio of long to short
-// sides. To determine that the aspect ratio will be preserved,
-// we determine the longest side (other than this side), and
-// determine how narrowly we can cut this side, without causing the
-// aspect ratio bound to be exceeded (small_piece).
-// This procedure is more robust than either kd_split or midpt_split,
-// but is more complicated as well. When point distribution is
-// extremely skewed, this degenerates to midpt_split (actually
-// 1/3 point split), and when the points are most evenly distributed,
-// this degenerates to kd-split.
-void fair_split(
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo) // num of points on low side (returned)
- int d;
- ANNcoord max_length = bnds.hi[0] - bnds.lo[0];
- cut_dim = 0;
- for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) { // find length of longest box side
- ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- if (length > max_length) {
- max_length = length;
- cut_dim = d;
- }
- }
- ANNcoord max_spread = 0; // find legal cut with max spread
- cut_dim = 0;
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- // is this side midpoint splitable
- // without violating aspect ratio?
- if (((double) max_length)*2.0/((double) length) <= FS_ASPECT_RATIO) {
- // compute spread along this dim
- ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d);
- if (spr > max_spread) { // best spread so far
- max_spread = spr;
- cut_dim = d; // this is dimension to cut
- }
- }
- }
- max_length = 0; // find longest side other than cut_dim
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- if (d != cut_dim && length > max_length)
- max_length = length;
- }
- // consider most extreme splits
- ANNcoord small_piece = max_length / FS_ASPECT_RATIO;
- ANNcoord lo_cut = bnds.lo[cut_dim] + small_piece;// lowest legal cut
- ANNcoord hi_cut = bnds.hi[cut_dim] - small_piece;// highest legal cut
- int br1, br2;
- // is median below lo_cut ?
- if (annSplitBalance(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, lo_cut) >= 0) {
- cut_val = lo_cut; // cut at lo_cut
- annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2);
- n_lo = br1;
- }
- // is median above hi_cut?
- else if (annSplitBalance(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, hi_cut) <= 0) {
- cut_val = hi_cut; // cut at hi_cut
- annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2);
- n_lo = br2;
- }
- else { // median cut preserves asp ratio
- n_lo = n/2; // split about median
- annMedianSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, n_lo);
- }
-// sl_fair_split - sliding fair split splitting rule
-// Sliding fair split is a splitting rule that combines the
-// strengths of both fair split with sliding midpoint split.
-// Fair split tends to produce balanced splits when the points
-// are roughly uniformly distributed, but it can produce many
-// trivial splits when points are highly clustered. Sliding
-// midpoint never produces trivial splits, and shrinks boxes
-// nicely if points are highly clustered, but it may produce
-// rather unbalanced splits when points are unclustered but not
-// quite uniform.
-// Sliding fair split is based on the theory that there are two
-// types of splits that are "good": balanced splits that produce
-// fat boxes, and unbalanced splits provided the cell with fewer
-// points is fat.
-// This splitting rule operates by first computing the longest
-// side of the current bounding box. Then it asks which sides
-// could be split (at the midpoint) and still satisfy the aspect
-// ratio bound with respect to this side. Among these, it selects
-// the side with the largest spread (as fair split would). It
-// then considers the most extreme cuts that would be allowed by
-// the aspect ratio bound. This is done by dividing the longest
-// side of the box by the aspect ratio bound. If the median cut
-// lies between these extreme cuts, then we use the median cut.
-// If not, then consider the extreme cut that is closer to the
-// median. If all the points lie to one side of this cut, then
-// we slide the cut until it hits the first point. This may
-// violate the aspect ratio bound, but will never generate empty
-// cells. However the sibling of every such skinny cell is fat,
-// and hence packing arguments still apply.
-void sl_fair_split(
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo) // num of points on low side (returned)
- int d;
- ANNcoord min, max; // min/max coordinates
- int br1, br2; // split break points
- ANNcoord max_length = bnds.hi[0] - bnds.lo[0];
- cut_dim = 0;
- for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) { // find length of longest box side
- ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- if (length > max_length) {
- max_length = length;
- cut_dim = d;
- }
- }
- ANNcoord max_spread = 0; // find legal cut with max spread
- cut_dim = 0;
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- // is this side midpoint splitable
- // without violating aspect ratio?
- if (((double) max_length)*2.0/((double) length) <= FS_ASPECT_RATIO) {
- // compute spread along this dim
- ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d);
- if (spr > max_spread) { // best spread so far
- max_spread = spr;
- cut_dim = d; // this is dimension to cut
- }
- }
- }
- max_length = 0; // find longest side other than cut_dim
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- if (d != cut_dim && length > max_length)
- max_length = length;
- }
- // consider most extreme splits
- ANNcoord small_piece = max_length / FS_ASPECT_RATIO;
- ANNcoord lo_cut = bnds.lo[cut_dim] + small_piece;// lowest legal cut
- ANNcoord hi_cut = bnds.hi[cut_dim] - small_piece;// highest legal cut
- // find min and max along cut_dim
- annMinMax(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, min, max);
- // is median below lo_cut?
- if (annSplitBalance(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, lo_cut) >= 0) {
- if (max > lo_cut) { // are any points above lo_cut?
- cut_val = lo_cut; // cut at lo_cut
- annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2);
- n_lo = br1; // balance if there are ties
- }
- else { // all points below lo_cut
- cut_val = max; // cut at max value
- annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2);
- n_lo = n-1;
- }
- }
- // is median above hi_cut?
- else if (annSplitBalance(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, hi_cut) <= 0) {
- if (min < hi_cut) { // are any points below hi_cut?
- cut_val = hi_cut; // cut at hi_cut
- annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2);
- n_lo = br2; // balance if there are ties
- }
- else { // all points above hi_cut
- cut_val = min; // cut at min value
- annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2);
- n_lo = 1;
- }
- }
- else { // median cut is good enough
- n_lo = n/2; // split about median
- annMedianSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, n_lo);
- }
-// for kd-trees with deletion
-// kd_split - Bentley's standard splitting routine for kd-trees
-// Find the dimension of the greatest spread, and split
-// just before the median point along this dimension.
-void kd_split_wd(
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (permuted on return)
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo, // num of points on low side (returned)
- int &cut_pt_idx) // index of cutting point (returned)
- // find dimension of maximum spread
- cut_dim = annMaxSpread(pa, pidx, n, dim);
- n_lo = n/2; // median rank
- // split about median
- annMedianSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, n_lo);
- cut_pt_idx = n_lo;
- cut_val = PA(cut_pt_idx, cut_dim);
-// midpt_split - midpoint splitting rule for box-decomposition trees
-// This is the simplest splitting rule that guarantees boxes
-// of bounded aspect ratio. It simply cuts the box with the
-// longest side through its midpoint. If there are ties, it
-// selects the dimension with the maximum point spread.
-// WARNING: This routine (while simple) doesn't seem to work
-// well in practice in high dimensions, because it tends to
-// generate a large number of trivial and/or unbalanced splits.
-// Either kd_split(), sl_midpt_split(), or fair_split() are
-// recommended, instead.
-void midpt_split_wd(
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo, // num of points on low side (returned)
- int &cut_pt_idx) // index of cutting point (returned)
- int d;
- ANNcoord max_length = bnds.hi[0] - bnds.lo[0];
- for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) { // find length of longest box side
- ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- if (length > max_length) {
- max_length = length;
- }
- }
- ANNcoord max_spread = -1; // find long side with most spread
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- // is it among longest?
- if (double(bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]) >= (1-ERR)*max_length) {
- // compute its spread
- ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d);
- if (spr > max_spread) { // is it max so far?
- max_spread = spr;
- cut_dim = d;
- }
- }
- }
- // split along cut_dim at midpoint
- cut_val = (bnds.lo[cut_dim] + bnds.hi[cut_dim]) / 2;
- // permute points accordingly
- int br1, br2;
- annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // On return: pa[0..br1-1] < cut_val
- // pa[br1..br2-1] == cut_val
- // pa[br2..n-1] > cut_val
- //
- // We can set n_lo to any value in the range [br1..br2].
- // We choose split so that points are most evenly divided.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (br1 > n/2) n_lo = br1;
- else if (br2 < n/2) n_lo = br2;
- else n_lo = n/2;
- cut_pt_idx = n_lo;
- cut_val = PA(cut_pt_idx, cut_dim);
-// sl_midpt_split - sliding midpoint splitting rule
-// This is a modification of midpt_split, which has the nonsensical
-// name "sliding midpoint". The idea is that we try to use the
-// midpoint rule, by bisecting the longest side. If there are
-// ties, the dimension with the maximum spread is selected. If,
-// however, the midpoint split produces a trivial split (no points
-// on one side of the splitting plane) then we slide the splitting
-// (maintaining its orientation) until it produces a nontrivial
-// split. For example, if the splitting plane is along the x-axis,
-// and all the data points have x-coordinate less than the x-bisector,
-// then the split is taken along the maximum x-coordinate of the
-// data points.
-// Intuitively, this rule cannot generate trivial splits, and
-// hence avoids midpt_split's tendency to produce trees with
-// a very large number of nodes.
-void sl_midpt_split_wd(
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices (permuted on return)
- const ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounding rectangle for cell
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension (returned)
- ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value (returned)
- int &n_lo, // num of points on low side (returned)
- int &cut_pt_idx) // index of cutting point (returned)
- int d;
- ANNcoord max_length = bnds.hi[0] - bnds.lo[0];
- for (d = 1; d < dim; d++) { // find length of longest box side
- ANNcoord length = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- if (length > max_length) {
- max_length = length;
- }
- }
- ANNcoord max_spread = -1; // find long side with most spread
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- // is it among longest?
- if ((bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d]) >= (1-ERR)*max_length) {
- // compute its spread
- ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d);
- if (spr > max_spread) { // is it max so far?
- max_spread = spr;
- cut_dim = d;
- }
- }
- }
- // ideal split at midpoint
- ANNcoord ideal_cut_val = (bnds.lo[cut_dim] + bnds.hi[cut_dim])/2;
- ANNcoord min, max;
- annMinMax(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, min, max); // find min/max coordinates
- if (ideal_cut_val < min) // slide to min or max as needed
- cut_val = min;
- else if (ideal_cut_val > max)
- cut_val = max;
- else
- cut_val = ideal_cut_val;
- // permute points accordingly
- int br1, br2;
- annPlaneSplit(pa, pidx, n, cut_dim, cut_val, br1, br2);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // On return: pa[0..br1-1] < cut_val
- // pa[br1..br2-1] == cut_val
- // pa[br2..n-1] > cut_val
- //
- // We can set n_lo to any value in the range [br1..br2] to satisfy
- // the exit conditions of the procedure.
- //
- // if ideal_cut_val < min (implying br2 >= 1),
- // then we select n_lo = 1 (so there is one point on left) and
- // if ideal_cut_val > max (implying br1 <= n-1),
- // then we select n_lo = n-1 (so there is one point on right).
- // Otherwise, we select n_lo as close to n/2 as possible within
- // [br1..br2].
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (ideal_cut_val < min) n_lo = 1;
- else if (ideal_cut_val > max) n_lo = n-1;
- else if (br1 > n/2) n_lo = br1;
- else if (br2 < n/2) n_lo = br2;
- else n_lo = n/2;
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_tree.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_tree.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e8f7f63..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_tree.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_tree.cpp
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Basic methods for kd-trees.
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.0 04/01/05
-// Increased aspect ratio bound (ANN_AR_TOOBIG) from 100 to 1000.
-// Fixed leaf counts to count trivial leaves.
-// Added optional pa, pi arguments to Skeleton kd_tree constructor
-// for use in load constructor.
-// Added annClose() to eliminate KD_TRIVIAL memory leak.
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 2015 - modified by A. Nigmetov to support deletion of points
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <ciso646> // make VS more conformal
-#include "kd_tree.h" // kd-tree declarations
-#include "kd_split.h" // kd-tree splitting rules
-#include "kd_util.h" // kd-tree utilities
-#include <ANN/ANNperf.h> // performance evaluation
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Global data
-// For some splitting rules, especially with small bucket sizes,
-// it is possible to generate a large number of empty leaf nodes.
-// To save storage we allocate a single trivial leaf node which
-// contains no points. For messy coding reasons it is convenient
-// to have it reference a trivial point index.
-// KD_TRIVIAL is allocated when the first kd-tree is created. It
-// must *never* deallocated (since it may be shared by more than
-// one tree).
-static int IDX_TRIVIAL[] = {0}; // trivial point index
-ANNkd_leaf *KD_TRIVIAL = NULL; // trivial leaf node
-// Printing the kd-tree
-// These routines print a kd-tree in reverse inorder (high then
-// root then low). (This is so that if you look at the output
-// from the right side it appear from left to right in standard
-// inorder.) When outputting leaves we output only the point
-// indices rather than the point coordinates. There is an option
-// to print the point coordinates separately.
-// The tree printing routine calls the printing routines on the
-// individual nodes of the tree, passing in the level or depth
-// in the tree. The level in the tree is used to print indentation
-// for readability.
-void ANNkd_split::print( // print splitting node
- int level, // depth of node in tree
- ostream &out) // output stream
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- child[ANN_HI]->print(level+1, out); // print high child
- out << " ";
- for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) // print indentation
- out << "..";
- out << "Split cd=" << cut_dim << " cv=" << cut_val;
- out << " lbnd=" << cd_bnds[ANN_LO];
- out << " hbnd=" << cd_bnds[ANN_HI];
- out << " np=" << actual_num_points;
- out << "\n";
- child[ANN_LO]->print(level+1, out); // print low child
-void ANNkd_leaf::print( // print leaf node
- int level, // depth of node in tree
- ostream &out) // output stream
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- out << " ";
- for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) // print indentation
- out << "..";
- if (this == KD_TRIVIAL) { // canonical trivial leaf node
- out << "Leaf (trivial)\n";
- }
- else{
- out << "Leaf n=" << n_pts << " <";
- for (int j = 0; j < n_pts; j++) {
- out << bkt[j];
- if (j < n_pts-1) out << ",";
- }
- out << ">\n";
- }
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
-void ANNkd_tree::Print( // print entire tree
- ANNbool with_pts, // print points as well?
- ostream &out) // output stream
- out << "ANN Version " << ANNversion << "\n";
- if (with_pts) { // print point coordinates
- out << " Points:\n";
- for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) {
- out << "\t" << i << ": ";
- annPrintPt(pts[i], dim, out);
- out << "\n";
- }
- }
- if (root == NULL) // empty tree?
- out << " Null tree.\n";
- else {
- root->print(0, out); // invoke printing at root
- }
-// kd_tree statistics (for performance evaluation)
-// This routine compute various statistics information for
-// a kd-tree. It is used by the implementors for performance
-// evaluation of the data structure.
-#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-void ANNkdStats::merge(const ANNkdStats &st) // merge stats from child
- n_lf += st.n_lf; n_tl += st.n_tl;
- n_spl += st.n_spl; n_shr += st.n_shr;
- depth = MAX(depth, st.depth);
- sum_ar += st.sum_ar;
-// Update statistics for nodes
-const double ANN_AR_TOOBIG = 1000; // too big an aspect ratio
-void ANNkd_leaf::getStats( // get subtree statistics
- int dim, // dimension of space
- ANNkdStats &st, // stats (modified)
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box) // bounding box
- st.reset();
- st.n_lf = 1; // count this leaf
- if (this == KD_TRIVIAL) st.n_tl = 1; // count trivial leaf
- double ar = annAspectRatio(dim, bnd_box); // aspect ratio of leaf
- // incr sum (ignore outliers)
- st.sum_ar += float(ar < ANN_AR_TOOBIG ? ar : ANN_AR_TOOBIG);
-void ANNkd_split::getStats( // get subtree statistics
- int dim, // dimension of space
- ANNkdStats &st, // stats (modified)
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box) // bounding box
- ANNkdStats ch_stats; // stats for children
- // get stats for low child
- ANNcoord hv = bnd_box.hi[cut_dim]; // save box bounds
- bnd_box.hi[cut_dim] = cut_val; // upper bound for low child
- ch_stats.reset(); // reset
- child[ANN_LO]->getStats(dim, ch_stats, bnd_box);
- st.merge(ch_stats); // merge them
- bnd_box.hi[cut_dim] = hv; // restore bound
- // get stats for high child
- ANNcoord lv = bnd_box.lo[cut_dim]; // save box bounds
- bnd_box.lo[cut_dim] = cut_val; // lower bound for high child
- ch_stats.reset(); // reset
- child[ANN_HI]->getStats(dim, ch_stats, bnd_box);
- st.merge(ch_stats); // merge them
- bnd_box.lo[cut_dim] = lv; // restore bound
- st.depth++; // increment depth
- st.n_spl++; // increment number of splits
-// getStats
-// Collects a number of statistics related to kd_tree or
-// bd_tree.
-void ANNkd_tree::getStats( // get tree statistics
- ANNkdStats &st) // stats (modified)
- st.reset(dim, n_pts, bkt_size); // reset stats
- // create bounding box
- ANNorthRect bnd_box(dim, bnd_box_lo, bnd_box_hi);
- if (root != NULL) { // if nonempty tree
- root->getStats(dim, st, bnd_box); // get statistics
- st.avg_ar = st.sum_ar / st.n_lf; // average leaf asp ratio
- }
-// kd_tree destructor
-// The destructor just frees the various elements that were
-// allocated in the construction process.
-ANNkd_tree::~ANNkd_tree() // tree destructor
- if (root != NULL and root != KD_TRIVIAL) delete root;
- if (pidx != NULL) delete [] pidx;
- if (bnd_box_lo != NULL) annDeallocPt(bnd_box_lo);
- if (bnd_box_hi != NULL) annDeallocPt(bnd_box_hi);
-// This is called with all use of ANN is finished. It eliminates the
-// minor memory leak caused by the allocation of KD_TRIVIAL.
-void annClose() // close use of ANN
- if (KD_TRIVIAL != NULL) {
- delete KD_TRIVIAL;
- }
-// kd_tree constructors
-// There is a skeleton kd-tree constructor which sets up a
-// trivial empty tree. The last optional argument allows
-// the routine to be passed a point index array which is
-// assumed to be of the proper size (n). Otherwise, one is
-// allocated and initialized to the identity. Warning: In
-// either case the destructor will deallocate this array.
-// As a kludge, we need to allocate KD_TRIVIAL if one has not
-// already been allocated. (This is because I'm too dumb to
-// figure out how to cause a pointer to be allocated at load
-// time.)
-void ANNkd_tree::SkeletonTree( // construct skeleton tree
- int n, // number of points
- int dd, // dimension
- int bs, // bucket size
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pi) // point indices
- dim = dd; // initialize basic elements
- n_pts = n;
- bkt_size = bs;
- pts = pa; // initialize points array
- root = NULL; // no associated tree yet
- if (pi == NULL) { // point indices provided?
- pidx = new ANNidx[n]; // no, allocate space for point indices
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- pidx[i] = i; // initially identity
- }
- }
- else {
- pidx = pi; // yes, use them
- }
- bnd_box_lo = bnd_box_hi = NULL; // bounding box is nonexistent
- if (KD_TRIVIAL == NULL) // no trivial leaf node yet?
- KD_TRIVIAL = new ANNkd_leaf(0, IDX_TRIVIAL); // allocate it
- // for deletion
- pointToLeafVec.clear();
- pointToLeafVec.reserve(n_pts);
- for(int k = 0; k < n_pts; ++k) {
- pointToLeafVec.push_back(NULL);
- }
-ANNkd_tree::ANNkd_tree( // basic constructor
- int n, // number of points
- int dd, // dimension
- int bs) // bucket size
-{ SkeletonTree(n, dd, bs); } // construct skeleton tree
-// rkd_tree - recursive procedure to build a kd-tree
-// Builds a kd-tree for points in pa as indexed through the
-// array pidx[0..n-1] (typically a subarray of the array used in
-// the top-level call). This routine permutes the array pidx,
-// but does not alter pa[].
-// The construction is based on a standard algorithm for constructing
-// the kd-tree (see Friedman, Bentley, and Finkel, ``An algorithm for
-// finding best matches in logarithmic expected time,'' ACM Transactions
-// on Mathematical Software, 3(3):209-226, 1977). The procedure
-// operates by a simple divide-and-conquer strategy, which determines
-// an appropriate orthogonal cutting plane (see below), and splits
-// the points. When the number of points falls below the bucket size,
-// we simply store the points in a leaf node's bucket.
-// One of the arguments is a pointer to a splitting routine,
-// whose prototype is:
-// void split(
-// ANNpointArray pa, // complete point array
-// ANNidxArray pidx, // point array (permuted on return)
-// ANNorthRect &bnds, // bounds of current cell
-// int n, // number of points
-// int dim, // dimension of space
-// int &cut_dim, // cutting dimension
-// ANNcoord &cut_val, // cutting value
-// int &n_lo) // no. of points on low side of cut
-// This procedure selects a cutting dimension and cutting value,
-// partitions pa about these values, and returns the number of
-// points on the low side of the cut.
-ANNkd_ptr rkd_tree( // recursive construction of kd-tree
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int bsp, // bucket space
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box for current node
- ANNkd_splitter splitter, // splitting routine
- vector<ANNkd_leaf*>* ppointToLeafVec)
- if (n <= bsp) { // n small, make a leaf node
- if (n == 0) // empty leaf node
- return KD_TRIVIAL; // return (canonical) empty leaf
- else { // construct the node and return
- ANNkd_leaf* res = new ANNkd_leaf(n, pidx);
- if ( 1 == bsp) {
- (*ppointToLeafVec)[*pidx] = res;
- }
- return res;
- }
- }
- else { // n large, make a splitting node
- int cd; // cutting dimension
- ANNcoord cv; // cutting value
- int n_lo; // number on low side of cut
- ANNkd_node *lo, *hi; // low and high children
- // invoke splitting procedure
- (*splitter)(pa, pidx, bnd_box, n, dim, cd, cv, n_lo);
- ANNcoord lv = bnd_box.lo[cd]; // save bounds for cutting dimension
- ANNcoord hv = bnd_box.hi[cd];
- bnd_box.hi[cd] = cv; // modify bounds for left subtree
- lo = rkd_tree( // build left subtree
- pa, pidx, n_lo, // ...from pidx[0..n_lo-1]
- dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, ppointToLeafVec);
- bnd_box.hi[cd] = hv; // restore bounds
- bnd_box.lo[cd] = cv; // modify bounds for right subtree
- hi = rkd_tree( // build right subtree
- pa, pidx + n_lo, n-n_lo,// ...from pidx[n_lo..n-1]
- dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, ppointToLeafVec);
- bnd_box.lo[cd] = lv; // restore bounds
- // create the splitting node
- ANNkd_split *ptr = new ANNkd_split(cd, cv, lv, hv, lo, hi);
- if (lo != KD_TRIVIAL)
- lo->setParent(ptr);
- if (hi != KD_TRIVIAL)
- hi->setParent(ptr);
- ptr->setNumPoints(lo->getNumPoints() + hi->getNumPoints());
- return ptr; // return pointer to this node
- }
-// for kd-trees with deletion
-ANNkd_ptr rkd_tree_wd( // recursive construction of kd-tree
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices to store in subtree
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int bsp, // bucket space
- ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box for current node
- ANNkd_splitter_wd splitter) // splitting routine
- ANNidx cut_pt_idx;
- if (n <= bsp) { // n small, make a leaf node
- if (n == 0) // empty leaf node
- return KD_TRIVIAL; // return (canonical) empty leaf
- else // construct the node and return
- return new ANNkd_leaf(n, pidx);
- }
- else { // n large, make a splitting node
- int cd; // cutting dimension
- ANNcoord cv; // cutting value
- int n_lo; // number on low side of cut
- ANNkd_node *lo, *hi; // low and high children
- // invoke splitting procedure
- (*splitter)(pa, pidx, bnd_box, n, dim, cd, cv, n_lo, cut_pt_idx);
- ANNcoord lv = bnd_box.lo[cd]; // save bounds for cutting dimension
- ANNcoord hv = bnd_box.hi[cd];
- bnd_box.hi[cd] = cv; // modify bounds for left subtree
- lo = rkd_tree_wd( // build left subtree
- pa, pidx, n_lo, // ...from pidx[0..n_lo-1]
- dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter);
- bnd_box.hi[cd] = hv; // restore bounds
- bnd_box.lo[cd] = cv; // modify bounds for right subtree
- hi = rkd_tree_wd( // build right subtree
- pa, pidx + n_lo, n-n_lo,// ...from pidx[n_lo..n-1]
- dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter);
- bnd_box.lo[cd] = lv; // restore bounds
- // create the splitting node
- ANNkd_split *ptr = new ANNkd_split(cd, cv, lv, hv, lo, hi, cut_pt_idx);
- return ptr; // return pointer to this node
- }
-// kd-tree constructor
-// This is the main constructor for kd-trees given a set of points.
-// It first builds a skeleton tree, then computes the bounding box
-// of the data points, and then invokes rkd_tree() to actually
-// build the tree, passing it the appropriate splitting routine.
-ANNkd_tree::ANNkd_tree( // construct from point array
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array (with at least n pts)
- int n, // number of points
- int dd, // dimension
- int bs, // bucket size
- ANNsplitRule split) // splitting method
- SkeletonTree(n, dd, bs); // set up the basic stuff
- pts = pa; // where the points are
- actual_num_points = n;
- if (n == 0) return; // no points--no sweat
- ANNorthRect bnd_box(dd); // bounding box for points
- annEnclRect(pa, pidx, n, dd, bnd_box);// construct bounding rectangle
- // copy to tree structure
- bnd_box_lo = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.lo);
- bnd_box_hi = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.hi);
- switch (split) { // build by rule
- case ANN_KD_STD: // standard kd-splitting rule
- root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split, &pointToLeafVec);
- break;
- case ANN_KD_MIDPT: // midpoint split
- root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, midpt_split, &pointToLeafVec);
- break;
- case ANN_KD_FAIR: // fair split
- root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, fair_split, &pointToLeafVec);
- break;
- case ANN_KD_SUGGEST: // best (in our opinion)
- case ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT: // sliding midpoint split
- root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_midpt_split, &pointToLeafVec);
- break;
- case ANN_KD_SL_FAIR: // sliding fair split
- root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_fair_split, &pointToLeafVec);
- break;
- // for kd-trees with deletion
- /*
- //case ANN_KD_SUGGEST:
- case ANN_KD_STD_WD:
- root = rkd_tree_wd(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split_wd);
- break;
- root = rkd_tree_wd(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split_wd);
- break;
- root = rkd_tree_wd(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split_wd);
- break;
- */
- default:
- annError("Illegal splitting method", ANNabort);
- }
-// deletion code
-void ANNkd_tree::delete_point(const int point_idx)
- // range check
- assert(0 <= point_idx and point_idx < n_pts);
- assert(actual_num_points > 0);
- // if this is the first deletion,
- // initialize isDeleted vector
- if (isDeleted.empty()) {
- isDeleted.reserve(n_pts);
- for(size_t k = 0; k < n_pts; ++k) {
- isDeleted.push_back(false);
- }
- }
- // points shouldn't be deleted twice
- assert(!isDeleted[point_idx]);
- assert(root != NULL);
- ANNkd_leaf* leafWithPoint =;
- assert(leafWithPoint != NULL);
- // if leafWithPoint != root,
- // its parent will delete the leaf
->delete_point(point_idx, leafWithPoint != root);
- if (leafWithPoint == root) {
- // we had only one point,
- // so the tree must delete it
- root = KD_TRIVIAL;
- delete leafWithPoint;
- }
- isDeleted[point_idx] = true;
- actual_num_points--;
-void ANNkd_leaf::delete_point(const int point_idx, const bool killYourself)
- assert(n_pts == 1);
- assert(bkt[0] == point_idx);
- ANNkd_split* myPar = parent;
- while(myPar != NULL) {
- myPar->decNumPoints();
- myPar = myPar->getParent();
- }
- if (parent != NULL)
- parent->delete_leaf(this);
- if (killYourself)
- delete this;
-void ANNkd_split::delete_leaf(ANNkd_leaf* childToDelete)
- assert(child[ANN_LO] == childToDelete or child[ANN_HI] == childToDelete);
- if (child[ANN_LO] == childToDelete)
- child[ANN_LO] = KD_TRIVIAL;
- else
- child[ANN_HI] = KD_TRIVIAL;
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_util.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_util.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 02b35c4..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/ann/kd_util.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-// File: kd_util.cpp
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Common utilities for kd-trees
-// Last modified: 01/04/05 (Version 1.0)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-#include "kd_util.h" // kd-utility declarations
-#include <ANN/ANNperf.h> // performance evaluation
-namespace geom_bt {
-// The following routines are utility functions for manipulating
-// points sets, used in determining splitting planes for kd-tree
-// construction.
-// NOTE: Virtually all point indexing is done through an index (i.e.
-// permutation) array pidx. Consequently, a reference to the d-th
-// coordinate of the i-th point is pa[pidx[i]][d]. The macro PA(i,d)
-// is a shorthand for this.
- // standard 2-d indirect indexing
-#define PA(i,d) (pa[pidx[(i)]][(d)])
- // accessing a single point
-#define PP(i) (pa[pidx[(i)]])
-// annAspectRatio
-// Compute the aspect ratio (ratio of longest to shortest side)
-// of a rectangle.
-double annAspectRatio(
- int dim, // dimension
- const ANNorthRect &bnd_box) // bounding cube
- ANNcoord length = bnd_box.hi[0] - bnd_box.lo[0];
- ANNcoord min_length = length; // min side length
- ANNcoord max_length = length; // max side length
- for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- length = bnd_box.hi[d] - bnd_box.lo[d];
- if (length < min_length) min_length = length;
- if (length > max_length) max_length = length;
- }
- return max_length/min_length;
-// annEnclRect, annEnclCube
-// These utilities compute the smallest rectangle and cube enclosing
-// a set of points, respectively.
-void annEnclRect(
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension
- ANNorthRect &bnds) // bounding cube (returned)
- for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // find smallest enclosing rectangle
- ANNcoord lo_bnd = PA(0,d); // lower bound on dimension d
- ANNcoord hi_bnd = PA(0,d); // upper bound on dimension d
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (PA(i,d) < lo_bnd) lo_bnd = PA(i,d);
- else if (PA(i,d) > hi_bnd) hi_bnd = PA(i,d);
- }
- bnds.lo[d] = lo_bnd;
- bnds.hi[d] = hi_bnd;
- }
-void annEnclCube( // compute smallest enclosing cube
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension
- ANNorthRect &bnds) // bounding cube (returned)
- int d;
- // compute smallest enclosing rect
- annEnclRect(pa, pidx, n, dim, bnds);
- ANNcoord max_len = 0; // max length of any side
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // determine max side length
- ANNcoord len = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- if (len > max_len) { // update max_len if longest
- max_len = len;
- }
- }
- for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // grow sides to match max
- ANNcoord len = bnds.hi[d] - bnds.lo[d];
- ANNcoord half_diff = (max_len - len) / 2;
- bnds.lo[d] -= half_diff;
- bnds.hi[d] += half_diff;
- }
-// annBoxDistance - utility routine which computes distance from point to
-// box (Note: most distances to boxes are computed using incremental
-// distance updates, not this function.)
-ANNdist annBoxDistance( // compute distance from point to box
- const ANNpoint q, // the point
- const ANNpoint lo, // low point of box
- const ANNpoint hi, // high point of box
- int dim) // dimension of space
- register ANNdist dist = 0.0; // sum of squared distances
- register ANNdist t;
- for (register int d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
- if (q[d] < lo[d]) { // q is left of box
- t = ANNdist(lo[d]) - ANNdist(q[d]);
- dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(t));
- }
- else if (q[d] > hi[d]) { // q is right of box
- t = ANNdist(q[d]) - ANNdist(hi[d]);
- dist = ANN_SUM(dist, ANN_POW(t));
- }
- }
- ANN_FLOP(4*dim) // increment floating op count
- return dist;
-// annSpread - find spread along given dimension
-// annMinMax - find min and max coordinates along given dimension
-// annMaxSpread - find dimension of max spread
-ANNcoord annSpread( // compute point spread along dimension
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int d) // dimension to check
- ANNcoord min = PA(0,d); // compute max and min coords
- ANNcoord max = PA(0,d);
- for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
- ANNcoord c = PA(i,d);
- if (c < min) min = c;
- else if (c > max) max = c;
- }
- return (max - min); // total spread is difference
-void annMinMax( // compute min and max coordinates along dim
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int d, // dimension to check
- ANNcoord &min, // minimum value (returned)
- ANNcoord &max) // maximum value (returned)
- min = PA(0,d); // compute max and min coords
- max = PA(0,d);
- for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
- ANNcoord c = PA(i,d);
- if (c < min) min = c;
- else if (c > max) max = c;
- }
-int annMaxSpread( // compute dimension of max spread
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int dim) // dimension of space
- int max_dim = 0; // dimension of max spread
- ANNcoord max_spr = 0; // amount of max spread
- if (n == 0) return max_dim; // no points, who cares?
- for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // compute spread along each dim
- ANNcoord spr = annSpread(pa, pidx, n, d);
- if (spr > max_spr) { // bigger than current max
- max_spr = spr;
- max_dim = d;
- }
- }
- return max_dim;
-// annMedianSplit - split point array about its median
-// Splits a subarray of points pa[0..n] about an element of given
-// rank (median: n_lo = n/2) with respect to dimension d. It places
-// the element of rank n_lo-1 correctly (because our splitting rule
-// takes the mean of these two). On exit, the array is permuted so
-// that:
-// pa[0..n_lo-2][d] <= pa[n_lo-1][d] <= pa[n_lo][d] <= pa[n_lo+1..n-1][d].
-// The mean of pa[n_lo-1][d] and pa[n_lo][d] is returned as the
-// splitting value.
-// All indexing is done indirectly through the index array pidx.
-// This function uses the well known selection algorithm due to
-// C.A.R. Hoare.
- // swap two points in pa array
-#define PASWAP(a,b) { int tmp = pidx[a]; pidx[a] = pidx[b]; pidx[b] = tmp; }
-void annMedianSplit(
- ANNpointArray pa, // points to split
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int d, // dimension along which to split
- ANNcoord &cv, // cutting value
- int n_lo) // split into n_lo and n-n_lo
- int l = 0; // left end of current subarray
- int r = n-1; // right end of current subarray
- while (l < r) {
- register int i = (r+l)/2; // select middle as pivot
- register int k;
- if (PA(i,d) > PA(r,d)) // make sure last > pivot
- PASWAP(i,r)
- PASWAP(l,i); // move pivot to first position
- ANNcoord c = PA(l,d); // pivot value
- i = l;
- k = r;
- for(;;) { // pivot about c
- while (PA(++i,d) < c) ;
- while (PA(--k,d) > c) ;
- if (i < k) PASWAP(i,k) else break;
- }
- PASWAP(l,k); // pivot winds up in location k
- if (k > n_lo) r = k-1; // recurse on proper subarray
- else if (k < n_lo) l = k+1;
- else break; // got the median exactly
- }
- if (n_lo > 0) { // search for next smaller item
- ANNcoord c = PA(0,d); // candidate for max
- int k = 0; // candidate's index
- for (int i = 1; i < n_lo; i++) {
- if (PA(i,d) > c) {
- c = PA(i,d);
- k = i;
- }
- }
- PASWAP(n_lo-1, k); // max among pa[0..n_lo-1] to pa[n_lo-1]
- }
- // cut value is midpoint value
- cv = (PA(n_lo-1,d) + PA(n_lo,d))/2.0;
-// annPlaneSplit - split point array about a cutting plane
-// Split the points in an array about a given plane along a
-// given cutting dimension. On exit, br1 and br2 are set so
-// that:
-// pa[ 0 ..br1-1] < cv
-// pa[br1..br2-1] == cv
-// pa[br2.. n -1] > cv
-// All indexing is done indirectly through the index array pidx.
-void annPlaneSplit( // split points by a plane
- ANNpointArray pa, // points to split
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int d, // dimension along which to split
- ANNcoord cv, // cutting value
- int &br1, // first break (values < cv)
- int &br2) // second break (values == cv)
- int l = 0;
- int r = n-1;
- for(;;) { // partition pa[0..n-1] about cv
- while (l < n && PA(l,d) < cv) l++;
- while (r >= 0 && PA(r,d) >= cv) r--;
- if (l > r) break;
- PASWAP(l,r);
- l++; r--;
- }
- br1 = l; // now: pa[0..br1-1] < cv <= pa[br1..n-1]
- r = n-1;
- for(;;) { // partition pa[br1..n-1] about cv
- while (l < n && PA(l,d) <= cv) l++;
- while (r >= br1 && PA(r,d) > cv) r--;
- if (l > r) break;
- PASWAP(l,r);
- l++; r--;
- }
- br2 = l; // now: pa[br1..br2-1] == cv < pa[br2..n-1]
-// annBoxSplit - split point array about a orthogonal rectangle
-// Split the points in an array about a given orthogonal
-// rectangle. On exit, n_in is set to the number of points
-// that are inside (or on the boundary of) the rectangle.
-// All indexing is done indirectly through the index array pidx.
-void annBoxSplit( // split points by a box
- ANNpointArray pa, // points to split
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int dim, // dimension of space
- ANNorthRect &box, // the box
- int &n_in) // number of points inside (returned)
- int l = 0;
- int r = n-1;
- for(;;) { // partition pa[0..n-1] about box
- while (l < n && box.inside(dim, PP(l))) l++;
- while (r >= 0 && !box.inside(dim, PP(r))) r--;
- if (l > r) break;
- PASWAP(l,r);
- l++; r--;
- }
- n_in = l; // now: pa[0..n_in-1] inside and rest outside
-// annSplitBalance - compute balance factor for a given plane split
-// Balance factor is defined as the number of points lying
-// below the splitting value minus n/2 (median). Thus, a
-// median split has balance 0, left of this is negative and
-// right of this is positive. (The points are unchanged.)
-int annSplitBalance( // determine balance factor of a split
- ANNpointArray pa, // points to split
- ANNidxArray pidx, // point indices
- int n, // number of points
- int d, // dimension along which to split
- ANNcoord cv) // cutting value
- int n_lo = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // count number less than cv
- if (PA(i,d) < cv) n_lo++;
- }
- return n_lo - n/2;
-// annBox2Bnds - convert bounding box to list of bounds
-// Given two boxes, an inner box enclosed within a bounding
-// box, this routine determines all the sides for which the
-// inner box is strictly contained with the bounding box,
-// and adds an appropriate entry to a list of bounds. Then
-// we allocate storage for the final list of bounds, and return
-// the resulting list and its size.
-void annBox2Bnds( // convert inner box to bounds
- const ANNorthRect &inner_box, // inner box
- const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // enclosing box
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int &n_bnds, // number of bounds (returned)
- ANNorthHSArray &bnds) // bounds array (returned)
- int i;
- n_bnds = 0; // count number of bounds
- for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
- if (inner_box.lo[i] > bnd_box.lo[i]) // low bound is inside
- n_bnds++;
- if (inner_box.hi[i] < bnd_box.hi[i]) // high bound is inside
- n_bnds++;
- }
- bnds = new ANNorthHalfSpace[n_bnds]; // allocate appropriate size
- int j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { // fill the array
- if (inner_box.lo[i] > bnd_box.lo[i]) {
- bnds[j].cd = i;
- bnds[j].cv = inner_box.lo[i];
- bnds[j].sd = +1;
- j++;
- }
- if (inner_box.hi[i] < bnd_box.hi[i]) {
- bnds[j].cd = i;
- bnds[j].cv = inner_box.hi[i];
- bnds[j].sd = -1;
- j++;
- }
- }
-// annBnds2Box - convert list of bounds to bounding box
-// Given an enclosing box and a list of bounds, this routine
-// computes the corresponding inner box. It is assumed that
-// the box points have been allocated already.
-void annBnds2Box(
- const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // enclosing box
- int dim, // dimension of space
- int n_bnds, // number of bounds
- ANNorthHSArray bnds, // bounds array
- ANNorthRect &inner_box) // inner box (returned)
- annAssignRect(dim, inner_box, bnd_box); // copy bounding box to inner
- for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) {
- bnds[i].project(inner_box.lo); // project each endpoint
- bnds[i].project(inner_box.hi);
- }
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/basic_defs.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/basic_defs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 76e6cc5..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/basic_defs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
- Copyrigth 2015, D. Morozov, M. Kerber, A. Nigmetov
- This file is part of GeomBottleneck.
- GeomBottleneck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- GeomBottleneck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
- along with GeomBottleneck. If not, see <>.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cfloat>
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-#include "basic_defs_bt.h"
-namespace geom_bt {
-// Point
-bool Point::operator==(const Point& other) const
- return ((this->x == other.x) and (this->y == other.y));
-bool Point::operator!=(const Point& other) const
- return !(*this == other);
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Point p)
- output << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")";
- return output;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const PointSet& ps)
- output << "{ ";
- for(auto& p : ps) {
- output << p << ", ";
- }
- output << "\b\b }";
- return output;
-double sqrDist(const Point& a, const Point& b)
- return (a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y);
-double dist(const Point& a, const Point& b)
- return sqrt(sqrDist(a, b));
-// DiagramPoint
-// compute l-inf distance between two diagram points
-double distLInf(const DiagramPoint& a, const DiagramPoint& b)
- if ( DiagramPoint::DIAG == a.type &&
- DiagramPoint::DIAG == b.type ) {
- // distance between points on the diagonal is 0
- return 0.0;
- }
- // otherwise distance is a usual l-inf distance
- return std::max(fabs(a.getRealX() - b.getRealX()), fabs(a.getRealY() - b.getRealY()));
-bool DiagramPoint::operator==(const DiagramPoint& other) const
- assert(this->id >= MinValidId);
- assert( >= MinValidId);
- bool areEqual{ this->id == };
- assert(!areEqual or ((this->x == other.x) and (this->y == other.y) and (this->type == other.type)));
- return areEqual;
-bool DiagramPoint::operator!=(const DiagramPoint& other) const
- return !(*this == other);
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const DiagramPoint p)
- if ( p.type == DiagramPoint::DIAG ) {
- output << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ", " << 0.5 * (p.x + p.y) << ", " << << " DIAG )";
- } else {
- output << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ", " << << " NORMAL)";
- }
- return output;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const DiagramPointSet& ps)
- output << "{ ";
- for(auto pit = ps.cbegin(); pit != ps.cend(); ++pit) {
- output << *pit << ", ";
- }
- output << "\b\b }";
- return output;
-DiagramPoint::DiagramPoint(double xx, double yy, Type ttype, IdType uid) :
- x(xx),
- y(yy),
- type(ttype),
- id(uid)
- if ( yy == xx and ttype != DiagramPoint::DIAG)
- throw std::runtime_error("Point on the main diagonal must have DIAG type");
-void DiagramPointSet::insert(const DiagramPoint p)
- points.insert(p);
- if ( > maxId) {
- maxId = + 1;
- }
-// erase should be called only for the element of the set
-void DiagramPointSet::erase(const DiagramPoint& p, bool doCheck)
- auto it = points.find(p);
- if (it != points.end()) {
- points.erase(it);
- } else {
- assert(!doCheck);
- }
-void DiagramPointSet::reserve(const size_t newSize)
- points.reserve(newSize);
-void DiagramPointSet::erase(const std::unordered_set<DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash>::const_iterator it)
- points.erase(it);
-void DiagramPointSet::clear()
- points.clear();
-size_t DiagramPointSet::size() const
- return points.size();
-bool DiagramPointSet::empty() const
- return points.empty();
-bool DiagramPointSet::hasElement(const DiagramPoint& p) const
- return points.find(p) != points.end();
-void DiagramPointSet::removeDiagonalPoints()
- if (isLinked) {
- auto ptIter = points.begin();
- while(ptIter != points.end()) {
- if (ptIter->isDiagonal()) {
- ptIter = points.erase(ptIter);
- } else {
- ptIter++;
- }
- }
- isLinked = false;
- }
-// preprocess diagrams A and B by adding projections onto diagonal of points of
-// A to B and vice versa. NB: ids of points will be changed!
-void addProjections(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B)
- IdType uniqueId {MinValidId + 1};
- DiagramPointSet newA, newB;
- // copy normal points from A to newA
- // add projections to newB
- for(auto& pA : A) {
- if (pA.isNormal()) {
- DiagramPoint dpA {pA.getRealX(), pA.getRealY(), DiagramPoint::NORMAL, uniqueId++};
- DiagramPoint dpB {0.5*(pA.getRealX() +pA.getRealY()), 0.5 *(pA.getRealX() +pA.getRealY()), DiagramPoint::DIAG, uniqueId++};
- newA.insert(dpA);
- newB.insert(dpB);
- }
- }
- for(auto& pB : B) {
- if (pB.isNormal()) {
- DiagramPoint dpB {pB.getRealX(), pB.getRealY(), DiagramPoint::NORMAL, uniqueId++};
- DiagramPoint dpA {0.5*(pB.getRealX() +pB.getRealY()), 0.5 *(pB.getRealX() +pB.getRealY()), DiagramPoint::DIAG, uniqueId++};
- newB.insert(dpB);
- newA.insert(dpA);
- }
- }
- A = newA;
- B = newB;
- A.isLinked = true;
- B.isLinked = true;
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/bottleneck.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/bottleneck.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 05e0e27..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/bottleneck.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,750 +0,0 @@
- Copyrigth 2015, D. Morozov, M. Kerber, A. Nigmetov
- This file is part of GeomBottleneck.
- GeomBottleneck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- GeomBottleneck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
- along with GeomBottleneck. If not, see <>.
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <cctype>
-#include "bottleneck.h"
-//#include "test_dist_calc.h"
-namespace geom_bt {
-// return the interval (distMin, distMax) such that:
-// a) actual bottleneck distance between A and B is contained in the interval
-// b) if the interval is not (0,0), then (distMax - distMin) / distMin < epsilon
-std::pair<double, double> bottleneckDistApproxInterval(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B, const double epsilon)
- // empty diagrams are not considered as error
- if (A.empty() and B.empty())
- return std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0);
- // link diagrams A and B by adding projections
- addProjections(A, B);
- // TODO: think about that!
- // we need one threshold for checking if the distance is 0,
- // another one for the oracle!
- constexpr double epsThreshold { 1.0e-10 };
- std::pair<double, double> result { 0.0, 0.0 };
- bool useRangeSearch { true };
- // construct an oracle
- BoundMatchOracle oracle(A, B, epsThreshold, useRangeSearch);
- // check for distance = 0
- if (oracle.isMatchLess(2*epsThreshold)) {
- return result;
- }
- // get a 3-approximation of maximal distance between A and B
- // as a starting value for probe distance
- double distProbe { getFurthestDistance3Approx(A, B) };
- // aliases for result components
- double& distMin {result.first};
- double& distMax {result.second};
- if ( oracle.isMatchLess(distProbe) ) {
- // distProbe is an upper bound,
- // find lower bound with binary search
- do {
- distMax = distProbe;
- distProbe /= 2.0;
- } while (oracle.isMatchLess(distProbe));
- distMin = distProbe;
- } else {
- // distProbe is a lower bound,
- // find upper bound with exponential search
- do {
- distMin = distProbe;
- distProbe *= 2.0;
- } while (!oracle.isMatchLess(distProbe));
- distMax = distProbe;
- }
- // bounds are found, perform binary search
- //std::cout << "Bounds found, distMin = " << distMin << ", distMax = " << distMax << ", ratio = " << ( distMax - distMin ) / distMin << std::endl ;
- distProbe = ( distMin + distMax ) / 2.0;
- while ( ( distMax - distMin ) / distMin >= epsilon ) {
- if (oracle.isMatchLess(distProbe)) {
- distMax = distProbe;
- } else {
- distMin = distProbe;
- }
- distProbe = ( distMin + distMax ) / 2.0;
- }
- return result;
-void sampleDiagramForHeur(const DiagramPointSet& dgmIn, DiagramPointSet& dgmOut)
- std::cout << "Entered sampleDiagramForHeur, dgmIn.size = " << dgmIn.size() << std::endl;
- struct pair_hash {
- std::size_t operator()(const std::pair<double, double> p) const
- {
- return std::hash<double>()(p.first) ^ std::hash<double>()(p.second);
- }
- };
- std::unordered_map<std::pair<double, double>, int, pair_hash> m;
- for(auto ptIter = dgmIn.cbegin(); ptIter != dgmIn.cend(); ++ptIter) {
- if (ptIter->isNormal()) {
- m[std::make_pair(ptIter->getRealX(), ptIter->getRealY())]++;
- }
- }
- std::cout << "map filled in, m.size = " << m.size() << std::endl;
- if (m.size() < 2) {
- dgmOut = dgmIn;
- return;
- }
- std::vector<int> v;
- for(const auto& ptQtyPair : m) {
- v.push_back(ptQtyPair.second);
- }
- std::cout << "v filled in, v.size = " << v.size() << std::endl;
- std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
- std::cout << "v sorted" << std::endl;
- int maxLeap = v[1] - v[0];
- int cutVal = v[0];
- for(int i = 1; i < v.size() - 1; ++i) {
- int currLeap = v[i+1] - v[i];
- if (currLeap > maxLeap) {
- maxLeap = currLeap;
- cutVal = v[i];
- }
- }
- std::cout << "cutVal found, cutVal = " << cutVal << std::endl;
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> vv;
- // keep points whose multiplicites are at most cutVal
- // quick-and-dirty: fill in vv with copies of each point
- // to construct DiagramPointSet from it later
- for(const auto& ptQty : m) {
- if (ptQty.second < cutVal) {
- for(int i = 0; i < ptQty.second; ++i) {
- vv.push_back(std::make_pair(ptQty.first.first, ptQty.first.second));
- }
- }
- }
- std::cout << "vv filled in, vv.size = " << v.size() << std::endl;
- dgmOut.clear();
- dgmOut = DiagramPointSet(vv.begin(), vv.end());
- std::cout << "dgmOut filled in, dgmOut.size = " << dgmOut.size() << std::endl;
-// return the interval (distMin, distMax) such that:
-// a) actual bottleneck distance between A and B is contained in the interval
-// b) if the interval is not (0,0), then (distMax - distMin) / distMin < epsilon
-std::pair<double, double> bottleneckDistApproxIntervalWithInitial(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B, const double epsilon, const std::pair<double, double> initialGuess)
- // empty diagrams are not considered as error
- if (A.empty() and B.empty())
- return std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0);
- // link diagrams A and B by adding projections
- addProjections(A, B);
- constexpr double epsThreshold { 1.0e-10 };
- std::pair<double, double> result { 0.0, 0.0 };
- bool useRangeSearch { true };
- // construct an oracle
- BoundMatchOracle oracle(A, B, epsThreshold, useRangeSearch);
- double& distMin {result.first};
- double& distMax {result.second};
- // initialize search interval from initialGuess
- distMin = initialGuess.first;
- distMax = initialGuess.second;
- assert(distMin <= distMax);
- // make sure that distMin is a lower bound
- while(oracle.isMatchLess(distMin)) {
- // distMin is in fact an upper bound, so assign it to distMax
- distMax = distMin;
- // and decrease distMin by 5 %
- distMin = 0.95 * distMin;
- }
- // make sure that distMax is an upper bound
- while(not oracle.isMatchLess(distMax)) {
- // distMax is in fact a lower bound, so assign it to distMin
- distMin = distMax;
- // and increase distMax by 5 %
- distMax = 1.05 * distMax;
- }
- // bounds are found, perform binary search
- //std::cout << "Bounds found, distMin = " << distMin << ", distMax = " << distMax << ", ratio = " << ( distMax - distMin ) / distMin << std::endl ;
- double distProbe = ( distMin + distMax ) / 2.0;
- while ( ( distMax - distMin ) / distMin >= epsilon ) {
- if (oracle.isMatchLess(distProbe)) {
- distMax = distProbe;
- } else {
- distMin = distProbe;
- }
- distProbe = ( distMin + distMax ) / 2.0;
- }
- return result;
-// return the interval (distMin, distMax) such that:
-// a) actual bottleneck distance between A and B is contained in the interval
-// b) if the interval is not (0,0), then (distMax - distMin) / distMin < epsilon
-// use heuristic: initial estimate on sampled diagrams
-std::pair<double, double> bottleneckDistApproxIntervalHeur(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B, const double epsilon)
- // empty diagrams are not considered as error
- if (A.empty() and B.empty())
- return std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0);
- DiagramPointSet sampledA, sampledB;
- sampleDiagramForHeur(A, sampledA);
- sampleDiagramForHeur(B, sampledB);
- std::cout << "A : " << A.size() << ", sampled: " << sampledA.size() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "B : " << B.size() << ", sampled: " << sampledB.size() << std::endl;
- std::pair<double, double> initGuess = bottleneckDistApproxInterval(sampledA, sampledB, epsilon);
- std::cout << "initial guess with sampling: " << initGuess.first << ", " << initGuess.second << std::endl;
- std::cout << "running on the original diagrams" << std::endl;
- return bottleneckDistApproxIntervalWithInitial(A, B, epsilon, initGuess);
-// get approximate distance,
-// see bottleneckDistApproxInterval
-double bottleneckDistApprox(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B, const double epsilon)
- auto interval = bottleneckDistApproxInterval(A, B, epsilon);
- return interval.second;
-double bottleneckDistExactFromSortedPwDist(DiagramPointSet&A, DiagramPointSet& B, std::vector<double>& pairwiseDist, const int decPrecision)
- //for(size_t k = 0; k < pairwiseDist.size(); ++k) {
- //std::cout << "pairwiseDist[" << k << "] = " << std::setprecision(15) << pairwiseDist[k] << std::endl;
- //}
- // trivial case: we have only one candidate
- if (pairwiseDist.size() == 1)
- return pairwiseDist[0];
- bool useRangeSearch = true;
- double distEpsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- double diffThreshold = 0.1;
- for(int k = 0; k < decPrecision; ++k) {
- diffThreshold /= 10.0;
- }
- for(size_t k = 0; k < pairwiseDist.size() - 2; ++k) {
- auto diff = pairwiseDist[k+1]- pairwiseDist[k];
- //std::cout << "diff = " << diff << ", pairwiseDist[k] = " << pairwiseDist[k] << std::endl;
- if ( diff > diffThreshold and diff < distEpsilon ) {
- distEpsilon = diff;
- }
- }
- distEpsilon /= 3.0;
- //std::cout << "decPrecision = " << decPrecision << ", distEpsilon = " << distEpsilon << std::endl;
- BoundMatchOracle oracle(A, B, distEpsilon, useRangeSearch);
- // binary search
- size_t iterNum {0};
- size_t idxMin {0}, idxMax {pairwiseDist.size() - 1};
- size_t idxMid;
- while(idxMax > idxMin) {
- idxMid = static_cast<size_t>(floor(idxMin + idxMax) / 2.0);
- //std::cout << "while begin: min = " << idxMin << ", idxMax = " << idxMax << ", idxMid = " << idxMid << ", testing d = " << std::setprecision(15) << pairwiseDist[idxMid] << std::endl;
- iterNum++;
- // not A[imid] < dist <=> A[imid] >= dist <=> A[imid[ >= dist + eps
- if (oracle.isMatchLess(pairwiseDist[idxMid] + distEpsilon / 2.0)) {
- //std::cout << "isMatchLess = true" << std::endl;
- idxMax = idxMid;
- } else {
- //std::cout << "isMatchLess = false " << std::endl;
- idxMin = idxMid + 1;
- }
- //std::cout << "while end: idxMin = " << idxMin << ", idxMax = " << idxMax << ", idxMid = " << idxMid << std::endl;
- }
- idxMid = static_cast<size_t>(floor(idxMin + idxMax) / 2.0);
- return pairwiseDist[idxMid];
-double bottleneckDistExact(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B)
- return bottleneckDistExact(A, B, 14);
-double bottleneckDistExact(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B, const int decPrecision)
- constexpr double epsilon = 0.001;
- auto interval = bottleneckDistApproxInterval(A, B, epsilon);
- const double delta = 0.50001 * (interval.second - interval.first);
- const double approxDist = 0.5 * ( interval.first + interval.second);
- const double minDist = interval.first;
- const double maxDist = interval.second;
- //std::cout << std::setprecision(15) << "minDist = " << minDist << ", maxDist = " << maxDist << std::endl;
- if ( delta == 0 ) {
- return interval.first;
- }
- // copy points from A to a vector
- // todo: get rid of this?
- std::vector<DiagramPoint> pointsA;
- pointsA.reserve(A.size());
- for(const auto& ptA : A) {
- pointsA.push_back(ptA);
- }
- //std::vector<double> killdist;
- //for(auto pta : a) {
- //for(auto ptb : b) {
- //if ( distlinf(pta, ptb) > mindist and distlinf(pta, ptb) < maxdist) {
- //killdist.push_back(distlinf(pta, ptb));
- //std::cout << pta << ", " << ptb << std::endl;
- //}
- //}
- //}
- //std::sort(killdist.begin(), killdist.end());
- //for(auto d : killdist) {
- //std::cout << d << std::endl;
- //}
- //std::cout << "*************" << std::endl;
- // in this vector we store the distances between the points
- // that are candidates to realize
- std::vector<double> pairwiseDist;
- {
- // vector to store centers of vertical stripes
- // two for each point in A and the id of the corresponding point
- std::vector<std::pair<double, DiagramPoint>> xCentersVec;
- xCentersVec.reserve(2 * pointsA.size());
- for(auto ptA : pointsA) {
- xCentersVec.push_back(std::make_pair(ptA.getRealX() - approxDist, ptA));
- xCentersVec.push_back(std::make_pair(ptA.getRealX() + approxDist, ptA));
- }
- // lambda to compare pairs <coordinate, id> w.r.t coordinate
- auto compLambda = [](std::pair<double, DiagramPoint> a, std::pair<double, DiagramPoint> b)
- { return a.first < b.first; };
- std::sort(xCentersVec.begin(), xCentersVec.end(), compLambda);
- //std::cout << "xCentersVec.size = " << xCentersVec.size() << std::endl;
- //for(auto p = xCentersVec.begin(); p!= xCentersVec.end(); ++p) {
- //if (p-> == 200) {
- //std::cout << "index of 200: " << p - xCentersVec.begin() << std::endl;
- //}
- //}
- //std::vector<DiagramPoint>
- // todo: sort points in B, reduce search range in lower and upper bounds
- for(auto ptB : B) {
- // iterator to the first stripe such that ptB lies to the left
- // from its right boundary (x_B <= x_j + \delta iff x_j >= x_B - \delta
- auto itStart = std::lower_bound(xCentersVec.begin(),
- xCentersVec.end(),
- std::make_pair(ptB.getRealX() - delta, ptB),
- compLambda);
- //if ( == 236) {
- //std::cout << itStart - xCentersVec.begin() << std::endl;
- //}
- for(auto iterA = itStart; iterA < xCentersVec.end(); ++iterA) {
- //if ( == 236) {
- //std::cout << "consider " << iterA->second << std::endl;
- //}
- if ( ptB.getRealX() < iterA->first - delta) {
- // from that moment x_B >= x_j - delta
- // is violated: x_B no longer lies to right from the left
- // boundary of current stripe
- //if ( == 236) {
- //std::cout << "break" << std::endl;
- //}
- break;
- }
- // we're here => ptB lies in vertical stripe,
- // check if distance fits into the interval we've found
- double pwDist = distLInf(iterA->second, ptB);
- //if ( == 236) {
- //std::cout << pwDist << std::endl;
- //}
- //std::cout << 1000*minDist << " <= " << 1000*pwDist << " <= " << 1000*maxDist << std::endl;
- if (pwDist >= minDist and pwDist <= maxDist) {
- pairwiseDist.push_back(pwDist);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- // for y
- // vector to store centers of vertical stripes
- // two for each point in A and the id of the corresponding point
- std::vector<std::pair<double, DiagramPoint>> yCentersVec;
- yCentersVec.reserve(2 * pointsA.size());
- for(auto ptA : pointsA) {
- yCentersVec.push_back(std::make_pair(ptA.getRealY() - approxDist, ptA));
- yCentersVec.push_back(std::make_pair(ptA.getRealY() + approxDist, ptA));
- }
- // lambda to compare pairs <coordinate, id> w.r.t coordinate
- auto compLambda = [](std::pair<double, DiagramPoint> a, std::pair<double, DiagramPoint> b)
- { return a.first < b.first; };
- std::sort(yCentersVec.begin(), yCentersVec.end(), compLambda);
- // std::cout << "Sorted vector of y-centers:" << std::endl;
- //for(auto coordPtPair : yCentersVec) {
- //std::cout << coordPtPair.first << ", id = " << << std::endl;
- //}
- /*std::cout << "End of sorted vector of y-centers:" << std::endl;*/
- //std::vector<DiagramPoint>
- // todo: sort points in B, reduce search range in lower and upper bounds
- for(auto ptB : B) {
- auto itStart = std::lower_bound(yCentersVec.begin(),
- yCentersVec.end(),
- std::make_pair(ptB.getRealY() - delta, ptB),
- compLambda);
- for(auto iterA = itStart; iterA < yCentersVec.end(); ++iterA) {
- if ( ptB.getRealY() < iterA->first - delta) {
- break;
- }
- double pwDist = distLInf(iterA->second, ptB);
- //std::cout << 1000*minDist << " <= " << 1000*pwDist << " <= " << 1000*maxDist << std::endl;
- if (pwDist >= minDist and pwDist <= maxDist) {
- pairwiseDist.push_back(pwDist);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //std::cout << "pairwiseDist.size = " << pairwiseDist.size() << " out of " << A.size() * A.size() << std::endl;
- std::sort(pairwiseDist.begin(), pairwiseDist.end());
- //for(auto ddd : pairwiseDist) {
- //std::cout << std::setprecision(15) << ddd << std::endl;
- //}
- return bottleneckDistExactFromSortedPwDist(A, B, pairwiseDist, decPrecision);
-double bottleneckDistSlow(DiagramPointSet& A, DiagramPointSet& B)
- // use range search when building the layer graph
- bool useRangeSearch { true };
- // find maximum of min. distances for each point,
- // use this value as lower bound for bottleneck distance
- bool useHeurMinIdx { true };
- // find matching in a greedy manner to
- // get an upper bound for a bottleneck distance
- bool useHeurGreedyMatching { false };
- // use successive multiplication of idxMin with 2 to get idxMax
- bool goUpToFindIdxMax { false };
- //
- goUpToFindIdxMax = goUpToFindIdxMax and !useHeurGreedyMatching;
- if (!useHeurGreedyMatching) {
- long int N = 3 * (A.size() / 2 ) * (B.size() / 2);
- std::vector<double> pairwiseDist;
- pairwiseDist.reserve(N);
- double maxMinDist {0.0};
- for(auto& p_A : A) {
- double minDist { std::numeric_limits<double>::max() };
- for(auto& p_B : B) {
- if (p_A.type != DiagramPoint::DIAG or p_B.type != DiagramPoint::DIAG) {
- double d = distLInf(p_A, p_B);
- pairwiseDist.push_back(d);
- if (useHeurMinIdx and p_A.type != DiagramPoint::DIAG) {
- if (d < minDist)
- minDist = d;
- }
- }
- }
- if (useHeurMinIdx and DiagramPoint::DIAG != p_A.type and minDist > maxMinDist) {
- maxMinDist = minDist;
- }
- }
- std::sort(pairwiseDist.begin(), pairwiseDist.end());
- double distEpsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- for(size_t k = 0; k < pairwiseDist.size() - 2; ++k) {
- auto diff = pairwiseDist[k+1]- pairwiseDist[k];
- if ( diff > 1.0e-10 and diff < distEpsilon ) {
- distEpsilon = diff;
- }
- }
- distEpsilon /= 3.0;
- BoundMatchOracle oracle(A, B, distEpsilon, useRangeSearch);
- // binary search
- size_t iterNum {0};
- size_t idxMin {0}, idxMax {pairwiseDist.size() - 1};
- if (useHeurMinIdx) {
- auto maxMinIter = std::equal_range(pairwiseDist.begin(), pairwiseDist.end(), maxMinDist);
- assert(maxMinIter.first != pairwiseDist.end());
- idxMin = maxMinIter.first - pairwiseDist.begin();
- //std::cout << "maxMinDist = " << maxMinDist << ", idxMin = " << idxMin << ", d = " << pairwiseDist[idxMin] << std::endl;
- }
- if (goUpToFindIdxMax) {
- if ( pairwiseDist.size() == 1) {
- return pairwiseDist[0];
- }
- idxMax = std::max<size_t>(idxMin, 1);
- while (!oracle.isMatchLess(pairwiseDist[idxMax])) {
- //std::cout << "entered while" << std::endl;
- idxMin = idxMax;
- if (2*idxMax > pairwiseDist.size() -1) {
- idxMax = pairwiseDist.size() - 1;
- break;
- } else {
- idxMax *= 2;
- }
- }
- //std::cout << "size = " << pairwiseDist.size() << ", idxMax = " << idxMax << ", pw[max] = " << pairwiseDist[idxMax] << std::endl;
- }
- size_t idxMid { (idxMin + idxMax) / 2 };
- while(idxMax > idxMin) {
- iterNum++;
- if (oracle.isMatchLess(pairwiseDist[idxMid])) {
- idxMax = idxMid;
- } else {
- if (idxMax - idxMin == 1)
- idxMin++;
- else
- idxMin = idxMid;
- }
- idxMid = (idxMin + idxMax) / 2;
- }
- return pairwiseDist[idxMid];
- } else {
- // with greeedy matching
- long int N = A.size() * B.size();
- std::vector<DistVerticesPair> pairwiseDist;
- pairwiseDist.reserve(N);
- double maxMinDist {0.0};
- size_t idxA{0}, idxB{0};
- for(auto p_A : A) {
- double minDist { std::numeric_limits<double>::max() };
- idxB = 0;
- for(auto p_B : B) {
- double d = distLInf(p_A, p_B);
- pairwiseDist.push_back( std::make_pair(d, std::make_pair(idxA, idxB) ) );
- if (useHeurMinIdx and p_A.type != DiagramPoint::DIAG) {
- if (d < minDist)
- minDist = d;
- }
- idxB++;
- }
- if (useHeurMinIdx and DiagramPoint::DIAG != p_A.type and minDist > maxMinDist) {
- maxMinDist = minDist;
- }
- idxA++;
- }
- auto compLambda = [](DistVerticesPair a, DistVerticesPair b)
- { return a.first < b.first;};
- std::sort(pairwiseDist.begin(),
- pairwiseDist.end(),
- compLambda);
- double distEpsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- for(size_t k = 0; k < pairwiseDist.size() - 2; ++k) {
- auto diff = pairwiseDist[k+1].first - pairwiseDist[k].first;
- if ( diff > 1.0e-10 and diff < distEpsilon ) {
- distEpsilon = diff;
- }
- }
- distEpsilon /= 3.0;
- BoundMatchOracle oracle(A, B, distEpsilon, useRangeSearch);
- // construct greedy matching
- size_t numVert { A.size() };
- size_t numMatched { 0 };
- std::unordered_set<size_t> aTobMatched, bToaMatched;
- aTobMatched.reserve(numVert);
- bToaMatched.reserve(numVert);
- size_t distVecIdx {0};
- while( numMatched < numVert) {
- auto vertPair = pairwiseDist[distVecIdx++].second;
- //std::cout << "distVecIdx = " << distVecIdx << ", matched: " << numMatched << " out of " << numVert << std::endl;
- //std::cout << "vertex A idx = " << vertPair.first << ", B idx: " << vertPair.second << " out of " << numVert << std::endl;
- if ( aTobMatched.count(vertPair.first) == 0 and
- bToaMatched.count(vertPair.second) == 0 ) {
- aTobMatched.insert(vertPair.first);
- bToaMatched.insert(vertPair.second);
- numMatched++;
- }
- }
- size_t idxMax = distVecIdx-1;
- //std::cout << "idxMax = " << idxMax << ", size = " << pairwiseDist.size() << std::endl;
- // binary search
- size_t iterNum {0};
- size_t idxMin {0};
- if (useHeurMinIdx) {
- auto maxMinIter = std::equal_range(pairwiseDist.begin(),
- pairwiseDist.end(),
- std::make_pair(maxMinDist, std::make_pair(0,0)),
- compLambda);
- assert(maxMinIter.first != pairwiseDist.end());
- idxMin = maxMinIter.first - pairwiseDist.begin();
- //std::cout << "maxMinDist = " << maxMinDist << ", idxMin = " << idxMin << ", d = " << pairwiseDist[idxMin].first << std::endl;
- }
- size_t idxMid { (idxMin + idxMax) / 2 };
- while(idxMax > idxMin) {
- iterNum++;
- if (oracle.isMatchLess(pairwiseDist[idxMid].first)) {
- idxMax = idxMid;
- } else {
- if (idxMax - idxMin == 1)
- idxMin++;
- else
- idxMin = idxMid;
- }
- idxMid = (idxMin + idxMax) / 2;
- }
- return pairwiseDist[idxMid].first;
- }
- // stats
- /*
- // count number of edges
- // pairwiseDist is sorted, add edges of the same length
- int edgeNumber {idxMid};
- while(pairwiseDist[edgeNumber + 1] == pairwiseDist[edgeNumber])
- edgeNumber++;
- // add edges between diagonal points
- edgeNumber += N / 3;
- // output stats
- std::cout << idxMid << "\t" << N;
- std::cout << "\t" << iterNum;
- std::cout << "\t" << A.size() + B.size();
- std::cout << "\t" << edgeNumber << "\t";
- std::cout << (double)(edgeNumber) / (double)(A.size() + B.size()) << std::endl;
- */
-// wrappers
-bool readDiagramPointSet(const std::string& fname, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& result)
- int decPrecision;
- return readDiagramPointSet(fname.c_str(), result, decPrecision);
-bool readDiagramPointSet(const char* fname, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& result)
- int decPrecision;
- return readDiagramPointSet(fname, result, decPrecision);
-bool readDiagramPointSet(const std::string& fname, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& result, int& decPrecision)
- return readDiagramPointSet(fname.c_str(), result, decPrecision);
-// reading function
-bool readDiagramPointSet(const char* fname, std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& result, int& decPrecision)
- size_t lineNumber { 0 };
- result.clear();
- std::ifstream f(fname);
- if (!f.good()) {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- std::cerr << "Cannot open file " << fname << std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- std::string line;
- while(std::getline(f, line)) {
- lineNumber++;
- // process comments: remove everything after hash
- auto hashPos = line.find_first_of("#", 0);
- if( std::string::npos != hashPos) {
- line = std::string(line.begin(), line.begin() + hashPos);
- }
- if (line.empty()) {
- continue;
- }
- // trim whitespaces
- auto whiteSpaceFront = std::find_if_not(line.begin(),line.end(),isspace);
- auto whiteSpaceBack = std::find_if_not(line.rbegin(),line.rend(),isspace).base();
- if (whiteSpaceBack <= whiteSpaceFront) {
- // line consists of spaces only - move to the next line
- continue;
- }
- line = std::string(whiteSpaceFront,whiteSpaceBack);
- bool fracPart = false;
- int currDecPrecision = 0;
- for(auto c : line) {
- if (c == '.') {
- fracPart = true;
- } else if (fracPart) {
- if (isdigit(c)) {
- currDecPrecision++;
- } else {
- fracPart = false;
- if (currDecPrecision > decPrecision)
- decPrecision = currDecPrecision;
- currDecPrecision = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- double x, y;
- std::istringstream iss(line);
- if (not(iss >> x >> y)) {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- std::cerr << "Error in file " << fname << ", line number " << lineNumber << ": cannot parse \"" << line << "\"" << std::endl;
- return false;
- }
- if ( x != y ) {
- result.push_back(std::make_pair(x,y));
- } else {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- std::cerr << "Warning: in file " << fname << ", line number " << lineNumber << ", zero persistence point ignored: \"" << line << "\"" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- f.close();
- return true;
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/bound_match.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/bound_match.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 210bd81..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/bound_match.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-Copyrigth 2015, D. Morozov, M. Kerber, A. Nigmetov
-This file is part of GeomBottleneck.
-GeomBottleneck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-GeomBottleneck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
-along with GeomBottleneck. If not, see <>.
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-#include "bound_match.h"
-#include <chrono>
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
-#include <iostream>
-namespace geom_bt {
-/*static void printDebug(//bool isDebug, std::string s)*/
- //if (isDebug) {
- //std::cout << s << std::endl;
- //}
-//static void printDebug(//bool isDebug, std::string s, const Matching& m)
- //if (isDebug) {
- //std::cout << s << std::endl;
- //std::cout << m << std::endl;
- //}
-//static void printDebug(//bool isDebug, std::string s, const DiagramPoint& p)
- //if (isDebug) {
- //std::cout << s << p << std::endl;
- //}
-//static void printDebug(//bool isDebug, std::string s, const double r)
- //if (isDebug) {
- //std::cout << s << r << std::endl;
- //}
-//static void printDebug(//bool isDebug, std::string s, const Path p)
- //if (isDebug) {
- //std::cout << s;
- //for(auto pt : p) {
- //std::cout << pt << "; ";
- //}
- //std::cout << std::endl;
- //}
-//static void printDebug(//bool isDebug, std::string s, const DiagramPointSet& dpSet)
- //if (isDebug) {
- //std::cout << s << dpSet << std::endl;
- //}
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Matching& m)
- output << "Matching: " << m.AToB.size() << " pairs (";
- if (!m.isPerfect()) {
- output << "not";
- }
- output << " perfect)" << std::endl;
- for(auto atob : m.AToB) {
- output << atob.first << " <-> " << atob.second << " distance: " << distLInf(atob.first, atob.second) << std::endl;
- }
- return output;
-void Matching::sanityCheck() const
- assert( AToB.size() == BToA.size() );
- for(auto aToBPair : AToB) {
- auto bToAPair = BToA.find(aToBPair.second);
- assert(bToAPair != BToA.end());
- if (aToBPair.first != bToAPair->second) {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- std::cerr << "failed assertion, in aToB " << aToBPair.first;
- std::cerr << ", in bToA " << bToAPair->second << std::endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- assert( aToBPair.first == bToAPair->second);
- }
-bool Matching::isPerfect() const
- //sanityCheck();
- return AToB.size() == A.size();
-void Matching::matchVertices(const DiagramPoint& pA, const DiagramPoint& pB)
- assert(A.hasElement(pA));
- assert(B.hasElement(pB));
- AToB.erase(pA);
- AToB.insert( {{ pA, pB }} );
- BToA.erase(pB);
- BToA.insert( {{ pB, pA }} );
-bool Matching::getMatchedVertex(const DiagramPoint& p, DiagramPoint& result) const
- sanityCheck();
- auto inA = AToB.find(p);
- if (inA != AToB.end()) {
- result = (*inA).second;
- return true;
- } else {
- auto inB = BToA.find(p);
- if (inB != BToA.end()) {
- result = (*inB).second;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-void Matching::checkAugPath(const Path& augPath) const
- assert(augPath.size() % 2 == 0);
- for(size_t idx = 0; idx < augPath.size(); ++idx) {
- bool mustBeExposed { idx == 0 or idx == augPath.size() - 1 };
- if (isExposed(augPath[idx]) != mustBeExposed) {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- std::cerr << "mustBeExposed = " << mustBeExposed << ", idx = " << idx << ", point " << augPath[idx] << std::endl;
- }
- assert( isExposed(augPath[idx]) == mustBeExposed );
- DiagramPoint matchedVertex {0.0, 0.0, DiagramPoint::DIAG, 1};
- if ( idx % 2 == 0 ) {
- assert( A.hasElement(augPath[idx]));
- if (!mustBeExposed) {
- getMatchedVertex(augPath[idx], matchedVertex);
- assert(matchedVertex == augPath[idx - 1]);
- }
- } else {
- assert( B.hasElement(augPath[idx]));
- if (!mustBeExposed) {
- getMatchedVertex(augPath[idx], matchedVertex);
- assert(matchedVertex == augPath[idx + 1]);
- }
- }
- }
-// use augmenting path to increase
-// the size of the matching
-void Matching::increase(const Path& augPath)
- //bool isDebug {false};
- sanityCheck();
- // check that augPath is an augmenting path
- checkAugPath(augPath);
- for(size_t idx = 0; idx < augPath.size() - 1; idx += 2) {
- matchVertices( augPath[idx], augPath[idx + 1]);
- }
- //printDebug(isDebug, "", *this);
- sanityCheck();
-DiagramPointSet Matching::getExposedVertices(bool forA) const
- sanityCheck();
- DiagramPointSet result;
- const DiagramPointSet* setToSearch { forA ? &A : &B };
- const std::unordered_map<DiagramPoint, DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash>* mapToSearch { forA ? &AToB : &BToA };
- for(auto it = setToSearch->cbegin(); it != setToSearch->cend(); ++it) {
- if (mapToSearch->find((*it)) == mapToSearch->cend()) {
- result.insert((*it));
- }
- }
- return result;
-void Matching::getAllAdjacentVertices(const DiagramPointSet& setIn,
- DiagramPointSet& setOut,
- bool forA) const
- sanityCheck();
- //bool isDebug {false};
- setOut.clear();
- const std::unordered_map<DiagramPoint, DiagramPoint, DiagramPointHash>* m;
- m = ( forA ) ? &BToA : &AToB;
- for(auto pit = setIn.cbegin(); pit != setIn.cend(); ++pit) {
- auto findRes = m->find(*pit);
- if (findRes != m->cend()) {
- setOut.insert((*findRes).second);
- }
- }
- //printDebug(isDebug, "got all adjacent vertices for ", setIn);
- //printDebug(isDebug, "the result is: ", setOut);
- sanityCheck();
-bool Matching::isExposed(const DiagramPoint& p) const
- return ( AToB.find(p) == AToB.end() ) && ( BToA.find(p) == BToA.end() );
-BoundMatchOracle::BoundMatchOracle(DiagramPointSet psA, DiagramPointSet psB,
- double dEps, bool useRS) :
- A(psA), B(psB), M(A, B), distEpsilon(dEps), useRangeSearch(useRS), prevQueryValue(0.0)
- neighbOracle = new NeighbOracle(psB, 0, distEpsilon);
-bool BoundMatchOracle::isMatchLess(double r)
- std::chrono::high_resolution_clock hrClock;
- std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> startMoment;
- startMoment =;
- bool result = buildMatchingForThreshold(r);
- auto endMoment =;
- std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> iterTime = endMoment - startMoment;
- std::cout << "isMatchLess for r = " << r << " finished in " << std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(iterTime).count() << " ms." << std::endl;
- return result;
-void BoundMatchOracle::removeFromLayer(const DiagramPoint& p, const int layerIdx) {
- //bool isDebug {false};
- //printDebug(isDebug, "entered removeFromLayer, layerIdx == " + std::to_string(layerIdx) + ", p = ", p);
- layerGraph[layerIdx].erase(p);
- if (layerOracles[layerIdx]) {
- layerOracles[layerIdx]->deletePoint(p);
- }
-// return true, if there exists an augmenting path from startVertex
-// in this case the path is returned in result.
-// startVertex must be an exposed vertex from L_1 (layer[0])
-bool BoundMatchOracle::buildAugmentingPath(const DiagramPoint startVertex, Path& result)
- //bool isDebug {false};
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Entered buildAugmentingPath, startVertex: ", startVertex);
- DiagramPoint prevVertexA = startVertex;
- result.clear();
- result.push_back(startVertex);
- size_t evenLayerIdx {1};
- while ( evenLayerIdx < layerGraph.size() ) {
- //for(size_t evenLayerIdx = 1; evenLayerIdx < layerGraph.size(); evenLayerIdx += 2) {
- DiagramPoint nextVertexB{0.0, 0.0, DiagramPoint::DIAG, 1}; // next vertex from even layer
- bool neighbFound = layerOracles[evenLayerIdx]->getNeighbour(prevVertexA, nextVertexB);
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Searched neighbours for ", prevVertexA);
- //printDebug(isDebug, "; the result is ", nextVertexB);
- if (neighbFound) {
- result.push_back(nextVertexB);
- if ( layerGraph.size() == evenLayerIdx + 1) {
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Last layer reached, stopping; the path: ", result);
- break;
- } else {
- // nextVertexB must be matched with some vertex from the next odd
- // layer
- DiagramPoint nextVertexA {0.0, 0.0, DiagramPoint::DIAG, 1};
- if (!M.getMatchedVertex(nextVertexB, nextVertexA)) {
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- std::cerr << "Vertices in even layers must be matched! Unmatched: ";
- std::cerr << nextVertexB << std::endl;
- std::cerr << evenLayerIdx << "; " << layerGraph.size() << std::endl;
- throw std::runtime_error("Unmatched vertex in even layer");
- } else {
- assert( ! (nextVertexA.getRealX() == 0 and nextVertexA.getRealY() == 0) );
- result.push_back(nextVertexA);
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Matched vertex from the even layer added to the path, result: ", result);
- prevVertexA = nextVertexA;
- evenLayerIdx += 2;
- continue;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // prevVertexA has no neighbours in the next layer,
- // backtrack
- if (evenLayerIdx == 1) {
- // startVertex is not connected to any vertices
- // in the next layer, augm. path doesn't exist
- //printDebug(isDebug, "startVertex is not connected to any vertices in the next layer, augm. path doesn't exist");
- removeFromLayer(startVertex, 0);
- return false;
- } else {
- assert(evenLayerIdx >= 3);
- assert(result.size() % 2 == 1);
- result.pop_back();
- DiagramPoint prevVertexB = result.back();
- result.pop_back();
- //printDebug(isDebug, "removing 2 previous vertices from layers, evenLayerIdx == ", evenLayerIdx);
- removeFromLayer(prevVertexA, evenLayerIdx-1);
- removeFromLayer(prevVertexB, evenLayerIdx-2);
- // we should proceed from the previous odd layer
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Here! res.size == ", result.size());
- assert(result.size() >= 1);
- prevVertexA = result.back();
- evenLayerIdx -= 2;
- continue;
- }
- }
- } // finished iterating over all layers
- // remove all vertices in the augmenting paths
- // the corresponding layers
- for(size_t layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < result.size(); ++layerIdx) {
- removeFromLayer(result[layerIdx], layerIdx);
- }
- return true;
-// remove all edges whose length is > newThreshold
-void Matching::trimMatching(const double newThreshold)
- //bool isDebug { false };
- sanityCheck();
- for(auto aToBIter = AToB.begin(); aToBIter != AToB.end(); ) {
- if ( distLInf(aToBIter->first, aToBIter->second) > newThreshold ) {
- // remove edge from AToB and BToA
- //printDebug(isDebug, "removing edge ", aToBIter->first);
- //printDebug(isDebug, " <-> ", aToBIter->second);
- BToA.erase(aToBIter->second);
- aToBIter = AToB.erase(aToBIter);
- } else {
- aToBIter++;
- }
- }
- sanityCheck();
-bool BoundMatchOracle::buildMatchingForThreshold(const double r)
- //bool isDebug {false};
- //printDebug(isDebug,"Entered buildMatchingForThreshold, r = " + std::to_string(r));
- if (prevQueryValue > r) {
- M.trimMatching(r);
- }
- prevQueryValue = r;
- while(true) {
- buildLayerGraph(r);
- //printDebug(isDebug,"Layer graph built");
- if (augPathExist) {
- std::vector<Path> augmentingPaths;
- DiagramPointSet copyLG0;
- for(DiagramPoint p : layerGraph[0]) {
- copyLG0.insert(p);
- }
- for(DiagramPoint exposedVertex : copyLG0) {
- Path augPath;
- if (buildAugmentingPath(exposedVertex, augPath)) {
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Augmenting path found", augPath);
- augmentingPaths.push_back(augPath);
- }
- /*
- else {
- printDebug(isDebug,"augmenting paths must exist, but were not found!", M);
- std::cerr << "augmenting paths must exist, but were not found!" << std::endl;
- std::cout.flush();
- std::cerr.flush();
- printLayerGraph();
- //throw "Something went wrong-1";
- //return M.isPerfect();
- // analyze: finished or no paths exist
- // can this actually happen?
- }
- */
- }
- if (augmentingPaths.empty()) {
- //printDebug(isDebug,"augmenting paths must exist, but were not found!", M);
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- std::cerr << "augmenting paths must exist, but were not found!" << std::endl;
- throw std::runtime_error("bad epsilon?");
- }
- // swap all augmenting paths with matching to increase it
- //printDebug(isDebug,"before increase with augmenting paths:", M);
- for(auto& augPath : augmentingPaths ) {
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Increasing with augm. path ", augPath);
- M.increase(augPath);
- }
- //printDebug(isDebug,"after increase with augmenting paths:", M);
- } else {
- //printDebug(isDebug,"no augmenting paths exist, matching returned is:", M);
- return M.isPerfect();
- }
- }
-void BoundMatchOracle::printLayerGraph(void)
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- for(auto& layer : layerGraph) {
- std::cout << "{ ";
- for(auto& p : layer) {
- std::cout << p << "; ";
- }
- std::cout << "\b\b }" << std::endl;
- }
-void BoundMatchOracle::buildLayerGraph(double r)
- std::cout << "Entered buildLayerGraph, r = " << r << std::endl;
- layerGraph.clear();
- DiagramPointSet L1 = M.getExposedVertices();
- //printDebug(isDebug,"Got exposed vertices");
- layerGraph.push_back(L1);
- neighbOracle->rebuild(B, r);
- //printDebug(isDebug,"Oracle rebuilt");
- size_t k = 0;
- DiagramPointSet layerNextEven;
- DiagramPointSet layerNextOdd;
- bool exposedVerticesFound {false};
- while(true) {
- //printDebug(isDebug, "k = ", k);
- layerNextEven.clear();
- for( auto p : layerGraph[k]) {
- //printDebug(isDebug,"looking for neighbours for ", p);
- bool neighbFound;
- DiagramPoint neighbour {0.0, 0.0, DiagramPoint::DIAG, 1};
- if (useRangeSearch) {
- std::vector<DiagramPoint> neighbVec;
- neighbOracle->getAllNeighbours(p, neighbVec);
- neighbFound = !neighbVec.empty();
- for(auto& neighbPt : neighbVec) {
- layerNextEven.insert(neighbPt);
- if (!exposedVerticesFound and M.isExposed(neighbPt))
- exposedVerticesFound = true;
- }
- } else {
- while(true) {
- neighbFound = neighbOracle->getNeighbour(p, neighbour);
- if (neighbFound) {
- //printDebug(isDebug,"neighbour found, ", neighbour);
- layerNextEven.insert(neighbour);
- neighbOracle->deletePoint(neighbour);
- //printDebug(isDebug,"is exposed: " + std::to_string(M.isExposed(neighbour)));
- if ((!exposedVerticesFound) && M.isExposed(neighbour)) {
- exposedVerticesFound = true;
- }
- } else {
- //printDebug(isDebug,"no neighbours found for r = ", r);
- break;
- }
- }
- } // without range search
- } // all vertices from previous odd layer processed
- //printDebug(isDebug,"Next even layer finished");
- if (layerNextEven.empty()) {
- //printDebug(isDebug,"Next even layer is empty, augPathExist = false");
- augPathExist = false;
- break;
- }
- if (exposedVerticesFound) {
- //printDebug(isDebug,"Exposed vertices found in the even layer, aug. paths exist");
- //printDebug(isDebug,"Deleting all non-exposed from the last layer (we do not need them).");
- for(auto it = layerNextEven.cbegin(); it != layerNextEven.cend(); ) {
- if ( ! M.isExposed(*it) ) {
- layerNextEven.erase(it++);
- } else {
- ++it;
- }
- }
- layerGraph.push_back(layerNextEven);
- augPathExist = true;
- break;
- }
- layerGraph.push_back(layerNextEven);
- M.getAllAdjacentVertices(layerNextEven, layerNextOdd);
- //printDebug(isDebug,"Next odd layer finished");
- layerGraph.push_back(layerNextOdd);
- k += 2;
- }
- buildLayerOracles(r);
- //printDebug(isDebug,"layer oracles built, layer graph:");
- printLayerGraph();
- std::cout << "Exit buildLayerGraph, r = " << r << std::endl;
- }
- for(auto& oracle : layerOracles) {
- delete oracle;
- }
- delete neighbOracle;
-// create geometric oracles for each even layer
-// odd layers have NULL in layerOracles
-void BoundMatchOracle::buildLayerOracles(double r)
- //bool isDebug {false};
- //printDebug(isDebug,"entered buildLayerOracles");
- // free previously constructed oracles
- for(auto& oracle : layerOracles) {
- delete oracle;
- }
- layerOracles.clear();
- //printDebug(isDebug,"previous oracles deleted");
- for(size_t layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < layerGraph.size(); ++layerIdx) {
- if (layerIdx % 2 == 1) {
- // even layer, build actual oracle
- layerOracles.push_back(new NeighbOracle(layerGraph[layerIdx], r, distEpsilon));
- } else {
- // odd layer
- layerOracles.push_back(nullptr);
- }
- }
- //printDebug(isDebug,"exiting buildLayerOracles");
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/brute.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/brute.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 200bc35..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/brute.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// File: brute.cpp
-// Programmer: Sunil Arya and David Mount
-// Description: Brute-force nearest neighbors
-// Last modified: 05/03/05 (Version 1.1)
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
-// David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
-// This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
-// Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
-// the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
-// file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
-// The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
-// representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
-// any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty.
-// History:
-// Revision 0.1 03/04/98
-// Initial release
-// Revision 1.1 05/03/05
-// Added fixed-radius kNN search
-#include <ANN/ANNx.h> // all ANN includes
-#include "pr_queue_k.h" // k element priority queue
-// Brute-force search simply stores a pointer to the list of
-// data points and searches linearly for the nearest neighbor.
-// The k nearest neighbors are stored in a k-element priority
-// queue (which is implemented in a pretty dumb way as well).
-// If ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH is ANNfalse then data points at distance
-// zero are not considered.
-// Note that the error bound eps is passed in, but it is ignored.
-// These routines compute exact nearest neighbors (which is needed
-// for validation purposes in ann_test.cpp).
-ANNbruteForce::ANNbruteForce( // constructor from point array
- ANNpointArray pa, // point array
- int n, // number of points
- int dd) // dimension
- dim = dd; n_pts = n; pts = pa;
-ANNbruteForce::~ANNbruteForce() { } // destructor (empty)
-void ANNbruteForce::annkSearch( // approx k near neighbor search
- ANNpoint q, // query point
- int k, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor indices (returned)
- ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (returned)
- double eps) // error bound (ignored)
- ANNmin_k mk(k); // construct a k-limited priority queue
- int i;
- if (k > n_pts) { // too many near neighbors?
- annError("Requesting more near neighbors than data points", ANNabort);
- }
- // run every point through queue
- for (i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) {
- // compute distance to point
- ANNdist sqDist = annDist(dim, pts[i], q);
- if (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || sqDist != 0)
- mk.insert(sqDist, i);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k closest points
- dd[i] = mk.ith_smallest_key(i);
- nn_idx[i] = mk.ith_smallest_info(i);
- }
-int ANNbruteForce::annkFRSearch( // approx fixed-radius kNN search
- ANNpoint q, // query point
- ANNdist sqRad, // squared radius
- int k, // number of near neighbors to return
- ANNidxArray nn_idx, // nearest neighbor array (returned)
- ANNdistArray dd, // dist to near neighbors (returned)
- double eps) // error bound
- ANNmin_k mk(k); // construct a k-limited priority queue
- int i;
- int pts_in_range = 0; // number of points in query range
- // run every point through queue
- for (i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) {
- // compute distance to point
- ANNdist sqDist = annDist(dim, pts[i], q);
- if (sqDist <= sqRad && // within radius bound
- (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || sqDist != 0)) { // ...and no self match
- mk.insert(sqDist, i);
- pts_in_range++;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k closest points
- if (dd != NULL)
- dd[i] = mk.ith_smallest_key(i);
- if (nn_idx != NULL)
- nn_idx[i] = mk.ith_smallest_info(i);
- }
- return pts_in_range;
diff --git a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/neighb_oracle.cpp b/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/neighb_oracle.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7195ef0..0000000
--- a/geom_bottleneck/bottleneck/src/neighb_oracle.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- Copyrigth 2015, D. Morozov, M. Kerber, A. Nigmetov
- This file is part of GeomBottleneck.
- GeomBottleneck is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- GeomBottleneck is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
- along with GeomBottleneck. If not, see <>.
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "neighb_oracle.h"
-#include "def_debug_bt.h"
-namespace geom_bt {
-/*static void printDebug(//bool isDebug, std::string s)*/
- //if (isDebug) {
- //std::cout << s << std::endl;
- //}
-//static void printDebug(//bool isDebug, std::string s, const DiagramPoint& p)
- //if (isDebug) {
- //std::cout << s << p << std::endl;
- //}
-//static void printDebug(//bool isDebug, std::string s, const double r)
- //if (isDebug) {
- //std::cout << s << r << std::endl;
- //}
-//static void printDebug(//bool isDebug, std::string s, const DiagramPointSet& dpSet)
- //if (isDebug) {
- //std::cout << s << dpSet << std::endl;
- //}
-// simple oracle
- r = 0.0;
-NeighbOracleSimple::NeighbOracleSimple(const DiagramPointSet& S, const double rr, const double dEps)
- r = rr;
- distEpsilon = dEps;
- pointSet = S;
-void NeighbOracleSimple::rebuild(const DiagramPointSet& S, const double rr)
- pointSet = S;
- r = rr;
-void NeighbOracleSimple::deletePoint(const DiagramPoint& p)
- pointSet.erase(p);
-bool NeighbOracleSimple::getNeighbour(const DiagramPoint& q, DiagramPoint& result) const
- for(auto pit = pointSet.cbegin(); pit != pointSet.cend(); ++pit) {
- if ( distLInf(*pit, q) <= r) {
- result = *pit;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-void NeighbOracleSimple::getAllNeighbours(const DiagramPoint& q, std::vector<DiagramPoint>& result)
- result.clear();
- for(const auto& point : pointSet) {
- if ( distLInf(point, q) <= r) {
- result.push_back(point);
- }
- }
- for(auto& pt : result) {
- deletePoint(pt);
- }
-// ANN oracle
-NeighbOracleAnn::NeighbOracleAnn(const DiagramPointSet& S, const double rr, const double dEps)
- assert(dEps >= 0);
- distEpsilon = dEps;
- // allocate space for query point
- // and the output of nearest neighbour search
- // this memory will be used in getNeighbour and freed in destructor
- annQueryPoint = annAllocPt(annDim);
- annIndices = new ANNidx[annK];
- annDistances = new ANNdist[annK];
- annPoints = nullptr;
- lo = annAllocPt(annDim);
- hi = annAllocPt(annDim);
- // create kd tree
- kdTree = nullptr;
- rebuild(S, rr);
-void NeighbOracleAnn::rebuild(const DiagramPointSet& S, double rr)
- std::cout << "Entered rebuild, r = " << rr << ", size = " << S.size() << std::endl;
- r = rr;
- size_t annNumPoints = S.size();
- //printDebug(isDebug, "S = ", S);
- if (annNumPoints > 0) {
- //originalPointSet = S;
- pointIdxLookup.clear();
- pointIdxLookup.reserve(S.size());
- allPoints.clear();
- allPoints.reserve(S.size());
- diagonalPoints.clear();
- diagonalPoints.reserve(S.size() / 2);
- for(auto pit = S.cbegin(); pit != S.cend(); ++pit) {
- allPoints.push_back(*pit);
- if (pit->type == DiagramPoint::DIAG) {
- diagonalPoints.insert(*pit);
- }
- }
- if (annPoints) {
- annDeallocPts(annPoints);
- }
- annPoints = annAllocPts(annNumPoints, annDim);
- auto annPointsPtr = *annPoints;
- size_t pointIdx = 0;
- for(auto& dataPoint : allPoints) {
- pointIdxLookup.insert( { dataPoint, pointIdx++ } );
- *annPointsPtr++ = dataPoint.getRealX();
- *annPointsPtr++ = dataPoint.getRealY();
- }
- delete kdTree;
- kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(annPoints,
- annNumPoints,
- annDim,
- 1, // bucket size
- }
- std::cout << "Exit rebuild" << std::endl;
-void NeighbOracleAnn::deletePoint(const DiagramPoint& p)
- //bool isDebug { true };
- auto findRes = pointIdxLookup.find(p);
- assert(findRes != pointIdxLookup.end());
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Deleting point ", p);
- size_t pointIdx { (*findRes).second };
- //printDebug(isDebug, "pointIdx = ", pointIdx);
- //originalPointSet.erase(p);
- diagonalPoints.erase(p, false);
- kdTree->delete_point(pointIdx);
-#ifndef FOR_R_TDA
- kdTree->Print(ANNtrue, std::cout);
-bool NeighbOracleAnn::getNeighbour(const DiagramPoint& q, DiagramPoint& result) const
- //bool isDebug { false };
- //printDebug(isDebug, "getNeighbour for q = ", q);
- if (0 == kdTree->getActualNumPoints() ) {
- //printDebug(isDebug, "annNumPoints = 0, not found ");
- return false;
- }
- // distance between two diagonal points
- // is 0
- if (DiagramPoint::DIAG == q.type) {
- if (!diagonalPoints.empty()) {
- result = *diagonalPoints.cbegin();
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Neighbour found in diagonal points, res = ", result);
- return true;
- }
- }
- // if no neighbour found among diagonal points,
- // search in ANN kd_tree
- annQueryPoint[0] = q.getRealX();
- annQueryPoint[1] = q.getRealY();
- //annIndices[0] = ANN_NULL_IDX;
- kdTree->annkSearch(annQueryPoint, annK, annIndices, annDistances, annEpsilon);
- //kdTree->annkFRSearch(annQueryPoint, r, annK, annIndices, annDistances, annEpsilon);
- //std::cout << distEpsilon << " = distEpsilon " << std::endl;
- if (annDistances[0] <= r + distEpsilon) {
- //if (annIndices[0] != ANN_NULL_IDX) {
- result = allPoints[annIndices[0]];
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Neighbour found with kd-tree, index = ", annIndices[0]);
- //printDebug(isDebug, "result = ", result);
- return true;
- }
- //printDebug(isDebug, "No neighbour found for r = ", r);
- return false;
-void NeighbOracleAnn::getAllNeighbours(const DiagramPoint& q, std::vector<DiagramPoint>& result)
- //bool isDebug { true };
- //printDebug(isDebug, "Entered getAllNeighbours for q = ", q);
- result.clear();
- // add diagonal points, if necessary
- if ( DiagramPoint::DIAG == q.type) {
- for( auto& diagPt : diagonalPoints ) {
- result.push_back(diagPt);
- }
- }
- // delete diagonal points we found
- // to prevent finding them again
- for(auto& pt : result) {
- //printDebug(isDebug, "deleting DIAG point pt = ", pt);
- deletePoint(pt);
- }
- size_t diagOffset = result.size();
- // create the query rectangle
- // centered at q of radius r
- lo[0] = q.getRealX() - r;
- lo[1] = q.getRealY() - r;
- hi[0] = q.getRealX() + r;
- hi[1] = q.getRealY() + r;
- ANNorthRect annRect { annDim, lo, hi };
- std::vector<size_t> pointIndicesOut;
- // perorm range search on kd-tree
- kdTree->range_search(annRect, pointIndicesOut);
- // get actual points in result
- for(auto& ptIdx : pointIndicesOut) {
- result.push_back(allPoints[ptIdx]);
- }
- // delete all points we found
- for(auto ptIt = result.begin() + diagOffset; ptIt != result.end(); ++ptIt) {
- //printDebug(isDebug, "deleting point pt = ", *ptIt);
- deletePoint(*ptIt);
- }
- delete [] annIndices;
- delete [] annDistances;
- delete kdTree;
- annDeallocPt(annQueryPoint);
- annDeallocPt(lo);
- annDeallocPt(hi);
- if (annPoints) {
- annDeallocPts(annPoints);
- }